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Clothes 2
Clothes in general...............2 Unisex, generic clothes.......2 Men's clothes.......................4 Women's clothes.................5 Parts of clothes....................6 Accessories & other............7 al!ing a"o#t clothes..........$ a!ing care of clothes.........$ %amage & men&ing............' <eneric..............................5$ Food 35 Ma!ing clothes....................' =e;s*a*ers & text............6) Patterns..............................() 4oo& in general.................35 Cons#m*tion.....................6( Materials...........................() Coo!ing.............................36 :W, &istri"#tion................6( Colors................................(( 9egeta"les.........................37 0ang#age of the me&ia......62 Unclassifie&......................(2 4r#its.................................3$ Unclassifie&......................64 <rains................................3$ Animal *ro&#cts................3$ Tra el Communication 14 66 Pastr, & "a!e& goo&s.......3' Post & letters.....................(4 ,*es of trans*ort.............66 .;eet st#ff........................4) ele*hones........................(6 Places, instit#tions etc.......67 .alt, st#ff..........................4) Com*#ters.........................(7 8oa&s & *a2ement............6$ =#ts...................................4) Unclassifie&......................(7 8oa& trans*ort...................7) %rin!s................................4) 8ail;a, trans*ort..............73 Alcohol..............................4( Aerial trans*ort.................74 Education 19 >ngre&ients........................4( Water trans*ort..................74 %ishes, coo!;are, etc.......42 +&#cation s,stem..............(' <eneric trans*ort...............75 Peo*le & instit#tions.........43 Places, instit#tions............(' Weather con&itions............77 Animals.............................44 -cc#*ations, *eo*le..........2) :i!ing & cam*ing............77 Unclassifie&......................44 Atten&ance & milestones. .2( o#rism.............................77 +xaminations, tests etc......22 Unclassifie&......................7' 46 ime *erio&s, timeta"les...22 Home .#"/ects, fiel&s of st#&,....22 7#il&ings & *ro*ert,........46 !or"#$#%eisure 81 0earning1relate& acti2ities 23 Parts of a ho#se.................47 eaching1relate& acti2ities 23 Bo"s & *rofessions............$( Walls, roofs etc..................4$ 4inance..............................23 <etting a /o"......................$2 7e&room............................4' Cheating & miscon&#ct....23 Wor!ing.............................$3 7athroom..........................4' Unclassifie&......................24 C#itting a /o"....................$4 ?itchen..............................5) .lee*..................................$4 0i2ing room......................5( 0eis#re..............................$5 Family 25 <eneric @ other rooms.......5( 4inances & "#rea#crac,....$7 0lighting an& ;armth........52 4amil,...............................25 Unclassifie&......................$$ -#tsi&e..............................52 50egal6 age categories.......25 7a"ies................................26 ools..................................53 Chil&hoo&..........................27 58e167#il&ing....................54 8elationshi*s, marriage....2$ 7#il&ing A *rofessions......55 .enior age, &eath...............3) 7#il&ing A materials..........55 9al#es................................3( 0egal5ish6 terms................55 Character traits..................3( %irt & &eca,......................56 :ealth................................32 Unclassifie&......................56 :o#se;or! & chores........32 Unclassifie&......................33 Media 58

garment se*arates s*orts;ear ;ater*roofs ;or!ing gro; o#t of st an!le1length !nee1length calf1length light;eight loose Nen N fitting let o#t ;aists tight "e a siJe too "ig "e a siJe too small obtaining clothes han&1me1&o;ns off1the1rac! off1the1*eg rea&,1to1;ear *rPt1Q1*orter tailor1ma&e charit, sho*s rec,cling centre thrift sho* [rft] o"leDenEF DGst o&H2#, *rG&la /e&notli2I samostatnI DGsti o"leDenE, !terI lJe !om"ino2at s*orto2nE o"leDenE o"leDenE &o &eKtH *raco2nE 2,rLst J nHDeho *o !otnE!,F !otnED!o2M *o !olena *o lMt!a 5"ot,, s#!nH...6 leh!MF o&lehDenM 2olnMF 2,*#stit *o2olitF #2olnit 2olnMF Kiro!M *o2olit 2 *ase 5let out A 2,*#stit6 tHsnM "Mt o DEslo 2HtKE "Mt o DEslo menKE o&H2 *o nH!omF o&loOenI o"leDenE !onfe!DnE 5hroma&nH, *rLm,slo2H 2,rG"HnI6 N N !onfe!ce KitM na mEr# o"cho&, &o"roDinnMch organiJacE mEsto, !am se nosE o"noKenI, ale *o#OitelnI o"leDenE o"cho& s *o#OitMm J"oOEm, /ehoO 2MtHOe! /&e na charit#


