FEC Letter

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Image# 13330041163

December 5, 2013
1155 F ST. NW, SUITE 475



Dear Treasurer:
Response Due Date
This letter is prompted by the Commission's preliminary review oI the report reIerenced
above. This notice requests inIormation essential to Iull public disclosure oI your
Iederal election campaign Iinances. Failure to adequately respond by the response
date noted above could result in an audit or enforcement action. Additional
inIormation is needed Ior the Iollowing 1 item(s):
- Schedule B oI your report (see attached) discloses one or more contributions
which appear to exceed the limits set Iorth in the Act. Please be advised that 2
U.S.C. 441a(a) prohibits a multicandidate committee and its aIIiliates Irom
making a contribution to a candidate Ior Iederal oIIice in excess oI $5,000 per

II any apparently excessive contribution in question was incompletely or
incorrectly disclosed, you should amend your original report with clariIying

II any contribution you made exceeds the limits, you must request a reIund oI
the excessive amount or provide a written authorization Ior a redesignation oI
the contribution pursuant to 11 CFR 110.2(b) within 60 days oI the treasurer's

II the Ioregoing conditions Ior redesignations were not met within 60 days oI
the treasurer's receipt, your committee must obtain a reIund oI the excessive

Please inIorm the Commission oI your corrective action promptly in writing
and provide a photocopy oI the reIund or redesignation request sent to the
Image# 13330041164
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recipient committee(s). In addition, any reIunds should be disclosed on
Schedule A supporting Line 16 oI the report covering the period during which
they are received. Any redesignations should be disclosed as memo entries on
Schedule B supporting Line 23 oI the report covering the period during which
the redesignation is made. (11 CFR 110.1(b))

Although the Commission may take Iurther legal action regarding the excessive
contribution(s), your prompt action in obtaining a reIund and/or redesignating
the contribution(s) will be taken into consideration. (11 CFR 103.3(b)(1) and
Please note, you will not receive an additional notice from the Commission on this
matter. Adequate responses must be received by the Commission on or beIore the due
date noted above to be taken into consideration in determining whether audit action will
be initiated. Failure to comply with the provisions oI the Act may also result in an
enIorcement action against the committee. Any response submitted by your committee
will be placed on the public record and will be considered by the Commission prior to
taking enIorcement action. Requests for extensions of time in which to respond will
not be considered.
Electronic Iilers must Iile amendments (to include statements, designations and reports)
in an electronic Iormat and must submit an amended report in its entirety, rather than
just those portions oI the report that are being amended. II you should have any
questions regarding this matter or wish to veriIy the adequacy oI your response, please
contact me on our toll-Iree number (800) 424-9530 (at the prompt press 5 to reach the
Reports Analysis Division) or my local number (202) 694-1175.

Sarah Juris
Campaign Finance Analyst
Reports Analysis Division
Image# 13330041165
Excessive, Prohibited, and Impermissible Contributions
Facebook Inc. PAC (C00502906)
Excessive Contributions to Candidate Committees
Recipient Name Date Amount Election Report
Mcconnell Senate Committee '14 3/27/12 $2,500.00 P2014 2012 April Quarterly
McConnell Senate Committee '14 4/9/13 $5,000.00 P2014 2013 Mid-Year
Mark Pryor For Us Senate 9/14/12 $2,500.00 P2014 2012 October Quarterly
Mark Pryor for US Senate 4/9/13 $5,000.00 P2014 2013 Mid-Year
Texans For Senator John Cornyn Inc 3/30/12 $5,000.00 P2014 2012 April Quarterly
Texans for Senator John Cornyn Inc 4/9/13 $5,000.00 P2014 2013 Mid-Year
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