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IBIS Joint Workshop with the Scottish Freshwater Group

24 October 2013 The Scottish Freshwater Group (SFG) provides a forum for members to exchange information across disciplines and to promote awareness of current issues and research related to the freshwater environment in Scotland. The SFG holds a one-day meeting twice yearly in April and October at the University of Stirling. These meetings usually consist of seven or eight talks and a lunchtime poster display. They attract participants from academic research institutes, industry, government and non-government agencies who share a professional interest in the freshwater environment. The meetings are also attended by undergraduate and postgraduate students. IBIS is joining with the SFG for this event. The 91st meeting of the SFG took place on Thursday 24th October 2013. This is a joint meeting between the SFG & the IBIS Project. Chair: Jennifer Dodd (IBIS Project, University of Glasgow) >>> Click here to download the full programme >>> Click here to see materials presented at the workshop, plus photos Programme (Talks will be held in Lecture Theatre 2V1, Cottrell Building, University of Stirling) Morning session 10:00 10:30 12:40 Meet for tea/coffee (not provided, please bring your own) IBIS (University of Glasgow / QUB researcher) talks - see detailed programme pdf Lunch & Poster Demonstrations (see below)

Afternoon Session 14:00 14:30 15:00 Ian Grifn (ECUS Ltd.) - "The state of the art of constructed wetlands" Alan Law (University of Stirling) - "Selectivity and impact of beaver foraging on aquatic plants" Kendra Spence Cheruvelil (Michigan State University) - "Landscape approaches for understanding and managing lakes" Wendy Kenyon & Sue Morris (James Hutton Institute) - "The Centre of Expertise for Water (CREW) and its role in addressing Scotland's Water Policy challenges" Meeting close followed by social drink in the Meadowpark Hotel



IBIS presenters / supported presenters included: Jennifer Dodd, Colin Adams, Elizabeth Clements, Julie Miller, Matt Newton, John Hume. Poster demonstrations (Room 2V2, Cottrell Building, University of Stirling) James Barry - University of Glasgow, IBIS project Oliver Hooker - University of Glasgow, IBIS project Hannele Honkanen - University of Glasgow, IBIS project Martin Hughes - University of Glasgow, IBIS project Jessica Fordyce - University of Glasgow - IBIS project Sinead O'Reilly - University of Glasgow, IBIS project Julie Miller - University of Glasgow, IBIS project Oliver Hooker - University of Glasgow, IBIS project The population dynamics and migration of the European eel

The ecology underpinning the management of rare freshwater shes

Modelling the early life stages of salmon to improve conservation limits Ecology underpinning the management of (ferox) brown trout

Partial migration: Why Do Some Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) Become Migratory (Sea) Trout? Assessing the toxicity of biocides on the American Signal craysh (Pacifastacus leniusculus) to aid eradication in Scotland Conservation Limits of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)

An alternative approach to measuring shape change in sh

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