Study of Frog

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Paper I / Term II


Chapter 3 Study of Frog

Multiple Choice Questions

1) Rana tigrina is a member of the order A) Lepospondyli B) Anura C) Apoda D) Urodela Answer is B 2) he frog swims in water by! A) "owerful forward thrusts of its forelimbs# B) "owerful ba$%ward thrusts of its forelimbs# C) "owerful ba$%ward thrusts of its hind limbs# D) "owerful forward thrusts of its hind limbs Answer is C &) he tongue of frog is A) 'hort( protrusible and atta$hed at the front end# 1 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology B) 'hort( protrusible and atta$hed at the distal end# C) Long( non)protrusible and atta$hed at the front end# D) Long( protrusible and atta$hed at the front end# Answer is D* +) During hibernation or aesti,ation frog li,es upon! A) 'tored gly$ogen and fat# B) 'tored glu$ose and fat# C) 'tored star$h and fat# D) 'tored gala$tose and fat# Answer is A -) .n frog( the se/ual embra$e between male and female is $alled! A) 'pawning B) 'warming C) Aple/us D) Ample/us Answer is D 0) 1pening of re$tum in frog is termed as A) Co$$y/# B) Anus 2 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II C) Cloa$a D) Re$tum Answer is C 2) eeth in frog are A) A$rodont B) 3omodont C) "olyphyodont D) All of the abo,e Answer is D


4) he $hief nitrogenous waste material in the urine of frog is A) Ammonia B) Uri$ a$id C) Urea D) rimethylamine Answer is C* 5) 6hi$h of the following differentiates male frog from female frog7 A) 8/ternal nares B) Brow spot C) 9uptial pad 3 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II D) All of the abo,e Answer is C


1:) ;ale frog $an $roa% louder than females be$ause being A) 'tronger B) Larger in si<e C) Larger sound bo/ D) =o$al sa$s Answer is D 11) Bidder*s $anal is found in A) >idney of male frog B) >idney of frog C) estis of frog D) Li,er of frog Answer is A 12) .n frog tangore$eptors respond to A) 3eat B) ou$h C) Chemi$als D) 'mell 4 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Answer is B


1&) 'ome frogs hibernate during the winter and a,oid the harmful effe$ting of free<ing by a$$umulating A) ?at B) hyro/ine C) 'ebum D) @lu$ose Answer is D 1+) he frog most $ommonly used in <oology laboratory for disse$tions( and is also the frog that has the widest distribution( belong to the genus# A) @enus 3yla B) @enus Bufo C) @enus Rana D) @enus 'irenia Answer is C 1-) 'uitable breeding season in frog is A) 6inter season B) Rainy season C) 'pring season D) 'ummer season 5 Sharps Notes and gly$erol in their bodies

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Answer is B


Ans(er the Follo(ing ) % Mar*s Q. . !"plain in short the ha#itat of Frog Ans$ ?rogs are non) poisonous ( harmless and normally silent animals ?rogs are found near water and in or near water Afresh water la%es( ponds and streams) and in ,ery damp pla$es of land# .t li,es in water( to %eep the s%in moist to $arry on $utaneous respiration and to Bump or slip into water to es$ape from enemies#

Q.%. &hat is the food of the frog' Ans$ ?rogs are $arni,ores# 'maller frogs eat inse$ts su$h as flies( mosCuitoes( moths and dragonflies# Larger frogs will eat larger inse$ts li%e grasshoppers and worms# 'ome large frogs will e,en eat small sna%es( mi$e( baby turtles( and e,en other smaller frogs ;ost frogs will star,e before they eat a dead inse$t or animal#

Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology Q.3.Define portal syste+ )March %, 3Ans$ he ,eins( whi$h start with $apillaries in the organ from where they $olle$t blood and then end or brea% up into $apillaries in $ertain other organs( are %nown as portal ,eins( and this system is %nown as portal syste+# he name portal ,ein and the portal system portal is usually based upon the name of that parti$ular organ into whi$h it finally brea%s up# .n frog( there are two portal systems Renal portal system )ii- 3epati$ portal system

Q...&hat is a /ictitating +e+#rane') March %, 3Ans$ /ictitating +e+#rane$ he Dthird eyelidD( a thin( transparent fold of s%in at the inner angle of the eye or below the lower eyelid that $an be drawn a$ross the eyeball for prote$tion without obs$uring ,ision his membrane $loses o,er the eye whene,er the frog is in or under the water# .t $an also fli$% a$ross the eyes when the frog is out of the water( performing a useful fun$tion by $leansing and moistening the surfa$e of the eye# Q.0. &hat is the 1osture of the frog (hile floating in (ater')March %, 3Ans$ ! Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology 6hen the water of pond is ,ery deep( the frogs float on the surfa$e# .n the floating posture( the rest of the body lies Cuiet( hanging obliCuely with the hind limb moderately e/tended with the nostrils abo,e the water for breathing Q.2. !"plain Anura) March 3%, Ans$ Anura!AsalientiaE anurans( tail)less amphibians( frogs and toadsE An order of amphibians in whi$h the head Boins dire$tly into the trun%# he ,ertebral $olumn is short and there is no tail in the adult# he fore limbs are stout and long( webbed# -

hind limbs are used for Bumping and swimming# he eyes are large and high on the head# here are superfi$ial ear membranes posterior to the eyes#

All anurans lay eggs( ha,e e/ternal fertili<ation( and de,elop from tailed tadpoles# here is no Fneoteny# 'e/ualdimorphism is $ommon# he males often being smaller and ha,ing ,o$al pou$hes. here are 20:: spe$ies( widespread .intropi$al and temperate <ones#

Ans(er the Follo(ing )0 Mar*s -

" Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II


Q.4. 5i6e the general characteristics of A+phi#ians Ans$ @eneral $hara$ters of Amphibians are! 1) Amphibians are $old blooded ,ertebrates whi$h $an li,e on land and in water# 2) Amphibians show four limbs with whi$h they $an swim in water and Bump or wal% on the land( ABut .n apoda limbs are absent#) &) .n Amphibians animals e/os%eleton is absent# But in apoda animals small $y$loid s$ales are present# +) .n Amphibians the adult animals lungs are present# @ills are absent# But .n some urodelans the gills are present# -) Amphibians '%in is a respiratory organ# 0) he Amphibians s%ull is di$ondyli$#

2) Amphibians Ribs are absent# 4) .n Amphibians he body di,isible into head and trun% ail is present# 5) Amphibians Digesti,e system is well de,eloped# A well de,eloped li,er .s present# 1:) 8/ternal ear is absent# ;iddle and inner ears are present( the middle ear $olumella auris .s present# # Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology 11) Amphibians 3eart is & $hambered with 2 auri$les and 1 ,entri$le he blood $ontains R#B#C# hey are nu$leated# hey $ontain hemoglobin# 12) Blood ,as$ular system $ontain hepati$ and renal portal systems# 1&) Amphibians >idneys are mesonephri$# Urinary bladder is present# .t stores urine# 1+) Central ner,ous system is well de,eloped# he brain o$$upies $ompletely the $ranial $a,ity# he brain is di,ided into fore( mid and hind brains# Brain $ontinuous as spinal $ord# 1-) 1: pairs of $ranial ner,es will arise# 10) 'e/es are separate# 12) ;ale and female $an be indentified ) 'e/ual dimorphism# 14) .n Amphibians the life history a lar,a stage may be present# 15) Amphibian 8ggs are telole$ithal( Clea,age is holoblasti$ uneCual# Q.7. 5i6e the syste+atic position of frog Ans$ 'ystemati$ position of frog! "hylum! Chordata 'ubphylum! =ertebrata Di,ision! @nathostomata 'uper$lass! etrapoda Class! Amphibia 1$ Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II 1rder! Anura 'uborder) Diplasio$oela ?amily G Ranidae ype! Rana igrina Q.8. Descri#e the ha#its of frog. Ans$


