Unit 1: Greetings: Test 1 Choose The Correct Answer. Only One Answer Is Correct

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E6 U1

TEST 1 Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct. 1. How are you? ________ A. Im a student. B. Thank you very much C. Very well, thank you . Im !an. ". ________ #y names $usan. A. Hows your name? B. %hats your name? B. How do you do? B. %hat youre name? &. %h'ch word conta'ns a d'((erent sound (rom the others? A. )a* B. ca+ C. dad . (ar ,. _______ H', Im Bo). -'ce to meet you. A. How old are you? B. How are you? C. H', my names #ary . Im ('ne. .. #r. Trun* 's ________doctor. A. the B. a C. an ./ 0. %h'ch word conta'ns the sound1e1? A. name B. head C. eraser . mate 2. 3ood morn'n*, ch'ldren. ________ A. 3ood morn'n*, #'ss An*ela B. Very well, thank you. And you? C. %ere ('ne, thank you. . Take care 4. ________ Hes (rom !ondon. A. %heres he (rom? B. %hats h's 5o)? C. %hos he? . %hats h's name? 6. ________ 's !'(e Hos+'tal? Its 'n the c'ty center. A. %hat B. %ho C. %here . %hen 17. _______ Ted and 8ack 'n #rs. Annas class? A. Is B. Are C. Be . Am 11. Are you doctors? ________ . A. 9es, were B. 9es, theyre C. 9es, I am . 9es, we are 1". How old are you? ________ . A. Im th'rteen B. Im 8ohn 1

E6 U1 C. Im ('ne, thanks 1&. #ark l'ves _______ #anchester. A. 'n C. at 1,.%hat _______ these? Theyre carrots. A. )e C. 's 1.. e'*ht : s'; < _______ . A. twelve C. (ourteen 10._______ are they? Theyre my classmates. A. %hat C. %hy 12. %h'ch ver) adds_es 'n the th'rd +erson? A. teach C. l'sten 14. %h'ch word 's the odd one out? A. ten C. e'*hteen 16. Hello, #'nh. _______ 's !on*. A. Th's C. Those "7. %hen you meet your (r'end at & +.m., you say = A. 3ood morn'n* C. 3ood even'n* . Im a student B. on . under B. am . are B. th'rteen . ('(teen B. %ho . %here B. eat . walk B. s';teen . th'rd B. These . They B. 3ood a(ternoon . 3oodn'*ht

E6 U1

Choose the correct answer. 1. -'ce ______ you. A. to meet'n* C. meets ". / 3ood)ye> _ _______ . A. $ee you later C. Hello &. _ _______ _ Its n'ne am. A. %hat the t'me 's? C. %hat hour 's 't? ,. / Is that your teacher? _ _______ . A. Is C. That one .. _ Thank you very much. _ _______ . A. Thats all r'*ht C. Thats r'*ht 0. %h'ch word 's the odd one out? A. watch C. month 2. Com+lete the s@uare. n'*ht day even'n* A. morn'n* C. dark 4. Ten : ('ve < ______ . A. twelve C. (ourteen 6. %e ______ ('ne, thank you. A. )e C. 's 17. / ______ 's your teacher? _ #'ss !an ?huon*. A. %hat C. %ho 11. $h'rts, trousers and sk'rts are _______ . A. dresses C. su'ts 1". _ How are you? _ -ot very well, Im a(ra'd. B. meet . to meet B. 3ood even'n* . How are th'n*s? B. How 's 't late? . %hat t'me 's 't? B. 9es, 't 's . 9es, she 's B. ?lease . -oth'n* B. week . year

B. t'me . a(ternoon B. th'rteen . ('(teen B. am . are B. %here . %hen B. clothes . wardro)es

E6 U1 _ _______ A. Thats n'ce> B. 3ood (or you> C. Thank you. . %hats wron*? 1&.______ you twelve years old? A. Be B. Am C. Is . Are 1,. _ Amy, th's 's my (r'end, -ancy. _ _______ . A. Im very well, thank you B. 3ood)ye. $ee you later C. H', -ancy . Im sorry 1.. _ _______ _ -o, she 'snt. %ere 'n #'ss #a's class. A. Is #'ss Hoa your teacher? B. Are you 'n #'ss #a's class? C. Is #'ss #a' your teacher? . Are you 'n #'ss Hoas class? 10. %h'ch word 's the odd one out? A. lesson B. math C. h'story . l'terature 12. How many sylla)les are there 'n the word wonderful? A. one B. two C. three . (our 14. _ %ho are ______ ? _ Theyre our (r'ends. A. we B. us C. they . them 16. _ Are you (rom Tha'land? _ _______ . A. -o, Im not. Im (rom Tha'land. B. 9es, theyre. Theyre (rom Tha'land. C. -o, Im not. Im (rom $'n*a+ore. . 9es, theyre. Theyre (rom $'n*a+ore. "7. %h'ch word has three sylla)les? A. (ourteen B. ('(teen C. s';teen . seventeen

