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(Days to harvest are from seeding date. When using transplants, plant will fruit in less time.)

2660 County Hwy G Rhinelander, WI 54501 (715) 365-2929 Phone (715) 365-3644 Fax

Determinate, Indeterminate and Semi-determinate Tomatoes

Determinate plants are compact, full and bushy. The fruit is set and matures at approximately the same time producing a crop good for preserving and easy to harvest. The plant has two leaf stems and flower clusters. Determinate is like an apple tree. Indeterminate tomatoes produce fruit over the whole season until killed by frost. There are three leaf stems growing from the main stem with flower clusters above or below. These plants produce lush, abundant growth so pruning is recommended. To do this, pinch some of the shoots growing from the U between the main stem and the branches. Semi-determinate tomatoes produce a bushy plant with fruit that ripens over a longer period of time than determinate ones. These plants do not need to be pruned.

Heirloom Tomatoes
Black Krim - 80 days, indeterminate, one of the oldest and blackest, slightly salty taste, excellent freshly sliced with olive oil Box Car Willie - 80 days, indeterminate, very productive, excellent flavor, smooth reddish orange fruit, good for canning, freezing and cooking, disease resistant Brandywine Pink Potato Leaf - 88 days, indeterminate, dates back to 1885, great flavor, extra large (up to 1 lbs.), firm, rosy pink fruit Brandywine Red Tomato Leaf - 85 days, indeterminate, tasty, large fruit, most commonly grown Brandywine Caspian Pink - 80 days, indeterminate, large (up to 10 oz.), flat pink fruit, non-potato foliage, good flavor, has surpassed Brandywine in some taste tests Granny Smith - 72 days, indeterminate, pick 10 oz. fruits when greenish -yellow, great for salsa verde, long keeping Mortgage Lifter - 85 days, indeterminate, extra large (up to 2 lbs.), smooth uniform fruit Old German - 75 days, indeterminate, yellow/red fruit up to 1 lb., outstanding flavor, few seeds Valencia - 76 days, indeterminate, orange-skinned, meaty fruit, few seeds

Heirloom Hybrids
Ace 55 VF - 80 days, determinate, disease resistant, large fruit, well balanced low acid flavor, 1950s, bush type Beefsteak - 80 days, indeterminate, brilliantly red fruit weighing up to 2 lbs., an excellent slicer, rich, sub -acid flavor Goliath Hybrid - 65 days, indeterminate, large crack resistant fruit, deep red oblate *Crystals Favorite Marglobe - 73 days, semi-determinate, medium size deep red and perfectly round and sweet, 1920s, bush type Wisconsin 55 - 75 days, semi-determinate, solid flesh, firm skin, good slicer, open pollinated, developed at U of WI, true tomato flavor, 6 -8 oz. medium fruit, good yield, often asked for but hard to find

Yellow Tomatoes
Lemon Boy - 70 days, determinate, 5-7 oz. globe shaped bright yellow fruit, adds inviting color to salads, crack resistant and juicy Yellow Pear - 78 days, indeterminate, heirloom, small pear-shaped

Paste Tomatoes
Amish Paste - 74 days, indeterminate, heirloom, dates back to 1900, bright red fruit, very flavorful, use for slicing, sauces and canning LaRoma III - 76 days, determinate, hybrid, large, tasty fruit, vigorous plants, disease resistant, great for eating right off the vine Polish Linguisa - 72 days, indeterminate, heirloom, delicious flavor, high yield Roma VF - 75 days, semi-determinate, hybrid, bush type red paste tomato San Marzano - 75 days, indeterminate, heirloom, authentic Italian paste tomato, great for sun dried

Cherry/Grape Tomatoes
Cupid - 66 days, indeterminate, vigorous vining plant, very sweet grape type, bears all season Jasper - 90 days, indeterminate, All-America Selections winner, excellent taste, good texture and sweetness, vigorous, healthy plants, high yielding variety, vines require little or no fertilization, fusarium resistance, ability to overcome weather -related stresses Red Grape - 70 days, indeterminate, high quality santa type, long fruit clusters, few seeds Red Jelly Bean - 66 days, indeterminate, bite size, large clusters Sungold - 65 days, indeterminate, oz. sweet golden-orange fruit Sweet 100 - 65 days, indeterminate, sweet, thick flesh shaped like cherries only larger, good for salads, canning and pickling Tumbler - 49 days, determinate, cascading variety for baskets, very sweet cherry-type

Hybrid Tomatoes
Beefmaster - 80 days, indeterminate, similar to Beefsteak but more disease resistant, solid, meaty, bright red Better Boy - 75 days, indeterminate, extremely flavorful, juicy, firm, deep red fruit, disease resistant, heavy producer Big Beef - 73 days, indeterminate, old fashioned flavor, large, globe-shaped, smooth, uniform, 10-12 oz. fruit, high yield, disease resistant Bush Early Girl - 63 days, determinate, higher yield than other compacts, excellent flavor Celebrity - 70 days, semi-determinate, multiple disease resistance, bright red, globe-shaped, 8 oz. fruit Champion II - 65 days, determinate, high yielding, resists Alternaria Stem Canker and Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus Early Girl - 57 days, indeterminate, bears early and continues all season, firm, meaty, heavy yields Husky Red - 68 days, dwarf indeterminate, full season production, requires no pruning, 4 tall, 6 -8 oz. Jungs Wayahead - 63 days, determinate, "way ahead" when it comes to early ripening, fruits are good size, bright red, almost round and very smooth, the flesh is solid with true tomato flavor, good for juice Patio - 70 days, determinate, perfect for containers, compact, upright, sturdy, deep red fruit with green shoulders, 4 oz. fruit Super Fantastic - 70 days, indeterminate, disease resistant, smooth, solid fruit, heavy yields

Tomatillos & Ground Cherries

Goldie Ground Cherry - Semi-determinate, old fashioned, small orange berries with a husk, plants are profusely branching, prolific, and drop ripe fruits, eat raw, dried, frozen, canned, or make them into preserves Purple Tomatillo - 70 days, indeterminate, unusual deep purple, ideal for salsa, sweet tart flavor, striking purple veins in the leaves, husks are light green to buff colored Toma Verde Tomatillo - 100 days, indeterminate, sweet tangy flavor, fruits the size of a small tomato, green when ripe, encased in papery husks, prolific

Mighty Mato - Grafted Tomatoes

Grafting is a natural process that joins the top part of one plant (scion) to the root system of another plant (rootstock) without any genetic modification. As tissues heal, the two plants fuse, combining the rootstocks vigor and disease resistance for increased water and nutrient uptake for higher yields with the scions exceptional fruit quality and flavor. *WHEN PLANTING GRAFTED TOMATOES, DO NOT BURY THE STEM. THE GRAFT LINE MUST BE KEPT ABOVE THE SOIL. IF THE GRAFT LINE IS BURIED, THE SCION (TOP PART OF THE PLANT) WILL GROW ITS OWN ROOTS AND THE BENEFITS FROM OUR SUPERIOR ROOT STOCK WILL BE LOST.

Big Beef Early Girl San Marzano Brandywine Mortgage Lifter Sun Sugar

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