'ome of the habits of frog are des$ribed below# - 9oco+otion$ ?rog mo,es in two ways Ai) by leaping on land and by swimming in water# )i- 9eaping! .t Bumps or leaps by e/tending the hind limbs( whi$h a$t li%e springs throwing the body up into air# A frog may leap a distan$e of 1#- to 2 meters in a single Bump# 1n landing ba$% the forelimbs a$t li%e sho$% absorber# he forelimbs also manipulate and adBust the dire$tion of the Bump#

)ii-S(i++ing$ he frog swims in water by powerful ba$%ward thrusts of its hind limbs whi$h a$t li%e propellers# During their ba$%ward stro%es( the toes are spread apart and the broad webs push against water( mo,ing the body forward# 11 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II %- Feeding$


?rogs are $arni,orous and food $onsists mainly of li,ing inse$ts( worms( mollus%s( and tadpoles# he food is not $hewed but swallowed whole# 3- Croa*ing$ he $hara$teristi$s noise or sound made by frogs is %nown as $roa%ing#

.t is $ommonly heard in breeding season whi$h is a mating $all# ?rogs $an $roa% under the water and on land# .- :i#ernation and aesti6ation$ Body temperature of frogs flu$tuates with en,ironment# During ad,erse en,ironmental $onditions in $old winter or dry hot summer days( they burry in the soft damp bottom mud for prote$tion# # hey be$ome metaboli$ally ina$ti,e and stop feeding( li,ing on gly$ogen and fat stored in the body# his state of dorman$y is $alled as hibernation( whi$h o$$urs in winters and aesti,ation o$$urs in summers# 0- Ca+ouflage$ ?rogs are not easily noti$eable by their enemies as they $an $hange the $olour of their s%in to mat$h that of the en,ironment# his type of prote$ti,e $olouration is %nown as $amouflage# 12 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II


2- Breeding$ During rainy season( frogs emerge out of aesti,ation and immediately start breeding whi$h lasts from Huly to 'eptember# ;ales gather in appropriate shallow waters and start $roa%ing Bustly to attra$t females for mating or $opulation# 4- !ne+ies$ 'e,eral natural enemies eat adult frogs and tadpoles thus redu$ing( their numbers# ?rogs also ser,e as hosts for different %inds of parasites# 7- !cono+ic i+portance$ .t is used for laboratory study more often than any other animal as a ,ertebrate type# .t is a good friend of farmers as it feeds on inse$ts harmful to $rops#

Q. ,. !"plain the se"ual Di+orphis+ in frog. Ans$ se"ual di+orphis+; is the differen$es in appearan$e between males and females of the same spe$ies( 13 Sharps Notes here are some differen$es in e/ternal $hara$ters by whi$h male and female frogs $an be distinguished# 'u$h as

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology 1) ;ales are smaller and dar%er in $olour than females# 2) ;ales are slimmer while females are stouter( espe$ially when they $ontain eggs# &) ;ales $roa% loudly as they ha,e ,o$al sa$s whi$h are absent in females# he eardrum is larger in male# +) ;ales ha,e swollen $opulatory or nuptial pads on inner fingers ( espe$ially de,eloped in breeding season for grasping the females during mating# 9uptial pads are la$%ing in females# -) .n $opulating ( frogs in ample/us( the upper one is male and the lower one is female


. Descri#e the feeding and 1hysiology of digestion in frog

Ans$ ?rog is $arni,orous .t feeds on inse$ts( worms ( $rusta$eans ( mollus%s ( small fishes ( small frogs and tadpole# 14 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology "rey is $aptured by fli$%ing a$tion of tongue and swallowed whole without masti$ation# he food is passed down the oesophagus into the stoma$h#

;u$us helps in lubri$ating food# - 5astric digestion$ ?ood stays in stoma$h for suffi$ient time A 2 to & hours) he gastri$ $ontaining hydro$hlori$ a$id and en<yme pepsinogen se$reted by the gastri$ glands of stoma$h (aid in hydrolysis of proteins ( brea%ing them into peptones and proteoses# A$id se$reted %ills the ba$teria and fungi present in food ma%ing it soft# ;us$ular $ontra$tion of stoma$h wall aid in disintegration and mi/ing of digesti,e en<ymes with food# 6hen the liCuefied semi digested a$idi$ food( now $alled chy+e; rea$hes the proper state( the pylori$ sphin$ter rela/es allowing the $hyme to enter duodenum# %- <ntestinal digestion$ "resen$e of $hyme in the duodenum $auses produ$tion of se,eral intestinal hormones( li%e )i-8nterogastrone Grea$hes stoma$h through blood to stop the produ$tion of more gastri$ Bui$es with 3Cl# )ii-Chole$ysto%inin) $auses gall bladder to $ontra$t and release bile into duodenum# 15 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology )iii- 'e$retin and "an$reo<ymin together stimulate pan$reas to se$rete pan$reati$ Bui$es into duodenum# )i6- 8ntero$rinin a$ti,ates se$retion of intestinal Bui$e# he su$$us enteri$us# he important substan$es mi/ up with food in intestine( ne$essary for $ompletion of digestion# 3- A#sorption! Absorption of final produ$ts of digestion o$$urs through the wall of the intestine# ?olds with ,illi)li%e pro$esses in$rease the internal absorpti,e surfa$e# 6ater( mineral salts and other nutrients in solution are dire$tly absorbed through the epithelial lining# Carbohydrates are absorbed as glu$ose and fru$tose( while proteins as amino a$ids# hese pass into blood $apillaries in the folds( then into hepati$ portal system and into the li,er# ?atty a$ids and gly$erol pass into lymphati$ $apillaries or la$teals in the folds and so into the ,eins# .- Assi+ilation$ Absorbed food is used for two basi$ purposes of nutrition# )i-Liberation of energy during respiration and )ii-Assimilation as a part of intimate stru$ture of the animal#

1 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology 'urplus glu$ose may be either stored as gly$ogen in li,er or s%eletal mus$les( or $on,erted to fat or in$orporated in li,ing protoplasm# ?atty a$ids and gly$erol are $on,erted into fats whi$h are deposited in adipose tissues# Amino a$ids forms proteins for growth and repair or undergo deamination resulting in the formation of urea to be e/$reted by %idneys with urine#

0- !gestion! Undigested part of food is slowly mo,ed by peristalsis into re$tum for storage and preparation of fae$es# At inter,als the fae$al matter passes into $loa$a and egested through $loa$al aperture#

Q. %. Descri#e the sense organs in frog Ans$ he sensory system in$ludes re$eptors or sense organs# hese re$ei,e sensation or stimuli due to $hange in the e/ternal or internal en,ironment# ?rog has fi,e senses li%e tou$h( smell( taste( sight and hearing# - =rgans of touch or tangoreceptors$

1! Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology ?rog has numerous $utaneous sense organs or tangore$eptors present under epidermis of s%in# hese are either in the form of simple networ% of ner,e endings s$attered among $ells or as $ompa$t groups of $ells forming $orpus$les proBe$ting into papillae of epidermis# hey are sensiti,e to ,arious types of stimuli su$h as tou$h( $hemi$als( temperature# 3umidity( light( pain et$ %- =rgans of taste or taste #uds$ @ustatore$eptors or taste organs are in the form of taste buds present in small papillae on the tongue and on the floor and roof of bu$$al $a,ity# A taste bud $onsists of elongated spindle) li%e re$eptor $ells or taste) $ells ending in fine hair) li%e pro$esses for sampling food whi$h is ta%en in mouth# 3- =rgans of s+ell or olfactory organs$ 8pithelial lining of two nasal $hambers forms the olfa$tore$eptor or the organ of smell# .t $ontains tall olfa$tory re$eptor $ells with tufts of fine $ilia on their outer ends and ner,e fibres atta$hed to their inner ends# .- =rgans of sight or eyes$ "hotore$eptors or the organs of sight are the two large eyes( similar in general stru$ture and fun$tion with those of the ,ertebrates# 8a$h eyeball is roughly spheri$al and lodged inside an orbit in the dorso)lateral side of head prote$ted by eyelids# 1" Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II 0- =rgans of hearing or ears$


