Year 4 RPT KSSR 2013

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"l# & Fr"e$d% Unit 1: Our Community LISTENING & SPEAKING &'&'4 Able to talk about related topics with uidance &'('& Able to listen to and demonstrate understandin o! oral te"ts by: #a$ askin and answerin %uestions LANGUAGE ARTS 4')'& Able to respond to literary te"ts: #a$ characters






1-2 2 Jan 10 Jan

)')') Able to read and understand phrases and sentences !rom: #a$ linear te"ts )')'4 Able to apply dictionary skills: #a$ locate words #b$ meanin o! base word

('&'& Able to write in neat le ible print with correct spellin : a$ phrases ('&') Able to write in neat cursi&e writin with correct spellin : #a$ words (')'& Able to trans!er in!ormation with uidance:

*'&'& Able to use nouns correctly and appropriately: #a$ common nouns #b$ sin ular nouns #c$ plural nouns

#b$non-linear te"ts

'-( 1' Jan 2( Jan

World of K$o+led,e Unit 2: )pendin *isely

&'&'( Able to listen to and recite poems+ ton ue twisters and sin son s+ payin attention to pronunciation+ rhythm and intonation &'&'4 Able to talk about related topics with uidance &')'4 Able to participate in uided con&ersations with peers

)')') Able to read and understand phrases and sentences !rom: #a$ linear te"ts #b$ non-linear te"ts )')'4 Able to apply dictionary skills: #a$ locate words



*'&'& Able to use nouns correctly and appropriately: #d$ countable nouns #e$ uncountable nouns

Able to write with Able to respond uidance: to literary te"ts: #a$ labels ('&'& Able to write in neat le ible print with correct spellin : #a$ sentences #b$ numerals in word !orm #a$ characters

,-2. Jan . /eb

World of K$o+led,e Unit ': 0esterday and 1oday

&'&'4 Able to talk about related topics with uidance &')'4 Able to participate in uided con&ersations with peers2 &'('& Able to listen to and demonstrate understandin o! oral te"ts by: #a$ askin and answerin %uestions

)')') Able to read and understand phrases and sentences !rom: #a$ linear te"ts )')'4 Able to apply dictionary skills: #c$ locate words #d$ meanin o! base word )'('& Able to read !or in!ormation and en3oyment with uidance:

('('& Able to create simple te"ts usin a &ariety o! media with uidance: #a$ non-linear #b$ linear

4'&') Able to sin son s and recite 3a44 chants and poems with correct stress+ pronunciation+ rhythm and intonation

*'&') Able to use pronouns correctly and appropriately: #a$ possessi&e

#b$ non!iction

.-5 10 /eb21 /eb

Able to talk Unit (: 6e )a!e about related topics with uidance2 &')'& Able to participate in daily con&ersations: d$ e"press sympathy &'('& Able to listen to and demonstrate understandin o! oral te"ts by: #b$ askin and

World of Self, F !"l# & Fr"e$d%


)')') Able to read and understand phrases and sentences !rom: #a$linear te"ts #b$non-linear te"ts2 )')'( Able to read and demonstrate understandin o! te"ts by: b$ predictin with uidance )'('& Able to read !or in!ormation and

('('& Able to create simple te"ts usin a &ariety o! media with uidance: #a$non-linear (')'( Able to punctuate correctly: #a$ apostrophe

4')'& Able to respond to literary te"ts: #c$ &alues

*'&') Able to use pronouns correctly and appropriately: #b$ interro ati&e

answerin %uestions #c$ predictin

en3oyment with uidance: #a$ !iction

7-11 2( /eb1( 8arch

World of S-or"e% Unit ,: 9osemary and the /our :utsy :nomes

&'&'4 Able to talk about related topics with uidance2 &')') Able to listen to+ !ollow and i&e instructions

)')') Able to read and understand phrases and sentences !rom: (a) linear te"ts )'('& Able to read !or in!ormation and en3oyment with uidance: #a$ !iction

('&'& Able to write in neat le ible print with correct spellin : #b$sentences

4'(') Able to plan+ prepare and participate in a per!ormance with uidance based on literary works

*'&'( Able to use &erbs correctly and appropriately: #a$ irre ular &erbs #b$ &erbs that do not chan e

('('& Able to create simple te"ts usin a &ariety o! media with uidance: #a$non-linear


