Donor Opportunity Letter - USA

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Under a cloudless Ugandan sky, a 17-year-old boy stands up from his personal eld of maize and stretches his

back. He wipes the sweat from his forehead, and smiles as he surveys his blossoming crop. A few years before this teenager was a child soldier, abducted from his home and forced to ght in a war he didnt understand. Today, he is part of the Watoto family, and his future is blossoming alongside his crop. For more than 30 years Watoto Church has been able to minister to tens of thousands of Ugandans, bringing them to Jesus Christ and transforming their lives. Jesus passionately loves every person, and He is the solution to the fundamental problems in Africa. His example denes our mission as we RESCUE, RAISE and REBUILD. Watoto provides a safe loving family for almost 3,000 children. Its an environment that promotes personal spiritual growth, brings physical and psychological healing, develops academic and practical skills, and enhances the well being of the most vulnerable. Over 800 babies have been rescued from dire circumstances. Some were found in outdoor toilets, banana plantations, on trash heaps; literally left as human refuse. Now theyre healthy, chubby and thriving either at Baby Watoto or in a Watoto village. We have already seen 154 orphaned children grow into adulthood, complete education and now live productive

lives as contributing members of society. This is our goal. This is our passion. This is our dream. This is how we change a nation. Additionally, Living Hope is restoring dignity to the lives of thousands of vulnerable women, who have been abused, abandoned and left without resources. These women are now running their own businesses, caring for their own children and have become pillars of hope in their community. By Gods grace, Watoto is raising transformational leaders, who will impact positively every sphere of society, reforming Uganda and serving as a model for the rest of Africa. None of this would be possible without the generosity of our partners. Thank you for your continued support. God has been faithful to Watoto through three decades. Over the years, weve managed to sustain growth and drastically improve the lives of our children, but the global economic downturn has resulted in signicant cutbacks in nancial support. Our commitment to the children is for life. To ensure that we continue to provide these activities, we are turning to you, our generous partners, for much needed nancial help in the following key areas:

Equipment $599,000

Child Development $644,000

Computer Equipment $80,000

Replacement Vehicles $453,000

Maintenance & Operations $402,000

In economically challenging times, the hard choices have to be made between direct care for the children (food, clothing and education) and necessary higher priced items. Computers, medical equipment, buildings and vehicles do wear out and must be replaced. The only way we can continue to grow and meet the need is through the ongoing partnership of friends just like you. Consider, prayerfully, how you can come alongside us to make this dream a reality and change this continent for Christ. No gift is too small. Jesus sees every act of kindness and multiplies it into abundance. God may urge you to take a step of faith and provide a large gift that will have a profound impact on the vulnerable in our nation.

The task is enormous and the need tremendous, but Jesus is so good. Together we are making a signicant difference for vulnerable children and women in Africa. Join us in prayer and in generosity. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. God bless you,

CLICK HERE TO DONATE NOW For more information, contact Eugene Stutzman Tel: 813-948-4343

$ 2,178,000
Needed to bring necessary medical, child development and technological upgrades to our villages, as well as replace equipment vital to our operation.

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