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The International Traditional Chinese Martial Arts WAN LAISHENG Institute Canton Province- China Under the care

of Master LIANG CHA !UN "esi#nated Heir to Master WAN LAISHENG

Association Wan Laisheng France 29 av Corentin Cariou 75 019 PARIS France !e" # Fa$ % &''( &0(9 5) ') 11 1* + ,ai" % association-.an"aisheng/co, htt0%##.../.an"aisheng/co,


!he Internationa" !ra1itiona" Chinese 2artia" Art Wan Laisheng Institute .as o0ene1 34 2aster Liang Chao 5un on 5th August 2001 in the Canton 0rovince o6 China/ Locate1 in southern China near the to.n o6 7hang8iang9 the Institute can 3e reache1 via :ong ;ong then9 trans6erring to either a coach or a 0"ane to arrive at 1estination/ !he site has the a1vantage o6 3eing "ocate1 outsi1e the to.n o6 7hang8iang in a ca", environ,ent so,e ,i"es on"4 6ro, the seasi1e/ It o66ers a sec"u1e1 s0ot .hich gives stu1ents the serenit4 necessar4 6or a goo1 0ractice9 It has ,an4 trees an1 is in the vicinit4 o6 a vo"cano "a<e/ !he ai, o6 the Institute is to receive in its 20 hectares estate9 stu1ents 6ro, an4 countries or cu"ture9 so that the4 ,a4 have the o00ortunit4 o6 0ractising together .ith Chinese stu1ents9 in a co,,on 0assion 6or tra1itiona" Chinese ,artia" arts/ !he Institute has a 100 1ou3"e roo,s/ the4 are venti"ate1 an1 e=ui00e1 .ith in1ivi1ua" sanitaries an1 sho.er/ !he 0ossi3i"it4 6or sing"e roo,s e$ists .ith a 0rice su00"e,ent/ Le "ength o6 sta4 1e0en1s on in1ivi1ua" 0ossi3i"ities/ !he Centre receives stu1ents throughout the 4ear9 .e reco,,an1 a ,ini,u, one ,onth sta49 3ut this can 3e e$ten1e1 to > ,onths9 1 4ear or ,ore/ We consi1er the "onger the training 0erio19 the ,ore intensive the 0ractice9 the ,ore "asting the 0rogress/ ?ai"4 0ractice is 5 hours 0er 1a49 5 1a4s a .ee</ Wee< en1s can 3e 1e1icate1 to either 0ractice9 rest or visit the turistic sites9 .hich a3oun1 on"4 so,e hours 6ro, the Institute9 such as &@ui"in9 :ong ;ong9 Canton A(

!he 6ees o6 the Institute inc"u1es "o1ging an1 6oo1 e$0enses &' ,ea"s a 1a4( in or1er to a""o. the stu1ents to concentrate on their ,artia" art 0ractice/


!he teaching is o0ene1 an1 avai"a3"e to a"" 6ro, 3eginners to "ong ti,e 0ractitioners9 an1 is avai"a3"e 3ase1 on the as0irations an1 a3i"ities o6 each stu1ent// 2aster Liang Chao 5un s0ea<s French/ Learning tra1itiona" ,artia" arts is ,ore than 8ust training9 an1 on a .ee<"4 3asis an1 1uring the c"asses 2aster Liang o66ers9 in a11ition to ,artia" training9 0hi"oso0hica" an1 historica" content9 such as he receive1 6ro, his ,aster9 Wan Laisheng/ 2artia" arts 1eve"o0 a s0irit o6 chiva"r4 6oun1 in each o6 us9 as .e"" as the re"ationshi0 the stu1ent has .ith other in1ivi1ua"s &Con6ucianis,(9 an1 .ith the ,ani6estation o6 nature &?aois,(// 2artia" arts are a3ove a"" an interna" 0ersona" =uest that cannot 3e achieve1 so"e"4 through 0h4sica" training/ As those .ho 0ractice Binterna"B ,artia" arts <no.9 this a00renticeshi0 ta<es ti,e/ Accor1ing to 2aster Wan Laisheng9 the acco,0"ishe1 0ractitioner ,ust integrate cu"ture &Wen(9 regar1 6or others &Cia(9 sincerit4 to.ar1s hi,se"6 &Cing(9 courage &Dong(9 intuition &?ao(9 ;no."e1ge o6 his 3o14 an1 ru1i,ents o6 ,e1ecine &Di( an1 6ina""49 the 0ratice 1es ,artia" arts &5uan(/ !he ,artia" art training trans,itte1 34 2aster Wan Laisheng .as 6ar 6ro, sectarian9 an1 thus 2aster Liang 0ro0oses to have other e$0erts an1 ,asters 0rovi1e courses at the Institute &1isci0"es an1 heirs o6 6a,e1 or "esser <no.n st4"es9 ,on<s9 tra1itiona" 1octors9 etc/(