'tatoa$ousti$ organs meant for hearing and eCuilibrium are a pair of ears atta$hed to s%ull postero)laterally in all ,ertebrates# An ear of frog $onsists of only two parts( middle and internal ear # here are no e/ternal ears#

Q. 3. Discuss the #lood in frog and gi6e its function Ans$ Blood is the $hief $ir$ulatory fluid of the body# .t $ontains a $lear liCuid $alled plasma( in whi$h are suspended ,arious types of free $ells ( $alled blood $orpus$les# - 1las+a$ "lasma forms nearly two)third part of blood# .t $ontains 5:I of water in whi$h are dissol,ed mineral salts ( absorbed foods A sugars( proteins) e/$retory wastes A urea) ( se$retions A hormones) and other soluble substan$es# %- Corpuscles$ Blood $ells or $orpus$les are mainly of three types )i-!rythrocytes or red #lood corpuscles$

1# Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology hese are o,al ( flattened( nu$leated and bi$on$a,e in shape hey bear the respiratory pigment hemoglobin( whi$h ser,es as an o/ygen $arrier# )ii- 9eucocytes or (hite #lood corpuscles$ hese are $olourless( nu$leated and mostly amoeboid $ells of at least fi,e types# ;ost of them are phago$yti$( ingesting ba$teria and other foreign parti$les that appear in blood# And also remo,e dead old tissue $ells# he 6BC of frog are Lympho$ytes( mono$ytes and granulo$ytes#

)iii->hro+#ocytes or #lood platelets $ hese are small (nu$leated (spindle $ells playing an important role in $oagulation# ?un$tions of blood in ?rog! 1) he fun$tions of frog blood $ells are $arrying o/ygen and nutrients to $ells and ta%ing waste and $arbon dio/ide away from $ells# 2) Blood $ells also heal the s%in when $ut and fight diseases that $ome into the body#

Q. .. &hat is ga+etogenesis' Descri#e the sper+atogenesis in frog )April3%, Ans$ 5a+etogenesis! "ro$ess of formation and maturation of gametes Asperm or o,a) is $alled gametogenesis# .t o$$urs in gonads Atestes and o,aries)# he term

gametogenesis in$ludes both spermatogenesis and oogenesis# spermatogenesis or the formation of sperms( o$$urs in the testes and oogenesis or the formation of o,a(o$$urs in the o,aries# 2$ Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology Sper+atogenesis$ "rodu$tion of sperms( whi$h ta%es pla$e in the testes is %nown as spermatogenesis# Sper+atogenesis is frog$ 6hen the photoperiodism is appropriate during breeding season( the gi,en $ells undergo spermatogenesis within the testes# During this period( the walls of the seminiferous tubules produ$e spermatogonia whi$h go through mitoti$ di,isions and then the series of nu$lear $harges without mitosis# his results in the appearan$e( toward the lumen of ea$h tubule( of $lusters of mature spermato<oa# he spermatogonia are found $lose to the basement membrane of the seminiferous tubule# hese then await their turn to undergo( the maturation $hanges ne$essary for the produ$tion of spermato<oa whi$h will be ready for the breeding season# he elongated and filamentous tails of the $lustered mature spermato<oa proBe$t into the lumen of ea$h seminiferous tubule# At the pea% of spermatogeneti$ a$ti,ity( all the stages of maturation from the spermatogonium to the spermato<oon are present# he spermatogonia are always lo$ated around the periphery of the seminiferous tubule and are small( $losely pa$%ed $ells( ea$h with a granular( o,al nu$leus# .n between the spermatogonia may be found o$$asional ,ery large $ells( the primary spermato$ytes# 21 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology hese tend to be irregularly spheri$al( possessing large and ,esi$ular nu$lei# Apparently they di,ide to form se$ondary spermato$ytes almost immediately( for they are so few and far between# he se$ondary spermato$ytes are about half the si<e of the primaries( and lie toward the lumen of the tubule# hey generally ha,e a dar%ly staining nu$leus( and the $ytoplasm may be tapered toward one side# he spermatid( following another di,ision( is e,en smaller and possesses a $ondensed nu$leus of irregular shape# Clusters of spermatids appear as $lusters of granules( the dar% nu$leus being almost as small as the $ross se$tion of a sperm head# During the metamorphi$ $hanges from spermatid to spermato<oon( he inner of the two spermatid $entrioles passes into the nu$leus ( while the outer one gi,e rise to the tail li%e flagellum#

22 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology Frog >.s of testis. he mature spermato<oon a,erages about :#:& mm# in length#

.t has an elongated( solid)staining head Anu$leus) with an anterior a$rosome( pointing outwardly toward the periphery of the seminiferrous tubule# he short middle pie$e generally is not ,isible but the tail appears as a gray filamentous e/tension into the lumen(about four or more times the length of the sperm head# he mature spermato<oon is dependent upon e/ternal sour$es of nutrition so that it Boins from 2- to +: other spermato<oa( all of whose heads may be seen $on,erging into the $ytoplasm of a relati,ely large( $olumnar)type basal $ell %nown as the 'ertoli $ell# his is fun$tionally a nurse $ell( supplying nutriment to the $lusters of mature spermato<oa until su$h time as they may be liberated through the genital tra$t to fun$tion in fertili<ation#

23 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology Frog Sper+ato?oon

Q. 0. Discuss the =ogenesis in frog Ans$ .n frog( the pro$ess of ooggenesis in,ol,es the following phases# 1) "remeioti$ or multipli$ation phase 2) @rowth phase &) ;aturation phase -. 1re+eiotic or +ultiplication phase! 1,a frog is deri,ed from the primordial germ $ells that enter into the o,ary at an early stage of embryoni$ de,elopment# he primordial germ $ells di,ide mitoti$ally and produ$e a large number of oogonial $ells( whi$h di,ide through mitosis se,eral times and then stop di,iding# 'ome of these $ells grow in si<e and are $alled primary oo$yte# he oogonia whi$h fail to grow be$ome folli$le $ells# hese surround the primary oo$yte# 'u$h a group of folli$le $ells and the oo$yte is $alled o,arian folli$les# 8a$h o,ary $onsists of hundreds of su$h folli$les# %- 5ro(th phase$ As the o,um $ontributes all nutrients and other materials reCuired for the de,elopment and growth of embryo( the primary oo$yte undergoes a prolonged growth phase( and in$reases in si<e $onsiderably# 24 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology he differentiation of the o,um also o$$urs along with the growth# .nfrog( a young oo$yte measures about -: Jm in diameter( and the fully de,eloped o,um in different spe$ies measures from 1::: to 2::: Jm in diameter# Rate of growth of oo$ytes ,aries in different animal spe$ies# .n Rana pipiens the growth phase $ontinues for three years# he young primary oo$ytes start growing after the tadpole metamorphoses into a young frog# he young frog does not lay eggs upto the age of two years#

.t lays eggs only in the third year# 8,ery year a new bat$h of oo$ytes is produ$ed by the oogonial di,isions# 8,ery bat$h of eggs matures in three years# he oo$ytes grow slowly for first two years( but grow rapidly in the third year# he growth phase of the oo$ytes may be di,ided into two stages !

