Orals Bhosale

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1-ng and pg dfference

2-sm ( where to fnd duty on shp manua and more....)

3-shp survey ( deta)
4-green house gas
1. Bunker operatons, reate to ISM
2. O sp ,reate to ISM
3. Dfference between Chemca tanker and O tanker
4. Dfference between Unsafe and Unseaworthy shps, and whch woud you
5. Co2 system checks , a .
6. Co2 botte max expanson ( when pressure tested ? )
7. Why Co2 bottes have to be dscarded f Deformed n pressure test ?
8. Lfeboat tests n drydock, Statc, dynamc, fas nspecton
9. How many ISM manuas
10. Reate Soas , MS act, and ISM to accdent/Incdent/casuaty on board.
11. Lfeboat , how to check max owerng speed ?
12. Rsk assessment - How to go about a |ob aready done.
13. BC code expan , Who covers for Bunker sp ?
1: expan PSC.
f vesse gong to US...psc on board what woud be hs genera checks.
Lets say he starts spendng more tme on board and goes for a detaed check..what
coud be the reasons.
te me what you know about detanabe defcences. Gve exampes.
2: what do you mean by a "sub standard" shp. coud not answer hm to hs
satsfacton however he tred to hep me n comng to a concuson.....
he sad to be "substandard"....there must be a standard n the frst pace. For shps
what s a Standard......we had some some sort of a dscusson....however he was the
one who expaned what substandard shoud mean.
3. now that you know what are standards....Te me the Standards for OILY WATER
4.What are new as per MEPC....for oy water separators. How these requrements
make t or try to make t tamper proof.
5.Vesse gong to dry dock....you are CE....so te me the fve nstructons you w gve
to an eectrca offcer on board before a the water s pumped out. I coud ony
murmur a few thngs however...he utmatey heped me answer those...or ets say he
answered them for me. gyro to be ocked....ccp off...vesse to be ground ...before a
power off.---due to ack of sea water and safety reasons.
6. Durng takng shore power how w you change the phase sequence f ts out of
7.At drydock....what are the routnes normay carred out on fe boat. I answered hm
ony a few when he stoped me started askng about statc and dynamc oad test.
Why water bags not advsabe. he aso asked about centrfuga brakes.
8. ISM....what do you thnk. Ok te me what s eement 7. had forgotten and ooked
at hm....he understood that I dont know. He gave me hnts..and now he sad expan
me thoroughy.gve exampes ...managed.
9. asked me whch eement says about Interna audt...agan as earer was unabe to
recoect...agan gave me oads of hnts,some how managed to answer hm. he gave
me many more ponts to compete my answer.
10. Co-reate both of the above.....how you w carry out an audt of a shp board
operaton. Is documentaton mportant for audt. Can you compete audt wthout
11. what s a ths SOx, NOx, VOC, Greenhouse gases that peope are takng about.
I thnk I coud answer ths one propery.
12. So why ths EEDI, SEEMP, EEOI. party answered hm....but I thnk that was the
ast queston. oh yes..why hydrogen cannot be used as fue. Its green energy.
energency ar compressor not workng reate to ISM , SOLAS.
energency generator not workng reate to ISM , SOLAS.and fue tank requrements.
how w u tran 5th engneer.
how w u tran engne room personne.
VOC management pan.
cacuaton to fnd SFOC.
1. Reate an actua accdent or hazardous stuaton that caused damge to your
2. Based on the above accdent reate ISM, SOLAS & M.S ACT ? How to make
an accdent report/n|ury report etc..
3. Contngences for Ot.1 and as per your VRP ( vesse response pan )
4. Now, he twsted my reated accdent and added more damges to M/E, MAC
damage and crew n|ury and hs repartraton - Ot's asked based on ths were
reated to nsurance, P&I and what acton w you take f ths ncdent has
happend n an ndan shp n a foregn port? How w go ahead n nformng a
the partes concerned and n sequenta order? why s cass requred to be
nformed? what s the roe of PSC here?
5. He added M/E Scavenge fre and what acton & contngnces ?
6. He added now M/E knockng nose to prevous Ot.1&4
7. What s harmonsaton of survey?
8. How many types of surveys?
9. Checks carred out n SAFCON survey?
10. Load ne survey requrements?
11. How many certfcates carred on board?
12. What s damage stabty? and what does t mpy?
13. What s Trm and Stabty Booket and t's contents?
14. How w you carry out IOPP survey? What are requrements of OWS ? what
are the data recorded n 15 PPM montor ? What are new deveopments n 15
PPM montor?
15. How w you carry out IAPP survey wth a documentaton requrements?
16. How s SOx & Nox contrbutng to GHG's?
17. Chemca reacton of SOx and NOx?
18. Is SO2 a GHG?
19. VTA turbocharger detas/constructon/advantages?
20. Two hrs for departure: When engne tred out Brdge ahead ok, astern
faed, ecr astern/ahead ok. acton? and troube shootng?
1) Started wd a causa dscusson bout whch shps...how many months n
tota...shud be more...
2) Latest deveopment n gas shps...dua fue combuston...
How dua fue w change over to HFO...wd a safety n parameters of
pressure n temps...
3) Req pants for LNG...
4) Dff n LNG n LPG...
5) ISM what s most mportant for a CE n 2E...
Mgt n Master revew...
6) Iapp fu...
Too much depth n SOx n NOx cacuaton...he wants actua cacuaton
wth fgures...dn qute ceary understand what he excaty wanted
7) NOx formaton n d engne...chemca formuae....why no NOx n
boer y ony n ME....What s oxdzng n reducng reactons....Is heat
beng generated or consumed when NOx s formed n the engne....
8) STCW n MLC...work n rest...detas of understandng...
Y ndan shpowners donot want MLC...but nda s forced to compy
Topcs earnt we?
Done dry-dockng?
What nstructons C/E w gve E/O a few hours before pumpng out the dock?
Why to swtch off the ICCP? Why? Why? Why??????
Does DD come under ISM?
Certfcates whch can be updated n DD ony? Eg- ISSC cert
Surveys done n DD?
Does renewa of IAPP need to be done n DD?
Expan wrt ISM- MAster's revew. What s t? How's t done? What are the
documented proceduures?
Latest wrt OWS. Dfferences between the 2 types?
1. Casuaty on your shp and anayss based on ISM, SOLAS, MARPOL, MS act
2. Bunker conventon and Fund conventon
3. SOx, NOx, GHG
5. BDN
6. Brdge astern movement not workng durng maneuverng

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