head "ase"all ca* hat "o;ler N stra; N ;ooll, N !erchief safet, helmet torso f#r coat /ac!et &o;n N hoo&e& N leather N *a&&e& N rain N smo!ing N "ase"allo2G De*ice !lo"o#!F De*ice "#Rin!a slamHnM !lo"o#! 2lnHnG De*ice KGte! ochrannG *Ril"a !oOich "#n&a *IRo2G N N s !a*#cE !oOenG N, sa!o sa!o s 2,c*G2!ami ne*romo!a2G N s !a*#cE *Gns!M &omGcE !a"GtF s2GteDnE !rGt!M O#*an 2


anora! [nrk] cago#le [kul] car&igan /erse, /#m*er *#llo2er s;eater singlet tan! to* tan! to* #n&ershirt 2est 2est ;aistcoat o2ershirt *olo nec! t#rtlenec! s;eatshirt 1shirt trench coat, trenchcoat t#nic mac mac!intosh oils!ins o2ercoat *ar!a *ar!a legs *ants tro#sers stone1;ashe& N stretch N "i" an& "races "ell1"ottoms flares c#t1offs &rain*i*es flannels !nic!er"oc!ers slac!s r#nning shorts s;eat*ants leggings socks, feet & lower legs gaiter s*ats leg ;armers !neesoc!s

<7 <7

<7 <7 U. <7 <7 U. U. <7 U. <7 <7 U.

U. U. <7

ne*romo!a2G 2Htro2!a s !a*#cE ne*romo!a2G "#n&a s !a*#cE Ja*EnacE *letenG 2estaF s2etr na Ja*EnGnE s2etRE! s &lo#hMm r#!G2emF tri!oF nGtHlnE!F fot"alo2M &resF c,!listic!M tri!ot leh!M s2etr 5ta!IS U. A Kato2G JGstHra "eJ r#!G2L 6 *#lo2rF silnH/KE s2etr o"lI!anM *Res hla2# N nGtHlnE!F tEl!o s2etro2G 2esta 5ta!IS &Gms!G 2estiD!a s 2MstRihem6 tEl!oF *o&2lI!acE triD!o 5ta!IS &Gms!G 2estiD!a s 2MstRihem6 tEl!oF *o&2lI!acE triD!o N 2esta N 2olnG !oKile rolG! N 5ta!IS <7 A sto/GDe!6 mi!ina triD!o trenD!ot, ne*romo!a2M !a"Gt t#ni!a *lGKT &o &eKtH N ne*romo!a2M o&H2 5na*R. *ro r,"GRe6 s2rchnE!F *Re2leDnE!F JimnE! !a"Gte! *o !olena s !a*#cE lemo2ano# !oOeKino# ne*romo!a2G 2Htro2!a s !a*#cE !alhot, 5*oro2ne/ s <76 N rifle se s*ec. *o2rcho2o# U*ra2o# elastic!I, streDo2I N !alhot, s laclem 5!Kan&ami6 J2ono2I !alhot, N #stRiOenI &OEns, tr#"!, flanelo2I !alhot, *#m*!, 2olnI !alhot, !raTas, na "HhGnE ten!I te*lG!, !amaKe !amaKeF nG2le!, 5nosE se *Res "ot, a !alhot,, 2,KKE6 *sE &eD!,F nG2le!, 5!r,/E "ot# a !otnE!, niOKE6 *onoOce *o&o"nI o"leDenE, !r,/e lMt!o o& !olena *o !otnE! *o&!olen!,

coll U.

footwear lace1#* shoes "oots safet, N trainers *limsolls snea!ers s*orts shoes tennis shoes "rog#es [brgs] moccasins loafers %oc Martens san&als sli*1on sli**ers g,m shoes "allet shoes [ble] clogs galoshes [glz] g#m"oots Wellington "oots other *,/amas *a/amas a*ron /#m*er /#m*ers go;n "athro"e &#ngarees [dgriz] o2eralls mittens s#it "o&,N /#m*N shellN trac!N s;eatN s!i N ;etN

