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Israel 1 Heather Israel Mr.

Newman English 101: Rhetoric 11 September 2013

Pitched Towards Perfection Andrew Flemming directed the movie Pitch Perfect during a time of many hit vocal shows such as Glee, The Voice, American Idol, and The X Factor. Pitch Perfect has been described as a more entertaining version of Glee. The main character Beca has an award winning personality that allows many critics talk in depth about. Beca embarks on a long and hard journey to success with an a cappella group called the Bellas. Peter Howell and Connie Ogle both review this film, and both have many positive comments to make. Even though Ogle focuses on the acting more than Howell, both give a strong description of the main characters personality, as well as state that the movie is entertaining and worth seeing. Peter Howells review of Pitch Perfect starts with the comparison of the movie to Bring It On and Drumline. Immediately after this comparison, Howell writes that the movie is a bright n breezy comedy. He notes that the characters Fat Amy and Beca are the main source of comedy. However, Howell spends only two paragraphs describing the main characters personality and how she makes the film fun and exciting. The majority of the review is a long and detailed summary of the movies plot. Howell is fast to give away many of the movies surprise twists and the ending. Connie Ogle writes a similar summary but gives a more descriptive review focusing around Beca, the main character. In Ogles review, the main characters personality is mentioned in every paragraph, if not the bulk of each paragraph. Ogle reveals essential information about Becas personality and explains why this character is so easy

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to fall in love with. Unfolding the personality with such detail allows the reader to get a strong feel for how the movie will play out and allows the audience to become attached and draw into the film. Another point both reviewers agree on is that Pitch Perfect is a very entertaining film and suggest that anyone who hasnt seen the film should go and purchase a ticket right away. Ogle states that the film is Glee before the preaching and embarrassing songs. Howell comments that the movie had some painful stereotypes, but overall was a delighting and comical film. As expected, the film attracted many teenage girls, which is how it should be considering that Pitch Perfect is a film about a variety of different college girls competing against the popular and sassy Treblemakers (the attractive male rival group). Even Ogle gives off the hint that she favors the males when she writes that the Treblemakers are fresh and popular. Though Howell and Ogle share many views on the film, they differ some in content. Ogles review included a few sentences about Rebel Wilson, one of the actors in the film. Wilson is described as a comedian that makes the most out of every line she is given. Ogle proves this comment by including snip bites from the most entertaining scenes. Another actress that Ogle writes about is Anna Kendrick, who plays the main character Beca in the film. In the description Ogle makes a short list of the roles she played in previous movies and the nomination she received: A Twilight veteran nominated for a Best Supporting Actress Oscar as George Clooneys uptight young colleague in Up in the Air. Howell tends to focus on the success of the film rather than the actors. Focusing on the main characters past experience leads readers to believe that Kendrick was very qualified for the role and made a good fit. Instead of focusing on the actors, Howell expresses that the movie was a success, In spite of painful stereotypes, a tepid romance and a few logic gaps.

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Pitch Perfect is a fun and entertaining comedy that won the hearts of many who viewed the film. Howell and Ogle both make valid points in their reviews of the film. For example, both spend a fairly decent amount of time describing the plot of the film and the impact that the main character has on the outcome of the competition. Since the reviews are very similar, this allows the reader to feed off each sentence. Both agree that Pitch Perfect is well directed and a fun comedy to see. Though the reviewers discuss many of the same points, Ogle mentioned acting as a whole and included valuable information about the main actress past. Even though the end of the film is painstakingly obvious, reviewers still agree that the movie is still enjoyable.

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Works Cited Howell, Peter. "Pitch Perfect." Rotten Tomatoes. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2013. Ogle, Connie. "'Pitch Perfect.'" Rotten Tomatoes. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2013.

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