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Spanish and Aztecs First Contact

The Spanish and the Aztecs communicated quite differently, when it came to the image they were trying to portray themselves to be. From the documentation of one of Hernan Cortess lieutenants, the conquistador Bernal Diaz in the 1560s to the missionary Bernandino de Sahagun, in the earlier years of the 1540s. Theyre perception of the accounts that occurred are greatly different. The conquistador Bernal Diazs report stated that from the moment the natives of the land saw the Spanish ships grand masts, the natives went to greet the new arrivals with great respect to Cortes, noting that the Nahau natives went in the name of their king to see what brought these new men to their lands and their motives for landing on the Americas. In return Cortes is said to have stated, we came to see them and to trade with them and that our arrival in their country should cause them no uneasiness, but the looked on by them as fortunate... According to the missionary Bernandino de Sahagun though the natives did greet the new arrivals with respect, but more notably with respect of showering Cortes with gifts of turquoise serpent mask attached to the quetzal-feather head fan, to which were fixed, fro which hung the greenstone serpent earplugs. And they put the sleeveless jacket on him, and around his neck they put the plaited green-stone neckband with the golden disk in the middle. On his lower back they tied the back mirror, and also they tied behind him the cloak called tzitzilli. And on his legs they placed the green-stone bands with the golden bells. And they gave him, placing it on his arm, the shield with gold and shells crossing, on whose

edge were spread quetzal feathers, with a quetzal banner. And they laid the obsidian sandals before him.... Upon showering the conquistador with gifts, Cortes orders the native men to be tied up by their feet and neck, and his ships cannons be fired. In doing so the natives were very much surprised and scared to see the power of the canons shot off by Cortess orders only. Not having much interaction with such immense power in the early 1500s, the natives returned to the great city of Tenochtitlan and spoke with Moteuccoma about the great power they had seen and encountered. Monteccomas orders were to then have the individuals sacrificed for their interaction and because they had, gone to very dangerous places and had seen, gazed on the countenances of, and spoken to the gods... Bernal Diaz although does not mention any account of these individuals being sacrificed, or even tied up, he discusses how one of, Montezumas emissaries brought with him some clever painters, to which he ordered them to paint all that was seen the ships the crew members the animals on the ship and their artillery as well. Fray Bernandino de Sahagun although does not mention any recollection of any painter or painters being present at the meet of the the two worlds. Yet he continues to paint a picture using descriptive words to detail the events and encounters Montezuma and his men had gone through from, describing the horses and great danes and savage large dangerous animals to the different and ethnic foods his men had tried. Montezuma was afraid of change afraid of what these men might bring to the new world, these men were not like any they had ever encountered before, they were monsters and heavily armed monsters in the eyes of the native emperor, perhaps the different methods that the two worlds communicated made things uneasy for the

new world inhabitants, for they greeted the sailors with compassion and gifts inviting them to the lands that they dwelled upon, and the old world sailors and explorers came in with a brute force and image, forcibly chaining the native individuals when they boarded the massive ships and presented them with peace offerings. Yet, as it is now the 21st century we must look upon the events openly and consider that these two worlds collided possibly not under the best circumstances, for the old world was in a current era of exploration and taking new lands that were already knowingly inhabited and claiming all for either themselves or for a king, queen, emperors, and in their idea a greater good of their old world homelands. Although the new world was not in a state of exploration and conquering new lands across oceans they had set up large cities and communities that were interconnected and governed by a same principle and or emperor, or king. These people had their worlds turned upside down by the principle of finders keepers and anyone or anything in their way was to be removed quickly and efficiently, which was the idea and main concern of the old world explorers. From the two passages we encounter two very different account since the original encounter date was the year 1519 and the accounts were recorded in two very separate years of 1540 and 1560 it is truly hard to say what the true encounter would have been like for Bernal Diaz wrote upon his own recollection and The Missionary Fray Bernandino de Sahagun wrote from firsthand recollection of multiple new world individuals that lived and saw the events that followed. It is still puzzling why certain accounts were not recorded in either individuals memoir, perhaps it was to protect the

image of either the New or Old world people or perhaps it was to picture one people as the greater good and the other the greater evil. Until then though we must have an open mind and think quite critically as to the events that occurred in the year of 1519 and not come to a single conclusion.

John and Abigail Adams Spur on Womens Rights.

Abigail Adams and John Adams documents of letters describe different accounts on which letters were sent back and forth. The first letter was sent from Abigail to John Adams. Abigail Adams was a womens advocate, she fought for the freedoms of all individuals, but specifically women, because she believed that women were the last group to have any type of freedoms during the time period of the 1700s. Women were subject to men and their ruling power. Abigail deems it unjust, her views on women and their rights were like those of the colonies and their freedoms being taken away from them from the monarchy overseas. Although the colonies are fighting in the name of freedom from the Tyrant British, they are not truly free. John Adams responds to Abigail with the notion that women are equal, maybe not equal in the 1700s colonies man time. Jokingly, John Adams states with humor that women do have power although it is not publicly known, they have power because hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. John Adams also discusses his views on slavery and sees it as hypocritical in a country fighting for freedom of their owns and still restricting the freedoms of individuals in the new land. The spirit of these barons, is coming down, it must submit, referring to the southern slave owners. John Adams thanks Abigail for the clue as to what women think about their personal freedoms and admits that man will not give up the title of master, although it is only a title and not

anything else more than that. For if man were to admit that women were equals out loud and publically in that day of age man would completely subject to the deposition of the peticoat. He proceeds to state that, the day this does happen, General Washington, and all our brave heroes would fight, to not be put on the same height pedestal as women. With the disputes of the Adams on gender equality, it becomes apparent that through time it became an issue. Women played vital roles in the wars of young America. From taking care of the children, to making clothes and blankets for the soldiers at the forefront of the various early wars. Yet, still today gender equality is still an issue, masculinity and the want to be above the opposite sex creates issues in multiple parts of the globe including here in the United States. In time equality for all men regardless of sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, and other differences will hopefully be figured out, because much like Americas fore fathers fought for their very own freedom from the tyranny of the British crown many individuals will do the same for their very own freedom and pursuit of happiness.

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