A) "re,itellogenesis B) =itellogenesis# A-1re6itellogenesis A#efore yol* for+ation- $ During this period of growth( the si<e of the nu$leus and amount of the $ytoplasm of oo$yte in$rease# B- @itellogenesis)yol* deposition - $ 25 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology ?ormation and deposition of yol%( or ,itellogenesis( o$$urs in the oo$ytes during the se$ond period of growth# 1o$ytes grow rapidly during ,itellogenesis .n amphibian eggs( the yol% is found in the form of large o,al granules( $alled yol% platelets# Kol% is the reser,e food of the o,um# .n amphibians( yol% platelets $ontain two main proteina$eous substan$es! phos,itin and lipo,itellin# "hos,itin is a highly phosphorylated protein( and lipo,itellin $ontains proteins and bound lipids# 3- Maturation 1hase$ he diploid primary oo$yte undergoes first meioti$ di,ision in the beginning of the growth phase# his result in small $ell $alled the first polar body and large $ell $alled se$ondary oo$yte# he se$ond phase of the meioti$ di,ision o$$urs( resulting smaller $ell $alled se$ond polar body# he larger $ell is now $alled the mature 1,um#

.n the meantime( the first polar body may di,ide into two hus at the end ( four $ells are produ$ed from one oo$yte#

1ne haploid o,um and three haploid polar bodies# 2 Sharps Notes he polar bodies soon degenerate#

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II


Q. 2. State the difference #et(een Sper+atogenesis and =ogenesis) April 3%, Ans$

Sper+atogenesis .t o$$urs in the testes @rowth phase is short (so that spermato$ytes are only twi$e the si<e of spermatogonia 'permato$ytes ha,e $ytoplasm and nu$leus with normal $ontents A primary spermato$yte di,ides eCually to form two similar se$ondary spermato$ytes A se$ondary spermato$yte also di,ides eCually ( forming two similar spermatids Upto the formation of spermatids ( the $ells often remains inter$onne$ted A spermatogonium produ$e four fun$tional spermato<oa 'permato<oa are minute streamlined( yol%less and motile# 'permatogenesis is often a $ontinuous pro$ess 'permatogenesis is usually $ompleted in the testis( so that mature sperms are released 2! Sharps Notes

=ogenesis .t o$$urs in the 1,aries @rowth phase is ,ery long ( so that oo$ytes are mu$h larger than oogonia 1o$ytes ha,e $ytoplasm ri$h in R9A( A "( en<ymes and yol% and nu$leus with giant $hromosome and large nu$leoli A primary 1o$yte di,ides uneCually to form one large se$ondary 1o$yte and one ;inute polar body# A 'e$ondary 1o$ytes also di,ides uneCually( forming one large 1otid and one minute polar body# 1ogonia are separate and surrounded by folli$le $ells# An 1ogonium produ$es one fun$tional o,um and three non) fun$tional polar bodies# 1,a are mu$h larger( rounded often with yol% and non) motile# 1ogenesis is not ne$essarily a $ontinuous pro$ess 1ogenesis is often $ompleted in the reprodu$ti,e tra$t of the female# 1r e,en in water as 1o$ytes lea,e the o,aries

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology Q. 4. &rite a short note on hi#ernation and Aesti6ation ) April %, 3%,,8 ; =ct %, Ans$ :i#ernation$ ; April 3%, %-

; April

3ibernation is a phenomenon of amphibians li,ing in temperate regions( where the low ambient temperature of winter is adeCuate to raise their own body temperature suffi$iently to allow a$ti,ity# After an animal finds or ma%es a li,ing spa$e Ahiberna$ulum) that prote$ts it from winter weather and predators( the animalDs metabolism slows dramati$ally( so it $an Lsleep awayL the winter by utili<ing its bodyDs energy stores# ACuati$ frogs su$h as the leopard frog (Rana pipiens) and Ameri$an bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) typi$ally hibernate underwater# errestrial frogs normally hibernate on land# Ameri$an toads (Bufo americanus) and other frogs that are good diggers burrow deep into the soil( safely below the frost line# 'ome frogs( su$h as the wood frog (Rana sylvatica) and the spring peeper (Hyla crucifer)( are not adept at digging and instead see% out deep $ra$%s and $re,i$es in logs or ro$%s( or Bust dig down as far as they $an in the leaf litter# hese hiberna$ula are not as well prote$ted from frigid weather and may free<e( along with their inhabitants# Aesti6ation$ Aesti,ation is similar to hibernation# .t is a dormant state an animal assumes in response to ad,erse en,ironmental $onditions( in this $ase( the prolonged dry season of $ertain tropi$al regions#

2" Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology 'e,eral spe$ies of frog are %nown to Aesti,ate# wo of the better)%nown spe$ies are the ornate horned frog (Ceratophrys ornata) from 'outh Ameri$a and the Afri$an bullfrog (Pyxicephalus adspersus)# 6hen the dry season starts( these frogs burrow into the soil and be$ome dormant# During the e/tended dry season( whi$h $an last se,eral months( these frogs perform a neat tri$%! they shed se,eral inta$t layers of s%in( forming a ,irtually waterproof $o$oon that en,elopes the entire body( lea,ing only the nostrils e/posed( whi$h allows them to breathe# hese herpetologi$al mummies remain in their $o$oons for the duration of the dry season# 6hen the rains return( the frogs free themsel,es of their shrouds and ma%e their way up through the moist soil to the surfa$e#

Q. 7. 5i6e the functions of the s*in in frog.) =ct3%, Ans$ he s%in of frog has a ,ariety of fun$tions su$h as 1)

he s%in pro,ides a prote$ti,e body $o,ering whi$h prote$ts the underlying mus$les#

2) .t a$ts as a germ proof $o,ering and prote$ts the body against foreign germs# &) he mu$us ma%es the s%in slippery whi$h prote$ts the animal by se$uring release from the enemies# +) he mu$ous and poison glands se$rete disagreeable and unpleasant fluid whi$h prote$ts the animal from enemies#

2# Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology -) he s%in also pro,ides prote$ti,e $olouration due to dispersion of $hromatophores under the influen$e of neurohumours se$reted by the ner,e endings# hus the animal $an adapt a$$ording to surroundings and is well prote$ted# 0) he thin( smooth( moist and highly ,as$ular s%in is the main respiratory organ of frog# During hibernation and aesti,ation the s%in is the only respiratory organ to %eep the animal ali,e# 2) he s%in is an effe$ient sensory organ whi$h is sensiti,e to stimulation( temperature( humidity et$# 4) he $asting of stratum $orneum in the form of %eratin remo,es the e/$retory matter of the body#'o the s%in is also regarded as e/$retory in fun$tion# 5) he mu$ous glands %eep the s%in moist and prote$t the animal against asphy/iation( 1:) he frog does not drin% water# he water balan$e of the body is maintained by absorption through the s%in# 11) he s%in in frog also helps in lo$omotion and swimming# he hind limbs are webbed whi$h enable the animal to swim# 12) he s%in of frog is also regarded as helpful in nutrition# .t is $onsidered that the s%in is $apable to se$rete an en<yme( the diastase whi$h digests $ertain $arbohydrates#

Q. 8. !"plain 6ocal sac and Cloaca) April3%,,8Ans$ @ocal sac$ 3$ Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology hese are the sound)resonating throat pou$h of male frogs and toads =o$al sa$s are outpo$%etings of the floor of the mouth( or bu$$al $a,ity# ?rogs display three basi$ types of ,o$al sa$s! a single median throat sa$( paired throat sa$s( and paired lateral sa$s# ALateral sa$s are lo$ated Bust rearward of the angle of the Baw on ea$h side of the head#) All three types( whether single or paired( open into the bu$$al $a,ity by paired slits# 8a$h slit is lo$ated on either side of the base of the tongue# A $alling frog typi$ally inflates his sa$ or sa$s prior to $alling or simultaneously with the produ$tion of the first $all# he sa$ is inflated with air from the lungs#

