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Bluetooth provides support for three general application are~s using shortrange wireless connectivity: 1) Data and voice access points: Bluetooth facilitates real-time voice and data transmissions by providing effortless wireless connection of portable and stationary communications devices. 2) Cable replacement: Bluetooth eliminates the need for numerol s, often proprietary, cable attachments for connection of practically any kind of ~ommunication device. Connections are instant and are maintained even when ~evices are not within line of sight. The range of each radio is approximately 1Dm but can be extended to 100 m with an optional amplifier. 3) Ad hoc networking: A device equipped with a Bluetoc~th radio can establish instant connection to another Bluetooth radio as so~:m as it comes into range. RADIO SPECIFICATION The Bluetooth radio specification is a short document that gives the basic details of radio transmission for Bluetooth devices. Some of the key parametl~rs are summarized in Table 15.2. One aspect of the radio specification is a definition of three classes of transmitters based on output power: Class 1: Outputs 100 mW (+20 dBm) for maximum range, with a minimum of 1 mW (0 dBm). In this class, power control is mandatory, ra:lging from 4 to 20 dBm. This mode provides the greatest distance. Class 2: Outputs 2.4 roW (+4 dBm) at maximum, with a minimum of 0.25 mW (-6 dBm). Power control is optional. Class 3: Lowest power. Nominal output is 1 mW. Bluetooth makes use of the 2.4-GHz band within the ISM (industrial, scientific, and medical) band. In most countries, the bandwid1h is sufficient to define 79 I-MHz physical channels (Table 15.3). Power control is t.sed to keep the devices from emitting any more RF power than necessary. The power control algorithm is implemented using the link management protocol bet", een a master and the slaves in a piconet. Modulation for Bluetooth is Gaussian FSK, with a binary one represented by a positive frequency deviation and a binary zero represented by a negative frequency deviation from the center frequenc:'. The minimum deviation is 115 kHz.

Physical Links Two types of links can be established between a master and a slave: Synchronous connection oriented (SCQ): Allocates a I'ixed bandwidth between a point-to-point connection involving the master a!nd a single slave. The master maintains the SCO link by using reserved slots at regular intervals. The basic unit of reservation is two consecutive slots (one in each transmission direction). The master can support up to the simultaneous SCO links while a slave can support two or three SCO links.SCO packets are never retransmitted. i Asynchronous connectionless (ACL): A pOint-to-mUltiPOint]llink between the master and all the slaves in the piconet. In slots not reserved br SCO links, the master can exchange packets with any slave on a perslot I)asis, including a slave already engaged in an SCO link. Only a single ACL link can exist. For most ACL packets, packet retransmission is applied. SCO links are used primarily to exchange time-bounded daJ!l requiring guaranteed data rate but without guaranteed delivery. One example, us !:d in a number of Bluetooth profiles, is digitally encoded audio data with built-in tolerance to lost data. The guaranteed data

rate is achieved through the reservation of a particular number of slots. I ACL links provide a packetswitched style of connection. No bandwidth reservation is possible and delivery may be guaranteed through error detection and retransmission. A slave is permitted to return an ACL packet in th !~ slave-tomaster slot if and only if it has been addressed in the preceding master-Io-slave slot. For ACL links, I-slot, 3slot, and 5-slot packets have been defined. I)ata can be sent either unprotected (although ARQ can be used at a higher layer) & protected with a 2/3 forward error correction code. The maximum data rate that c 1m be achieved is with a 5-slot unprotected packet with asymmetric capacity allocation, resulting in 721 kbps in the forward direction and 57.6 kbps in the reverse direction. Logical Channels of Bluetooth : Bluetooth defines five types of logical data channels designated to carry different types of payload traffic. Link control (LC): Used to manage the flow of packets over the link interface. The LC channel is mapped onto the packet header. This channel carries low level link control information like ARQ, flow control, and payload characterization. The LC channel is carried in every packet except in the ID packet, which has no packet header. Link manager (LM): Transports link management information between participating stations. This logical channel supports LMP traffic and can be carried over either an SCO or ACL link. User asynchronous (UA): Carries asynchronous user data. This channel is normally carried over the ACL link but may be carried in a DV packet on the SCO link. User isochronous (UI): Carries isochronous user data.7 This channel is normally carried over the ACL link but may be carried in a DV packet on the sco link. At the baseband level, the VI channel is treated the same way as a UA channel. Timing to provide isochronous properties is provided at a higher layer. User synchronous (US): Carries synchronous user data. This channel is carried over the sco link. Channel Control The operation of a piconet can be understood in terms of the states of operation during link establishment and maintenance (Figure 15.11). There are two major states: Standby: The default state. This is a low-power state in which only the native clock is running. Connection: The device is connected to a piconet as a master or a slave.

