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9/11 Working-level Employee

Ordonez, Miguel A \: Ordonez, Miguel A

Sent: Wednesday, n>.tnjwi7 ?nni R-AK AM

To: Mealey, Loren G:l | Elhinn, David A
Cc: Ordonez, Miguel A
Subject: Fvy: Interview by Exception?

To ALL, \e note the following from Riyadh Yesterday we received an INS report of a Saudi man who had been

because of INS information that he had a criminal record, of which he had lied on his application During secondary
inspection he admitted he had been entering to work in the USA. To reiterate, young male Saudis without proof of jobs
are subject to 214 (b) like any other nationality. Visa Express is designed to make it easier for the qualified but is not a
guarantee of a visa for anyone. \o starting October 20, we will no longer process applications without complete mailing addresses and

and work telephone numbers. FSN staff at the window should refuse to accept them - to be returned to the travel agents
for completion. If they are not caught at initial intake, they are to be 221 (g) by FSOs and required to come in for a
personal interview at which time the 221 (g) letter may request any additional infromation (bank statement, job letters,
education, travel plans etc..) Any cither incompleteness on the applications may be returned or required for interview but
lack of full mailing address and telephone number is UNACCEPTABLE. Remember also thati |
| |is also a fraud indicator and may be a factor in an adjudication decision.

| Miguel \ —Original Message \ From: Sackett, Kenneth F \ Sen

; To: Regan, Michael Rfr.A/wn/P/c^

| Cc: Ordonez, Miguel A(Jeddah):| |
; Subject: RE: Interview by Exception r

:- What we have is a system called 'Visa Express". Under the system, all NIV applications are presented to Riyadh and
Jeddah consular sections through ten authorized travel agencies. The cases are reviewed/adjudicated by a consular
officer and those which are not clearly issuable are asked to come in for a personal interview. For your n«/n infnrmatinn
f hut nnt fnr general publication 1 since the September 11 terrorist attacks, we have increased the number o.f| |
I |that we call in for interviews,. We now routinely refuse them if they don't hav-e'specitici travel
[ plans or stable conditions in Saudi Arabia. For background, prior to September 11, this particular group was generally
I considered to be relatively safe bets. They may stay longer than indicated on their visa forms.-arid occasionally violate
I their status (for example, taking a course or twp, such as flying lessons) but normally carne back to Saudi Arabia within
I the six month time limit.set by INS. I'm not su/6 yet if this is an effective deterrent to terrorism but, until more terrorist
I information is put into CLASS,, this may be the best weapon we have. If you hay.e any more questions, please feel free to
I ask Ken , ....--"'
Original Message .. .,---''
From: Regan, Michael B
Sent: Monday. October \5. 2001 11:00 PM
To: Sackett, Kenneth F(Riyadh); Ordonez, Miguel A(JejckTah)
Cc: Tavenner. John S; Lamora, Christopher J
Subject: Interview by-Exception?

Ken and Miguel,,.

An Associated Press reporter, is asking CA about visa interview porcedures in Saudi Arabia. Can you verify whether
you have.ati interview by.exception policy? Also, have you changed anything procedurally since September 11?

Mike,--''' ..---"""

9/11 Closed by Statute

Ordonez, Miguel A
From- Lamora, Christopher J
Sent-' Monday, October 15, 2001 11.44PM
fo" Regan, Michael B; Sackett, Kenneth F(Riyadh); Ordonez, Miguel A(Jeddah)
CC" Tavenner, John S
Subject: RE: Interview by Exception?

Ken/Miguel --
I'd like to add to Mike's inquiry the following: How long has each post been on this 'US. Visas Express" program? And
when Laurie explained to me last week that this program is "mandatory , what does that mean? Thanks.

Christopher Lamora
Press Officer / Bureau Spokesperson
Bureau of Consular Affairs
(202) 647-2114
Fax: (202) 647-6074

This message is Unclassified as per E.O. 12958.

—Original Message
From: Regan, Michael B
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 4:01 PM
To: Sackett, Kenneth F(Riyadh); Ordonez, Miguel A(Jeddah)
Cc: Tavenner, John S; Lamora, Christopher J
Subject: Interview by Exception?

Ken and Miguel,

An Associated Press reporter is asking CA about visa interview porcedures in Saudi Arabia Can you verify whether
you have an interview by exception policy? Also, have you changed anything procedurally since September 11 i


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