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Kinetic roughening of a ZnO grain boundary

Sung Bo Lee,1,a兲 Young-Min Kim,2 Dong-Su Ko,1 Tae-Young Ahn,1 Young-Woon Kim,1
and Jucheol Park1
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-744,
Republic of Korea
Korea Basic Science Institute, Daejeon 305-333, Republic of Korea
共Received 15 February 2010; accepted 16 April 2010; published online 12 May 2010兲
Using a model ZnO bicrystal, we examine grain boundary kinetics by high-resolution transmission
electron microscopy. The grain boundary undergoes a transition from atomically stepped to
undulating appearances with increasing driving force for migration at a given temperature,
producing clear evidence that grain boundaries undergo kinetic roughening. © 2010 American
Institute of Physics. 关doi:10.1063/1.3428369兴

Crystalline interfaces are observed to undergo kinetic Here we report clear evidence of kinetic roughening of a
roughening at sufficiently high driving forces for GB in a model ZnO bicrystal examined by high-resolution
migration.1–6 Kinetic roughening is understood in relation to transmission electron microscopy 共HRTEM兲. The GB in the
thermal roughening transition.7–9 Below the thermal rough- bicrystal was subject to driving forces for migration provided
ening transition temperature, TR, at small driving forces in- by the difference in surface energy between the two grains.
terfaces are smooth, and because of the existence of the free At a given temperature, with increasing driving force for
energy required to form a step on a crystalline terrace surface migration, the GB changed from atomically stepped to undu-
关step free energy, or two-dimensional 共2D兲 nucleation bar- lating, suggesting a transition from stepwise to continuous
rier兴, migration is mediated by 2D nucleation or by growth migration mechanisms and thus satisfying the criterion for
spirals supplied by screw dislocations 共stepwise mechanism兲, kinetic roughening.1–4
exhibiting a nonlinear, exponential relationship between mi- In the present study, we used as a model system a pure
gration rate, and driving force. With increasing driving force, ZnO bicrystal with a GB with a misorientation relationship
an interface which migrates by a stepwise mechanism is cov- of 关0001兴/30° bounded by 共101̄0兲 and 共112̄0兲 planes, whose
ered by many 2D clusters, steps becoming heavily kinked dimensions were 10共w兲 ⫻ 5共h兲 ⫻ 0.5共t兲 mm3 关Fig. 1共a兲兴.
and thus having a large width.1,2 At a critical driving force Cross-section TEM specimens were prepared from the bic-
for migration, the width of a step exceeds the radius of the rystal on a focused Ga-ion beam 共FIB兲 workstation to, as a
2D nucleus1 and the step formed by the 2D nucleus loses its result, be composed of two grains with surface normal direc-
“identity” in the background of the interface, as discussed by tions of 关112̄0兴 and 关101̄0兴 关Fig. 1共b兲兴. All FIB-prepared
Peteves and Abbaschian.2 Thus it is proposed that, under specimens were cleaned in a laboratory-built plasma etcher
such nonequilibrium conditions, the step free energy goes to at a negative specimen bias of 150 V using Ar-25 vol % O2
zero and the interface becomes rough.1,2,4 A rough interface mixed gas to remove surface damage and Ga contamination
advances by local migration of the interface normal 共continu- induced by Ga ions during FIB.12 Their removal was con-
ous mechanism兲, its migration rate showing a linear relation- firmed by energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy equipped at a
ship with driving force. The transition from stepwise to TEM operating at 400 keV 共JEM-4010, JEOL, Co., Ltd.,
continuous migration regimes at a critical driving force is Japan兲. The prepared specimens were annealed at 626 ° C
called kinetic roughening.1–4 Above TR, a crystalline inter- 共0.4 Tm兲 for 1 h, where Tm is the melting temperature of
face is already rough in equilibrium. Kinetic roughening of ZnO in absolute scale 共2248 K兲, in a high-voltage TEM op-
crystal-melt2,5 and crystal-vapor interfaces6 has been inten- erating at 1.25 MeV 共JEOL JEM-ARM1300S, JEOL, Co.,
sively studied but that of grain boundaries 共GBs兲 has re- Ltd., Japan兲 and after cooling to room temperature the GB
mained unexplored. structure was examined. 共With increasing temperature during
Lee and Kim10 observed that a ⌺5 GB in SrTiO3 under- in situ observation, knock-on damage by high-energy elec-
goes a transition from lateral motion of atomic steps to a trons would not be negligible.13 Actually, in the present
continuous mechanism with increasing temperature from 700 study, specimens were observed to be severely damaged un-
to 900 ° C. They interpreted the observation as being an in- der the illumination of the electron beam, even at the tem-
dication of kinetic roughening because the thermal roughen- perature of 200 ° C or above. This is the reason why we
ing transition temperature of the SrTiO3 GB 共approximately heated up and annealed specimens without beam and ob-
1600 ° C兲 is much higher than the annealing temperatures.11 served them ex situ at room temperature.兲
However, in the previous work,10 the experimental criterion Thickness of the specimens was determined by electron
for kinetic roughening,1–4 such as the transition from flat to energy loss spectroscopy 共EELS兲 log-ratio method14 using
curved GB shapes with increasing driving force for migra- the GATAN® DigitalMicrograph® software in a field-emission
tion, was not explored, which must have been addressed to TEM operating at 200 keV 共Tecnai F20, Eindhoven, The
characterize kinetic roughening of the GB. Netherlands兲.
Figure 1共c兲 shows the initial microstructure of the
Electronic mail: boundary between the 关112̄0兴 and 关101̄0兴 grains before an-

