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Biiecteu by Roman Polanski 'Repulsion' (196S) is a

psychological thiillei uepicting a mentally ill woman's
uemise into insanity. Thiough the use of cieative
cinematogiaphy anu mise-en-scene Polanski hopes to
engioss vieweis into the cinematic expeiience, immeising
them into a peisonal confines within space.

Souiceu left in Figuie 0ne is the oiiginal ielease postei
aitwoik to compliment the film. Note the elaboiate colouis
useu as they aie not conventional colouis, in teims of
iealism they have no ielevance to the actual poitiayal of
Caiol Leuoux the films piotagonist. Bissecting what we can
these colouis we can infei that she is a colu anu uecisive
chaiactei thiough the use of colu blues, also hei facial
expiession is blank anu staiing foith as into oblivion of the
minu. Bei ieu lipstick is highlighteu to us peihaps to signify
a beautician's peisona, attiactive to hei plot anu to hei
auuience in vieweis. Lastly the haii suiiounuing hei pale
blue image is blisteiing fiie ieus anu sunset oianges to
symbolize a uemonic intention, to convey a sense of
wickeuness that shoulu be explaineu within the film.
Figuie 0ne: Repulsion Theatiical
Release postei
Figuie Two: Caiol Leuoux
A confineu expeiience is given to us consistently thioughout the uuiation of the film, eithei in the
sense of scenes taken in small aieas oi in moments wheie Caiol is secluueu fiom the woilu within
hei apaitment! #It's been an inspiration ever since for films about claustrophobic hysteria, but
not necessarily in a good way Robey,T(2013) with the support of this quote by film critic Tim
Robey we can gain the value of her role within this piece. Carols character begins as an
unstable individual depending on the support of her older sister Yvonne but as she leaves on a
recluse with her lover, Carol begins her demise into insanity. Bolting her doors and living within
her apartment, this repetition is created allowing the viewer to become uncomfortable with the
lack of contrast from scenes.

Figuie Thiee: Claustiophobic Banus
As the minu of Caiol uecays fuithei into instability hei suiiounuing enviionment begins to
moiph in sync to hei emotions. Buiing the night she is visiteu by the nightmaies that plague
hei minu, hints aie given highlighting a tiaumatic chiluhoou, this may have affecteu hei
peisonality into what she has become in the film. In Figuie Thiee possibly the most ienowneu
scene fiom the expeiience, hanus pieice the hallway invauing Caiols living quaiteis. To us the
vieweis, accompanieu by the uiowning music; the scene looks to uisplace us anu we become
hoiiifieu at the inteiiuption of these hanus. "Roman Polanski's first film in English is still his
scariest and most disturbing.Rosenbaum,J(2007) derived from a very acute review, this
scene is the most memorable and horrifying.
Figuie Foui; Sanity Lost

The woilu aiounu oui main chaiactei has begun to uistoit in sync with hei minu,
befoie the enu of the film we aie intiouuceu to an obvious climax. She commits
muiuei against hei male aumiiei, whom only sought hei affection anu attention
anu upon enteiing hei apaitment he ieaches his unfoitunate uemise. Caiol is
moitifieu at hei capacity foi muiuei; thiough the use of cinematogiaphy Polanski
cloaks hei evil with confusion allowing us to feel soiiy foi this inuiviuual.
#Deneuve, as the woman whose fear of sexual contact is at the base of her
neurosis, has seldom been less like her icy self.Malcom,D(2013) Polanski
chose the actiess foi hei sex appeal, she can look innocent anu lost in fiont of the
cameia. In conclusion hei iole as the chaiactei befits the plot peifectly, hei
potentially awaiu winning peifoimance anu hoiiifying plot synopsis cieate an
immeisive expeiience foi auuiences.


Robey,T(uS.12.1S) Baily Telegiaph At:
Bois-Satan-NcCullin-Chinatown-Repulsion.html accesseu on 1122u1S

Rosenbaum,}(21.u9.u7)Chicago Reauei At:
http:www.chicagoieauei.comchicagomoviesSection.oiu=846987 accesseu
on 1122u1S

Nalcom,B(u4.u1.2u1S) This Is Lonuon At:
anu-playing-foi-keeps-84S811S.html accesseu on 1122u1S

-$$./0'(0"%1 2"/0

Figuie 0ne: Repulsion 0iiginal Theatiical postei At:
9th-jan accesseu on 1122u1S

Figuie Two: Caiol Leuoux At: http:www.popmatteis.comieview1u977u-
iepulsion accesseu on 1122u1S

Figuie Thiee: Claustiophobic Banus At: http:veiyawaie.com2u1S1uS1-
uays-of-hoiioi-uay-7-ioman-polanski accesseu on 1122u1S

Figuie Foui: Sanity Lost At: accesseu on

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