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Blue Skies Project

Transforming childrens experience in the natural play. Legislative Overview March 2013

We can transform the relationship of our children with nature through educational reform measures.
Our federal government has a role in creating opportunities for children to connect with nature. Legislation and policy make a difference. Make your voice heard. Demand that elected officials pass proposed federal

world through legislation.

Legislative Timeline Highlights of No Child Left Inside Act
The No Child Left Inside initiative to amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 would require state-level to develop environmental literacy programs for pre-kindergarten through grade 12 with competitive matching grants extended for purposes of advancing environmental education through innovation, model programs, and content and achievement standards. Timeline of legislation on No Child Left Inside Act S. 1372 (112th): No Child Left Inside Act of 2011 Introduced July 14, 2011 (112th Congress, 2011-2012) Sponsor: Senator John Jack Reed [D-RI} Latest major action: 7/14/2011 referred to Senate committee Status: Read twice, referred to Committee on Health Education, Labor and Pensions Co-sponsors: 16 H.R. 2547 (112th): No Child Left Inside Act of 2011 Introduced: July 14, 2011 (112th Congress 2011-2012) Sponsor: Representative John Sarbanes [D-MD3] Latest major action: 9/8/2011 referred to House Subcommittee Status: Referred to Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Co-sponsors 60 S. 866 (111th): No Child Left Inside Act of 2009 Introduced: April 22, 2009 (111th Congress, 2009-2010) Sponsor: Senator John Jack Reed [D-RI] Latest major action: Introduced, referred to Senate committee Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. Reintroduced as S.1372 (112th) on 7/14/11 H.R.2054 (111th): No Child Left Inside Act of 2009 Introduced: April 22, 2009 Sponsor: Representative John P. Sarbanes, [MD3] Latest Major Action: 6/4/09 Referred to House subcommittee Status: Referred to Sub-committee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Co-sponsors:123 H.RES.860: Supporting the initiatives of Chicago Wilderness and the Childrens Outdoor Bill of Rights

Our Mission:
Increase free and unstructured play in nature. Promote safety and
accessibility of natural areas. Respond

to physical and mental health crisis in childhood. Advance environmental literacy through innovation. Develop and expand model programs. Create possibilities for outdoor learning and outdoor classrooms.

What is the value of preserving and strengthening this sense of awe and wonder, this recognition of something beyond the boundaries of human existence? Is the exploration of the natural world just a pleasant way to pass the golden hours of childhood or is there something deeper? Rachel Carson, The Sense of Wonder (1965)

Introduced: October 22, 2009 Sponsor: Representative Mike Quigley [IL5] Latest Major Action: 1/13/2010 Passes/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 369-1 Latest Action: 1/13/2010 Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection Cosponsors:29

Current statistics on Children and Nature Public Policy Initiatives:

Environmental Literacy Alaska, California, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Washington, Wisconsin

Total: 12 Childrens Outdoor Bill of Rights or Similar Measure California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee, Wisconsin Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Type to enter text Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Washington, Wisconsin Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Missouri, Ohio

Sow the seeds of childs relationship to nature through state-level legislation, bills of rights, executive orders, and coalitions.

Total: 16 Environmental Literacy Education Plan

Nurture the stewards: explore, discover, and wonder with grassroots efforts.
Grassroots efforts to reconnect children to nature are emerging across the nation and fueling the discussions on children and nature on the state and federal level. From larger organizations to smaller community-based initiatives, children, families, and educators are responding to campaigns, joining movements, and leaving the paved playgrounds in favor of the trails through meadows and paths through gardens. How will you be involved?

Total: 22

Whats happening in your backyard?

National Wildlife Federation Create and certify a NWF Schoolyard Habitat for native backyard species this summer Join the Great American Backyard Campout on June 22 and spend a night with your children under the stars Children & Nature Network Create an event and play, serve, and celebrate outdoors with C&NNs Lets G.O.! (Get Outside) April 2013 month-long celebration Become a Natural Teacher! Visit C&NNs website for your free Natural Teachers Network Guide Join the Natural Families Network and create an outdoor adventure club! Visit C&NN for information

Environmental Literacy Executive Orders Total: 5 No Child Left Inside Coalition or Similar Organization Total: 48

ALL STATES except Hawaii, Oklahoma

"Many of us still remember a time when playing in nature was considered normal and expected. We cannot leave this earth and take that memory with us. We must pass it to the next generation." Richard Louv, Author,Last Child In the Woods (2006)

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