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191906-2 Lee et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 191906 共2010兲

FIG. 2. HRTEM images of the grain boundary in the specimen annealed at

626 ° C. 共a兲 In the region at a specimen thickness of ⬃50 nm, the grain
boundary shows atomic steps. 共b兲 The grain boundary at a thinner specimen
FIG. 1. Crystallographic geometry of the bicrystal used and initial micro-
thickness of ⬃24 nm migrates from the 关112̄0兴 into the 关101̄0兴 grain, ex-
structures of the grain boundary in the specimen. 共a兲 Schematic diagram of
hibiting a curved shape. A moiré pattern is observed. Inset of 共b兲: Fourier
the top view 共10⫻ 5 mm2兲 of the bicrystal with a grain boundary with a
transform of 共b兲. 共c兲 Enlarged image of the moiré pattern shown in 共b兲. 共d兲 A
misorientation relationship of 30°/关0001兴 bounded by 共101̄0兲 and 共112̄0兲 translational moiré fringe obtained by superposing the two experimentally
planes. 共b兲 Scanning electron microscopy image taken during preparation of
obtained 关112̄0兴 and 关101̄0兴 grain lattices. 共e兲 Morphology of the grain
a cross-section FIB TEM specimen prepared from the bicrystal shown in 共a兲.
boundary near the region shown in 共b兲. Inset of 共e兲: Fourier transform of 共e兲.
The resulting FIB specimen had a thickness gradient, assuming a wedge
shape. 共c兲 HRTEM image of the grain boundary in the specimen before
stress contrasts. Double diffraction reflections produced by
the superposed 关112̄0兴 and 关101̄0兴 grains are shown in the
nealing. The GB was atomically flat. A calculated HRTEM Fourier transform 共inset兲 of Fig. 2共b兲. Such migration behav-
image based on the multislice method, which is implemented ior was also observed in a neighboring area, as shown in Fig.
in the MacTempas software package,15 proves the image to 2共e兲, whose moiré fringe and double diffraction spots were
be the structure of 关112̄0兴 oriented ZnO 关inset in Fig. 1共c兲兴. analogous to that shown in Fig. 2共b兲.
Figure 2 shows a HRTEM image of the GB of a specimen Since the specimens were observed at room temperature
annealed at 626 ° C 共0.4 Tm兲 with specimen thicknesses after annealing at the high temperature without beam and
ranging from 24 to 50 nm. For the region whose thickness effects of local beam heating was calculated to be negligible
approximated to 50 nm 关Fig. 2共a兲兴, the GB demonstrated 共⌬T = ⬃ 0.04 K兲 due to the high thermal conductivity of
highly populated, atomic steps 共indicated by arrows兲 with a ZnO 共100 W m−1 K−1兲, the observed GB migration shown
height of 0.28 nm corresponding to the interplanar spacing of in Fig. 2 was not affected by any beam irradiation effects. In
the 共101̄0兲 plane of the 关112̄0兴 grain 共marked in the figure兲. addition to the annealing at 626 ° C, we annealed some
The steps was not observed before annealing 关Fig. 1共c兲兴, sug- specimens at 200 and 400 ° C 共whose microstructures are not
gesting a stepwise migration mechanism during annealing. shown here兲. As for the specimen annealed at 626 ° C, their
In a thinner region of the specimen, of which thickness was GB structures were examined after cooling them down to
determined to be about 24 nm, however, the 关112̄0兴 grain room temperature, but boundary migration could not be ob-
served. This indicates that those temperatures 共200 and
locally grew into the 关101̄0兴 one without the requirement of
400 ° C兲 are not high enough for thermal activation for GB
atomic steps, exhibiting a curved GB shape and a moiré
migration and provides evidence that the migration behavior
fringe 关Figs. 2共b兲 and 2共c兲兴. The observed moiré fringe was
shown in Fig. 2 corresponds to the structures annealed at
well matched with a translational moiré pattern 关Fig. 2共d兲兴
626 ° C.
formed by superposing the experimentally obtained 关112̄0兴 In the present study, the driving force for GB migration
and 关101̄0兴 grain lattices and thus had no rotational and is provided by the difference in surface energy between the
Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see
191906-3 Lee et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 191906 共2010兲

