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1951 | Ralph W. Hansen (BA '51, MA '54, MLS University of California, Berkeley '70 Lillian Stron! "BS '50# Boise, $%a&o' %onate% (orl% (ar $$ )e)ora*ilia to a ne+ ),se,) in $taly, +&ere -ansen +as statione% in 194./ 195. | Leo W. Goates Sr. (MA '5., 01 So,t&ern Met&o%ist University '.. Ar2a%ia, Calif/', a for)er attorney of t&e U/S/ 3reas,ry 1e4art)ent, re2eive% t&e 5allatin A+ar% for 40 years of fe%eral servi2e/ 1956 | William L. Nixon (BS '56, 01 5eor!e (as&in!ton University '.7 Carol Salt Lake City' took t&e oat& of offi2e as an i))i!ration 8,%!e for t&e Salt Lake City $))i!ration Co,rt/ 1959 | H. George Frederickson (BA '59, M9A University of California, Los An!eles '.1, 9&1 University of So,t&ern California '.7 Mary (illia)s "BS '57# S&a+nee Mission, :an/', a 4rofessor of 4,*li2 a%)inistration at t&e University of :ansas, re2eive% t&e 7005 $rvin ;o,n!*er! <esear2& A+ar% in a44lie% s2ien2es/ Dixie Ann Grimmett (BS '59, MS (as&in!ton State University '.7, =%1 '79 -,ntin!ton Bea2&, Calif/', e>e2,tive assistant to t&e 4resi%ent of California State University, Lon! Bea2&, re2eive% t&e ,niversity's A%van2e)ent of (o)en for A%)inistration A+ar%/ 19.? | John L. Q ist ('.? S,san So,t& 0or%an, Uta&' &as *een na)e% a re!ional stores )ana!er for A%van2e% Co)fort 3e2&nolo!ies, t&e )aker of $ntelliBe%/ -e &as also re2eive% S2o,tin!'s Silver Beaver A+ar%/ 19.. | W. Ra! L ce """ (BS '.., MS '.6, 9&1 University of @ir!inia '76 Mary <o!ers "BS '.4# Marietta, 5a/', %ire2tor of t&e -istori2 9reservation 1ivision of t&e 5eor!ia 1e4art)ent of Aat,ral <eso,r2es, &as *een sele2te% to *e 4art of a &istori2 4reservation e>2&an!e to Bran2e/ 19.7 | James #. $an%ord (BA '.7, MA '.9 =liCa*et& 1ra4er, Uta&' is 2&air of t&e (orl% Lan!,a!es 1e4art)ent at So,t& 3e>as Colle!e/ 19.9 | Les R. Smith (BA '.9, M9A '60, 9&1 '66 =laine (ay)ent "BA '95# 5il*ert, AriC/' +as na)e% asso2iate vi2e 4resi%ent of t&e AriCona State University Bo,n%ation/ -e is also a tr,stee for <o2ky Mo,ntain University of -ealt& 9rofessions/ 1970 | James &. Andreasen (BS '70, MS '7?, 9&1 Dre!on State University '75 Bar*ara $vins, Uta&' retire% after a ?7Eyear e2olo!i2alEresear2& 2areer +it& t&e fe%eral !overn)ent/ -e an% &is +ife re2ently ret,rne% fro) a )ission to Sy%ney, A,stralia/ 1971 | &ell! '. 'ra(( (BA '71, M9A '7?, 01 Col,)*ia University '64 0ani2e M2Cl,re "'74# So,t& 9asa%ena, Calif/', 4artner at Morrison F Boerster, re2eive% t&e D,tstan%in! La+yer of 7005 A+ar% fro) t&e 0/ <e,*en Clark La+ So2iety of Los An!eles/ )ichael &. Giles (BS '71, MS '71, 9&1 University of AriCona '7. 3erry Cosse*oo) "BS '71# Las Cr,2es, A/M/', a 4rofessor of ele2tri2al an% 2o)4,ter en!ineerin! at Ae+ Me>i2o State University, &as *een ele2te% to *e a fello+ of t&e $nternational So2iety for D4ti2al =n!ineerin!