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READING REPORT Students Name Teachers Name Course : Jorge Vargas : Amparo : Advance 2 Time : 1:30 3:30

The Unintended (and Deadly) Consequences of Living in the Industrialized World Summary (150 to 300 words) The article The Unintended (and Deadly) Consequences of living in the Industrialized World by Andrew Curry tell us about a research that try to explain why developed countries are dealing with immunological illnesses in higher rates than in nondeveloped countries. Mikael Knip who is a physician and researcher from University of Helsinki is collecting tissue samples from children in Russia, Finland and near to Estonia in order to find out why Finland's diabetes is increasing. He thinks that the answer is dirt. For conducting his research he traveled to Petrozavodsk in Russia that seems to be the perfect place because is near to Finland and children share similarities that can help to discover the answer to this mystery but things are not easy, they are dealing with some problems that do not allow to advance the research, people are not willing to help and bureaucracy, but Knip is working hard. Other researches support this idea like the asthma study conducted by Erika von Mutius in Germany where the results showed that children from Leipzig, where had high air pollution, had lower rates of asthma than children from Munich and a study in rural Switzerland and Bavaria that find out children from full farmers had less allergies than children from non-farmers also a study in Arizona showed babies who lives with dogs are less likely to have asthma. Knips explanation says that developed countries like Finland are to clean and these cleanness do not let immunological system develops properly in children instead of non-developed countries where there are less hygiene, children immunological system work more as consequence children have less allergies and immunological illnesses.

This format January 2012 Idiomas Catlica se reserva el derecho de utilizar el contenido de este documento para fines acadmicos, salvaguardando la identidad del autor.

Personal Opinion (Min. 50 words for 150-word summaries | Min. 100 words for 300-word summaries)

I think the results are interesting and help to understand how our body work, sometimes our parents try to take care of us do not let us go out or keeping us in the house when we are child but this research can encourage parents to let their children be exposure to germs sometimes. I hope that someday in Peru it kinds of researches were conducted because in the highlands or jungle there are a lot of illnesses that we do not how to treat yet.

For Teachers Use

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