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My analysis

There are many ways to see or know the levels of the student, but more importantly for teachers are that students focus on the methods or methodology those teachers deployed to teach the classes. Learn or acquire a specific language required time, also are necessary put something activities are held to a better linguistic interaction are made. These activities or homework help trigger a process where students develop better skills involved in language. Many people have the abilities or skills to solve problems. But the general skills of the people or language students, are particularly of their knowledge or skill that they have, but it also takes a process in their ability to learn. The academic skills of each student are the what they to do in a place or a role, played at the reception and comprehension in a foreign language. But the knowledge that a person acquires either different or relevant to the language, in many cases are due to the teaching method that applies to this knowledge and this influences the abilities of each of us. But influence is fairly constant exposure to repetitive stimulation of the methods or practices of the language, and this will help students become familiar and as practitioners are learning step by step acquisition of a language and the benefits of

to learn. n learning also consists not !ust in the language also is important to the culture of that country, its customs, traditions and ways because is necessary acquire all customs that they have. "nd this helps the speaker communicate better and also

depending on the region where they are. They should also be aware as a student engaged in the process of learning a language must be prepared, which involves learning a language, know the risks of appearing incompetent or risk failure. But these are about risks that we must take, and the constant use or continuous exposure to the language can increase the level and put it into practice. #or example$ this is like when we are children that begin to walk they fall but one continues trying of stand back. This is !ust like when we learn. Learn or acquire a language is not !ust a responsibility that belongs to the teacher but also of the students as well, because they depend also these process to learning. " teacher can be the best but if the student does not learn or not puts of their part the proposed is more complicate, because in this case the level is measured by a level of development to know the level of each student. "lso the student should focus on technical skills as existential competence, because without it the student cannot meet the expectations of a student of languages. %tudents must have a technical knowledge that are essential to the use of technological tools and development that are required

or necessary to learn better. #or each resource is vital the development of the language, because this also helps them interact with other people who are native language. "nd students must also master well the public domain, personal mastery etc. n the book there are many key points in which the activities and specific skills are placed in a common framework scale should be determined in an ob!ective manner based on a theory of measurement. These are frames levels and shows students& performance or progress they have made over the years. The number of adopted levels should be adequate to show progression in different sectors but in any particular context shall not exceed the number of levels between which people are able to make reasonably consistent distinctions. Teachers involve different methodologies in their classes so that students can improve and play a better role in the acquisition of language, and know also use all the technological tools offered by the society today. But these are the goal of teachers are teach and improve the level of their students, and now there are ways to know the level or degree that each student and each grade are passing or improve their levels and have better capabilities understand more and understand. Council of Europe Levels "' "( B' B( )' )(


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Level '

Level (

Level *

Level +

Level ,

This is a small table that shows the different levels that may have students who are learning languages. This from the lowest to the highest level and following this table will develop activities depending on the level of each student basic to intermediate, in other to help improve the language skills of each student. But also teachers have a way for their students to do their homework and focus on learning goals and ob!ectives of language learning and teaching should be based on an assessment of the needs of students and society, in the work activities and processes that students need to perform in order to meet those needs, and the skills and strategies they need to develop - build in order to do so.

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