/ 1977 | John A. $ascom (BA '77 Lisa @i2torville, Calif/' &as 4ro)ote% t&e 2ontri*,tions of t&e Mor)on Battalion to early California &istory for ?0 years/ Bor &is efforts, &e &as re2eive% )any &onors/ James A. Holtkamp (BA '77, 01 5eor!e (as&in!ton University '75 Marianne Coltrin "BA '71# Salt Lake City' &as *een a44ointe% 4resi%ent of t&e <o2ky Mo,ntain Mineral La+ Bo,n%ation/ 1974 | Donald A. Herrin (BS '74, MDB '76, 9&1 '6? :erry Ca)eron "BS '71# Salt Lake City' re2eive% t&e S,4erior 3ea2&in! A+ar% for t&e Colle!e of So2ial an% Be&avioral S2ien2es at t&e University of Uta&/ R ssell H. *haden (BA '74, MMAS U/S/ Ar)y Co))an% an% 5eneral Staff Colle!e '67 Merry At2&ison, :an/' retire% after ?4 years of a2tive %,ty +it& t&e U/S/ Ar)y/ -e is no+ an assistant 4rofessor at t&e U/S/ Ar)y Co))an% an% 5eneral Staff Colle!e/ 1975 | Alan L. A+er! (BS '75, MBA University of 9&oeni> '6. C&eryl =skri%!e "BS '79# 1,*,G,e, $o+a' +as ele2te% 4resi%ent of t&e Carne!ieESto,t 9,*li2 Li*rary Boar% of 3r,stees/ -e is also t&e e>e2,tive %ire2tor of Me%i2al Asso2iates -ealt& 9lans an% t&e 4resi%ent of -ealt& C&oi2es/ 197. | $rent L. Scott (BS '7. Anne =%en, Uta&' &as *een na)e% 2&ief e>e2,tive offi2er of Ste4&en's 5o,r)et -ot Co2oa/ 1977 | Ro(ert D. 'happell (BS '77 0an B,rnin!&a) "BS '75# 3&e (oo%lan%s, 3e>as', a Merrill Lyn2& finan2ial a%visor an% a for)er *is&o4, +as re2ently 4rofile% in Registered Rep )a!aCine, +&i2& %is2,sse% *ot& &is *,siness s,22ess an% &is fait&/ Jo!ce Reed Stephenson (BS '77 Mi2&ael Me%ina, D&io' earne% a )aster of e%,2ation %e!ree fro) t&e University of Akron/ S&e tea2&es fift& !ra%e/ 1976 | *imoth! $. Anderson (01 '76 St/ 5eor!e, Uta&' +as a44ointe% to t&e *oar% of tr,stees of t&e University of Uta&/ 1979 | &im No+as Green (BA '79 C&arles "'79# M,rray, Uta&', a for)er Ms/ 9rovo an% Mrs/ Uta&, &as en8oye% a s,22essf,l 2o,ntry sin!in! 2areer in =,ro4e/ )ark A. H tchins (BS '79, MA University of California, Los An!eles '94 1e*ra Bra%s&a+ "BS '77# 5il*ert, AriC/' re2eive% a )aster's %e!ree fro)

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Carne!ie Mellon University/ -e is a senior 4ro8e2t )ana!er at $ntel/ 1960 | Dale L. ,d-ards (BA '60, ML$S '90, 0,lie <osa "AS '75# 5reeley, Colo/' re2eive% a %o2torate fro) t&e University of Aort& Carolina an% is no+ an assistant 4rofessor of *roa%2ast 8o,rnalis) at t&e University of Aort&ern Colora%o/ R. 'raig Ford (BS '60, MS '61 :lea =,!ene, Dre/' re2eive% a %o2torate of a,%iolo!y fro) A/3/ Still University of -ealt& S2ien2es/ -e no+ +orks at t&e =,!ene -earin! an% S4ee2& Center/ 1961 | R. Ra! Depe- (BS '61, MS Stanfor% University '66 @alerie :ent "BS '76# Lovelan%, Colo/', after leavin! a 70Eyear en!ineerin! 