World of






1. 8arch11 April

Able to talk about related Unit -: Care !or topics with the )ea uidance2


Able to apply dictionary skills: #b$meanin o! base word

Able to write with Able to en3oy uidance: 3a44 chants+ poems and #a$labels son s throu h non-&erbal response (')'( Able to punctuate correctly: #b$speech markers

Able to use &erbs correctly and appropriately: c$present continuous tense

&'('& Able to listen to and demonstrate understandin o! oral te"ts by: A $ askin and answerin %uestions &')'& Able to participate in daily con&ersations: #a$ e"tend an in&itation #b$ accept an in&itation

)')') Able to read and understand phrases and sentences !rom: #b$non-linear te"ts )'('& Able to read !or in!ormation and en3oyment with uidance: #b$non-!iction )')'( Able to read and demonstrate understandin o!

te"ts by: #b$predictin with uidance SCHOOL .REAK )) M r/0 )1&4 2 (1 M r/0 )1&4 34,5 WEE K/DA TE 1,-1. THEME/TOPI C World of K$o+led,e in LISTENING & SPEAKING READING WRITING LANGUAGE ARTS GRAMMAR NOTES

&'&'4 Able to talk about related topics with uidance2 &'('& Able to listen to and demonstrate understandin o! oral te"ts by: #c$ predictin

)'('& Able to read !or in!ormation and en3oyment with uidance: #a$ !iction )')') Able to read and understand phrases and sentences !rom: #b$non-linear te"ts




1( April-2 Unit .: 6lo 8ay

Able to write with Able to respond to Able to use uidance: literary te"ts: &erbs correctly and #b$ notices #b$ place and time appropriately: #d$ past continuous tense

(')'4 Able to spell words by applyin spellin rules

)')'& Able to apply word attack skills by identi!yin : #b$homophones

15-20 , 8ay2' 8ay

World of S-or"e% Unit 5: ;rince and the 1hie&es

&'&'4 Able to talk about related topics with uidance2 &')') Able to listen to+ !ollow and i&e instructions

)')') Able to read and understand phrases and sentences !rom: #a$linear te"ts )')'(

(')'& Able to trans!er in!ormation with uidance to complete: #a$ linear te"ts

4'('& Able to plan+ produce and display creati&e works based on literary te"ts usin a &ariety o! media with uidance

*'&'4 Able to use con3unctions correctly and appropriately: #a$ because #b$ so


&'('& Able to listen to and demonstrate understandin o! oral te"ts by:

Able to read and Able to write with demonstrate understandin o! uidance: te"ts by: #c$ messa es #b$ predictin with uidance

b$ predictin

2 21-2' 28ay2. June World of K$o+led,e Unit 7: Our )olar )ystem &'&'& Able to speak with correct word stress &'&'( Able to listen to and recite poems+ ton ue twisters and sin son s+ payin attention pronunciation+ rhythm and intonation &'&'4 Able to talk about )')') Able to read and understand phrases and sentences !rom: #a$linear te"ts #b$non-linear te"ts ('&') Able to write in neat cursi&e writin with correct spellin : #b$ phrases #c$numerals in word !orm (')') Able to write with uidance: #c$ messa es 4')'& *'&'*

Able to respond to Able to use literary te"ts: prepositions correctly and #a$ characters appropriately: #a$abo&e #b$below #e$between

related topics with uidance2 &')') Able to listen to+ !ollow and i&e instructions

('('& Able to create simple te"ts usin a &ariety o! media with uidance: #b$ linear

SCHOOL .REAK )6 M # )1&4 2 &* 78$e )1&4 34,5

2(-2'0 June1' July

World of Self, F !"l# & Fr"e$d% Unit 10: Unity in <i&ersity

&'&'4 Able to talk about related topics with uidance2 &')'& Able to participate in daily con&ersations: a$ accept an

)')') Able to read and understand phrases and sentences !rom: #a$linear te"ts )'('& Able to read !or in!ormation and




Able to write with Able to respond to Able to use uidance: literary te"ts: prepositions correctly and #b$notices #a$ characters appropriately: ('('& Able to create simple te"ts usin a &ariety o! media with uidance2 #c$ a$ beside #d$ ne"t to

#! $ near

in&itation b$ decline an in&itation &')'4 Able to participate in uided con&ersations with peers

en3oyment with uidance: #b$ non-!iction

#c$ linear

2.-'0 21 July-1, Au

World of K$o+led,e Unit 11: 1he =nsect =n&esti ators

&'&'4 Able to talk about related topics with uidance2 &'('& Able to listen to and demonstrate understandin o! oral te"ts by: a$ askin and answerin

