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August 22, 2009

Vol 1 No 7

Nye-Gateway to Nevada’s Rurals

P o l i t i c a l N e w s a n d C o m m e n t a r y

Upgrading To National Health Insurance

(Medicare 2.0)
The Case For Eliminat-
Inside ing Private Health Insur- with affordable healthcare.
ance Like it or not that is a fact.
HR 676 Single Payer People cannot afford the
Healthcare 2 This past week has been premiums the companies
difficult for healthcare re- must or are charging in
Facts about Healthcare
form. order to provide the health
in America 2
care people need.
Why don’t we all just ad-
Health Insurance Racket
mit that the politicians Erase political thought
aren’t capable of providing from your mind and take a
Stock Market up for healthcare reform that will fresh look at the whole cal students and health
Healthcare Insurance
3 work. That includes Presi- problem. Forget capital- professionals who support
dent Obama, the Senate ism, socialism or any s ing le- p a yer n ati on al
and the House of Repre- other kind of ism. health insurance.
Cost of Credit Card Debt
Soars 3 sentatives.
Now, let me introduce you It is a single issue organi-
Kent Conrad-Just who is They are politicians and to the Physicians for a zation advocating a univer-
he? can’t separate party poli- National Health Pro- sal, comprehensive single-
tics from the problem at gram. Who are they? payer national health pro-
Advertisements 4 hand. That is why they are gram. PNHP has more
going around in circles The Physicians for a Na- than 17,000 members and
now, getting nowhere. tional Health Program is chapters across the United
Upcoming Events 6
a non-profit research and States.
The fact of the matter is education organization of
private insurance compa- 17,000 physicians, medi- Read more.
nies cannot provide us all

P l e a s e P r e s i d e n t O b a m a — f o r g e t
b i p a r t i s a n s h i p — Y o u a r e o u r P r e s i d e n t !

Robert Kuttner has a “…the Republican opposi- simple. Nothing makes try and Republican
piece in Huffington Post tion has made it clear that this clearer than the battle
leadership has deftly
with which I fully agree. no goodwill gesture, no over health insurance re- used the Congres-
Kuttner writes: effort to meet them half- form.” sional August recess to
way signals anything weaken health insur-
“Will somebody please other than weakness. Weakness is perceived by ance reform. The pub-
explain to me why Barack They are out to destroy prison inmates as inviting lic option is on its
Obama is still on his bi- his presidency, pure and dominion and control. deathbed. Read more.
partisan kick? The insurance indus-
Page 2 Nye-Gateway to Nevada’s Rurals

H R 6 7 6 S i n g l e P a y e r t o b e d e b a t e d a n d
v o t e d o n

For the first time ever, ers with S. 703. tember.

single-payer legislation
will be debated and Weiner introduced an Sen. Bernie Sand-
voted on by the House amendment to Presi- ers of Vermont is ex-
of Representatives in dent Obama’s health- pected to bring S.
care reform bill (HR 703 to the floor for a
3200) that would re- vote in the Senate.
Pay attention in the place it with HR 676,
weeks ahead to Rep- the single-payer bill, The blog post explains
resentative Anthony and Speaker Pelosi how you, too, can
Weiner (NY-9) with HR pledged to bring it to a press Congress to
676 and Sena- debate and vote on the adopt single-payer. Anthony Weiner
tor Bernie Sand- full House floor in Sep- Read More

F a c t s Ab o u t H e a l t h C a r e i n Am e r i c a
 Ninety percent of Ameri- cans are significantly less Detroit is 15.5, compared to El
cans believe the American healthy than their British Salvador’s rate of 9.7.
health care system needs counterparts – we have more
fundamental changes diabetes, heart attacks,  Half of all bankruptcies are
strokes, lung disease and caused by medical bills. Three
 There are four times as cancer. Even the poorest -quarters of those filings are
many health care lobbyists Brits can expect to live longer people with health insurance.
in Washington as there than the richest Americans.
are members of Congress.  he United States is the only
 A baby born in El Salvador industrialized country in the
 the Journal of the Ameri- has a better chance of surviv- world without a universal
can Medical Association ing than a baby in Detroit. health insurance system.
found that older Ameri- The infant mortality rate in
Read a lot more.

