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NCM 104 - Care of Clients Across the Lifespan w/ Problems in Perception and Coordination, Adjustments and Maladaptive Behaviors

Course Description: This course deals with the concepts, principles and theories of human behavior and the care of the sick client across the lifespan with emphasis on the adult and older person, population group experiencing alteration in nutrition, metabolism and neurologic status. Response in perception and coordination in varied settings and conditions. Integrated are concepts in Alternative Medicines and Science, Technology and Society. Reseach and evidence based practiced applied. Course Objectives: At the end of the course, and given actual client and population group, with problems in nutrition, metabolism and neurologic perception and coordination, the students wil be able to: 1. Utilize the nursing process in the care of individuals, families in community and hospital setting. assesses with client/s his/her/their condition/health status through interview, physical examination, interpretation of laboratory findings. identifies actual and risk nursing diagnosis

plans appropriate nursing interventions with clients/ and family for identified nursing diagnosis 2. 3. implements plan of care with clients/ and family evaluates the progress of his/her /their clients condition and outcome of care; Ensure a well organized and accurate documentation system; Relate with client/s and their family and the health team appropriately;

4. Observe bioethical concepts/ principles and core values and nursing standards in the care of clients; and, 5. Promote personal and professional growth of self and others

Contents I. a. b. c. Alteration in Perceptions Different neurologic assessment and diseases affecting the Nervous system Different diagnostics procedures Different diseases and alteration of Nervous System

II. Disturbances in Coordination a. b. c. Review of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Musculo Skeletal System Identification of different treatment modalities and assistive devices Different diseases and conditions of the musculo skeletal system

III. Disturbances in Nutrition: Altered Ingestion and Digestion process a. Review of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Gastro intestinal System b. Different diagnostics procedures c. Different diseases and alteration of the GIT IV. Alteration in Metabolism a. b. Diagnostics examinations Disturbances of the Endocrine System

V. Disturbance in Genitourinary System a. Review of the Anatomy and Physiology of the GenitourinaySystem b. Different diagnostics procedures

c. Different diseases and alteration of the GUT

Contents: Concepts

I. Disturbances in Coordination II. Alteration in Perceptions III. Disturbances in Nutrition: Altered Ingestion and Digestion process IV. Alteration in Metabolism Total Number of Hours

Classroom 30 24 8 24 108 hours

Skills 30 16 46 hours

RLE 48 48 48 48 192 hours

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