!his initiative o6 inviting teachers o6 1i66erent st4"es an1 1isci0"ines 6or 0erio1s that cou"1 e$ten1 to severa" ,onths is 1esigne1 to a""o. stu1ents at the institute to 1iscover a richer an1 3roa1er teaching an1 thus esca0e the constraints o6 a sing"e schoo"/ !o reach a "eve" o6 e$ce""ence9 tra1itiona" Chinese ,artia" arts shou"1 reach 3e4on1 the incessant an1 use"ess strugg"e 6or su0re,ac4 a,ong st4"es/


!he .i1th o6 2aster Liang Chao 5unEs ,artia" arts <no."e1ge ranges 6ro, Shao"in 5uan to 5i @ong inc"u1ing Fagua 7hang an1 tra1itiona" Chinese ,assage/ 2aster Liang ,a4 choose a,ong these various st4"es an1 techni=ues9 .hich ,a4 3e taught "ater on 1uring training sessions/ %& SHA LIN !UAN ' LIU HE MEN Liu he =uan or > :ar,onies 3o$ing :ei :u 5uan ou 3"ac< tiger 3o$ing 5ing Long 5uan ou green 1ragon 3o$ing 7i 2u Lian :uan 5uan Liu :e ?ao or Liu :e 3roa1 s.or1 Liu :e Shuang ?ao or 1ou3"e 3roa1 s.or1 Liu :e ;an ?ao or "ong 3roa1 s.or1 Fa Cian Gian or * i,,orta"s s.or1 Liu :e Shuang Gian ou 1ou3"e "ight s.or1 ;un Wu Gian or ;un Wu s.or1 Liu :e 5iang or Liu :e s0ear Liu :e @un or Liu :e sta66 Liu :e ?a ?ao ou ha"3er1 Shuang @ou or 1ou3"e hoo< Fa Fu @ou9 co1i6ie1 2 0erson co,3at ?ui Lian 5uan9 co1i6ie1 2 0erson co,3at 3ase1 on vita" 0oints 5in Ha ?ui Lian9 co1i6ie1 2 0erson co,3at 3ase1 on 5in Ha ;ong Shou ?uo ?ao9 co1i6ie1 2 0erson co,3at9 6ree han1 versus 3roa1 s.or1 ?ui Pi Gian9 6or,e co1i6ie1 2 0erson co,3at9 "ight s.or1 versus "ight s.or1

(& WU"ANG !UAN 7hang San Feng !ai Gi 5uan

7hang San Feng !ai Gi Gian &"ight s.or1( Les 1' ,ove,ents o6 Wu1ang !ai Gi !ai Gi 3roa1 s.or1 Long Cin Gian or ?ragon .a"< s.or1 Wu1ang Gian ou s0ecia" Wu1ang s.or1 &2 0erson 6or,( )& TAI *I !UAN

)* ,ove,ents o6 Dang st4"e !ai Gi Chen st4"e !ai Gi Dang st4"e !ai Gi 3roa1 s.or1 Dang st4"e !ai Gi S0ear Dang st4"e !ai Gi sta66 +& ,ING -I !UAN .st/le du He0ei1

Wu Cing 5uan Wu Cing Lian :uan 5uan Gi Cing or Chic<en 6or, 2a Cing or :orse 6or, :u Po She Cing or Ser0ent 6or, !ou Cing Dao Cing Ding Cing or +ag"e 6or, Wu Cing ?ao 5 6or, 3roa1 .or1 2& 3AGUA 4HANG or the 5 T$IG$AM 3 ,ING

Fa @ua 7hang Fa @ua 3roa1 .or1 Fa @ua "ight s.or1 Fa @ua 1ou3"e hoo< Fa @ua ?ui Lian or 2 0erson Fa @ua 6or, 6& T$A"ITI NAL C M3AT and SAN"A