In addition, there are seven interim substates that are used to add new slaves to a piconet. To move from one state to the other, either commands from the Bluetooth link manager are used or internal signals in the link controller are used. The sub states are as follows: Page: Device has issued a page. Used by the master to activate and connect to a slave. Master sends page message by transmitting slave's device access code (DAC) in different hop channels. Page scan: Device is listening for a page with its own DAC. Master response: A device acting as a master receives a page response from a slave. The device can now enter the connection state or return to the page state to page for other slaves.

Slave response: A device acting as a slave responds to a page from a master. If connection setup succeeds, the device enters the connection state; otherwise it returns to the page scan state. Inquiry: Device has issued an inquiry, to find the identity of the devices within range. Inquiry scan: Device is listening for an inquiry. Inquiry response: A device that has issued an inquiry receives an inquiry response. Inquiry Procedure The first step in establishing a piconet is for a potential master to identify devices in range that wish to participate in the piconet. A device begins an inquiry procedure for this purpose under the impetus of a user or application on the device. The inquiry procedure begins when the potential master transmits an ID packet with an inquiry access code (lAC), which is a code common to all Bluetooth devices. Recall that the ID packet has no header and no payload. Of the 79 radio carriers, 32 are considered wake-up carriers. The master broadcasts the lAC over each of the 32 wake-up carriers in turn. This occurs in the Inquiry state (Figure 15.11). Meanwhile, devices in the Standby state periodically enter the Inquiry Scan state to search for lAC messages on the wake-up carriers. When a device receives the inquiry, it enters the Inquiry Response state and returns an FHS packet (Table 15.5) containing its device address and timing information required by the master to initiate a connection. The master does not respond to the FHS packet and may remain in the Inquiry state until it is satisfied that all radios have been found. Once a device has responded to an Inquiry, it moves to the page scan state to await a page from the master in order to establish a connection. However, if a collision occurred in the Inquiry Response phase (two or more devices simultaneously respond to an inquiry), no page will be received and the device may need to return to the Inquiry Scan state to attempt another inquiry and response. Page Procedure Once the master has found devices within its range, it is able to establish a connection to each device, setting up a piconet. For each device to be paged, the master uses that device's address (BD_ADDR) to calculate a page frequency- hopping sequence, the aim of which is to contact the device during paging. The master pages by using an ID packet, this time with a device access code (DAC) of the specific slave. Recall that the DAC is the lower address part of the slave's device address. The slave responds by returning the same DAC ID packet to the master in the same hopping sequence (known as the page-mode-hopping sequence) that was used by the master. The master responds to this in the next master-to-slave slot with its own FRS packet, containing its device address and its real-time Bluetooth clock value. Once again, the slave sends a response DAC ID packet to the master to confirm the receipt of the master's FRS packet. The slave at this point transitions from the Slave Response state to the Connection state and begins to use the connection hopping sequence defined in the master's FRS packet. Meanwhile, the master may continue to page until it has connected to all the desired slaves; the master then enters the Connection state. Connection State For each slave, the Connection state starts with a Poll packet sent from the master to verify that the slave has switched to the master's timing and channel frequency hopping. The slave can respond with any type of packet. Once the slave is in the Connection state, it can be in one of four modes of operation: Active: The slave actively participates in the piconet by listening, transmitting, and receiving packets. The master periodically transmits to the slaves to maintain synchronization. Sniff: The slave does not listen on every receive slot (every other slot) but only on specified slots for its messages. The slave can operate in a reduced-power status the rest of the time. For sniff mode to operate, the master designates a reduced number of time slots for transmission to a specific slave. Hold: The device in this mode does not support ACL packets and goes to reduced power status. The slave may still participate in SCO exchanges. During periods of no activity, the slave is free to idle in a reduced power status or possibly participate in another piconet. Park: When a slave does not need to participate on the piconet but still is to be retained as part of the piconet, it can enter the park mode, which is a low-power mode with very little activity. The device is given a parking member address (PM_ADDR) and loses its active member (AM_ADDR) address. With the use of the park mode, a piconet may have more than seven slaves.

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