2areer, &as *e!,n tea2&in! se2on%ary )at&e)ati2s in Lon!)ont, Colo/ -is +ife, @alerie, is a 2ons,)er an% fa)ily st,%ies tea2&er in Lovelan%, Colo/ 'al+in S. )onson (BA '61, MA University of C&i2a!o '65 S&a+na C&i2a!o' &as 8oine% A=<A =2ono)i2 Cons,ltin! as a vi2e 4resi%ent in t&e fir)'s C&i2a!o offi2e/ 1967 | 'handra Jackson )oss (BA '67, 01 So,t&+estern University S2&ool of La+ '90 1avi% "'69# Ae+4ort Bea2&, Calif/' &as *een %esi!nate% as a 2ertifie% fa)ily la+ s4e2ialist *y t&e State Bar of California/ Jon A. Wilhelm (BA '67, MBA University of So,t&ern California '64 -i!&lan%, Calif/' is t&e fo,n%er of t&e Contin,ation S&el*y M,stan! 9ro!ra), +&i2& &as 4ro%,2e% several S&el*y M,stan!s, s,2& as t&e 5/3/ 500=, also kno+n as H=leanorH of Gone in 60 Seconds/ 196? | #hilip A. )ettra (BA '6? Lo, Ann $rvine, Calif/' &as *een na)e% vi2e 4resi%ent of )arketin! for B,%!et Blin%s/ 1964 | #eter J. S cco (MS '64 Mary Maa! "AS '60# =,!ene, Dre/' re2eive% a %o2torate in a,%iolo!y fro) A/3/ Still University of -ealt& S2ien2es/ -e no+ +orks at t&e =,!ene -earin! an% S4ee2& Center/ 1965 | Glen R. Andersen (BS '65, MS Massa2&,setts $nstit,te of 3e2&nolo!y '67, 9&1 Massa2&,setts $nstit,te of 3e2&nolo!y '91 S,Canne Bert2& "BA '6.# Al*,G,erG,e, A/M/' &as 8oine% :leinfel%er in its Al*,G,erG,e, A/M/, offi2e to lea% t&e re!ion's !eote2&ni2al an% 2onstr,2tion )aterials testin! %e4art)ents/ 1967 | Ro(ert &. $ rns (BA '67 Ann =liason "'97# 5len%ale, AriC/' re2eive% t&e 7004 C&air)an's A+ar% at 3&e -artfor% Binan2ial Servi2es 5ro,4 for &is +ork +it& a s4e2ial offi2e set ,4 to &an%le 2lai)s )a%e after fo,r &,rri2anes str,2k Blori%a an% t&e So,t& in fall 7004/ Leslie A. Haacke (01 '67 Cave Creek, AriC/' +ill 8oin t&e la+ fir) of 0ennin!s, Stro,ss, an% Sal)on, fo2,sin! &er 4ra2ti2e on se2,rities, 2ivil, an% 2o))er2ial liti!ation an% a44ellate 4ra2ti2e/ 'raig J. *inge! (BA '67, MS Syra2,se University '90 0ill -ales "BS '65# 9ark City, Uta&' &as 8oine% 5alin%o Cons,ltin! as vi2e 4resi%ent of 2ons,ltin! servi2es/ 1966 | Scott J. $ r-ell (BA '66, MBA University of Uta& '04 3onya (ilkey "'9?# Saint C&arles, Mo/' &as *een na)e% %ire2tor of sales for t&e Bonneville St/ Lo,is <a%io 5ro,4/ $radle! R. 'ahoon (BA '66 0o%ie 1ra4er, Uta&', a 4artner of Snell an% (il)er, &as *een ele2te% 2&air of t&e A)eri2an L,n! Asso2iation of Uta&/ .hang Jie (MA '66, 9&1 '97 I,e&on! L, "MLS '69# =ast A)&erst, A/;/' &as *een a+ar%e% a J1 )illion !rant fro) t&e Aational $nstit,tes of -ealt& to st,%y r,ral C&inese s,i2i%e/ -e &as re2eive% t&e C&an2ellor A+ar% for =>2ellen2e in Ba2,lty Servi2e fro) t&e State University of Ae+ ;ork/ #atrick J. #atterson (BA '66 :ristina Barr "'66# -i!ley, AriC/' is an in%e4en%ent 2ontra2tor to vario,s Aort& A)eri2an 2o)4anies, +orkin! to %evelo4 )arketin!, lea%ers&i4, an% )ana!e)ent skills/ 1969 | Da+id $. Da ghtre! (MBA '69 1oe M,s!rave "'9?