Moac Windows 7 Lab12

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70-680 Configuring Windows 7 Lab Manual

LAB 12

Exercise 12.1

Joining a Wor grou!

In Exercise 12.1, you configure your workstation as a member of a workgroup, so that you can use all of the Win ows ! tools for creating local users an groups. 1# minutes

"ompletion time


%ake a screen shot showing the Welcome message by pressing "trl&'rt (cr an then paste the resulting image into the )ab12*worksheet file in the page provi e by pressing "trl&+.

70-680 Configuring Windows 7 Lab Manual

70-680 Configuring Windows 7 Lab Manual

Exercise 12.2

Crea"ing Local #sers and $rou!s

%he new hires in the ,ccounting epartment at "ontoso, )t . nee local user accounts for their workgroup computers %not only for themselves, but also for other epartment workers who nee access to their ata. In Exercise 12.2, you create a new local user account for the irector of the accounting epartment, -ay , ams, using the Win ows ! .ser ,ccounts control panel. 1/ minutes

"ompletion time

Question 1

In what way(s) did the password you tried to use not meet the password policy requirements? It wasnt long or complex enough.

11. %ry to set the passwor for the -, ams account using the passwor s in %able 120 1. 2or each passwor that fails, explain why it faile in the space provi e in your worksheet. Once you successfully set the passwor , the Make changes to JAdamss account page re0appears.
Table 12-3 Proposed passwords
Password &'ada( (ada's000 Jada's1+ ,assword ,a--w0rd Reason for Failure )o" long or co'!lex enoug* )o" co'!lex enoug* )o" co'!lex enoug* )o" long or co'!lex enoug* wor ed

70-680 Configuring Windows 7 Lab Manual

11. %ake a screen shot of the Choose the user account you would like to change page with the new account you create by pressing "trl&'rt (cr, an then paste the resulting image into the )ab12*worksheet file in the page provi e by pressing "trl&+.

70-680 Configuring Windows 7 Lab Manual

Exercise 12..

#sing "*e Local #sers and $rou!s &na!-/n

3ou have iscovere that while the .ser ,ccounts screen makes it easy to create accounts for local users, it oes not provi e access to all of the user account properties you nee to secure the computer. %herefore, you eci e to create the rest of the local accounts for the computer using the )ocal .sers an 4roups snap0in for 5icrosoft 5anagement "onsole 655"7 instea . 1/ minutes

"ompletion time

Question 2

What tasks can you perform in the JAdams Properties dialog bo that you could not perform in the !ser Accounts control panel? You couldnt disable the account, or stop user from changing his own password, Set a path for that user. Change what wor group the user can be apart of.


%ake a screen shot of the "omputer 5anagement console with the new accounts you create by pressing "trl&'rt (cr, an then paste the resulting image into the )ab12*worksheet file in the page provi e by pressing "trl&+.

70-680 Configuring Windows 7 Lab Manual

Exercise 12.0

Managing $rou! Me'bers*i!s

When you create local user accounts with the .ser ,ccounts control panel, you have two account type options 6(tan ar .ser an , ministrator7 to choose from that are actually a means of creating memberships in the .sers an , ministrators groups, respectively. In the )ocal .sers an 4roups snap0in, you must manually configure the group memberships for the new users. %he I% irector of "ontoso, )t . has or ere that every workgroup computer have two a itional local groups create on it, calle ,ccounting an 9ookkeeping. (he has also provi e you with the following group membership assignments that must be implemente on every workgroup computer.
,ccounting:;irector, shift supervisors, a ministrative assistants 9ookkeeping:;irector, bookkeepers, a ministrative assistants , ministrators:;irector, shift supervisors 'ower .sers:;irector, bookkeepers .sers:;irector, shift supervisors, bookkeepers, a ministrative assistants

"ompletion time

1# minutes

"ow many built#in local groups are there on the computer?

Question 3
!here are "# built$in local groups

70-680 Configuring Windows 7 Lab Manual


%ake a screen shot of the "omputer 5anagement console showing the contents of the 4roups fol er by pressing "trl&'rt (cr, an then paste the resulting image into the )ab12*worksheet file in the page provi e by pressing "trl&+.

70-680 Configuring Windows 7 Lab Manual

$f which group(s) is Jay Adams currently a member?

Question 4

Exercise 12.1

Joining a 2o'ain
<ow that you have create the new local user accounts an group memberships on the workstation, you will re=oin the computer to the omain, so that you can work with omain users an groups. 3ou must also enable the ,ctive ;irectory .sers an "omputers console, provi e with the >emote (erver , ministration %ools package installe earlier. 1# minutes

"ompletion time


%ake a screen shot showing the Welcome message by pressing "trl&'rt (cr an then paste the resulting image into the )ab12*worksheet file in the page provi e by pressing "trl&+.

70-680 Configuring Windows 7 Lab Manual

LAB CHALLENGE 12 1! C"EATE #$%A&N '(E"( AN# G"$'P(

"ompletion time 1/ minutes

In Exercises 12.2, 12.1, an 12.?, you create several local user accounts an two local groups, an then a e the users as members of the appropriate groups. %o complete this challenge, you must complete the same tasks by creating omain users an groups using the <et.exe comman line utility. Write a list of <et.exe comman s that will create a user account for the ;irector -ay , ams 6-, ams7, the users from %able 120?, an the groups from Exercise 12.?, an then a the users to the correct groups, accor ing to the following assignments@
,ccounting:;irector, shift supervisors, a ministrative assistants 9ookkeeping:;irector, bookkeepers, a ministrative assistants ;omain , mins:;irector, shift supervisors Enterprise , mins:;irector ;omain .sers:;irector, shift supervisors, bookkeepers, a ministrative assistants

When you are finishe , open an elevate comman prompt on your workstation an execute the comman s. %hen open the ,ctive ;irectory .sers an "omputer console an take a screen shot of the console, showing the users an groups you create .

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