Tws 6

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Kayla Chrisley

TWS VI Whole Class: The following table shows the whole classes scores for Pre, During and Post assessments. The students were assessed on solving word problems and deciding which method is needed in order to solve the word problems. During the Pre assessment I had students engage in a class discussion. This was majority student led. I observed what students were saying and how much they knew before the lesson. The pre assessment was constructed by discussion to determine students prior knowledge. The during assessment was used to engage students in partner work and math talk. Students worked with their elbow partners to solve word problems shown on the board. The post assessment was done by having students return to their seats and work on a math sheet that had them follow steps in order to solve the word problem. (Ex. Before solving make sure to circle the question and underline the clue words). This was done to have students take their time and use a routine to solve the word problems. The Pre and During assessments are both a lot of discussions. The reason for that is because word problems have already been covered in 3rd grade. This lesson was retaught because students did not fully grasp word problems the first time. This is why it was so important for students to follow the steps in order to solve word problems. Students have really improved in word problems due to this lesson. The Pre assessment was scored using 1, 2 and 3. Students were scored on their knowledge of word problems. The During assessment was scored also using 1, 2 or 3. Students were scored on their partner work and discussing their problem they had to solve. The Post assessment was scored with a 1, 2 or 3, one being a C, two being a B and 3 being an A. Here are the scores for each assessment: (The highlighted students are the three students I chose for my above average, average and below average student) This is the graph of students performance and also the chart that has the mean score from the students data. Students needed to score at least a 2 to be considered at target.

Students 1 2 3 4 5 ( Student A) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 (Student C) 14 15 (Student B) 16 17 18 19

3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0

Pre 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 2

During 2 3 1 2 3 3 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2


Post average 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 3 1 1.666667 3 2 3 3 2.421053

Pre During Post

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

(Individual students) While teaching my lesson I chose three students to really engage in their progress throughout the lesson. My three students were A, an above average student, B an average student and C, a below average student. All three students were observed very closely during the lesson and data was collected on each. Student A during the discussion before the lesson was very involved and correct in their

statements made. They were engaged in other students responses and chose to add on at times to what others had to say. Student B answered when called upon and gave a very short and direct answer. This student was also correct in their response but did not seem fully engaged while others were discussing. This student was looking around the room and had to be called on a few times to pay attention. This is where pair sharing would have really benefited this student. Student C is always willing to step out of their comfort zone and engage in discussion. This student spoke out without being called on and when corrected seemed to really think about what I was saying. As we began working together to solve word problems students were assessed on their discussion and answers submitted. Also I made note of the progress of student A, B and C. This was part of my lesson that could have been changed to benefit my students success more.

Student C was most successful throughout the lesson. This student really engaged in the discussion which is one reason I think this student exceled in the post assessment. I think if I would have had the students write down the problem when we were working it as a class this student would have been even more successful. Student C goes to resource every day for math pull out. This student struggles with individual work and gets really annoyed when they cannot figure out how to solve different problems. Having students use the notecard for assistance was a really positive way to calm student C down while working on their individual work. This student followed the directions on the math sheet and solved each problem correctly. Student C really exceled on their individual work. They followed the directions and solved the word problems step by step. They did everything right and received 100%. I was very proud of this student for taking their time and really striving to do their best. I believe stepping back and re- teaching word problems really helped this student. Student B was least successful in the lesson. This student was not fully engaged in the classroom discussion but when called upon answered the question correctly. I believe if this student would have been able to discuss with an elbow partner they would have shared more of their thoughts throughout the discussion. This student did not use resources given them. I believe if the student would have used the notecard to check their understanding before solving a problem they would have done better. Student B did not pass their individual work. I do think the student knows how to solve the work but they did not follow directions. Student B rushed through the math sheet and was the first one to turn theirs in. I believe if I would have gave the student their paper back and discussed with them that they need to follow directions and use the resources given to them this student would have attempted again and would have done a better job. Student A did not change through the lesson. This student was very engaged in discussion and eager to get their point across. Every question thrown their way they answered correctly and very detailed. This student worked well with their peers during the discussion and added on to what some of their classmates had to say. The student scored 100 % on the post assessment and followed directions. This student is very above average and gets pulled out once a week for GATAS. If I was to teach this lesson again I would have given this student something else to complete when they were finished. This would show if the student gained anymore knowledge throughout the lesson. The students vocabulary

stayed the same throughout the lesson. Student A gained success with this lesson but I could have modified certain areas that reached out to them more. The worksheet may have been too easy for this particular student. The example of student A,B and C are attached below. The above average student (A) is the first worksheet, the below average student(C) is the second worksheet and the average student(B) is the last worksheet.

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