two grains, ⌬␥, because the 共112̄0兲 plane is calculated to curvature of the same order of magnitude and, taking into
account that the radius of curvature is an order of magnitude
have a lower surface energy than the 共101̄0兲 plane 共2.0 J / m2
larger than the mean radius of an individual grain,19 to finer
and 3.4 J / m2, respectively兲,16 which explains the direction
nanometer-scale grain radii. The HRTEM of kinetic rough-
of GB migration from the 关112̄0兴 grain to the 关101̄0兴 one. ening of bicrystalline GBs is envisaged to help us explore
The driving force is given by 2⌬␥ / d, where d is the speci- GB structure in nanocrystalline 共NC兲 materials. Kinetic
men thickness. For example, the specimen thickness of about roughening, which is likely to be accelerated at finer grain
24 nm, where the GB in the specimen annealed at 626 ° C sizes, might produce a clue to the origin of larger grain
was observed to become undulating, corresponds to a driving boundary diffusivities21 and thus higher creep and
force of ⬃108 Pa. superplasticity22 in NC materials than in ordinary polycrys-
For a crystalline surface, where a 2D nucleus on the tals, because roughened GBs are expected to show higher
terrace surface is a circular disk with an atomic height of h,
GB diffusivities than unroughened ones. This idea stimulates
with a step free energy, ␧, the 2D nucleation rate is given by

冉 冊
further study.
␲␧2 The results presented here produce evidence that GBs
v ⬀ exp − , undergo kinetic roughening like other crystalline interfaces,
which was identified in HRTEM investigations of a model
where k is the Boltzmann constant, T temperature, and ⌬g ZnO bicrystalline GB. Our present observations seem to in-
the driving force for nucleation.17 Below TR, as mentioned dicate the possible correlation between GB kinetic roughen-
above, with increasing driving force, ⌬g, to a critical value, ing and structures of GBs in NC materials. By extension, the
⌬gⴱ, the step free energy, ␧, decreases to zero. At and above concept of GB kinetic roughening can be applied to a wide
the critical driving force, ⌬gⴱ, eventually, the surface be- range of practical applications, such as heat treatments of
comes kinetically roughened and the variation in migration metal and ceramic polycrystalline materials, where under-
rate, v, with ⌬g turns from exponential 共stepwise mecha-
standing of GB structure and migration is crucial.
nism兲 to linear 共continuous mechanism兲.1–4 The above equa-
tion holds the following for GBs:1 h is an atomic step height This research was supported by the National Research
on the GB plane, ␧ the step free energy of the GB, and ⌬g Foundation of Korea 共NRF兲 funded by the Ministry of Edu-
the driving force for GB migration. For the specimen an- cation, Science, and Technology 共Grant No. 2009-0085412兲
nealed at 626 ° C 共Fig. 2兲, with decreasing specimen thick- 共RIAM兲.
ness 共in other words, increasing driving force for migration兲,
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