!ra1itiona" co,3at techni=ues9 0h4sica" e$ercises an1 0re0aration 6or San1a co,0etition/ 7& LU HAN MEN

Ciao Luo :an ?a Luo :an Luo :an co,3at techni=ues &Hei Fa !ui9 Wai Fa !ui9 Hei Fa Chui9 Wai Fa Chui(

Din Dong 5uan &6ree han1( Din Dong Gian &"ight s.or1( Din Dong @un &sta66( Din Dong ?ao &3roa1 s.or1( Din Dong 5iang &s0ear( */ T$A"ITI NAL CHINESE MASSAGE .Medical8 !i Gon#91

!aught 34 guest e$0erts/

In vie. o6 the intensive 0ractice9 an1 the variet4 o6 its teaching 0rogra,,e9 the Internationa" !ra1itiona" Chinese 2artia" Arts Wan Laisheng Institute o66ers severa" "engths o6 resi1ence &ranging 6ro, 1,onth to 2 4ears(/ As a"rea14 ,entione19 the Centre is accessi3"e to 3oth 3eginners as .e"" as e$0erience1 0ractitioners .ho are 1esirous to i,0rove an1 1ee0ene1 their "eve" o6 ,artia" 0ractice9 6or it is <no.n that the "onger the sta4 the richer the e$0erience/ !he cost o6 0ractice at the Institute is arriva"% For 1 .ee< I For 2 .ee<s I For ' .ee<s I 6or 1 ,onth I as 6o""o.s % 0a4,ent .i"" 3e e66ecte1 cash u0on (2: euros +:: euros 2:: euros 6:: euros

!he a3ove Fees inc"u1e % Teachin#8 ;ood and Lod#in# Fo""o.ing the 6irst ',onths 0erio1J the su, o6 1200KSL .i"" 3e sett"e1 ever4 ' ,onths9 34 3an< trans6er on an Account in China/ !he re6erence o6 .hich .i"" 3e co,,unicate1 to 4ou 3e6ore 1e0arture/ Mn"4 stu1ents .hich have sett"e1 the cost o6 their resi1ence .i"" 3e a3"e to sta4 at the Institute/ Registration is ,a1e 34 Fa$ 2 ,onths 0rior the 1ate o6 arriva"9 inc"u1ing/ 0ass0ort 0hotoco04 a ,e1ica" certi6icate con6ir,ing the a0titu1e at 0racticing ,artia" art a ,artia" CN All insurances such as medical care are at the student's expense.

For registration or co,0"e,entar4 in6or,ation 0"ease contact % Association Wan Laisheng France 29 av Corentin Cariou 75 019 Paris France !e" #Fa$ % &''( &0(9 5) ') 11 1*

WAH LAIS:+H@ IH!+RHA!IMHAL IHS!I!K!+ MF !RA?I!IMHAL C:IH+S+ 2AR!IAL AR!S 7han8iang O China Registration .ith ,e1ica" certi6icate shou"1 3e ,a1e t.o ,onths 0rior to the sta4/ In6or,ation .i"" 6o""o. # For,u"aire 1Pinscri0tion Q renvo4er 2 ,ois avant "e 1e0art avec certi6icat ,R1ica" va"i1e/ Les in6or,ations concernant "es trans6erts &Canton 7han8iang( vous seront co,,uni=uRes Q sa rRce0tion/
Fa,i"4 Ha,e# Ho, %SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS @iven Ha,e #PrRno, % ?ate o6 Firth # ?ate 1e Haissance% Hationa"it4 # Hationa"itR % A11ress # A1resse % Phone Hu,3er # Ho 1e tR"R0hone % +,ai" % ?escri0tion o6 4our ,artia" e$0erience # ?escri0tion 1e votre CN ,artia"e % T Fa$ % // # /// # A T Se$ # Se$e % T Mccu0ation # Pro6ession % Photo

2artia" art chosen # ?isci0"ine envisagRe % ?ate o6 arriva" # ?ate 1ParrivRe % # # Length # ?urRe % 1 2onth # 2ois 2 2onths # 2ois Sen1 a 1e0osit o6 100 +uros 6or reservation # Goin1re un che=ue 1e 100 +uros 1e non re,3oursa3"es Q ce 6or,u"aire/ 6rais

Pa4 to # Q "Por1re 1e % 2r LIAH@ Chao 5un9 29 av 1e Corentin Cariou 75019 Paris France/ Signature %

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