.f another $all is forth$oming and the male frog is not in the pro$ess of $alling( air is still held in the sa$# 'ound is produ$ed by a $ontrolled rush of air through the laryn/ and a$ross its ,o$al $ords# he resulting sound ,ibrations are amplified by the resonating Cualities of the ,o$al sa$ or sa$s# frogs broad$ast sound without e/pelling air# Air does not e/it the mouthE rather( it $y$les ba$% and forth between the bu$$al $a,ity and lungs# @enerally used in breeding season ( to $all the female frogs 31 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II


Cloaca$ he $loa$a is a short tube that e/tends from its union with the $audal end of the large intestine to the e/terior# .t is a $ommon $hamber that re$ei,es fe$es( urine( and gametes and releases them to the e/terior through the $loa$al aperture# ;ale $loa$a ser,es as a temporary reser,oir for sperm prior to fertili<ation# ?emale $loa$a is as a temporary storage site for eggs as they pass between the uterus and the e/terior#

Ans(er the Follo(ing )7 Mar*s-

Q.%,. Descri#e the !"ternal Features of Frog. Ans$ - Shape and Colour$ Body of frog is spindle G shaped( pointed anteriorly and rounded posteriorly# .t is slightly flattened dorso,entrally and streamlined to swim through water# hey body of frog is di,isible into head( trun% and limbs#

32 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology 'i<e of adult Rana tigrina ,aries from 12 to 14 $m in length and - to 4 $m in width# %- S*in and colour! '%in of ?rog is thin( moist slimy( smooth and fitting loosely on the body# '%in of ba$% has dorso) lateral folds or thi$%enings $alled dermal pli$ae# Colour of s%in is green with bla$% or brown spots dorsally but lighter pale G yellow ,entrally# A light yellow mid G dorsal line runs from tip of snout to the $loa$al opening on the ba$%# 3- :ead$ 3ead of the frog is flat ( roughly triangular in outline and with a short blunt anterior snout terminating in a wide trans,erse mouth# wo small opening( the e/ternal nares or e/ternal nostrils( lie dorsally abo,e the mouth ( it ser,es in respiration# wo ,ery large( spheri$al and protruding eyes are situated dorsolaterally on top of head# he eyes ha,e to eyelids( upper eyelid and lower eyelid# Behind and below ea$h eye is a $onspi$uous( flat and deeply pigments $ir$ular pat$h of s%in( the eardrum or tympanum that re$ei,es sound wa,es# 8/ternal ears are la$%ing# 33 Sharps Notes he throat bears two bluish pat$hes of s%in ( the ,o$al sa$s( whi$h helps in intensifying sound of $roa%ing #

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II


.- >run*$ 3ead is broadly Boined behind with the flat o,oid trun%# .ts ba$% is raised in the middle in a $hara$teristi$s sa$ral prominen$e of hump# At the posterior end of trun% is a small $ir$ular $loa$al aperture or ,ent for the dis$harge of fae$al and urinary wastes as well as reprodu$ti,e produ$ts# 0- 9i+#s$ Laterally( the trun% bears two pairs of limbs or appendages# he short forelimbs arise anteriorly from trun% Bust behind the head# 8a$h forelimb $onsists of the upper arm Abra$hium) ( forearm A antebra$hium)( wrist A $arpus) and hand A manus) bearing four digits without web# humb or polle/ is ,estigial# he mu$h elongated and powerful hind limbs or legs arise $lose together posteriorly from trun%# 8a$h hind limbs $onsist of thigh( shan%A $rus)( mu$h legthened an%le A larsus) and large foot A pes) ha,ing fi,e slender $lawless toes $onne$ted by broad thin webs of s%in#

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FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II


!"ternal Features of Frog

Q.% . Descri#e the digesti6e syste+ of frog Ans$ Digesti,e system of frog in$ludes the digesti,e tra$t or alimentary $anal and the asso$iated digesti,e glands# - Ali+entary canal!

35 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology Alimentary $anal of frog is a long and $oiled tube of ,arying diameter e/tending between mouth and $loa$a# .t $onsists of bu$$al $a,ity ( pharyn/( 1esophagus ( stoma$h ( small intestine ( large intestine and $loa$a# )i-Mouth! Alimentary $anal begins at the mouth opening# .t is a wide gap( e/tending from one side of the snout to the other# .t is bounded by two bony Baws $o,ered by immo,able lips# Upper Baw is fi/ed while the lower Baw $an mo,e up and down to $lose or open the mouth# )ii-Buccal Ca6ity$ ;outh opens into a large( wide and shallow oral or bu$$al $a,ity# .ts $iliated $olumnar epithelial lining $ontains mu$ous glands whi$h se$retes mu$us for lubri$ating food# here are no sali,ary glands in frog#

)a->eeth$ he lower Baw la$%s the teeth( but small $oni$al and ba$%wardly pointed teeth o$$ur in a row on either side on the prema/illae and ma/illae bones of the upper Baw# eeth are not meant for $hewingE they Bust hold the prey in their mouth and pre,ent it from es$aping# 3 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology eeth are similar( not set in a so$%et( but ea$h atta$hed to the Baw bone# .n life( teeth of frog are repla$ed se,eral times by the growth of new teeth when worn out or lost# )#->ongue! 1n the floor of mouth $a,ity lies a large( mus$ular sti$%y protrusible tongue# .ts anterior end is atta$hed end is atta$hed to the inner border of lower Baw# .ts posterior end is free and bifid whi$h $an be fli$%ed out and retra$ted suddenly after $apturing the prey with its slimy surfa$e# )c-<nternal nostrils$ he roof of bu$$al $a,ity $ontains anteriorly( a pair of small openings of internal nares( by whi$h the nasal $a,ities open into bu$$al $a,ity# hese helps in respiration#

)d-Bulgings of or#its$ he roof of bu$$al shows two large o,al and pale areas( the bulging of eyeballs while swallowing food( frog depresses the eyes $ausing the orbits to bulge inward and push the food towards the pharyn/# 3- 1haryn"$ "osteriorly( the bu$$al $a,ity passes without demar$ation into a short pharyn/# A median ele,ation on the floor $arries a longitudinal slit) li%e aperture( the glottis( leading into the laryngo)tra$heal $hamber#

3! Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology .n the roof on either lateral side is a wide eusta$hian aperture whi$h opens into the middle ear# .- =esophagus$ 1esophagus is a short( wide mus$ular and highly distensible tube# .t $ontains mu$ous glands# Longitudinal folding of the oesophagus allows its e/pansion during the passage of food into the stoma$h# 0- Sto+ach$ 'toma$h lies on the left side in the body $a,ity( atta$hed to the dorsal body wall by a mesentery $alled mesogaster# .t is a large( broad and slightly $ur,ed bag or tube with thi$% mus$ular walls# .ts large broader anterior part is $alled as $ardia$ stoma$h( while the short narrower posterior part is $alled as pylori$ stoma$h# he inner surfa$e of the stoma$h has se,eral prominent longitudinal folds whi$h allow its distension when food is re$ei,ed# .ts mu$ous epithelium $ontains multi$ellular gastri$ gland( se$reting the en<ymes pepsinogen( and uni$ellular o/ynti$ glands( se$reting hydro$hlori$ a$id# he posterior or pylori$ end of stoma$h is slightly $onstri$ted and opens into small intestine# 'toma$h ser,es for storage and digestion of food# 3" Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II 2- S+all intestine$


