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Search Engine Marketing

Nowadays search engine marketing tends to play an increasingly important role in internet marketing. More than 60% internet users use search engines on a daily basis. They seek relevant information, which is instantly available and free of cost. earch engines give them the option of finding any information any where and no specific time is re!uired. "or small companies search engine marketing provides more opportunities to market their products worldwide, and generate significant sales with limited budget. #fter you determine to market your site on the search engine, it is time to develop a detailed strategy. $ow to push your site rankings% &hich pay'per' click search engine to advertise% To improve search engine ranking, you can optimi(e site by yourself or can simply hire an )* consultant. +ositioning, one of the four +s of marketing, is an absolutely critical component of the marketing mi,. -f you are not positioned to be where your customer is when your customer is ready to buy, you lose. .our competitor who is in that place at that time wins.

Why is search engine marketing more important today?

/elow are a few facts which should leave you in no doubt that search engine marketing should form an integral part of every web promotion strategy.

01% of -nternet users find websites through search engines. 20% of -nternet users do not go past the top 30 search engine results. They simply type something else in if they can4t find a relevant site. 51% of -nternet users have the intention of purchasing a product or service when using search engines.

+rofessional search engine marketing is about twice as effective as all other online promotion methods and eight times more effective than costly banner advertisements. 6egardless of the web technology, -nternet Marketing can bring the website to the top of the ma7or search engines. -nternet Marketing is e,perienced in optimi(ing for the typically tough to optimi(e websites that use for e,ample8


"rames 9ynamic :ontent ;.php, .asp, .cfm< etc. =raphic intensive pages $eavy use of >ava cript and >ava

earch engine marketing is important because it brings in a lot of product oriented traffic with low costs. ome people still browse through the online classifieds ads but most of them perform a search on a search engine. =etting your site visible for a certain search keyword will drive direct, organic traffic to your site. -f your product or services really backup your keywords, than that traffic will be converted into sales. /e sure not to mislead your visitors else you will have a high bounce rate and no sales. The answer to this !uestion is very simple, search engine marketing is important because it brings in a lot of product oriented traffic with low costs. ome people still browse through the online classifieds ads but most of them perform a search on a search engine. =etting your site visible for a certain search keyword will drive direct, organic traffic to your site. -f your product or services really backup your keywords, than that traffic will be converted into sales. /e sure not to mislead your visitors else you will have a high bounce rate and no sales. $owever, )* is a marketing tool and re!uires intricate knowledge and consideration of marketing and branding strategy. )* decisions to be made from an informed marketing perspective. #s a marketing tool, decisions such as website copy changes, keywords, and strategies for titles and meta tags need to be made with an eye toward your target audience, current branding strategy, and other marketing and advertising messages. )*?s primary metrics need to be 6*-, conversions, sales, and other marketing measures. These measures also need to be consistent with the methods used to evaluate your other marketing tactics, so that 6*- of all marketing methods can be evaluated and compared. :ertainly, implementing many of the changes re!uired in an )* pro7ect will fall to -T, but these changes re!uire a depth of knowledge and understanding of your company?s marketing and branding. &ithout the perspective of your marketing team, your in'house )* team or )* firm cannot make the recommendations and alterations that lead to )* success. .ou?re wasting -T?s time and wasting your )* investment.

Setting SEO Goals Is the Foundation of a Successful Search Marketing Campaign

)*, like so many other tasks that re!uire active management, has a well' defined path and process. /ut your )* process can and should be influenced by the goals you set.

#s you begin to perform keyword research, your )* goals will guide you in choosing keywords with the best performance indicators. # website that is designed to generate traffic and awareness may lean toward the more general keywords. :onversely, a sales'driven site may lean toward specific, long'tail keywords. &hen you begin to develop new content, your goals will dictate the copywriting approach. -nformational resources and sales'driven copy read very differently. .our &eb design, usability, and any content that you plan to develop for your website should be compared to your goals. &hen preparing to launch a search engine optimi(ation campaign, there is one task that many people fail to complete8 the setting of proper )* goals. $aving clearly defined goals from the start provides a map to search engine optimi(ation success. These goals should be decided on by everyone involved in the )* process. The decision makers ;owners, :'level e,ecs, etc.<, marketing personnel, and even the necessary -T professionals involved should come together to decide what those )* goals should be.

6eporting @ =oal etting

#fter establishing your list of targeted keyword phrases, it is important to understand what the sub7ect site4s starting position is within the search engines. 9oing so ensures that you know the specific areas that need work and provides a baseline against which to gauge the subse!uent campaign4s success. #ccess to site traffic information is very important. These statistics show how searchers are finding and interacting with the sub7ect site, e.g., which search engines, what keyword phrases are being used, bounce rates, most popular content, etc. Anderstanding the site4s traffic level and the source of its referrals can also be a critical tool in making other online marketing decisions ' which paid directory linksBlistings to continue and which to abandon for more effective options. #fter developing a complete picture of the site4s starting position, goals are set for the )* plan. These goals are measureable ;one big advantage of )* over other advertising options< and tied to the specific business ob7ectives of the site. -n the ongoing progress of reporting and follow up, progress towards the plan4s goals are analy(ed and reported. #d7ustments to the )* plan can be made according to the the findings of these progress reports.