# Mesa, AriC/' &as esta*lis&e% Co44er+yn% Binan2ial in S2otts%ale, AriC/ Anthon! A. #i/0a (BA '69, M=% '91, =%1 La Sierra University '05 3eresa 5,rnee, $ll/', 2oor%inator of learnin! te2&nolo!ies at Aort&eastern $llinois University, +as ele2te% 4resi%ent of t&e 1ivision of 1istan2e Learnin! of t&e Asso2iation for =%,2ational Co)),ni2ations an% 3e2&nolo!y/ 1990 | ,d-in ). &ellar (BA '90 Lois Aort& @ernon, $n%/' re2eive% a )aster of li*rary s2ien2e %e!ree fro) $n%iana University/ 1991 | &atherine )cLa ghlin Fl!nn (BA '91, 01 5eor!ia State University '96 Mi2&ael A2)e, 9a/' re2eive% a )aster's %e!ree in li*rary an% infor)ation s2ien2e fro) t&e University of 9itts*,r!&/ S&e is an e%itorial )ana!er +it& Le>isAe>is/ &enneth R. Ha!cock (=%1 '91, MBA <oyal <oa%s University '04 S&eila San 0ose, Calif/', 4resi%ent of t&e Asso2iation for Li*rary an% $nfor)ation S2ien2e, &as *een a44ointe% 4rofessor an% %ire2tor of t&e S2&ool of Li*rary an% $nfor)ation S2ien2e at San 0ose State University/ )ichael $. 1ttinger (BS '91, MS '9?, 9&1 University of 3e>as '97 0,lene (&ite "BS '9?# Saint 0ose4&, Mo/' &as *een !rante% ten,re an% na)e% asso2iate 4rofessor of 4&ysi2s at Misso,ri (estern State University/ 2ernon J. Richardson (BS '91, MBA '91, MA22 '91, 9&1 University of $llinois '97 Connie Bea2& "BA '91# Bayetteville, Ark/' +as na)e% t&e <al4& L/ M2K,een C&air in A22o,ntin! at t&e University of Arkansas/ 1997 | Stephen W. D!er (BS '97, M= University of Mi2&i!an '94, 9&1 University of Mi2&i!an '99, MBA University of Mi2&i!an '0? 3a)i 3, "MA22 '90# 9,%on! S&an!&ai, C&ina' &as *een a44ointe% )ana!er of A/3/ :earney's S&an!&ai, C&ina, offi2e/ Rodne! S. )orris (BS '97 :i)*erly Clark "'97# @alen2ia, Calif/', a senior )ana!er +it& 1eloitte F 3o,2&e in Los An!eles, +as na)e% a fello+ of t&e Cas,alty A2t,arial So2iety/ 199? | Andre- W. Gilliland (BA '9?, 01 University of Uta& '00, LLM University of Blori%a '05 <,t& 1ra4er, Uta&' &as 8oine% 9arsons Be&le F Lati)er as a )e)*er of t&e real estate, *ankin!, an% finan2e %e4art)ent/ Ronald D. Haas Jr. (BS '9? 0ani2e -a)ilton "'97# Centennial, Colo/' &as 8oine% 9ri2e+ater&o,seCoo4ers as a 4artner in t&e 1enver offi2e/ 1994 | 'athr!n 'armode Lim (BA '94 Mar2elino "BS '9?# Anniston, Ala/' 4,*lis&e% &er first *ook, Full Hands, Full Heart, Full Circle, a*o,t t&e 2&allen!es an% re+ar%s of )ot&er&oo%/ Lisa J. #eck (BA '94 -i!&lan%, Uta&' &as 4,*lis&e% 15 *ooks, in2l,%in! a series 2alle% t&e C3< Cl,*/ La ra

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2ernon (BA '94 MA (est)inster Colle!e '96 Salt Lake City' &as 8oine% t&e 0o&n A/ Moran =ye Center at t&e University of Uta& as 4,*li2 relations )ana!er/ S&e is t&e 7005L0. 4resi%ent of t&e Uta& 2&a4ter of t&e $nternational Asso2iation of B,siness Co)),ni2ators/ 1995 | Aaron ). $ 3no-ski (BS '95, MS '9. 0,lie Bris2o, 3e>as' re2eive% an MBA fro) University of 3e>as at A,stin an% &as 8oine% t&e Boston Cons,ltin! 5ro,4 as a 2ons,ltant in 1allas/ Sheldon $. DeFrie4 (BA '95 Centennial, Colo/' !ra%,ate% fro) Metro4olitan State Colle!e of 1enver +it& a *a2&elor's %e!ree in ele2tri2al en!ineerin! te2&nolo!y/ Josh ). Reid (BS '95, MS ;ale University '97, 01 University of AriCona '00 3a)sen B,rk "BA '9?