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Salmon Stocking Conference - Conference Book viewable online, or can be downloaded.

27 November 2013 to 28 November 2013 Boosting salmon numbers: is stocking the answer or the problem? IBIS and the Atlantic Salmon Trust organised this major conference 27-28 November 2013 at the Marriott Hotel, Glasgow. Programme (below) last updated 6.11.2013 (session chairs added) Read the Conference Book online at The debate on the pros and cons of stocking has continued for many decades, sometimes generating more heat than light. The Atlantic Salmon Trust has joined with IBIS to invite leading speakers to discuss all aspects of salmon stocking at a major conference. Over two days, we will examine in depth the potential role of stocking in restoring, sustaining and enhancing salmon populations and sheries. We are bringing together experts on salmon science and management - including those with direct experience of stocking - to join with anglers and shery managers in exploring the potential for salmon stocking, including its effectiveness and risks. We will look at such issues as: how does stocking affect numbers of returning adults? Is it cost effective? What is the role of genetics and climate change? The presentations will range from the underlying science to case studies and examples of best practice. This exciting conference is nancially supported by IBIS. POSTERS There will be an opportunity to display science and other posters directly related to the conference themes inside the conference venue. The Poster Session will be held on Day 1, after the concluding discussion of the rst day's talks and before the Conference Dinner. Attendees will have the opportunity to talk with poster authors in front of their displays. Authors of posters accepted for display will be reponsible for printing; and for putting them up during conference registration between 9.30a.m and 10.30am on Day 1 of the conference. Maximum size is portrait A0 (W 33.1 x H 46.8 inches; W 84.1 x H118.9 cm). Boards / stands and xings will be available in the conference room. Format / font are not prescribed. The conference organisers may withhold any poster whose content is deemed inconsistent with its abstract. Accepted abstracts will be compiled into a conference Abstract Booklet distributed to all conference attendees. Queries? contact the IBIS Project Ofce: email Telephone + 44 (0)1360 870 513

Construction of new teaching & training building at SCENE: in pictures (latest: 8 October 2013)
08 October 2013

Published Reports summaries and detailed ndings from completed and in-progress IBIS projects (new materials added...)
30 September 2013

Salmon Stocking conference in Glasgow completed

28 November 2013

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Salmon Stocking Conference - Conference Book viewable online, or can be downloaded.
27 November 2013 to 28 November 2013

CPD course: Identifying Freshwater Invertebrates (Nov 2013)

12 November 2013 to 14 November 2013

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25 October 2013

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