obuv KnHro2acE "ot, 2,so!I, !otnE!o2I "ot, ochrannI "ot,, holEn!, tenis!, <7 tenis!,F *lGtHnI "ot, U. N s*orto2nE "ot, tenis!, *erforo2anI *Gns!I *olo"ot!, mo!asEn, N infml masi2nE "ot, s tra!toro2o# *o&rGO!o# san&Gl, "ota, &o !terI se *o#Je 2!lo#Jne *antofle c2iD!, "aletnE stRe2Ece &Re2G!, galoKeF g#mo2I "ot, g#mo2I holEn!,F g#mG!, holEn!,F g#mG!, <7 U. U. U. <7 U. <7 U. *,Oamo N JGstHra Kato2G JGstHra "eJ r#!G2L 5ta!IS <7 A leh!M s2etr6 &#*aD!,F &Hts!I *,Oamo 2cel!# !o#*acE *lGKTF O#*an N montIr!, montIr!,F *raco2nE !om"inIJa *alDG!, o"le!F &Gms!M !ostMme!F U"or "o&,F elastic!M o&H2 !om"inIJa K#sTG!o2G so#*ra2a te*lG!o2G so#*ra2a N l,OaRs!G !om"inIJa 5s!lG&G se JS ski jacket, gloves, pants6 neo*rIn

s#it "#siness N lo#nge N &o#"le1"reaste& N morning N three1*iece N =orfol! o"le! 5ta!IS sl#Ket6 tma2KE 2,chGJ!o2M N tma2KE 2,chGJ!o2M N &2o#Ra&o2M N s2GteDnE N, o"2,!le Ke&M @ DernM 5nosE se s c,lin&rem6 tRE&ElnM N *Gns!I 2olnI sa!o s *Gs!em 4



tailcoat tail so#* an& fish !ilt *#m*s ;hite tie an& tails e2ening tro#sers tr#n!s 5s;imming N6 underwear "riefs "oxers /oc!stra* #n&er*ants

coll infml U.

fra! N N s!ots!G s#!nHF !ilt *Gns!I la!o2I stRe2Ece 5ta!IS &Gms!I lo&iD!,6 2eDernE o"leDenE *ro m#Oe 2eDernE !alhot, *Gns!I *la2!, *Gns!I sli*, 5ta!IS s*o&nE !alhot!,6 trenMr!, s#s*enJor tren!,, sli*, 5*Gns!I s*o&nE *rG&lo6


"all go;n &ress e2ening N stra*less N tan! to* t;inset "i!ini one1*iece "athing cost#me t;o1*iece "athing cost#me leotar& [ltd] skirts etc. c#lottes [kjults] f#ll s!irt minis!irt slit s!irt *etticoat half1sli* *leate& s!irt ho#se coat footwear co#rt shoes *#m*s stilettos underwear lingerie [ln r] "ra sli* "rassier [brs] "riefs !nic!ers *anties *ants s#s*en&er "elt *leso2I Kat, &Gms!I Kat,F o"lIci 2eDernE Kat, N "eJ ramEne! 2estiD!a s 2MstRihem 5ta!IS <7 A s2etro2G 2esta, U. A tEl!o6 so#*ra2a &Gms!Iho *#lo2r# a 2est,, o"2,!le tIOe "ar2, "i!in, /e&no&ElnI *la2!, &2o#&ElnI *la2!, "aletnE, c2iDe"nE, g,mnastic!M tri!ot !alhoto2G s#!nH !olo2G s#!nH minis#!nH s#!nH s roJ*ar!em s*o&niD!a N s!lG&anG s#!nH &Gms!M O#*an lo&iD!, &Gms!I lo&iD!, 5ta!IS *Gns!I la!o2I stRe2Ece6 "ot, na /ehlo2Im *o&*at!# /emnI *rG&loF *rG&Il!o *o&*rsen!a &Gms!I !om"inI N s*o&nE !alhot!, 5ta!IS *Gns!I sli*,6 s*o&nE !alhot!, N N 5*oro2ne/ s U.6 *o&2aJ!o2M *Gs