'mall intestine is a long( $oiled and narrow tube( atta$hed mid) dorsally to body wall# .t is made up of two parts Aa) a small anterior duodenum and Ab) longer posterior ileum# )a- Duodenu+$ .t runs a head parallel to stoma$h forming a U shape# .t re$ei,es a $ommon hepatopan$reati$ du$t from li,er and pan$reas bringing bile and pan$reati$ Bui$e# )#-<leu+$ .t is the longest part of the alimentary $anal and ma%es se,eral loops before enlarging posteriorly to Boin re$tum# Digestion of food and absorption of digested food o$$ur in the small intestine# 4- 9arge intestine or rectu+$ .t is a short( wide tube running straight behind to open into $loa$a by anus# .ts fun$tion is the re) absorption of water and the preparation and storage of fae$es# 7- Cloaca! .t is the small terminal sa$)li%e part whi$h opens the anus and the urinogenital apertures#

3# Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology Cloa$a opens to outside by the ,ent or $loa$al aperture( lying at the hind of the body#

Digesti6e Syste+ of Frog

4$ Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II


Q.%%. Discuss the Male reproducti6e syste+ of frog Ans$ ;ale reprodu$ti,e of frog $onsists of two testes atta$hed to %idneys ( se,eral ,asa efferentia and two urinogenital du$ts# Copulatory organs are la$%ing - >estes $ A testis is an elongated or o,oid( light Gyellow body atta$hed to the antero) ,entral surfa$e of ea$h %idney by a double fold of peritoneum $alled mesor$hium# 9ear the anterior end of the testis( se,eral bran$hed finger)li%e fat bodies arise whi$h pro,ide reser,e food used to nourish de,eloping spermato<oa and during hibernation# 8a$h testis is a $ompa$t mass of mu$h $oiled seminiferous tubules( the epithelial lining of whi$h produ$es spermato<oa by spermatogenesis# A mature sperm is elongated stru$ture# .t $onsist of a small rounded anterior a$rosome( a long $ylindri$al head $ontaining nu$leus ( a short middle pie$e $ontaining $entrioles and mito$hondria and a mu$h elongated posterior motile tail terminating in a flagellum# 41 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II


%- @asa efferentia$ All the seminiferous tubules in a testes are $onne$ted to form 1: to 12 narrow tubes( the ,asa efferentia# hese lea,e from the inner margin of testis( run through mesor$hium and enter the inner margin of the %idney to open into the Bidder*s $anal# he Bidder*s $anal is then $onne$ted to the ureter through $olle$ting tubules of %idney# hus ,asa efferentia $ondu$t mature spermato<oa from testis to the ureter of %idney#

3- Arinogenital duct$ As ureter in male frog is both a urinary du$t and a ,as deferens( hen$e it is $alled a urinogenital du$t# he du$ts of both the sides open into roof of $loa$a separately on urinogenital papillae# .n some spe$ies of frog( the urinogenital du$ts are enlarged near %idneys or $loa$a forming seminal ,esi$les for temporary storage of spermato<oa until needed#

42 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II


Mature sper+ of Frog

Q.%3. Descri#e the Fe+ale Beproducti6e syste+ in frog Ans$ 43 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology ?emale reprodu$ti,e system of frog $onsist of two o,aries and two o,idu$ts - =6aries$ 8a$h o,ary is atta$hed to the dorsal abdominal wall( near %idney( supported by a peritoneal fold $alled meso,arium# .t is a large( irregularly folded( multilobed( hollow sa$ grayish or bla$%ish in $olour# .n breeding season( the two o,aries be$ome greatly enlarged# 8a$h o,ary $ontains innumerable dar% round o,a in different stages of de,elopment# 1,a arise from germinal epithelial lining by oogenesis# 6hen ripe the o,a are shed by rupture of o,arian wall into the body $a,ity from there are mo,ed by $ilia of peritoneum into the ostia of o,idu$ts# %- =6iducts$ he two o,idu$ts are long and mu$h $oiled white glandular tubes not $onne$ted dire$tly to the o,aries# heir anterior ends form $iliated funnel G li%e opening( the 1stia# hese are pla$ed anteriorly in the body $a,ity at the base of the lungs one on either side of oesophagus# Cilia present on the inner wall of o,idu$ts mo,e the eggs posteriorly while glands se$rete an albuminous $oat around ea$h egg during its passage#

44 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology he posterior ends of o,idu$ts open dorsally into $loa$a separately on papillae Bust in front of the ureters# Hust before entering $loa$a( ea$h o,idu$t forms a thin G walled enlargement( the o,isa$# he eggs are $olle$ted inside the o,isa$ before being laid#

An unfertili<ed ripe egg of a frog is spheri$al with a nu$leus# .t $ontains a yol% $alled as ,egetal hemisphere or pole# 8gg of frog is telole$ithal and radially symmetri$al# Around the egg is a two)layered ,itelline membrane of its own se$retion# he outer aluminous $oat on $onta$t with water swells into a thi$% Belly li%e layer whi$h probably pre,ents o,er$rowding and prote$ts from infe$tions and predators#

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FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II


Q.%.. Descri#e the Central /er6ous Syste+ of frog. )April 3%, Ans$ he ner,ous system of frog is $omposed of & main sub) di,isions# A) Central ner,ous system $onsisting of brain and spinal $ord#

B) "eripheral ner,ous system $onsisting of $ranial and spinal ner,es# C) 'ympatheti$ ner,ous system $onsisting of sympatheti$ ner,es and ganglia# A- Central ner6ous syste+# - Brain$ 4 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology Brain is a white $oloured ( elongated and somewhat flattened stru$ture ( lying well prote$ted inside the $ranium of s%ull# .t is surrounded by two $onne$ti,e tissue membranes( $alled meninges# he inner or piamater is deli$ate( pigmented( ,as$ular and $losely applied to brain# he outer durameter is tough( fibrous and lines the $ranial $a,ity# he narrow spa$e between the nourishes brain# he inner $a,ities of brain( $alled ,entri$les are $ontinuous with one another# membranes and the inner $a,ities of brain are

filled with a $lear( watery and lymphati$ $erebro)spinal fluid whi$h prote$ts and

Brain has well de,eloped $erebrum and opti$ lobes# Brain is further di,ided into & main parts# i- Fore#rain! .t in$ludes two olfa$tory lobes( two $erebral hemisphere and a dien$ephalon# )a-=lfactory lo#es! here are two anterior most( small and spheri$al lobes ea$h sending a small olfa$tory ner,e to the nasal $hamber of its side# he two lobes are united but ea$h $ontains a separate small $a,ity( the olfa$tory ,entri$le or rhino$oel# 1lfa$tory lobes are $on$erned with sense of smell whi$h is poor in frog# )#-Cere#ral he+isphere$ 4! Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology "osteriorly ( the olfa$tory lobes are isolated by a slight $onstri$tion from two large $erebral hemisphere forming the $erebrum# hese are long( o,al and smooth stru$tures( narrow in front but broad behind#

