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Stacey L Snyder


Un|vers|ty of I|||no|s at Urbana-Champa|gn, Champa|gn, IL (May 2012)
MasLer's ln Llbrary and lnformaLlon Sclence (ALA AccredlLed rogram)
CerLlflcaLe ln CommunlLy lnformaLlcs
Drake Un|vers|ty, Des Mo|nes, IA (May 2007)
8achelor of Sclence ln 8uslness AdmlnlsLraLlon ln ManagemenL & MarkeLlng
ConcenLraLlon ln Women's SLudles
L|brary and Informat|on Sc|ence Lxper|ence
Informat|on L|teracy Ie||ow, Instruct|ona| Serv|ces Department, Un|vers|ty of West Georg|a, Carro||ton, GA
(August 2012 - resent)
CollaboraLlng wlLh lnsLrucLlonal Servlces Leam Lo cusLomlze deparLmenL's servlces Lo meeL Lhe needs of
sLudenLs and faculLy and comply wlLh Lhe unlverslLy and unlverslLy SysLem of Ceorgla's sLraLeglc plan
1eachlng ln-person and onllne credlL-bearlng undergraduaLe courses on academlc research, uslng Lhe
llbrary, and lnformaLlon llLeracy Loplcs
Leadlng one-shoL" lnsLrucLlonal sesslons on llbrary orlenLaLlon, daLabases, and research
rovldlng reference and research supporL ln person and onllne wlLh CuesLlonolnL
ueveloplng LuLorlals, screencasLs, and LlbCuldes
Mapplng currlculum Lo ldenLlfy polnL-of-need lnsLrucLlon
Managlng Lhe llbrary's soclal medla and developlng a soclal medla pollcy
arLlclpaLlng ln ouLreach acLlvlLles
Crganlzlng and presenLlng Safe Zone Lralnlng programmlng for faculLy, sLaff, and sLudenLs
MenLorlng new llbrary faculLy on orlenLaLlon Lo unlverslLy and faculLy responslblllLles
1each|ng Ass|stant, Instruct|ona| 1echno|ogy & Des|gn Cff|ce and ne|p Desk, Un|vers|ty of I|||no|s Graduate
Schoo| of L|brary & Informat|on Sc|ence, Champa|gn, IL (Ianuary 2011 - Iu|y 2012)
rovlded Lech supporL Lo on-campus and onllne lnsLrucLors and sLudenLs
CreaLed and edlLed Lhe schools' Moodle pages, lncludlng course spaces and deparLmenLal LuLorlals
SupporLed onllne/hybrld classes asslsLlng dlsLance lnsLrucLors and sLudenLs ln 8lackboard CollaboraLe
1aughL workshops and developed LuLorlals on assorLed Lechnologles
SeL up and monlLored audlo vlsual equlpmenL for Lhe bulldlng's classes and evenLs
Computer Lab Vo|unteer, Urbana Iree L|brary, Urbana, IL (Cctober 2010 - May 2012)
AsslsLed publlc llbrary paLrons wlLh lab hardware
rovlded exLended one-on-one asslsLance by appolnLmenL
Intern, New ork ub||c L|brary (M|d-Manhattan 8ranch), New ork C|ty, N (March 2012)
Shadowed and asslsLed wlLh lnsLrucLlon classes and Lhe reference desk
lnLervlewed llbrarlans and lnsLrucLlon sLaff on developlng classes and programmlng
ract|cum Student, Un|vers|ty of I|||no|s Mus|c and erform|ng Arts L|brary, Champa|gn, IL (August 2011 - December
rovlded reference asslsLance Lo sLudenLs and faculLy
8an sLudenL focus groups for a research pro[ecL
Assembled a suggesLed llsL of fllm soundLracks for Lhe llbrary's collecLlon
Cther rofess|ona| Lxper|ence
Database Manager, |anned arenthood of the neart|and, Des Mo|nes, IA (Ianuary 2008 - Iu|y 2010)
Managed supporLer lnformaLlon ln voLer, donor, and prospecLlng daLabases
MalnLalned supporLer lnformaLlon Lhrough Lhe creaLlon and uLlllzaLlon of Laxonomles
rovlded Lech supporL and developed work performance Lracklng Lools for coworkers
erformed prospecLlng analysls Lo deLermlne poLenLlal acLlvlsLs
Managed Lhe Lracklng, reporLlng, and Lralnlng of door-Lo-door summer canvasses ln lowa and nebraska
Grassroots & Caucus Crgan|zer, |anned arenthood of the neart|and, Des Mo|nes, IA (May 2007 - Ianuary
8ecrulLed and Lralned over 200 lowans Lo presenL a pro-cholce plaLform resoluLlon aL sLaLe parLy
AsslsLed ln wrlLlng emall acLlon alerL messages Lo supporLers
Crganlzed volunLeer evenLs for phone banklng and vlslblllLy
Intern, |anned arenthood of the neart|and Government Affa|rs Department, Des Mo|nes, IA (Ianuary 2007
- May 2007)
8esearched leglslaLlon and paLlenL sLaLlsLlcs
