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Elected Members David Winston, Chair Denise Stansell, Co-Chair Yvonne Ellett, Rec.

Secretary Wilson Washensky, Area 1 Rep. Mary Jones-Darks, Area 1 Rep. Carl Mor an, Area ! Rep. Wendell Conn, Area ! Rep. "ark #allo$ay-#illia%, Area & Rep. Jackie Ryan, Area & Rep. Appointed Members Madeleine Renee Walters, 'reas(rer Danielle A%id(, Corr. Secretary Johnnie Raines ))), At-"ar e Rep. Jason "o%*ard, At-"ar e Rep. Misty Wilks , At-"ar e Rep. +ick ,ill, At-"ar e Rep.



Stakeholders Town Hall Meetings 1st Sat(rday o- the Month Crensha$ 4nited Methodist &567 Don 8elipe Drive 9.&7 : 11.&7 a% Board Meetings &rd Monday o- the Month DW/ Crensha$ Co%%(nity Roo% 67&7 Crensha$ 0lvd ;.&7 : <.&7 p% Contact Information 37 ! Stocker Street ! " #os Angeles$ California % & 'elephone=8a>. ?&!&@ !9A-A5;; E%ail. o--iceBec$andc.or We*site. $$$.ec$andc.or 8ace*$er%ent con ress$est

A Certified City of Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Servin the co%%(nities o-. Arlin ton /ark, 0ald$in ,ills, 0ald$in 1illa e, 0ald$in 1ista, Ca%eo Woods, Crensha$ Manor, "ei%ert /ark 2 1illa e #reen All Meetin s are 3pen to the /(*lic

SPECIAL STAKEHOLDER TOWN HALL MEETING AGENDA Saturday, December 7, 2 !" # $%" # !!%" am Cre&'(a) *&+ted Met(,d+'t C(urc( # "7- D,& .e/+0e Dr+1e
1. Welcome, Call to Order & Roll Call 2. LAPD Senior Lead Officers Report: Ofcr. Sasajima, eard and Saldona !1"mins# $. Committee C%air Anno&ncements: ma'im&m of !2mins# eac% !1"mins# (. Re)ie* & Appro)al of +eetin, +in&tes !-mins# .. /reas&rer Report 0 Appro)al of P1Card 2'pendit&res !(mins# -. Disc&ssion and action: 3 motions 4ein, considered 45 t%e oard on 6ei,%4or%ood Commissioners 7. 8&ndin, re9&est: :im ;illiam Recreational Center <1,.""."" /o5 ,i)ea*a5 3. Presentation and Disc&ssion 8or&m: :ason Lom4ard !2"mins# =. Presentation and Disc&ssion 8&ndin, re9&irements: +adeleine Walters !1.mins# 1". Presentation and Disc&ssion Plannin, Department: Crens%a* l)d Streetscape plan 11. Presentation and Disc&ssion 1> Art De)elopment fee: A5ndrea Wilson !1"mins# 12. Disc&ssion on 2"1( 2mpo*erment Con,ress 2lection: Location and Committee !1"# 1$. Disc&ssion Action on Comm&nit5 ?mpact Statement, Condo Con)ersion1 ald*in @illa,e, Postin, locations 1(. 2lected Official & P&4lic A,enc5 Anno&ncements: Patrice :efferson, CD3A Bimani lacC, CD1" !-mins# 1.. 6e't +eetin, A,enda & Adjo&rnment
O22+c+a/ Pub/+c N,t+ce 2,r ECWANDC Sta&d+&3 C,mm+ttee'%
C,mm+ttee Plannin,, Land Dse & ea&tification 8inance O&treac% Safet5 Ad1Eoc Meet+&3 Date 4 L,cat+,& Last +onda5 of t%e +ont% at -:$" pm CEC $7$1 StocCer Street Ste F2"1 $rd +onda5 of t%e +ont% at .:$" H -:$" pm AS 622D2D DWP Crens%a* Comm&nit5 Room: ("$" Crens%a* l)d 1st Sat&rda5 of t%e +ont% at 12:"" pm AS 622D2D 1st Sat&rda5 of t%e +ont% at 12:"" pm AS 622D2D :oint 6ei,%4or%ood /asC 8orce0So&t% LA Alliance0 &d,et Committee C(a+r Carl +or,an ec*andcplannin,G, LarC ;allo*a51;illiam ec* Denise Stansell dstansellec*ncG, :o%nnie Raines, ??? &tjr$ :o%nnie Raines ???, LarC ;allo*a51 ;illiam, Danielle Lafa5ette
oard taCin,

+em4ers of t%e p&4lic are re9&ested to fill o&t a ISpeaCer CardJ to address t%e oard on an5 item on t%e a,enda prior to t%e action. Comments are limited to $ min&tes per speaCer, &nless modified 45 t%e presidin, officer of t%e oard.

As co)ered &nder /itle ?? of t%e Americans *it% Disa4ilities Act, t%e Cit5 of Los An,eles does not discriminate on t%e 4asis of disa4ilit5 and, &pon re9&est, *ill pro)ide reasona4le accommodations to ens&re e9&al access to its pro,rams, ser)ices and acti)ities. Si,n lan,&a,e interpretation, assisti)e listenin, ser)ices and ot%er a&'iliar5 aids and0or ser)ices ma5 4e pro)ided &pon re9&est. /o ens&re a)aila4ilit5 of ser)ices, please maCe 5o&r re9&est at least 72 %o&rs prior to t%e meetin, 5o& *is% to attend 45 contactin, t%e Department of 6ei,%4or%ood 2mpo*erment at $1111

Sta5e(,/der T,)& Ha// 4 6,ard Meet+&3 A3e&da' are P,'ted 72 H,ur' +& Ad1a&ce at )))7ECWANDC7,r3

- /a e 2 o- 2 -

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