)')') Able to read and understand phrases and sentences !rom: #a$linear te"ts #b$non-linear te"ts

(')'& Able to trans!er in!ormation with uidance to complete: #a$linear te"ts (')')



Able to en3oy 3a44 Able to use chants+ poems and ad3ecti&es son s throu h correctly and non-&erbal appropriately: response 4'&') #a$ comparati&e

Able to sin son s #b$ superlati&e and recite 3a44 Able to write with chants and poems uidance: with correct stress+



pronunciation+ rhythm and intonation2 4')'& Able to respond to literary te"ts: #a$ characters

'1-'' 15 Au -, )ept

World of Self, F !"l# & Fr"e$d% Unit 12: :ood >alues

&'&'4 Able to talk about related topics with uidance2 &'&') Able to listen to and en3oy stories &'('& Able to listen to

)')') Able to read and understand phrases and sentences !rom: #a$linear te"ts

(')'& Able to trans!er in!ormation with uidance to complete: #b$ non-linear te"ts

4'('& Able to plan+ produce and display creati&e works based on literary te"ts usin a &ariety o! media with uidance

*'&': Able to use articles correctly and appropriately:

#a$ the #b$ 4ero article #-$

)')'( Able to read and

and demonstrate understandin o! oral te"ts by: a$ askin and answerin %uestions2 &')'4 Able to participate in uided con&ersations with peers

demonstrate ('('& understandin o! Able to create te"ts by: simple te"ts usin #a$se%uencin a &ariety o! media with uidance: )'('& #b$ linear Able to read !or in!ormation and en3oyment with uidance: #a$!iction

'(-'5 )ept' Oct

World of K$o+led,e Unit 1': *ork ?ard+ *ork )mart

&'&'4 Able to talk about related topics with uidance2 &'('& Able to listen to and demonstrate understandin o! oral te"ts by:

)'('& Able to read !or in!ormation and en3oyment with uidance: #b$non-!iction )')') Able to read and

('('& Able to create simple te"ts usin a &ariety o! media with uidance: #b$ linear



Able to respond to Able to use literary te"ts: ad&erbs correctly and #c$ &alues appropriately: #a$ manner

#a$ askin and understand answerin phrases and %uestions2 sentences !rom: #a$linear te"ts

SCHOOL .REAK &( Se;- )1&4 2 )& Se;- )1&4 34,5

WEE K/DA TE '.-'7 - Oct2( Oct








World of S-or"e% Unit 1(: ?armony in the Jun le

&'&') Able to listen to and en3oy stories

)')') Able to read and understand phrases and sentences !rom: #a$linear te"ts #b$non-linear

(')'& Able to trans!er in!ormation with uidance to complete: #a$linear te"ts

4'&') Able to sin son s and recite 3a44 chants and poems with correct stress+ pronunciation+ rhythm and

*'&'6 Able to use ad&erbs correctly and appropriately: #b$ time


Able to listen to and recite poems+ ton ue twisters and sin son s+ payin attention to pronunciation+ rhythm and intonation &'&'4 Able to talk about related topics with uidance

te"ts ('&') )')'( Able to write in neat cursi&e writin with correct spellin :

intonation2 4'('& Able to plan+ produce and display creati&e works based on literary te"ts usin a &ariety o! media with uidance

Able to read and demonstrate understandin o! #b$phrases te"ts by: #b$predictin with uidance

(0-(2 2. Oct21 @o&

World of K$o+led,e Unit 1,: :oin ;laces

&'&'4 Able to talk about related topics with uidance &')'4 Able to participate in

)')') Able to read and understand phrases and sentences !rom: #a$linear te"ts #b$non-linear te"ts

(')'& Able to trans!er in!ormation with uidance to complete: #b$non-linear te"ts

4'('& Able to plan+ produce and display creati&e works based on literary te"ts usin a &ariety o! media with uidance'

*'&'6 Able to use ad&erbs correctly and appropriately: #c$ place

uided con&ersations with peers2 &'('& Able to listen to and demonstrate understandin o! oral te"ts by: a$ askin and answerin %uestions

)'('& Able to read !or in!ormation and en3oyment with uidance: #b$non-!iction

('('& Able to create simple te"ts usin a &ariety o! media with uidance: #b$ linear

HAPPY HOLIDAYS< )) No= )1&4 2 4 7 $ )1&* 34,5

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