Setting SEO Goals Is the Foundation of a Successful Search Marketing Campaign

&hen preparing to launch a search engine optimi(ation campaign, there is one task that many people fail to complete8 the setting of proper )* goals.

$aving clearly defined goals from the start provides a map to search engine optimi(ation success. These goals should be decided on by everyone involved in the )* process. The decision makers ;owners, :'level e,ecs, etc.<, marketing personnel, and even the necessary -T professionals involved should come together to decide what those )* goals should be. tart with business ob7ectives. -s your )* campaign?s purpose to create brand awareness% #re you looking for increased traffic only, or are conversions and sales the real factor of success% *nce your team is on the same page with business ob7ectives, then you can move forward with determining goals for each of the available )* metrics.

SEO Goals and the Optimization Process

)*, like so many other tasks that re!uire active management, has a well' defined path and process. /ut your )* process can and should be influenced by the goals you set. #s you begin to perform keyword research, your )* goals will guide you in choosing keywords with the best performance indicators. # website that is designed to generate traffic and awareness may lean toward the more general keywords. :onversely, a sales'driven site may lean toward specific, long'tail keywords. &hen you begin to develop new content, your goals will dictate the copywriting approach. -nformational resources and sales'driven copy read very differently. .our &eb design, usability, and any content that you plan to develop for your website should be compared to your goals. -f a particular feature, keyword, or piece of content doesn?t help you reach your )* goals, you should think twice. :hoosing the right success metrics and setting goals is one of the most important pieces of any search marketing campaign. #s such, those metrics and goals should be considered in the proper order. 9ecide the right metrics and set your goals before diving headfirst into the grand )* process. Cet your goals inform the process and you?ll find )* success. # great way to set goals with your client is to follow the methodology8 M#6T goal setting

1. SPECIFIC The more specific you can be around a goal the better. -f the goal is to improve rankings for a bunch of keywords, is your client truly happy when they achieve this, but conversions don?t increase because they weren?t the right keywords. etting clear e,pectation from the outset can help save on awkward conversations later on. # specific goal is D&e want to increase non branded organic traffic by E1% in the ne,t 6 months and non branded conversions from organic by 1%F. .ou can then work out the keywords, site

changes and :6* improvements to do this. >ust having a goal to be top 3 for a keyword isn?t a great goal for you or the client. !. ME"S#$"%&E This self e,planatory. *nline marketing is so popular due to ease of measurement. &ith =oogle custom reports, you should be able to have one or two reports that provide the client with all they need to know in terms of progress. etting dates is another key. #lthough )* is open to a lot of flu, ;we all know the great =oogle +anda god is still getting up to mischief<, having clear milestones laid out against a timeline helps manage e,pectations. '. "(("I)"%&E This is a personal pet hate of mine. -f your client cannot afford to rank for their target keywords. T)CC T$)M. )ven if this means you don?t get the pro7ect. - would prefer to not work for a client with unattainable goals, then pocket 6 months worth of cash and then make e,cuses about it being too competitive, or them not having the right kind of budget. Most clients will thank you for being honest and those who go elsewhere, will be someone else?s problem. *. $E&E+")( *nce you have a specific goal in mind, ensure your time is spent wisely. The latest blog posts from the uber )* gurus can always lead to distractions, D*h - should try this outF, but keep your goal in mind. Ase to track your time and ensure when on the clients time, you are not trying out new things. ,. (IME-%O#). #lready mentioned under M)# A6#/C), but setting dates is a great way to set e,pectations. #gain, being honest with your clients is key. -f you feel the date will be missed, let your client know up front. Not every )* pro7ect will go smoothly and not every date will be missed, sending out advanced warning signals about this can at least show you are being proactive.

SEO reporting
-nitial placement report :ontent suggestions report &e will provide a initial placement report which will detail your current positioning for targeted keywords. pecific to the Traffic #ccelerator +rogram we will provide you with a comprehensive list of changes to improve your website4s search engine ranking. &ith our analytics report you will receive comprehensive statistics on visitation to your website.

&eb analytics report ' weeklyBmonthly

&eb ranking report ' monthly &e will provide you with a report detailing your website4s movement within the popular search engines for all your related keywords.

With SEO Reporting you have all of this at your fingertips and we take you by the hand to make sure that you completely understand what they mean:

Keyword ranking reports

Backlink reports Press release reports Article marketing reports Keyword density reports Competitor analysis reports PPC reports

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