# Salt Lake City', an attorney +it& 9arsons Be&le F Lati)er, &as *een a44ointe% to t&e Uta& State Boar% of <e!ents, t&e !overnin! *o%y for Uta& &i!&er e%,2ation/ 199. | William A. )acke! """ (BA '9. 3orran2e, Calif/' is 4resi%ent of D&, <ioM 9ro%,2tions, +&i2& +on a 3elly A+ar% for a *e&in%Et&eEs2enes %o2,)entary on t&e )akin! of t&e Unite% Airlines 2o))er2ial The Rose. Jason S. R ssell (BA '9. :i)*erli S4anis& Bork, Uta&' &as 8oine% A,Skin =nter4rises as t&e 2o)),ni2ations )ana!er for Aort& A)eri2a/ 1997 | Nathan 1. Greene (BS '97, 01 Branklin 9ier2e La+ Center '05 So,t& 0or%an, Uta&' is an asso2iate in Stoel <ives' te2&nolo!y an% intelle2t,al 4ro4erty 4ra2ti2e !ro,4/ 'hristopher ). Johnson (BA '97, MBA 9e44er%ine University '05 :8ersten (oo%ley "BS '97# <an2&o Santa Mar!arita, Calif/' &as *een a44ointe% vi2e 4resi%ent of sales +it& Bi%elity $nvest)ents, 2overin! So,t&ern California/ 1996 | )ichael D. Adams (BS '96, MS $n%iana State University '01 S&annon $rvine "BA '9.# 9rovo' &as earne% a %o2torate %e!ree in 2o,nselin! 4sy2&olo!y fro) $n%iana State University/ R!an W. )c&inle! (BS '96 S&a+na :i%%er "BS '95# =%)on%, Dkla/' +as t&e re2i4ient of t&e 9eter 1ia)on% A+ar%, for )ost %roi% *a%!es 2olle2te%, as +ell as t&e 3e),ra Morrison A+ar%, for Hkee4in! yo,r *,2ket on,H %,rin! t&e 501st Le!ion's 1roi% -,nt at t&e Star (ars Cele*ration $$$ in $n%iana4olis/ *imoth! R. &enned! (BA '96, MBA University of Uta& '0? Melanie M2Lean "01 '99# :aysville, Uta&' &as 8oine% M2Cann =ri2kson in t&eir Salt Lake City offi2es as strate!y %ire2tor for t&eir Mi2rosoft tea)/ 1999 | Lance S. Lehnho% (BA '99, 01 '07 0ennifer By*ee "BS '99# Dre), Uta&' &as 8oine% t&e 2or4orate !ro,4 of t&e la+ fir) Stoel <ives/ 7000 | $randon W. Sanderson (BA '00, MA '05 Dre), Uta&' is 4,*lis&in! &is %e*,t novel, Elantris, +&i2& &e +rote +&ile earnin! &is *a2&elor's %e!ree in =n!lis&/ 7001 | $ret ). $ald-in (9&1 '01 0,lia -anson "BS '66# M,r4&y, 3e>as' +as ele2te% to serve a t&reeEyear ter) as )ayor of M,r4&y, 3e>as/ R % s H. Johnson (BA '01, MA Monterey $nstit,te of $nternational St,%ies '04 0,liet Le+is "BS '01# Balls C&,r2&, @a/' &as *een a+ar%e% t&e 9resi%ential Mana!e)ent Bello+s&i4 *y t&e Unite% States Dffi2e of 9ersonnel Mana!e)ent/ Nikki F. $!(ee (BA '01 Aor)an, Dkla/' +as a+ar%e% a !ra%,ate fello+s&i4 *y t&e University of Dkla&o)a's S2&ool of 1an2e/ 'arlene Ho-ard Williams (BBA '01 L,2as (i2&ita, :an/' &as ill,strate% t&e *ooks Santa's Stray an% A iano !or Christ"as, t&e 4ro2ee%s fro) +&i2& s,44ort non4rofit or!aniCations/ 700? | Ro( 5ates (BS '0?, MA22 '0?, 01 '0? S&antell San%y, Uta&' &as 8oine% t&e la+ fir) Stoel <ives/

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