E6 U1

Choose the correct answer. 1. _ How are you today? _ _______ . A. Im (rom !'ver+ool. B. H'. #y names Ted. C. Im very well, thanks. . Im th'rteen years old. ". _ Is #r. ?'ke your (orm teacher? _ _______ A. 9es, 't 's. B. 9es, he 's. C. 9es, she 's. . 9es, we are. &. %h'ch sentence 's correct? A. T'na 's my )est (r'end. B. T'na 's my )est (r'end. C. T'na 's (r'end )est my. . T'na my )est (r'end 's ,. %h'ch word conta'ns a d'((erent sound (rom the others? A. cake B. day C. way . cat .. -'neteen A three A s'; < _______ . A. ten B. eleven C. twelve . th'rteen 0. %here _______ your school? A. 't 's B. theres C. 's . 's 't 2. Bo) and Ted are )rothers, and Anna 's _______ s'ster. A. they B. the'rs C. them . the'r 4. %e have ______ Bn*l'sh lesson today. A. a B. an C. the ._ 6. Bread, cake and +otatoes are _______ . A. ve*eta)les B. meals C. cook'n* . (ood 17. ?ut these sentences 'n the correct order to make a conversat'on. a. C'ne, thanks. ). 3ood a(ternoon, !'sa. How are you? c. C'ne, thank you. And you? d. 3ood a(ternoon, 3eor*e. A. )AcAaAd B. aA)AdAc C. dAcAaA) . dA)AcAa 11. %h'ch sentence 's correct? A. The name o( your )est (r'end 's what? B. %hat your )est (r'end the name 's? C. %hat 's the name o( your )est (r'end? . %hat the name o( your )est (r'end? 1". %h'ch word 's the odd one out? A. day B. morn'n* 5

E6 U1 C. a(ternoon . even'n* 1&. ?ut these sentences 'n the correct order to make a conversat'on. a. Hello, Bo). Th's 's !'nda. ). H', !'nda. -'ce to meet you. c. Hello, Andy. d. -'ce to meet you. A. dA)AaAc B. cAaA)Ad C. )AcAdAa . aAdAcA) 1,. %h'ch sentence 's correct? A. Comes here, Dose. B. Come here, Dose. C. To come here Dose. . Here come, Dose. 1.. I have an Bn*l'sh lesson ______ #onday. A. at B. )y C. 'n . on 10. _______ a clock 'n your class? A. Is B. It C. Is there . Has thereE 12. #a' and Tran*______ *ood (r'ends. A. are B. am C. 'ts . 's 14. At what t'me _______ ? A. does the lesson starts B. starts the lesson C. the lesson starts . does the lesson start Read the text and choose the answer that yo thin! "its #est accordin$ to the text. #y names Akem'. Im ". years old and I come (rom Tokyo 'n 8a+an. Im a student at Cam)r'd*e Fn'vers'ty, where I study Bn*l'sh. #y 'nterests are theater, c'nema and class'cal mus'c. In 8a+an I work 'n a lar*e de+artment store sell'n* cosmet'cs. %hen I *o home I ho+e to *et a 5o) us'n* my Bn*l'sh, may)e 'n a travel a*ency. #y am)'t'on 's to travel all over Buro+e and learn another Buro+ean lan*ua*e. 16. Akem' 's ______ years old. A. twentyAtwo B. twentyAthree C. twentyA(our . twentyA('ve "7. %h'ch o( the (ollow'n* 's true? A. Akem' 's 'nterested 'n theater, )ut she doesnt l'ke c'nema and class'cal mus'c. B. Her 'nterests are theater and +o+ mus'c. C. $he d'sl'kes theater, c'nema a nd class'cal mus'c. . Theater, c'nema and class'cal mus'c are her 'nterests. "1. In 8a+an Akem' works ______ . A. at a un'vers'ty B. 'n a de+artment store C. at a travel a*ency . 'n advert's'n* "". Her am)'t'on 's _______ . A. to sell cosmet'cs B. to travel all over Buro+e C. to learn another Buro+ean lan*ua*e . Both B and C

E6 U1

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