Annotated Bibliography Essay

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Newman English 101: Rhetoric 16 September 2013 Statement of Scope for the Annotated Bibliography Work is already hard enough for many Americans to find. Having more people come into the US seeking work makes job hunting impossible. Working in the Shadows shows how immigrants work hard to get money but also show how they would do anything to have a job. Even if it means working in hard conditions, longer hours and receiving such little pay. The increase of immigrants brings in more consumers helping the economy. If immigrants help the country prosper, it should be acceptable that they are taking jobs that Americans will not do. This essay will explore both the positive and negative perspective of having immigrants live in our country. It will also explore their role in the American workforce. From many mouths, it has been said that illegal aliens help our country prosper. And from the opposing view, that these aliens are ruining our economy. The opposing views believe that immigrants are the reason that the wages of Americans are being cut down. From the Americans who support immigrants rights to be here, they believe immigrants play an important role in our economy. They have a firm belief that they are doing the country good, helping America become more strong. This selected bibliography includes research on how immigrant workers help and hurt our economy. Dobbs and Wian believe that the immigrants are the cause of lower wages of Americans and that our government takes our hardworking money to give to the illegal immigrants. Martin and Midgley are the very few who believe immigrants are a huge success in Americas economy. They believe that immigrants help our country strengthen and bring more consumers and workers that will work more with little pay. Newman interviewed an American who has lost his job and struggles to find work due to the amount of immigrants who stole many jobs. Rudin, who was interviewed by Newman stated that government should not give taxpayer money to these immigrants, which is lead to be the cause of lowered wages for American workers. While seeking a new job, he has also shared that he left each work place seeing an immigrant working while he a US citizen struggling to find work himself.

Annotated Bibliography Dobbs, Lou, and Casey Wian. "Encore Presentation: Broken Borders." Elibrary. N.p., 5 Nov. 2006. Web. 16 Sept. 2013. When immigrants come take the jobs in America it lowers the wages of American workers. Governments find it beneficial that they can work for smaller amount of money believing it helps the country. Even though these immigrants are illegal, they still cost the country billions of dollars each year. Martin, Phillip, and Elizabeth Midgley. "Immigration: Shaping and Reshaping America." Population Bulletin 1 June 2003: 3. elibrary. Web. 16 Sept. 2013. Immigrants help benefit our country in so many ways. They help out the economy by expanding our population and providing more consumers and more workers which help the economy grow. Coming to America and working helps them by both bettering their lives and their families while helping the U.S become stronger. Newman, Alex. "Immigration News Update." New American 20 July 2009: 10-16. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 16 Sept. 2013. Rudin was let go of his job as a forklift driver and his job was then given to immigrants who don't even speak spanish. He believes it's a shame that he can not find a job in his own country but people who are immigrants get the job so easily. Though he understands that immigrants are just seeking a better life, he believes that the government should stop giving taxpayer money to immigrants which leads to the wages of Americans to be cut. Preston, Julia. "A Slippery Place in the U.S. Work Force." New York Times 22 Mar. 2009: A1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 16 Sept. 2013. Since many immigrants don't have much paperwork it is hard for them to file for unemployment like U.S citizens. So they take

whatever work they can find no matter the condition. They work more hours and payed so little. Romo, Harriet. "Immigrants, Guest Workers, and Policy Issues: Perspectives on Mexican Transnationalism." Latin American Politics and Society 1 Apr. 2009: n. pag. elibrary. Web. 16 Sept. 2013. For many years Mexican immigrants cross the border to the U.S in search for work. Workers were charged a transportation fee by the labor recruiters. They were also lied to about promised wages and put in poor housing.

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