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Once upon a time there was a young woman named Mary. She lived in a town called Nazareth.

Mary was soon to be married to a poor carpenter named Joseph. One night, the angel Gabriel came to visit her. Mary woke up when her room filled with a wonderful light. What is happening? she asked in surprise.

Dont be afraid, Mary. The angel Gabriel said. I have come to tell you that you will be the mother of Gods Son. His name will be Jesus. The angels words made Mary very happy. She knew that God was blessing her.

Several months later Caesar Augustus, the great king, told everyone that they must return to the place where their family had come from to pay taxes. This meant that Mary and Joseph had to go to Bethlehem. It was a long trip and Mary was soon to have her baby. When they arrived in Bethlehem they looked and looked for a place to stay, but there were so many people that every place was full.

Finally they knocked at the door of an old inn. Joseph pleaded, Weve travelled all the way from Nazareth and my wife is about to have a baby. We must find a place to stay. The innkeeper thought for a moment . Well, maybe I can help you, he said. You see, I have a stable down the road. Its nothing fancy, but you can stay there if you like.

Joseph and Mary were very grateful. It was certainly an unusual place to have a baby, but they were very thankful to God for providing it. That very night, a little boy was born to Mary. She wrapped him in blankets to keep him warm and laid him in a manger. A manger is a kind of box that the farmers put hay in to feed the animals and that was the first bed that Jesus had.

Some shepherds were watching their sheep out on the hillside when suddenly the sky was filled with a beautiful light! An angel appeared saying, Glory to God in the highest! Peace on earth to men of good will! At first, the shepherds were afraid and wondered what was happening. But then the angel told them, Dont be afraid, for today a Savior, Christ the Lord, is born in Bethlehem. You will find him in a stable, lying in a manger.

The shepherds left their sheep on the hillside and went down to Bethlehem. They found Jesus in the manger, just as the angel had told him. When they left, they told everyone what they had seen and heard. And that is the story of the very first Christmas, when God sent us Jesus, His son.

A Christmas Prayer
"Jesus, please come into my heart and fill me with your love. Help me to learn to be kind and how to make other people happy. Thank you!"

Courtesy of Text and art Aurora Productions. Used by permission.

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