'eparated from one another by a deep mid)longitudinal groo,e or fissure# he large $a,ities of hemisphere $alled .( .. or lateral ,entri$les or para$oels( are $ontinuous anteriorly with the olfa$tory ,entri$les# "osteriorly they unite with ea$h other and with the ... ,entri$le or dio$oel of dien$eohalon through a $ommon opening $alled foramen of ;onro# hin roof of $erebrum is $alled pallium but ea$h ,entro) lateral side is thi$% ( $alled $orpus striatum whi$h is made up of white medullated ner,e fibres and $ells# he two $orpus striata are Boined together by a trans,erse fibrous tra$t( the anterior $ommissure# he hemisphere is the seat of memory( intelligen$e( $ons$iousness and will( and regulate ,oluntary a$tions# )c-Diencephalon$ .t is the short( rhomboid( depressed region Bust behind the $erebrum# .ts small $a,ity( ... ,entri$le or dio$eol( has thi$% lateral walls $alled opti$ thalami$ and a thi$% floor( $alled hypothalamus# .ts dorsal roof $ontains a networ% of blood $apillaries( $alled anterior $horoid ple/us( behind whi$h arises a small hollow proBe$tion( the pineal stal% that runs to the brow spot# 4" Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology .n tadpole a small spheri$al pineal body is atta$hed to the stal%# But( it is deta$hed and $omes to lie outside s%ull in adult frog# =entral surfa$e of din$ephalon bears the M) shaped opti$ $hiasma formed by the two opti$ ner,es $rossing ea$h other# Hust posterior to opti$ $hiasma is a large median bilobed proBe$tion( the infundibulum( whi$h bears a flattened o,al pituitary body or hypophysis# Dien$ephalon is $on$erned with ,ision and balan$e# ii- Mid#rain$ .t is the broadest part of the brain $ontaining a narrow $anal( the iter or aCuedu$t of 'yl,ius( whi$h is $ontinuous with ... ,entri$le in front and .= ,entri$le behind# ;idbrain bears dorso)laterally two large rounded opti$ lobes ( $alled $orpora bigemina# heir $anals $alled opto$oels( open into iter# wo thi$% longitudinal bands of ner,e fibres ( $alled $rura $erebri( run longitudinally beneath opti$ lobes $onne$ting dien$ephalon and medulla # he opti$ lobes inhibit spinal $ord refle/es( and ea$h $ontrols the opposite side of body#

iii- :ind#rain$ he posterior part of brain in$ludes $erebellum and medulla oblongata# )a- Cere#ellu+$ 4# Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology .t is poorly de,eloped narrow trans,erse solid ridge or band( pla$ed dorsally behind the opti$ lobes# .t $ontrols eCuilibrium and mus$ular $oordination whi$h are of little importan$e in frog# )#- Medulla o#longata$ .t is the last small $oni$al part whi$h is $ontinuous with spinal $ord without distin$tion# .ts triangular $a,ity( $alled .= ,entri$le or meta$oel( is $ontinuous anteriorly with iter and posteriorly with the $entral $a,ity of spinal $ord# he thin and highly ,as$ular dorsal roof of meta$oel forms the posterior $horoid ple/us# ;edulla $ontrols important in,oluntary fun$tions su$h as heart beat( metabolism( respiration( et$# %- Spinal Cord$ he spinal $ord e/tends posteriorly from medulla oblongata through foramen magnum and lies prote$ted within the neural $anal of ,ertebral $olumn# .t is a short( thi$%( $ylindri$al( somewhat flattened and white in $olour # Li%e brain( spinal $ord is also surrounded by the two meninges( piamater and durameter( $ontaining prote$ti,e and nourishing $erebro)spinal fluid# "osteriorly it terminates into a fine ( non) ner,ous filament ( filum terminale( in the urostyle #

5$ Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology 'pinal $ord shows swelling in two pla$es G bra$hial enlargement between forelimbs and s$iati$ or lumbar swelling anterior to filum terminale # hroughout its length run two longitudinal groo,es( the mid) dorsal $alled dorsal fissure and the mid) ,entral $alled ,entral fissure# .t en$loses a narrow $entral $anal whi$h is a $ontinuation of the ,entri$les of brain# 'pinal $ord is made up of outer white matter $omposed of ner,e fibres and inner grey matter( largely of ner,e $ells# 'pinal $ord is mainly $on$erned with the refle/ a$tion#

Frog structure of Brain A3 Dorsal @ie( ; B3 @entral @ie(; C3 9ongitudinal hori?ontal section sho(ing @entricles. 51 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II


Q.%0. Discuss the structure and (or*ing of heart in frog. Ans$ ?rog has a $losed $ir$ulatory system# .t in$ludes heart( arterial system( ,enous system and blood# .ts $hief fun$tion is to transport all ne$essary liCuids and gaseous material to the li,ing tissues and to bring away from them the liCuid and gaseous wastes of metabolism to organ of elimination# - :eart$ he mus$ular heart is the $entral pumping station dri,ing blood through the $losed $ir$ulatory system# i- !"ternal features$ he heart lies mid) ,entrally inside the anterior trun% region prote$ted by the pe$toral girdle # .t is reddish in $olour and somewhat $oni$al or triangular in shape with the broad base dire$ted anteriorly and the narrow ape/( posteriorly# )a- 1ericardiu+$ he heart lies en$losed by a thin( transparent( two G layered sa$( the peri$ardium# hen outer wall of peri$ardium( parietal peri$ardium and inner wall of whi$h $losely in,ests the heart( $alled ,is$eral peri$ardium# 52 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology he narrow $a,ity between two peri$ardial layers $ontains a watery peri$ardial fluid whi$h prote$ts the heart from fri$tion or me$hani$al sho$%s# >eeps it moist and permits its mo,ement# )#- Cha+#ers of heart$ ?rog*s heart is a three $hambered stru$tures( made up of two anterior dar%) $oloured atria or auri$les( right and left( and a single posterior $oni$al and pin%) $oloured ,entri$le# he two auri$les are e/ternally isolated by a ,ery faint longitudinal inter) auri$ular groo,e# he two auri$les are $learly mar%ed off) from ,entri$les by a narrow trans,erse auri$ulo),entri$ular groo,e or $oronary sul$us# Additional two $hambers of heart are sinus ,enous and trun$us arteriosus# 'inus ,enosus is a dar% G $oloured ( thin walled and triangular $hamber atta$hed dorsally to heart# run$us arteriosus arising anteriorly from the right ,entral side of ,entri$le( it is a tubular $hamber# .t bifur$ates anteriorly into two bran$hes or trun%s ( ea$h further brea%s into three ar$hes $arotid( systemi$ and pulmo$utaneous#

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FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II


ii- <nternal Features$ he internal stru$ture of heart is hollow and mus$ular # he ,arious $hambers are separated by ,al,es to %eep the blood flow in one dire$tion# )a-Auricles$ he two auri$les( right and left are thin Gwalled and $ompletely separated from ea$h other by a thin ,erti$al inter)auri$ular septum# Right auri$le is larger than the left one # 'inus ,enous opens into dorsal wall of right auri$le through a large trans,erse o,al aperture# he pulmonary ,ein opens into left auri$le ( near septum by a small opening without ,al,es# 54 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology Both auri$les open into single ,entri$le by a $ommon large auri$ulo),entri$ular aperture guarded by two pairs of flap Gli%e ,entri$ular ,al,es# )#- @entricle$ he ,entri$le has thi$% mus$ular and spongy wall#

.ts inner surfa$e has irregular strands or ridges( the $olumnae $arneae or trabe$ulae( with depressions $alled fissures# he flaps of auri$ulo),entri$ular ,al,es are $onne$ted to the wall of ,entri$le by thread Gli%e $hordate tendineae# )c- >runcus arteriosus$ he opening of ,entri$le into trun$us arteriosus is guarded by & semilunar ,al,es(whi$h pre,ents ba$% flow of blood from trun$us into ,entri$le# he spirally twisted $a,ity of trunn$us arteriosus is di,ided uneCually by another set of & semilunar ,al,es into a long basal thi$% walled $onus arteriosus or pylangium and a short distal thin G walled bulbous aorta or synangium# A large twisted longitudinal spiral ,al,es further di,ides the $a,ity of $onus or pylangium into a left dorsal $a,um pulmo$utaneum and a right ,entral $a,um aorti$um# he spiral ,al,e is atta$hed dorsally while its ,entral edge is free# he $ommon opening of the two pulmo$utaneous ar$hes lies in $a,um pulmo$utaneous ( while separate openings of $arotid and systemati$ arhes lie in synangium# All these opening are guarded by ,al,es# 55 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology he distal right and left bran$hes or trun%s appear e/ternally to be single ,essels but internally( ea$h is made of & $hannesl whi$h e,entually form three separate ar$hes on either side#

