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Strikes Strike by Gazetted and Non-Gazetted Officers of Andhra Pradesh Sanction of Special Advance of two months Salary Orders Iss ed! "INAN#$ %A&'( )$PA*+,$N+ G!O!,s!No! )ated- ./-01-.102 *ead the followin30! G!O!,s!No!044 G!A!%S5!I( )ept!6 dt-02-17-.100! .! *epresentation of APNGO8s Association6 )ated- 0/-01-.102! 2! 9!O!Note No!2.701:S5!II:A0:.1026 GA %S5!II( )ept!6 dt!./-01-.102 ;;;;;;;; In the reference .nd read above6 the Andhra Pradesh Non-Gazetted Officers Association has re< ested for payment of advance e< al to ma=im m of two months salary to the employees who participated in the strike from 02!1>!.102 onwards and who have re?oined d ty on or before 0>!01!.102! .! Government6 after caref l e=amination of the re< est6 decided for payment of Special Advance e< al to the e=tent of salary loss s ffered by the above employees on acco nt of participation in the strike6 s b?ect to a ma=im m of two months salary min s all stat tory recoveries6 as applicable! Accordin3ly6 the followin3 orders are iss ed! 2! +he Government employees who have participated in the strike for @1 days and above6 shall be paid %.( months salary min s all stat tory recoveries as applicable! "or those Government employees who have participated in the strike for 7A days and above6 shall be paid 0B months salary min s all stat tory recoveries as applicable! "or those Government employees who have participated in the strike for 21 days and above6 shall be paid one month salary min s all stat tory recoveries as applicable! +he amo nt of Special Advance sanctioned as above6 shall be recovered in one l mps m from the individ al Government employee salary6 at the time of ad? stment of the strike period! +he Government employee who wo ld like to avail the above advance will have to s bmit an application in the format enclosed as Anne= re to this order! 7! +he e=pendit re on payment of advance nder this Order shall be debited to the Cead of Acco nt 4@01-'oans to Government Servants etc!6 >11-Other Advances- SC %>1(-Other Advances 110-Other Advances! A! +hese orders are applicable to all the Gazetted and non-3azetted officers of the Andhra Pradesh Government employees6 who are drawin3 salaries nder 101Salaries! @! +he )epartments of Secretariat:Ceads of )epartments:Ceads of Offices are re< ested to take necessary action accordin3ly! %DE O*)$* AN) IN +C$ NA,$ O" +C$ GOF$*NO* O" AN)C*A P*A)$SC( )r! )! SA,DASIFA *AO Principal Secretary to Government %"P(
+o All the Secretariat )epartments! +he )irector of +reas ries and Acco nts6 A!P!6 Cyderabad +he Pay and Acco nts Officer6 Cyderabad! All Ceads of )epartments : All )istrict #ollectors! +he Prl!AG6 AP6 Cyderabad! +he G!A! %S5!II( )epartment! +he APNGO8s Association! #, Peshi:P!S! to Spl!#!S!:P"S%"P(:P"S%*&$(:P"S%I"(: P"S%5&P(! S":S#s!

:: "O*5A*)$)- DE O*)$*:: S$#+IO N O""I#$*


ANN$G9*$ Application for Special Advance


Name of the Government Servant


)esi3nation of the Govt! Servant


Gross Pay of the Govt! Servant %as on 10-1>-.102(


No! of days for which salary not drawn in September and October6 .102 d e to involvement in the strike from 02-1>-.102 to 04-01-.102!


Amo nt of advance applied for

)ate -

Si3nat re of the applicant


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