U. U.

fml <7 U. <7

nightwear night&ress nightgo;n nightie socks etc. *ant,hose stoc!ings tights

<7 U. coll U. <7

noDnE !oKile N N *#nDochGDe *#nDoch, *#nDocho2I !alhot,

hem Nline lining f#ll, line& fastening etc. fastening "#tton "#tton1&o;n 5N collar6 collar N 2elcro ri*1Ji* Ji* Ji**er "elt "#c!le clas* st#& stra* seam s#s*en&ers neck, head, torso collar +ton N se*arate N sha;le& N t#rn1#* N t#rtlenec! ro#n& nec! co;l nec! cre; nec! la*el 91nec! arms armhole slee2e long1slee2e&, short1slee2e& raglan N c#ff Nlin! lemF or#"a 5ta!IS olemo2at, oro#"it6 &olnE lem *o&KE2!aF 2loO!a s *o&KE2!o#F *o&KitM s*EnGnEF Ja*EnGnEF J*Lso" Ja*EnGnE 5na*R. button fastening6 !noflE! na !noflE!, 5lEmeDe! s !noflED!, 2e K*iD!Gch6 !noflEDe! &o lEmce s#chM Ji* N Ji* N o*ase! *ReJ!aF s*ona s*onaF s*on!aF *ReJ!aF hGDe! !noflE!F c2oDe!F nG#Knice /a!o !noflEDe! 5V6 *Gse!F RemEne!F ramEn!o o&H2# Ke2F s*o/ Kle 5!Kan&,6 lEmecF lEmeDe! 5ta!IS o"o/e!6 Kiro!M K!ro"enM lEmec !oKile noKenM *Res lEmec !a"Gt# o&e*EnacE N KGlo2M sto/GDe! sto/GDe! 5ta!IS U. A rolG!6 !e !r!# lEmec s !a*#cE 2MstRih !e !r!# 5ta!IS o&H2 s N6 !lo*a 2MstRih 2e t2ar# 9F 2ID!o *rLrame! r#!G2 s &lo#hMm N, s !rGt!Mm N raglGno2M N 5r#!G2 tGhno#cE se o& lEmce, s Ki!mMm K2em6 manOeta r#!G2# manOeto2M !noflE!

coll U.



legs & feet t#rn1#*s c#ffs slit 5;ith a N6 *a&s heel flat1heele& lo;1heele& high1heele& sole lace 5shoeN6

<7 U.

JGloO!, noha2ic @ !alhot N roJ*are! 5s N6 2,c*G2!, *o&*ate! 5te!IS *o&raJit6 s nEJ!Mm N s nEJ!Mm N s 2,so!Mm N *o&rGO!a 5ta!IS *o&raJit6 t!aniD!a

jewellery "racelet "rooch cli* earrings &ro* earrings cost#me /e;eller, nec!lace *en&ant gem 5*recio#s N6 string of *earls other cane 5;al!ing N6 ;al!ing stic! cigarette case cigarette lighter face mas! goggles s#nglasses sha&es e2ening "ag han&"ag sho#l&er "ag hair net han&!erchief han!ie hea&"an& s*ectacles, s*ecs s#nglasses tie "o; N tie1*in 2eil ;rist ;rist"an&s ;rist;atch *oc!et ;atch &ress ;atch la&ies ;atch nGrame! "roO !li*s, 5sc2a!G2acE nG#Knice6 2isacE nG#Knice 52HKE se Ja &Er!# 2 #ch#6 "iO#terie nGhr&elnE! *RE2HKe! &raho!am KWLra *erel 2,chGJ!o2G hLlF rG!os!a hLl!a cigareto2I *oJ&ro Ja*alo2aD mas!a 5*leTo2G, ochrannG6 ochrannI "rMle 5l,OaRs!I, *otG*HDs!I6 sl#neDnE "rMle N 2eDernE !a"el!a !a"el!a taK!a *Res rameno sET!a na 2las, !a*esnE! N Delen!a "rMle sl#neDnE "rMle !ra2ata motMle! /ehlice &o !ra2at, JG2o/ JG*HstEF manOeta nGte*nED!,F nGram!,F manOet, nGram!o2I ho&in!, !a*esnE ho&in!, ho&in!, *ro s2GteDnE *REleOitost &Gms!I nGram!o2I ho&in!, 7

