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ុ ិក
្ សមគមែែរែ សន ់ ហេូហ េេ
San Jose Cambodian Buddhist Society, Inc.
840 Mervyn’s Way, San Jose, CA 95127
408.251.4458 |

Meeting #0001
Meeting Date: Sunday, August 9, 2009 @ 2pm – 5pm
Subject: Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Referring to excel attendance list

1. Introduction each team members.
2. Define role and responsibility each member/ each group .
3. Urgent topic regarding Ven. Long Kim Leang



1. The meeting starts with President Van Check to introduce

a. Himself
b. 1st VP Phoeurth Sin
c. 2nd VP Peter Chan
2. Followed by Secretary introduced by Perom Uch
a. Perom Uch - Secretary
b. Bunkan Kan – Deputy Secretary (DS)
c. Chanthoeun To – 1st Assistant DS
d. Bun So – 2nd Assistant DS
e. Kelvin So – 3rd Assistant DS
3. Followed by Treasurer introduced by Phillip Lim
a. Phillip Lim – Treasurer
b. Sereycheath Ith – 1st Secretary Deputy Treasurer
c. Sanath Kong – 2nd Assistant DT
4. Followed by PR introduced by Mrs. Channary Bill

Hout Long Sar was removed from 1st Assistant Deputy Treasurer per his request during
selecting/creating committee on July 26, 2009

Mr. Sok San requests to remove his position from Leader of Religion and Culture Committee

There was misunderstanding pointed by Phoeurt Sin, Peter Chan, and Chamroeun regarding the
list of BOD including group of Ah-Char, Religion and Culture Committee (Male), and Religion
and Culture Committee (Female).

Phoeurth Sin requests to have approval from BOD before publishing/posting the list of BOD on
the public board at Wat Khmer San Jose.

A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization Founded in 1986

ុ ិក
្ សមគមែែរែ សន ់ ហេូហ េេ
San Jose Cambodian Buddhist Society, Inc.
840 Mervyn’s Way, San Jose, CA 95127
408.251.4458 |

President Van Chek will work with Secretary Team to finalize the list of BOD and Committee


President: Mr. Chek briefly describes the role of VP including:

1. Assisting President
2. Replace and/or take the President task during the absence of the president
3. 1st VP is responsible for managing/taking the works inside the temple
including construction, festivities, preparation, etc…
4. 2nd VP works with Treasurer Team

Mr. Chek assigns two tasks to 2nd VP, Peter Chan including:
1. Follow up land, County Lot #110. Mr. Chek will provide Mr. Chan the
contact info and documents needed.
2. Contacting San Jose Water Company for moving Water Meter to the other
side of the temple building. Phillip will provide Mr. Chan the bill for contact
information. It needs 2 months to get Water Meter.

Treasurer: Mr. Lim explains the Treasurer Team Near-Term Goal including:
1. Reconcile temple account records
2. Reconcile temple construction expense
3. Reconcile temple name-sake donation record
4. Establish donor acknowledgement

Preah Dekjekun Sochin Soeur will take care of Account receivable during
festivities. Phillip and Preah Dekjekun will deposit money into bank. Phillip will
lead his team to answer any question regarding the financial issues/questions

Question: Mr. Peter Chan asks who is authorized to write the temple checks?

• President Van Chek, Secretary Perom Uch, and Treasurer Phillip Lim.
These were confirmed by the Bank as their approval for taking their
• Phillip states that Treasurer Phillip Lim will take the ownership of
financial check. Meaning that, if Perom Uch or Van Chek write a check,
they must report to Phillip Lim before they issue the check or send the
check out.
• To change the account’s names, the above three must present at the bank.

A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization Founded in 1986

ុ ិក
្ សមគមែែរែ សន ់ ហេូហ េេ
San Jose Cambodian Buddhist Society, Inc.
840 Mervyn’s Way, San Jose, CA 95127
408.251.4458 |

Question: Mr. Kelvin asks: if one of the above three missed/gone somewhere, how
do you deal with changing account’s names?

• Phillip states that bank needs approval format by BOD to request any

Question: Mr. Chamroeun asks: how will BOD deal with the issue such as if Phillip
writes a big check and run away? Mr. Chamroeun expresses that he trusts Phillip, but he
concerns based the incidents occurring at other temples.

• Mrs. Channary suggests to set limit for writing amount in the check
• Someone suggests finding different bank that allows at least two
signatures for writing check.

Secretary: Perom Uch presents power point of the sample and describe briefly including

1. Recording Membership
2. Recording and keeping documents of the temple under supervising of the
3. In charge of the BOD’s meeting and meeting minutes under supervising of
the President for meeting agenda
4. 1st VP Phoeurth Sin will bridge the Secretary Team to work with the group of
Ah-Char, other elders’ committee in order to produce festivities’ master plan
and distribute the festivities’ brochures to members in local community.
5. Update the website

Majority of BOD requests to have the Leaders of Ah-Char to be in the BOD’s meeting.


1. Phillip Lim briefly describes the controversy story publishing on KI-Media, emailing,
and other publishing forms. And, the story involves with Wat Khemarak Raingsey –
Preah Dekjekun Tim Sakhon.
2. Peter Chan did a reference check with his connection in Cambodia. His source said Ven.
Kim Leang is a right hand of Abbot Tep Vong. Peter continues to do more reference/
background checks.

A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization Founded in 1986

ុ ិក
្ សមគមែែរែ សន ់ ហេូហ េេ
San Jose Cambodian Buddhist Society, Inc.
840 Mervyn’s Way, San Jose, CA 95127
408.251.4458 |

3. Phoeurth Sin received phone calls from unhappy members questioning about Preah
Dekjekun. Mr. Sin observes that about 20% of local community dislike the presence of
Preah Dekjekun at the temple. Sanath Kong relates to the 20% and states that this is the
valid concern and the problem needs to solve as soon as possible.
4. Per request by Mr. Peter Chan, Preah Dekjekun Sochin Soeur briefly describes
1. Wat Khmer San Jose is the legal organization with its BOD so that we, BOD,
can solve our problem without other organization telling us what to do.
2. We had meeting once listening to Preah Dekjekun Long Kim Leang
3. Preah Dekjekun Sochin Soeur states that Preah Dekjekun got to know Preah
Dekjekun Long Kim Leang at the Wat Khmer San Jose
4. Preah Dekjekun Sochin states that Preah Dekjekun Long Kim Leang will leave
San Jose if our local community is not happy for his presence at the Wat Khmer
San Jose
5. We must understand that this is social problem
5. President Van Chek briefly states that ByLaw, BOD will not have authority and/or right
to strip off any monk’s robe nor kick out any monk out of the temple. Only monks
themselves and the President who have authority and/right to do so.
6. Preah Dekjekun Sochin Soeur explained the Buddhist rule relating how to deal with this
1. Must understand the reason
2. Must continue to investigation
3. Must communicate (ask questions)
4. Must analyze the issue before making decision
5. Must educate
6. Then, taking action such as warning, jailing or even execution, etc…
7. Several wonder why they [Wat Kampuchea Krom] did not tell or communicate with
Wat Khmer San Jose’s BOD before publishing such as controversy stories.
8. The BOD agrees to appoint the delegation to deal with this issue. The main focus is to
find, to understand, to look for the solution to solve this problem with positive result in
mind to benefit both temples and Cabodian community interests. The delegation would
like to choose the neutral place to meet. The sub-committee are:
1. Van Chek
2. Perom Uch
3. Channary Bill
4. Peter Chan
5. Kelvin So

A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization Founded in 1986

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