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Training Material

Basic Course
- Align -

July, 2010
Copyright INUS Technology, Inc.
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Rapidform XOR3 Basic 2
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Rapidform XOR3 Basic 3
1. Overview
1.1 What does this exercise cover?

Exercise 1
This exercise shows alignment using Ref.
Plane that is extracted from mesh regions.

Exercise 2
You can select Ref. Geometries for alignment
but you also can directly select necessary
regions for alignment as discussed in this

Exercise 3
If you have CAD data and want to align scan
data to CAD data, this exercise shows how to
align them.

Rapidform XOR3 Basic 4

2. Process
2.1 Exercise1
1 Import File
Click Insert > Import and import the Align1.stl file.

2 Hide Ref. Plane
Hide Front, Top and Right plane from the Model Tree.

3 Region Group Mode
To enter Region Group mode, click the (Region Group) on the toolbar.

4 Auto Segment
Auto Segment dialog tree automatically appears. Set options such as image left
below and click the OK button.

Rapidform XOR3 Basic 5

5 Edit Region
Change the selection mode to paint brush from the bottom toolbar and paint the
model like the image below;

Click the (Split) button on the toolbar. The gray region is divided into two

6 Exit Region Group Mode
Click the button to exit Region Group mode.

7 Add Ref. Plane
Click the (Ref. Plane) on the toolbar. Select (Filter Regions) icon from the
bottom toolbar to select a region on the mesh data. Select the bottom region on the
mesh data. Set Method to Extract in the Add Ref. Plane dialog tree.

Rapidform XOR3 Basic 6

Click the OK button. Plane1 is created.

8 Add Ref. Plane
In the same way above, extract Plane 2 and Plane 3.

9 Interactive Setup
Click the (Interactive Alignment) on the toolbar or Tools > Align > Interactive
Alignment. Click the (Next Stage) button.

The window will be divided into two.

10 Select Entities
Change Filter Selection to (Filter Ref. Geometries).
Click the Plane button and select Plane1.
Click the Vector button and select Plane3.
Click the Position button and select Plane2.
Click the OK button.

Rapidform XOR3 Basic 7
Final Result
Show default planes (Front, Top, and Right). The mesh will be aligned to the global
coordinate such as the image below;

2.2 Exercise2
1 Import File
Create a new document (Ctrl + N) and click Insert > Import and then import the
Align2.stl file.

2 Auto Segment
To enter Region Group mode, click the (Region Group) on the toolbar. Set
options such as image left below and click the OK button.

Rapidform XOR3 Basic 8

3 Edit Region
Change Selection Filter to (Filter Regions) from the bottom toolbar and select
the top region. Click the (Shrink) button 5 times to remove unnecessary
boundary area. Exit Region Group mode.

4 Interactive Setup
Click the (Interactive Alignment) on the toolbar or Tools > Align > Interactive
Alignment. Click the (Next Stage) button.

5 Select Entities
Change Selection Filter to (Filter Regions) from the bottom toolbar.
Click the Plane and select the top flat region.
Click the Vector and select the cylindrical region.
Change Target to Origin.
Click the OK button.

Rapidform XOR3 Basic 9

6 Final Result
The mesh data is aligned to the origin coordinate.

2.3 Exercise3
1 Import File
Create a new document (Ctrl + N) and click Insert > Import and then import the
Align1.stl and Align1.igs file together.

Rapidform XOR3 Basic 10

2 Quick Alignment
Select (Quick Fit) from the button toolbar or Tools > Align > Quick Fit.
Click the Target Body button and select Imported Body1. Click the OK button.

Scan data is roughly aligned to the CAD data.

3 Best Fit Alignment
After Quick Fit, automatically Best Fit dialog tree appears. Click the OK button.
Scan data is precisely aligned to the CAD data.

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