coll <7


donning & removing *#t st on ta!e off st change into st change o#t of st sli* off get &resse& @ #n&resse& #n&ress &ress #* as... tr, on roll #* 5N one's slee2es...6 fasten one's shoes tie 5#*6 one's shoes &o #* one's shoes #n&o one's shoes #ntie one's shoes fashion / taste "e in @o#t &esigner clothing fashion come into N co#t#rier N fashion1conscio#s follo; N go o#t of 2og#e in 2og#e cas#al semi1N formal 5inN6 ;ear coat an& a tie &ress #* "a&l, tailore& ill1fitting l#!e;arm ol&1fashione& clash match st,lish tac!, oblkn & svlkn o"lIci si nHco s2lIci si nHco *Re2lIci se &o nHDeho 2,s2lIci se J nHDeho r,chle se s2lIci o"lIci se @ s2lIci se 2,s2lIci se *Re2lIci se Ja... 2,J!o#Ket 2,hrno#t 5N si r#!G2,6 Ja2GJat si "ot, N N roJ2GJat si "ot, N "Mt @ ne"Mt mo&ernE JnaD!o2I o"leDenE mX&a *Ri/Et &o N N 2el!Mch salonL Ja/Ema/EcE se o N sle&o2at N 2,/Et J mX&, mo&ernE neformGlnEF leOIrnE ne *REliK leOIrnE formGlnE 5neN6 o"lI!at se formGlnH o"lIci se s2GteDnH K*atnH #KitM ne*a&no#cEF K*atnH se&EcE 2laOnMF lhoste/nM staromX&nE nela&it, tlo#ci se 5o "ar2Gch6 ho&it se st,lo2M ne2!#snMF !MDo2itMF 2,KlM J mX&,

<7 <7 U.

stain 5oil,F !etch#*...6 washing ;ash se*aratel, ;ashing instr#ctions "leach colo#rfast rinse &r, clean s!2rna 5ole/o2GF o& !eD#*# ...6 *rGt J2lGKT nG2o& ! *ranE "HlitF "Hli&lo stGlo"are2nM, ne*o#KtH/EcE "ar2# 5o lGtce6 2,mGchatF o*lGchno#tF *ro*lGchno#t chemic!, Distit $

han& ;ash machine ;ash *reshr#n! shrin! drying hang o#t the la#n&r, &ri*1&r, line1&r, s*in1&r, t#m"le1&r, 5Ner6 other starch *ric!l, iron clean *olish *#t shoe N on

*rGt 2 r#ce *rGt 2 *raDce *Re&srGOenMF *Re&e*ranM sraJit se *o2Hsit *rG&lo 2en *rG&lo, !terI nenE tRe"a OehlitF 2,*ere se a *o2HsE, a", #schlo s#Kit na KWLRe O&Emat 2 o&stRe&i2ce #s#Kit 2 s#KiDce 5s#KiD!a6 K!ro"itF K!ro" *ichla2MF !o#sa2MF *o*#&li2M OehlitF OehliD!a Distit 5"ot,...6 leKtitF !rIm naleKtit @ natREt "ot, !rImem

wear and tear "agg, fa&e& nearl,1na!e& 5s#e&e...6 ragge& torn ;ear &o;n ;ear thin ;ear o#t ;ear thro#gh fi"ing, alteration... alter clothes re*airs c#t o#t 5a garment6 crease& crease1resistant &arn *atch men&ing stitch opot eben *REliK 2olnMF 2,tahanMF *lan&a2M 2,"le&lM tImHR 2,&RenM 5semiK...6 otrhanMF roJtrhanM N o"nosit 5se6 N N 5worn!out A o"noKenM6 roJtrhat 5o"noKenEm6 *ReKE2at o&H2 o*ra2, KatL stRihno#t lGt!# na o&H2 *omaD!anM, JmaD!anM 5o o&H2#, *a*Er#6 nemaD!a2M Kte*o2atF lGtat, 2,s*ra2itF 5ta!IS JatracenH6 lGtatF JalGtat s*ra2o2GnEF o*ra2, KEtF seKEtF stehF o!o 5*Ri *letenE6

2ital statistics em"roi&ere& homes*#n !nitting machine !nitting nee&les se; trea&le1*o;ere& se;ing machine thim"le mEr, 2,KE2anMF J&o"enM r#DnH t!anG lGt!a J hr#"I m,!anI *REJe KicE @ *letacE stro/ /ehlice KEt Kla*acE KicE stro/ nG*rste! '

ro#ghl,1s*#n tightl,1;o2en let &o;n a hemline straight1seam stitching ta!e in ta!e #* ;or! to a *attern

hr#"H t!anM *e2nH t!anM *ro&lo#Oit &Il!#F 2,*#stit JGloOnE &olnE lem KitE ro2nMch KatL Ja"rat 5J!rGtit6 Ja"ratF J2e&no#tF J!rGtit KEt *o&le stRih#

