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OHA-AMH Problem Gambling Prevention Coordinators Monthly Connect Call in Information 1-877-336-1828 Code 907760 December 6, 2013 Minutes

10:00am-11:30am *Questions or additions to this agenda should be directed to Greta Coe at or you can call 503-945-6187. Time Topic Participation: Julie (Lane County), Nancy (Multnomah County), Marissa and Kelly (Benton County), Debbie (Lake County), Jessica (Deschutes County), Lisa (Marion County), Andy (Washington County), Deanne (Union County), Bonnie (Umatilla County) Agenda Items: State Updates Natashas departure and staff updates: As of December 1, Natasha returned to work for the State of Alaska and discontinue her contract with Oregon. The position description for PG Prevention Coordinator has been provided to Human Resources of OHA/DHS. Due to the access issues with Cover Oregon and having to hire numerous staff to manual input and approve applications, this has caused an increase in the workload of HR and delayed other program positions waiting for recruitment. At this time there is no real idea of time and where this position lands within a long list of other positions waiting for recruitment within DHS/OHA. Hopeful to have position recruited for and filled by March 2014. 2014 Awareness Calendars and Flyer: The initial distribution of 2014 calendars has been completed. AMH still has a few additional boxes, so please request additional amounts via Patricia at These calendars need to get into the hands of the public as it is almost mid-December and 2014 is right around the corner. The flyer for 2015 student artwork recruitment is currently at the Publications office being designed and will be printed and distributed around mid-January. Training and Meeting Schedule for 2014: Greta and Simon are working on

developing a 2014 schedule for PG trainings and meetings and hope to have an initial draft available in mid-January. Anticipate an All Provider gotomeeting in February and collaborative conference with Evergreen Council (Washington State) in Vancouver in April. Future Meeting Dates and Time: Discussion on the value of the meetings, to continue and future dates and times. Response from group- Meetings are very valuable to stay in touch and get updates. Agreement that first Fridays of the month was a good day and will shorten time to 10-11 am. Check In and Sharing: Debbie from Lake County- How do you get schools/teachers and kids to participate in calendar artwork? Response from group- Provide prizes for kids and teachers, develop relationships with health teachers and provide short presentations in classroom to distribute calendars and talk about the campaign. Jessica in Deschutes County: Challenge with tx provider not getting referral and admission rates down. Prevention and tx are starting to work more closely together, however looking for examples of venues and messaging and other things to do. Response from group- Radio PSA, cheap form of media (Lane County PSA Looked at strategies to determine why particular populations were not being assessed (Marion County). Tx and prevention providers going into jail to do assessments and presentation and referring to tx when released (Washington County). Secret shopper by calling tx agency and acting as client and experience the customer service and response the public gets in order to determine where changes might be made (Washington County). Group presentations, speaking engagement, and use of Voice of Problem Gambling Speakers Bureau. Voices Contacts: Wes Woods ( Andy in Washington County: Asked the group if they use the 1-877 helpline number or local tx provider numbers when doing outreach and on materials. Response from group- Group always uses the 1-877 and sometimes use both. Nancy in Multnomah County: Reported that their contracts person at the

county is on medical leave and she might have to cover some of the duties as they have numerous gambling contracts to be completed and this may limit her focus on problem gambling for a while. Workforce Policy Development (Julie Hynes and Lisa Miller): Provided an update the Julie, Lisa and Becca met and there are draft policy templates on the prevention coordinators web page at:

Oregonian Series on Problem Gambling: Recent series of articles in the Oregonian on problem gambling and the Lottery. All articles are posted on the prevention coordinators web page at: s_guide_t.html Student Wellness Data: New data just came out. For those that did not receive the email, as you might not be a substance abuse prevention coordinator, Greta via Patricia Alderson will forward email sent by Pride (organization that conducts the survey) and send to all PG Prevention Coordinators. Please review for agenda item at next meeting. Agenda Items for Next Meeting 2014 Awareness Week Planning Dialogue- what is/should counties/state do and consistent messaging Oregon Health Teen (OHT) Survey New Electronic Gambling Machines at Lottery Retailer Venues Behavior and Attitude Tracking Study Commission by the Lottery

Next meeting January 3, 2014 10:00am-11:00am 1-877-336-1828 Code: 90776

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