8ecrulLed volunLeers for phone banklng, lobby days aL Lhe CaplLol, and speclal evenLs
Cperat|ng systems: Wlndows, Mac CSx, Llnux (ubunLu)
roduct|v|ty su|tes and software: MlcrosofL Cfflce SulLe, Cpen Cfflce, Coogle urlve, Adobe hoLoshop, Adobe
Instruct|on: knowledge of and ablllLy Lo apply lnformaLlon llLeracy Lheorles and sLandards, learnlng sLyles,
lnsLrucLlonal meLhodologles, lnsLrucLlonal Lechnologles, and assessmenL sLraLegles
Web 2.0 techno|og|es and soc|a| network p|atforms: ?ou1ube, 1wlLLer (PooLSulLe), lacebook, Coogle+,
lnsLagram, lourSquare, 8logger, Cood8eads, uropbox, 8logger, Coogle AppllcaLlons, LvernoLe
Learn|ng Management Software: Moodle, ueslre2Learn
Instruct|ona| techno|og|es: CamLasla SLudlo, wlkls, 8lackboard CollaboraLe, LlbCuldes, 8esearch8eady, lMovle,
AudaclLy, SmarL 8oard
Cn||ne reference and tech support: CuesLlonolnL, l8C, 8equesL 1racker
C|tat|on managers: Mendeley, LndnoLe
Web des|gn: CSS, P1ML, P, Wordress
L|brary cata|og|ng systems and convent|ons: MA8C, LCSP, AAC82, voyager
Database adm|n|strat|on: 8lackbaud 8alser's Ldge, voLer AcLlvaLlon neLwork, CaLallsL
resentat|ons and Workshops
LduLalnlng 8esearchlng AsslgnmenLs." resenLer. Conference on College ComposlLlon and CommunlcaLlon.
lndlanapolls, lndlana. March 2014. AccepLed presenLer for presenLaLlon on uslng podcasLs Lo develop
research Loplcs and learn lnformaLlon llLeracy skllls.
Leveraglng Coogle Apps." unlverslLy of WesL Ceorgla, CarrollLon, CA. SepLember 2013. Workshop for faculLy
on uslng Coogle Apps Lo enhance lnsLrucLlon and producLlvlLy.
lnLroducLlon Lo LndnoLe Web." unlverslLy of WesL Ceorgla. CarrollLon, CA. Sprlng 2013. Cnllne and ln-person
workshops for faculLy and graduaLe sLudenLs on managlng clLaLlons.
lnLroducLlon Lo 8lackboard CollaboraLe." Champalgn, lL. 2011 - 2012. 8ecurrlng workshop Lo lnLroduce new
sLudenLs and lnsLrucLors Lo Lhe appllcaLlon used Lo run synchronous onllne classes.
uslng Mozllla SeaMonkey Lo Make 8aslc P1ML Webpages." Champalgn, lL. lall 2011. CuesL lnsLrucLor for
onllne LlS courses.
1eachlng ClLlzen !ournallsm Lo ?ouLh ln LasL SL. Louls, llllnols." WlLh Pelen !enLzen, Wlll kenL, Meghan kuLz,
Zachary MaLLhews. Champalgn, lL. Summer 2011. MasLer's pro[ecL presenLaLlon for LlS490S1: CommunlLy
lnformaLlcs SLudlo Course.
8ulldlng a CommunlLy CenLer CompuLer Lab ln !ones ark, LasL SL. Louls, llllnols." WlLh Anna CoaLs, 8umyana
PrsLova, Sayer !ackson, Zachary MaLLhews. Champalgn, lL. Sprlng 2011. MasLer's pro[ecL presenLaLlon for
LlS431: lnLroducLlon Lo neLwork lnformaLlon SysLems.
lowa PealLhy lamllles Canvass 8esulLs and 1racklng MeLhods." resenLer. lanned arenLhood lederaLlon of
Amerlca Annual Conference. WashlngLon uC. Summer 2008. resenLaLlon of daLa Lracklng of door-Lo-door,
sLaLewlde canvass resulLs.
uougan, klrsLln. uellverlng and Assesslng Muslc 8eference Servlces. !"# %#&#'#()# *+,'-'+-( 34.1 (!anuary
2013): 38-34. rovlded research asslsLance by leadlng sLudenL focus groups on lmprovlng Lhe llbrary's
rofess|ona| Deve|opment
Conference Attendance & Cont|nu|ng Lducat|on
Ceorgla lnLernaLlonal Conference on lnformaLlon LlLeracy, Savannah, CA (lall 2012, 2013)
Soclal Medla for Llbrarles, Cnllne Course sponsored by Llbrary !ulce Academy (AugusL 2013)
Amerlcan Llbrary AssoclaLlon Annual Conference (!une 2011, 2013)
8lackbaud Conference for nonproflLs, CharlesLon, SC (november 2009)
lanned arenLhood lederaLlon of Amerlcan Annual Conference, WashlngLon uC (Summer 2008, 2009)
rofess|ona| Membersh|ps
Amerlcan Llbrary AssoclaLlon (March 2011 - resenL)
AssoclaLlon of College and 8esearch Llbrarles (!anuary 2013 - resenL)
8eLa hl Mu lnLernaLlonal Llbrary & lnformaLlon Sclence Ponor SocleLy, Alpha ChapLer (november 2012
- resenL)

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