*attern stripes, s#uares,... "arre& stri*e& [str!"t] arg,le [!l] cheY#ere& chec!, chec!e& tartan ho#n&'s tooth herring"one JigJag dots, spots,... &otte& *ol!a1&ot s*ec!le& colours, flowers, hippies,... "ea&e& "ati! [btk] tie1&,e& chintJ floral flo;ere& *aisle, other camo#flage, camo 2JorF stRih *r#ho2anMF s KirKEmi *r#h, *r#ho@*ro#O!o2anM 5ale *oJorS stripped [str"t] $ svle%en&6 !osoDt2erco2M 2Jor se stRE&a/EcEmi se "ar2ami 5agr,les A *onoO!, s tEmto 2Jorem6 !ost!o2anM !ost!o2anMF *e*ito tartan 5s!ots!G !ost!o2anG lGt!a @ 2Jor6 lomenH !ost!o2anM 2Jor r,"E !ost 5*o&o"nI *ar!etGm, *Ri"liOnH ci!1ca!6 ci!ca!F !li!atG DGraF !liD!o2atF !li!atit seF entlo2acE teD!o2anMF *#ntE!o2M s "ElMmi *#ntE!,F *#ntE!o2anMF *#ntE!atM !ro*enatM, stRE!anM s *erliD!ami, !orGl!, "ati!o2anMF "ati!a "ati!o2anM 52,2aJo2GnEm6 *estRe *otiKtHnM !arto#n !2Htino2MF *osetM !2Htinami N !aKmEro2M 2Jor mas!GDe

generic material fa"ric fi"re fi"er Y#ilte& ;o2en s,nthetic elasticate& man1ma&e 5N fi"res6 lGt!a lGt!aF t!anina 2lG!no 5ta!IS 2lG!nina6 N *roKE2anM t!anM s,ntetic!M elastic!MF *r#OnM #mHlMF Dlo2H!em 2,t2oRenM 5#mHlG 2lG!na6

<7 U.


woven and synthetic fabrics cotton ;ool 5;oollen6 linen felt flannel cor&, cor&#ro, &enim ga"ar&ine [bdin#$bdin] !nit;ear *l#sh terr, 5N cloth6 "roca&e 2elo#r 2el2et lace satin t;ee& t;ill *ol,ester murder leather *atent N ["t$$nt#$"et$$nt] croco&ile sna!es!in f#r goats!in !ara!#l !i&s!in lam"s!in s#e&e Persian lam" ["%n#$"% n] sa"le min! n#tria *igs!in sna!es!in ermine [%&n]

"a2lnaF "a2lnHnM 2lna 52lnHnMF 2,ro"enM J 2ln,6 *lGtno *lsT 2lnHnM flanel 5ta!IS OEn!a6 manKestr 5No2M6 &OEnso2ina ga"ar&In 5lGt!a Je !terMch se &Hla/E na*R. !a"Gt, a #niform,6 *letenI J"oOE *l,KF *l,Ko2M frotI "ro!Gt 2el#r, t!anina s h#stMm 2lasemF a!samitF samet samet !ra/!a 5ta!IS t!aniD!a6 satIn t2E& 5o"le! ne"o t!anina6 !e*r 5&r#h lGt!,6 *ol,esterF *ol,estero2M !LOe la!o2anG N !ro!o&MlE 5!LOe6 ha&E !LOe !oOeKina !oJin!a !oOeKina /ehWat !ara!#ls!I o2ce !LJleDE !LOeF !oJin!a /ehnHDE !oOeKin!aF "erGne!F 2,&HlanG /ehnHDE !LOe /emnG hlaJenG !LOe 5ne/DastH/i /ehnHDE6F semiK *erJiGn so"ol nore! n#trie 2e*Ro2iceF 2e*Ro2G !LOe ha&E !LOeF ha&in!a hermelEn

&#ll ga#&, lo#& 1ish 5gre,ish, re&ish, ...6 colors am"er aY#amarine carmine crimson 2ermilion ne2MraJnM !Ri!la2M !Ri!la2MF R2a2MF nG*a&nM 1a2M, &o 1a 5Ke&a2M, &o Der2ena,...6 /antarF /antaro2H Ol#tM a!2amarEno2M !armEn 5No2M6 !armEno2M r#mHl!a ((

fa;n ta;n, tan maroon limegreen t#rY#oise ma#2e

hnH&M @ Ol#tohnH&M hnH&oOl#tM s2HtlehnH&M !aKtano2M Ol#toJelenM t,r!,so2M lilaF sla"H nafialo2HlM

