Kertas 2: Nama Sekolah / School Name Test Name / Nama Ujian Paper 2

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Nama Sekolah / School Name Test Name / Nama Ujian Paper 2 Kertas 2 Time: 40 minutes Masa: 40 minit

This paper consists of 20 questions. Answer all questions. Write your answer clearly in the spaces provided in the question paper. Show your working. It may help you to get marks. If you wish to change your answer, erase the answer that you have done. Then write down the new answer. The diagrams in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated. The marks allocated for each question are shown in brackets. This question paper must be handed in at the end of e amination. This paper consists of 20 questions. Answer all questions. Write your answer clearly in the spaces provided in the question paper. Show your working. It may help you to get marks. If you wish to change your answer, erase the answer that you have done. Then write down the new answer. The diagrams in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated. The marks allocated for each question are shown in brackets. This question paper must be handed in at the end of e amination.
1 Subtract 27.8 from the sum of 65.109 and 5.84. Tolak 27.8 daripada jumlah 65.109 dan 5.84. [1 mark [1 markah] 6.09 ! ".1 ! 6.49 ! 0.08 # [1 mark [1 markah] 769.4 ! 57.6 ! 6 ! 7.79 # [1 mark [1 markah] 6 ! 1.282 ! 9.54 # [1 mark [1 markah] "52.6 ! 66 ! 7.21 # [1 mark [1 markah] $a%u had $&49 in his bank account. 'e de(osited $&"9.9 to his bank account before he )ithdre) $&4.18 from his account. *ind the ba+ance in his bank account. aju m!mpun"ai M49 dalam akaun #ank. $ia m!n"impan M%9.9 k! dalam akaun #ank s!#!lum dia m!n&!luarkan M4.18 dari akuan #ank. 'ari #aki (an& "an& t!rdapat dalam akaun #ankn"a. [2 marks [2 markah] 7 ,ia-ram 1 sho)s a number card. ajah 1 m!nunjukkan satu kad nom#or. 1 $ 8 ) 8 * . 1 + 2 , " -

Diagram 1 Rajah 1 *ind the .a+ue of di-it .a+ues of $ " * ! ,. 'ari nilai #a&i nilai di&it $ ! * . ,. [2 marks [2 markah] 9.556 ! 1.511 ! 0.94 ! 5.21 # [1 mark [1 markah] ! &r /ose(h has 9 m of ribbon. 'e used 6.9 m of it and bou-ht another 17."9 m. 0hat is the +en-th1 in m1 of ribbon that &r /ose(h has no)2 Mr /os!ph m!mpun"ai 9 m r!#!n. $ia m!n&&unakan 6.9 m daripada r!#!n itu dan m!m#!li 17.%9 m r!#!n la&i s!l!pas itu. 0pakah panjan& r!#!n "an& Mr /os!ph ada s!karan&1 dalam m2 [2 marks [2 markah] 1" 3 durian )ei-hs 2.52 k-. 3 (a(a4a






is 0.52 k- +i-hter than durian. 0hat is the tota+ mass1 in k-1 of the durian and (a(a4a2 3!#iji durian #!rjisim 2.52 k&. 3!#iji #!tik adalah 0.52 k& l!#ih rin&an daripada durian. 0pakah jumlah jisim #a&i k!dua4dua #iji durian dan #!tik itu1 dalam k&2 [2 marks [2 markah] 5uan 6or+i7a had 26 " of )ater +eft after usin- 4.7 " to cook and 6.95 " to make a %uice. 0hat )as the ori-ina+ .o+ume1 in "1 of )ater2 5uan 6orli7a masih m!mpun"ai 26 " air t!rtin&&al s!t!lah m!n&&unakan 4.7 " air untuk m!masak dan 6.95 " air untuk m!m#uat jus. 0pakah isipadu air s!#!lum itu1 dalam "2 [2 marks [2 markah] 5uan 6ormah bou-ht 9.9 k- of carrot1 1.8"4 k- of tomato and 6.6 k- of cucumber. 8a+cu+ate the tota+ mass1 in k-1 of .e-etab+e bou-ht b4 5uan 6ormah. 5uan 6ormah m!m#!li 9.9 k& lo#ak m!rah1 1.8%4 k& tomato dan 6.6 k& timun. 8irakan jumlah jisim sa"ur4 sa"uran "an& t!lah di#!li ol!h 5uan 6ormah1 dalam k&. [2 marks [2 markah] 5uan 6ina had 10 k- of f+our. She used 1.4 k- to make a cake and 1.4 k- to make some bread. 'o) much f+our1 in k-1 had she +eft2 5uan 6ina m!mpun"ai 10 k& t!pun&. $ia m!n&&unakan 1.4 k& t!pun& untuk m!m#uat k!k dan 1.4 k& t!pun& untuk m!m#uat roti. 9!rapakah jisim t!pun& "an& t!rtin&&al1 dalam k&2 [2 marks [2 markah] 2.664 # 2 ! ! The .a+ue of p is 6ilai p ialah [" marks [% markah] ! 58.52 # 55 " 77.27

