Differences: A Harry Potter Fanfiction. Prolouge

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A hundred or so years ago people believed that they had reached their limits in magic.

No new spells were cast, no new potions were brewed, and no new magical objects
were made. Witches and Wizards let their lives simplify, only using the spells and
potions that they knew. One man refused to believe this. He studied and worked and
invented and finally came up with a small hand mirror. This mirror was not ordinary in
any sense of the word, no matter how ordinary it looked. This mirror showed not the
reflection of the possessor but showed his or her ideal picture of beauty. Years passed
and the man started to realize just how powerful and dangerous it was. He hid the
mirror away in a place where he thought only he could find it. He started to build
something to destroy the mirror. Day after day, year after year he worked until finally he
made it. But as the time came to destroy the mirror the man found he could not find the
mirror. Until his death, he drove himself mad trying to find the mirror. Little did he know
that one day his mirror would find its way to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and
Wizardry. But our story does not follow the path of this mirror, not yet anyway. Our story
begins on October 31st, 1981.

Remus Lupin and his friend Sirius Black sat in the head masters office, anxiously
awaiting the man’s arrival. Remus sat quietly and looked around the office. It was large
and filled with knick-knacks, and although it still looked the same as to when he was in
school, he was fascinated by it. His favorite thing in the office was a large red bird that
sat on a pedestal. It had flaming red eyes and cast a sad lament throughout the room.

“Boy,” Sirius said to him, “we haven’t been in here since we turned Snape into a celery
stick. Too bad we had to turn him back, eh Moony?” Sirius then looked over at Fawkes
and shuddered. "That bird always gave me the creeps. Remember when we were here
on a burning day?"

Remus chuckled sadly at the memory.

"I remember all too fondly. James mocked you for a week for your little performance."

"I only did what any sane person would do."

"Any sane person would jump on the headmaster's desk and scream bloody murder?"


Remus laughed once more and shook his head. Only Sirius could crack a joke at a
time like this.

Looking at the clock Remus realized that the headmaster was already 15 minutes lat
for the appointment. He sat and wondered about why the headmaster had summoned
them there, a mere four hours after Lily and James' murder. He already knew about
Peter, and his betrayal. What else was there? As Remus was about to ask Sirius his
views on the subject when the headmaster came through the door, wearing a solemn
look on his face

“Hello gentleman,” Dumbledore greeted, “Sorry I’m late. I had to have a bit of a
discussion with the Minister of Magic, but alas I am here now. Would you care for a
lemon drop?”

Both men shook their heads no.

“Ah well, more for me then. These Muggles always come up with good treats.”

“Sir,” Remus said, “If you don’t mind my asking, why exactly did you call us here?”
“Yes, I do suppose I should tell you. As you know, Lily and James Potter have been

Sirius and Remus nodded slowly.

“I assume you are also aware that they were murdered by Lord Voldemort, with help
from Peter Pettigrew.” More nods. “However something very peculiar has occurred
tonight. You see Lord Voldemort came to the Potter’s that night with the sole intention of
killing their daughter Esmeralda Potter. He killed James and then Lily, but as he went to
kill Esmeralda he couldn’t. Something about her drained his powers. Therefore,
Esmeralda Potter lives and Lord Voldemort is no more.”

The two looked shell shocked. It was Remus who spoke first.

“Professor, are you telling me that Esmeralda Potter, Lily and James Potter’s daughter
and Sirius Black’s goddaughter, survived the killing curse.”

“Yes.” The two looked at each other.

“What’s going to happen to her?” Sirius asked.

“Well I suppose is should get to the real reason I called you here. In Lily and James will
they specified that if anything were to happen to them they would want you two to look
after her.”

"Are you sure?” Sirius posed

“As sure as my name is Albus.” Dumbledore replied.

“Honestly, Professor, I don’t thing me and Remus can take care of a child.”

“Well if you don’t take her she will be taken to Lily’s sister, Petunia.”

“The Muggle?” Sirius asked.

“The very same.”

“But they hate magic!” Sirius cried.

“Well then I shall assume that you will take her.”

“Sirius, it looks like we really don’t have a choice.” Remus said to his friend. Sirius
baried his head in his hands.

“Okay,” he said.

“Okay?” Remus asked.

“We’ll do it. We will raise Esmeralda Cristina Potter, okay?” Sirius said.

“I’m glad you changed your mind.” Dumbledore said.

Sirius nodded and asked “Where is she?”

“Young Esmeralda is with Madame Pomfrey at the moment. But are a few things you
must do. First, you will tell me if anything strange happens. And second, you must not
tell her about Peter Pettigrew.”

“Why not?” Sirius asked.

“It is for the best. I have thought it through it’s the best way; the only way.”

“What do you mean Professor?” Remus interjected.

“Just promise me. Will you?” Dumbledore said in an un-Dumbledore-like fashion.

“Yes” The remaining Marauders said simultaneously.

“Good you may go pick her up now.” The men got up and left the office, and made their
way to the hospital wing.

“Remus.” Sirius murmured softly


“We’re going to be parents.”

“We are.”

"I'm not sure I'm ready to be a parent."

"Neither of us are."

“If you expect me to marry you, you will be sorely disappointed.”

“I am aware of that Padfoot.”

“Good, because I look horrible in a tux.”

"What no dress robes?" Remus said. Sirius let out a cackle.

They opened the door to the hospital wing. A loud crying echoed the room as soon as
they entered. Madam Pomfrey was cradling a small, sobbing child with a lightning
shaped scar on her forehead.

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