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Batch processing

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(October 2008)

Batch processing is execution of a series of programs ("jobs") on a computer without human


Batch jobs are set up so they can be run to completion without human interaction, so all input
data is preselected through scripts or command-line parameters. This is in contrast to "online" or
interactive programs which prompt the user for such input. A program takes a set of data files as
input, process the data, and produces a set of output data files. This operating environment is
termed as "batch processing" because the input data are collected into batches on files and are
processed in batches by the program.


• 1 Benefits
• 2 History
• 3 Modern Systems
• 4 Common batch processing usage
o 4.1 Printing
o 4.2 Databases
o 4.3 Images
o 4.4 Converting
• 5 Job scheduling

• 6 See also

[edit] Benefits
Batch processing has these benefits:

• It allows sharing of computer resources among many users and programs,

• It shifts the time of job processing to when the computing resources are less busy,
• It avoids idling the computing resources with minute-by-minute human interaction and
• By keeping high overall rate of utilization, it better amortizes the cost of a computer,
especially an expensive one.

[edit] History
Batch processing has been associated with mainframe computers since the earliest days of
electronic computing in 1950s. Because such computers were enormously costly, batch
processing was the only economically-viable option of their use. In those days, interactive
sessions with either text-based computer terminal interfaces or graphical user interfaces were not
widespread. Initially, computers were not even capable of having multiple programs loaded into
the main memory.

Batch processing has grown beyond its mainframe origins, and is now frequently used in UNIX
environments and Microsoft Windows too. UNIX systems uses shells and other scripting
languages. DOS systems uses batch files powered by COMMAND.COM, Microsoft Windows
has cmd.exe, Windows Script Host and advanced Windows PowerShell.

[edit] Modern Systems

Despite their long history, batch applications are still critical in most organizations. While online
systems are now used when human interaction is required, they are not well suited to the high-
volume, repetitive tasks. Therefore, even new systems usually contain a batch application for
cases such as updating information at the end of the day, generating reports, and printing

Modern batch applications make use of modern batch frameworks such as Spring Batch, which
is written for Java, to provide the fault tolerance and scalability required for high-volume
processing. In order to ensure high-speed processing, batch applications are often integrated with
grid computing solutions to partition a batch job over a large number of processors.

[edit] Common batch processing usage

[edit] Printing

A popular computerized batch processing procedure is printing. This normally involves the
operator selecting the documents they need printed and indicating to the batch printing software
when, where they should be output and priority of the print job. Then the job is sent to the print
queue from where printing daemon sends them to the printer.

[edit] Databases

Batch processing is also used for efficient bulk database updates and automated transaction
processing, as contrasted to interactive online transaction processing (OLTP) applications.
[edit] Images

Batch processing is often used to perform various operations with digital images. There exist
computer programs like Batch Image Processor that let one resize, convert, watermark, or
otherwise edit image files.

[edit] Converting

Batch processing is also used for converting a number of computer files from one format to
another. This is to make files portable and versatile especially for proprietary and legacy files
where viewers are not easy to come by.

[edit] Job scheduling

UNIX utilizes cron and at facilities to allow for scheduling of complex job scripts. Windows has
a job scheduler. Most high-performance computing clusters use batch processing to maximize
cluster usage.

[edit] See also

batch processing
Last modified: Tuesday, January 27, 2004
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Executing a series of noninteractive jobs all at one time. The term originated in the days when
users entered programs on punch cards. They would give a batch of these programmed cards to
the system operator, who would feed them into the computer.

Batch jobs can be stored up during working hours and then executed during the evening or
whenever the computer is idle. Batch processing is particularly useful for operations that require
the computer or a peripheral device for an extended period of time. Once a batch job begins, it
continues until it is done or until an error occurs. Note that batch processing implies that there is
no interaction with the user while the program is being executed.

An example of batch processing is the way that credit card companies process billing. The
customer does not receive a bill for each separate credit card purchase but one monthly bill for
all of that month’s purchases. The bill is created through batch processing, where all of the data
are collected and held until the bill is processed as a batch at the end of the billing cycle.

Procedure whereby a user gives a computer a batch of information, referred to as a

job=for example, a program and its input data on punched cards=and waits for it to
be processed as a whole. Batch processing contrasts with interactive processing, in
which the user communicates with the computer by means of a terminal while the
program is running.

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