coarse 5;ool...6 conceite& co#t#rier tailor tailor's ta*e meas#re fol&a;a, #m"rella hea2,1&#t, *ersonal care *ro&#cts toiletries nastiness o"ser2ant te*i& thim"le toiletries t#m"le1&r,er @ &rier ;in&"#rnt 5N face6 !een o"ser2ation lost in the m,ths an& legen&s no& of res*ect scra* of ;ool stirre& ", the "reeJe on a thorn1"#sh smell of s*ent g#n*o;&er tr#e an& affectionate frien& a ;olf in a shee*'s clothing as ma& as a hatter as soft as 2el2et as to#gh as leather a g#, ;ith a lot of gre, matter "e a ;hite ele*hant "e gi2en the green light to st "e green ;ith en2, catch s" re&1han&e& re& ta*e see re& feel "l#e once in a "l#e moon o#t of the "l#e see the ;orl& thro#gh rose colo#re& glasses cast *earls "efore s;ine hr#"G 52lna...6 &omMKli2M nG2rhGR mo&ernEho &Gms!Iho o"leDenEF !re/DE !re/DE !re/Do2st2E 5!re/Do2s!M6 metrF 5mHRicE6 *Gsmo s!lG&acE &eKtnE! *e2nMF tr2anli2M toaletnE *otRe", N ne2lE&nostF *roti2nost 2KEma2MF *oJornM 2laOnM, o&raOenM nG*rste! toaletnE *otRe", s#KiD!a na *rG&lo 2Htrem oKlehanM 5N t2GR6 ",strM *ostReh JtracenM 2 nenG2ratn# #cti2I *o!M2n#tE hla2o# !o#se! 2ln, *oh,"#/EcE se 2e 2Htr# na hloho2Im !eRi 2LnH 2,stRElenIho stRelnIho *rach# o*ra2&o2M *REtel 2l! 2 ro#Ke "erGnDEm "Mt U*lnM c2o! he"!M /a!o samet t#hM /a!o *o&eKe2, *o&rGO!a Dlo2H!, !terIm# to ho&nH m,slE "Mt J",teDno# *REtHOE, &ana/s!Mm &arem &ostat Jeleno# "Mt JelenM JG2istE *Ristihno#t nH!oho *Ri Din# ",ro!ratic!M *REst#*F URe&nE Kiml 2i&Ht r#&HF "Mt na2Jte!Gn "Mt sm#tnM, 2 &e*resi /e&no# Ja #hers!M ro! JDista /asnaF na/e&no# &E2at se na s2Ht rLOo2Mmi "rMlemi hGJet *erl, s2inEm (2

from rags to riches !ee* st #n&er one's hat *#ll the ;ool o2er s"'s e,es *#t a soc! in it tie& to one's mother's a*ron strings too "ig for his "oots All that glitters is not gol&. A stitch in time sa2es nine. Clothes ma!e the man. ailor ma!es the man. :is e,es lit #*. >t lost all sha*e. >t's "etter to ;ear o#t than to r#st o#t. \o# can't ma!e a sil! *#rse o#t of a so;'s ear.

J Oe"rG!a !rGlem nechat si nHco *ro se"e 2HKet nH!om# "#lE!, na nos &rOet /aJ,! Ja J#", &rOet se maminDin, s#!nH *Rerostlo m# to *Res hla2# =enE 2Kechno Jlato co se tR*,tE. Co mLOeK #&Hlat &nes, neo&!lG&e/ na JEtRe!. Zat, &Hla/E Dlo2H!a. N 8oJJGRili se m# oDi. [tratilo to t2ar. Be lI*e "Mt 2e stGRE DinnM &o *osle&nE ch2il!, neO chGtrat neDinnostE. [ *o&Ra&nIho materiGl# ni!&, nic ne2,ro"EK.