T h e H e a l t h I n s u r a n c e R a c k e t
Getting Rich by Deny- beach house in New helping policy holders- pays. Read more.
ing Americans Care Jersey. Meanwhile, big insurance compa-
regular Americans are nies get rich by denying
UnitedHealth- routinely denied cover- coverage to patients.
care CEO Stephen age for the care they Now they’re sending
Hemsley owns need when they need it lobbyists to Washing-
$744,232,068 in unex- most. ton, DC to twist the
ercised stock op- arms of lawmakers to
tions. CIGNA’s Edward Welcome to the Ameri- oppose reform of the
Hanway spends his can health insurance status quo. Why? Be-
holidays in a $13 million industry. Instead of cause the status quo
Vol 1 No 7 Page 3

S t o c k M a r k e t i s u p f o r H e a l t h c a r e
I n s u r a n c e
Things are looking up for health- UnitedHealth Group Inc (UNH.N) being floated by Democrat legis-
care insurance companies. shares rose 3.6 percent at mid- lators will be relatively benign to
afternoon, WellPoint Inc the HMO industry,” analysts at
The S&P Managed Health Care (WLP.N) climbed 3.3 per- Jefferies & Co said in a research
index .GSPHMO of large U.S. cent, Aetna Inc (AET.N) in- note.
health insurers was up 3.8 per- creased 5.2 percent, and Coven-
cent, soundly outperforming a try Health Care (CVH.N) jumped The S&P Managed Health Care
2.5 percent decline for the 5.2 percent. index has risen 18 percent so far
broader S&P 500 index .SPX, this year, with strong gains since
following comments from the “Investors believe that risk of July as analysts said investors
Obama administration that creat- competition from a government- came to think a public plan was
ing a public plan was not essen- run plan has declined signifi- unlikely. See post.
tial to a healthcare overhaul. cantly, and that the co-op option

C o s t o f c r e d i t c a r d d e b t s o a r i n g

Credit card issu- tions starting in Febru- 21 days in advance of issuers to give
ers have been rushing ary 2010. [Chicago Sun the payment date. you 45 days’
to raise rates in ad- -Times] That will mean fewer notice when
vance of this Thursday, people will get hit with they plan to
when the first provisions Starting this week, card
late fees because of raise your rate,
of the Credit Card Ac- issuers need to give
postal delays. instead of the
countability Responsi- you more time to pay
15-day advance
bility and Disclosure your bills. Now, instead Another provision go- notice. You’ll be
Act (CARD) will go into of mailing bills 14 days ing into effect this paying higher
effect, with other protec- before the due date, week requires card rates. More.
issuers must send bills

K e n t C o n r a d : J u s t w h o i s h e ?

Senator Kent Conrad (D the Senate Committee rats. sign, is on the Commit-
-ND) is Chairman of which is pushing a tee.
the Senate Committee “community health in- Strange as it may be a
on Budget. The Ranking surance option” which lot of the trouble with It will be worth your time,
Minority Member is Re- the Physicians for a Na- getting a decent health I think to read this blog
publican Judd tional Health Program reform bill is Democrats. post. You’ll find out about
Gregg of New Hamp- find to be a big mistake. the Federal Employees
This blog post lists Health Benefits Program
shire. every Senator on the
The Senate Budget which covers each of
Why my interest in Kent Committee is about half Committee and where these Senators. Why not
Conrad? Because he is and half between Re- they get their money. you and me too?
the guy that heads up publicans and Democ- Our Senator, John En- Read more.
Page 4

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Page 5


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Jack Wood Phone: 775-537-1262
1290 Bruce Street E-mail:
Pahrump, Nevada
89048 All opinions and commentary expressed in the this
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U p c o m i n g E v e n t s

If you are aware of an upcoming meeting, event, or such matter and think readers should be aware of it please send me the informa-
tion via e-mail to Be sure to inform me to the date, time, place, what it is about and who is putting it on.

August 2009 and healthcare reform to counter the ture, intelligent adults capable of ex-
Senator Reid Visits Pahrump demonstrating Tea Baggers. pressing your support in a peaceable
manner. Don’t forget some bottled
Date: Monday, August 24, 2009
Prepare your signs to carry in support water and a hat to ward off the sun.
Time: 11:00 a.m. of Senator Reid and healthcare reform.
Contact Margery Behrens at (775) 910- Now is the time for all good Democrats
Where: Pahrump Town Office to come to the aid of their party.
9159 or via e-mail
Senator Reid will meet with local officials and at and Read more.
with the Nye County Sheriff’s Department.
Reid will be available for questions by the
let her know you intend to participate
media for a half hour Monday afternoon. in the counter-demonstration. You may Senator Reid: Tele-Town Hall Aug 28
want to wear an Obama T-shirt or other
I’m informed Tea Baggers intend to dem- clothing showing your support for Town Hall Discussion with Senator
Harry Reid — Nevadans with 775 and
onstrate at Pahrump’s Town Offices at President Obama, Senator Reid 702 area codes are invited to partici-
11:00 a.m., Monday, August 24, 2009. and healthcare reform at the demon- pate in a Telephone Town Hall with
stration. It is recommended you be on Senator Reid on Friday, August 28,
Democrats are being asked to rally and your best behavior at the demonstra- 2009. To sign up, click here.
demonstrate in support of Senator Reid tion. Show the Tea Baggers you are ma-

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