The number in the bo9 is 6om#or dalam p!tak ialah [2 marks [2 markah] 16 There are t)o ta9is1 0 and 9. Ta9i 0 tra.e+s 59.97 km. Ta9i 9 tra.e+s 7.1 km +ess than ta9i 0. *ind the tota+ distance1 in km1 tra.e++ed b4 both of the ta9is. T!rdapat dua #uah t!ksi1 iaitu t!ksi 0 dan t!ksi 9. T!ksi 0 #!r&!rak 59.97 km. T!ksi 9 #!r&!rak 7.1 km kuran& daripada t!ksi 0. 'ari jumlah jarak "an& dilalui ol!h k!dua4dua #uah t!ksi t!rs!#ut1 dalam km. [" marks [% markah] 17 8herr4 had $&420."0. She s(ent $&92.00 for a b+ouse and $&44.40 for a (air of shoes. *ind the mone4 had she +eft after bu4in- b+ouse and shoes. 'h!rr" m!mpun"ai M420.%0. $ia m!n&&unakan M92.00 untuk m!m#!li #laus dan M44.40 untuk m!m#!li s!pasan& kasut. 'ari (an& "an& t!rtin&&al s!t!lah m!m#!li #laus dan kasut. [" marks [% markah] 1 ,ia-ram 2 sho)s the mass of a chair. ajah 2 m!nunjukkan jisim s!#uah k!rusi.

Diagram 2 Rajah 2 3 tab+e is 1.4 k- hea.ier than the chair and a shoes cabinet is 0.925 k- +i-hter than the tab+e. 0hat is the tota+ mass1 in k-1 of kerusi1 tab+e and shoes cabinet2 3!#uah m!ja adalah 1.4 k& l!#ih #!rat daripada k!rusi dan s!#uah ka#in!t kasut adalah 0.925 k& l!#ih rin&an daripada m!ja. 0pakah

jumlah jisim #a&i k!ti&a4ti&a #uah k!rusi1 m!ja dan ka#in!t kasut1 dalam k&2 [" marks [% markah] 1! &unif has t)o bott+es )hich contains 2.08 " and 2.07 " of mi+k. 'e (ours 1.54 " of mi+k from each of the t)o bott+es into a container. 0hat is the tota+ .o+ume of mi+k1 in "1 +eft in the t)o bott+es2 Muni: m!mpun"ai dua #otol "an& m!n&andun&i 2.08 " dan 2.07 " susu. $ia m!nuan& 1.54 " susu daripada s!tiap #otol itu k! dalam s!#uah #!kas. 9!rapakah jumlah isipadu susu "an& t!rtin&&al dalam k!dua4dua #otol1 dalam "2 [" marks [% markah] 2" :i 'ua has $&17.69. 'er sister has $&4.1" +ess than her. 'o) much do the4 ha.e a+to-ether2 ;i ,ua m!mpun"ai M17.69. 0dikn"a m!mpun"ai M4.1% kuran& daripadan"a. 9!rapakah jumlah (an& "an& m!r!ka ada2 [" marks [% markah] #ns$er% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4".149 2.78 71".59 14.258 29".81 84.72 92.02 ".775 ! 19.49

11 "7.65 12 18.""4 13 7.2 14 147 15 "6.25 16 112.84 17 28".90 1 6.075

1! 1.07 2" $&"1.25

1" 4.52

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