&or*ing of heart$ 3eart beats $ontinuously during life# Contra$tion of heart is $alled systole( while its rela/ation is $alled diastole# Different $hambers of heart $ontra$t in a regular seCuen$e and the ,al,es present ( pre,ent the ba$% flow of blood# 6hen the sinus ,enosus $ontra$ts( its nono/ygenated ,enous blood is for$ed into the right auri$le through sinuauri$ular aperture# 5 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology 6hile the o/ygenated blood from the lungs is poured into left auri$le through $ommon pulmonary ,ein# he two auri$les now $ontra$t almost simultaneously for$ing their blood into ,entri$le through the single auri$ulo),entri$ular aperture#

Q.%2. Discuss the Arterial syste+ in frog. Ans$ Aortic arches$ Arteries $arry blood away from the heart# he arterial system in frog begins with the trun$us arteriosus# run$us arteriosus arteries is further di,ided into three maBor ,essels

Called Ai) Common $arotid to head( Aii) systemi$ to body and ,is$era( and Aiii) pulmo$utaneous to lung and s%in# -Co++on carotid arch $ .t is a short ,essel running forward and outward# .t further di,ides into e/ternal and internal $arotids )a-!"ternal carotid$ 5! Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology Also $alled lingual ( it is the smaller inner bran$h $arrying blood to the tongue and adBa$ent parts# )#- <nternal carotid! .t is the larger outer bran$h# At its base its forms a little swelling( the $arotid labyrinth or gland# .ts lumen is $on,erted into a labyrinth by folding of the wall# he inner $a,ity of $arotid labyrinth $ontains a networ% of small ,essels and forms a spongy stru$ture# .t is probably a sense organ and $ontrols blood pressure# he internal $arotid di,ides into &) bran$hes G a palatine to the roof of mouth( a $erebral to the brain( and an ophthalmi$ to the eye#

%- Syste+ic arch. .t is the longest of the three ar$hes and with greatest distribution of blood# he two systemi$ ar$hes $ur,e dorsally around the oesophagus and Boin with ea$h other behind the heart to form the dorsal aorta# .t di,ides into three arteries# )a- =esophageal$ A small artery to oesophagus # .t may arise from o$$ipito) ,ertebral# )#- =ccipito36erte#ral$ .t sends an o$$ipital bran$h to o$$iput or posterior part of head( and a ,ertebral bran$h to ,ertebral $olumn and spinal $ord# 5" Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology )c- Su#cla6ian$ .t is a large artery supplying the shoulder region and e/tending into the forelimbs as bran$hial artery# Dorsal aorta$ .t is formed by the union of both the systemi$ ar$hes# .t runs posteriorly lying mid)dorsally( beneath the ,ertebral $olumn .t gi,es off the following arteries# )a- Coeliaco3+esenteric! .t is a single large artery( arising from the Bun$tion of the two systemi$ ar$hes# .t has two main bran$hes! he $oelia$ to stoma$h( pan$reas and li,erE and the anterior mesenteri$ to spleen and intestine# )#-5onadial$ A pair of short arteries to gonads( $alled spermati$ in male and o,arian in female frog# )c- Benal$ 6hile passing between the two %idneys( dorsal aorta sends off -)0 pairs of small renal arteries in a series into both the %idneys# )d- 1osterior +esenteric$ .t arises from the posterior end of dorsal aorta ( or sometimes from anterior mesenteri$ #.t goes to large intestine or re$tum# )e-Co++on iliacs$ he dorsal aorta bifur$ates posteriorly into two $ommon ilia$s ( ea$h supplying an epigastri$ to ,entral body wall ( re$to),esi$ular to re$tum and urinary bladder( femoral to hip and upper thigh ( and s$iati$ to lower leg#

3- 1ul+ocutaneous arch$ 5# Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology .t di,ided into two main arteries( pulmonary to the lung and $utaneous to s%in of dorsal and lateral sides and ,arious other stru$tures # 1f these auri$ularis supply blood to tympanum( thymus gland( lower Baw( pharyn/ and hyoid et$# 6hile dorsalis supplies the s%in of dorsal side and lateralis supplies the s%in of lateral sides of the body#

$ Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II


1 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology Arterial syste+ in Frog

Q.%4. Discuss the @enous syste+ in frog Ans$ he ,enous system in$ludes ,eins or those blood ,essels in whi$h blood of body returns to the heart# .n frog it $an be studied in four parts! 1) "ulmonary ,eins 2) $a,al ,eins &) renal portal ,eins and +)hepati$ portal ,eins - 1ul+onary 6eins! 1/ygenated blood from two lungs is $olle$ted by right and left pulmonary ,eins whi$h unite to form a $ommon pulmonary ,ein opening dire$tly into the left auri$le on the dorsal side# %-Ca6al 6eins! Deo/ygenated blood from rest of the body tra,els towards heart in three large ,essels ( two anterior ,enae $a,ae and single posterior ,ena $a,a ( all the three opening into sinus ,enosus# )a-Anterior @enae ca6ae or preca6als$ he right and left pre$a,als or anterior ,enae $a,ae $olle$t ,enous blood from the anterior part of body# 8a$h pre$a,al is formed by the union of & maBor ,eins whi$h meet simultaneously 2 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology )i- !"ternal Cugular! .t is formed by the slender and sinuous lingual from tongue and mandibular from outer margin of lower Baw# )ii-<nno+inate$ .t is formed by the internal Bugular from $ranial $a,ity and orbit and subs$apular from shoulder and ba$% of arm# )iii- Su#cla6ian $ .t is formed by the bra$hial from forelimb and the mus$ulo) $utaneous from side of the body and head# )#-1osterior 6ena ca6a or postca6al$ he single post$a,al is large( dar%)$oloured ,ein( lying ,entral to dorsal aorta#

.ts posterior end is formed between the two %idneys from whi$h it drains blood by -)0 pairs of renal ,eins# .t also re$ei,es a pair of genital ,eins from gonads dire$tly or through anterior pair of renal ,eins# he post$a,al then runs forwards ( dorsally to the li,er and re$ei,ing from it a pair of short ( stout hepati$ ,eins ( before opening into the posterior angle of sinus ,enous# 3-Benal portal syste+$ ?rog has two well de,eloped portal systems( renal portal and hepati$ ( whi$h are inter$onne$ted# he ,eins whi$h $arry blood to a $apillary system in %idneys $onstitutes the renal portal system# Blood of ea$h hind leg is $olle$ted by two ,eins( an outer fermoral and an inner s$iati$# 3 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II Zoology 1n entering the abdominal $a,ity the femoral di,ides into a dorsal renal portal and ,entral pel,i$ ,ein# he renal postal unites with the s$iati$ of its side and while running along there outer border of %idney of its side it re$ei,es alone from lumbar region by a dorso) lumbar ,ein# Renal postal ,ein enters the %idney by se,eral bran$hes whi$h brea% up into $apillaries# .- :epatic portal syste+$ A large hepati$ portal ,ein is formed by the $onfluen$e of se,eral bran$hes from stoma$h ( intestine( spleen and pan$reas# .t $arries blood of alimentary $anal laden with the digested foodstuff to li,er where it brea%s up into $apillaries# the pel,i$ ,eins of both sides unite to form a median ,entral or anterior abdominal ,ein# .t re$ei,es blood form urinary bladder and ,entral abdominal wall and runs forwards to enter li,er into whi$h it brea%s up into $apillaries# Before entering li,er the anterior abdominal and hepati$ postal ,eins are $onne$ted by small loop#

4 Sharps Notes

FY.Bsc. Paper I / Term II


@enous syste+ of frog

5 Sharps Notes

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