postal items / objects en2elo*e ;in&o; N *a&&e& N /iff, "ag enclos#re a&hesi2e *ostage stam* sealing ;ax string tie a *iece of N o2er the "ox *ac!ing ta*e cellota*e, sellota*e making a letter ro#gh co*, &raft fair co*, seal a letter letterhea& &ro* a letter in the *ost types of letters / delivery mail *ostal or&er *ostal mone, or&er *oste restante ["st$rstnt] U. <7 U. <7 o"Gl!a N s o!In!em *rotinGraJo2G, 2,*lostro2anG N 2,*olstro2anG o"Gl!a *REloha le*EcE *oKto2nE JnGm!a *eDetnE 2os! *ro2GJe!, moto#J *Re2GJat !ra"ici *ro2GJ!em "alEcE *Gs!a *rLs2itnG le*EcE *Gs!a !once*t N Disto*is Jale*it, Ja*eDetit &o*is JGhla2E &o*is#, hla2iD!a &Gt &o*is na *oKt# ! o&eslGnE *oKta *oKto2nE *o#!GJ!a 5J*Lso" JasElGnE *enHJ *oKto#F /a!o Ke!6 N *oste restante 5na &o*is#F &o*is /e *a! mEsto ! a&resGt# &or#Den na *oKt# ! 2,J2e&n#tE6 N ex*resnE, s*HKnM &o*is ex*resnE &o*is o",De/nM &o*isF *oKta &r#hI tRE&, no2ino2G JGsil!a na &o"Er!# cennI *sanEF &o*or#DenH &o*or#DenH 5&LleOitI &o*is,6 nalIha2MF *ilnM, s*HKnM ofran!o2anG o"Gl!a 5oraJEt!o2anG @ /ina! oJnaDenG6 ofran!o2anG o"Gl!a s a&reso# anon,mnE &o*is RetHJo2M &o*is *ohle&nice "alE!F "alEDe! "alEDe!F "alE!F JGsil!a !Reh!I 5oJnaDenE na "alEcEch6 s*ec. letec!M &o*isF aerogram letec!G *oKta

general &eli2er, U. ex*ress letter first1class letter secon&1class letter ] secon& class *ost <7 secon& class mail U. C.-.% 5cash on &eli2er6 registere& *ost recor&e& &eli2er, 5im*ortant letters6 #rgent fran!e& en2elo*e stam*e& a&&resse& en2elo*e 5s.a.e.6 *oison1*en letter chain letter *ostcar& *ac!age *arcel fragile aerogramme air mail


institutions & buildings *ost office s#"1*ost office *ost co#nter sorting office *artition ;in&o; Post -ffice 7ox people *ostman mailman *ostmaster @ *ostmistress *ostal cler! *en1frien&, *en1*al *hilatelist, stam* collector delivery first *ost secon& *ost *ost 2an mail tr#c! post bo"es collect Nion *ost "ox letter "ox *illar "ox mail "ox

<7 <7

*oKtaF *oKto2nE URa& *oKta, J2l. na 2en!o2H, !tero# 2e&e *oKtmistr ne"o *oKtmistro2G, !teRE /so# samostatnMmi JamHstnanci *oKt *oKto2nE *Re*GO!a 2 o"cho&H tRE&Erna 5*oKto2nEch JGsile!6 *Re*GO!aF *RED!a, &HlEcE stHna o!In!oF o!no *oKto2nE *RihrG&!a listonoK, *oKto2nE &or#Do2atel listonoK, *oKto2nE &or#Do2atel *oKtmistr@o2G, *Re&nosta@!a *oKto2nEho URa&# *oKto2nE URe&nE! JnGmM, *REtel ! &o*iso2GnE filatelista, s"Hratel JnGme! *r2nE roJnGK!a *oKt, &r#hG roJnGK!a *oKt, *oKto2nE 2LJ *oKto2nE 2LJ 2,"rat 2,"ErGnE *oKto2nE schrGn!, *oKto2nE schrGn!a schrGn!a na &o*is, 2 &omH, na &2eREchF 2eRe/nG *oKto2nE schrGn!a *oKto2nE schrGn!a 5Der2enG 2e t2ar# 2Glce6 schrGn!a na &o*is, 2 &omH, na &2eREchF 2eRe/nG *oKto2nE schrGn!a *o&*is *Ri &or#DenE &o!la& o o&eslGnE *oKto2nE saJ", *oKto2nE *o*lat!, &o*late! *oKto2nIho saJ"a Ja tis!o*is 2raTte o&esilateli *o/istit o"sah nGhra&a Ja JtrGt# Di *oK!oJenE *oKto2nE raJEt!o oraJEt!o2at 5JnGm!#6 na*sat nH!om# *Gr RG&e! 2,loOit !ra"ici nHDEm roJ"alit "alEDe! !rGt!M &o*is, s&HlenE, J*rG2a &oKlete a&resGto2iF JaKlete Ja a&resGtem *oJ&ra2F oslo2enE 52 &o*is#6 *rosEm o o&*o2H^ 5J 4rS rsponde' s(il vous plait6

<7 U.

<7 <7 <7 U?

<7 <7 U.

other signat#re on &eli2er, e2i&ence of *osting *ostal rates *ostal charges excess *ostage *rinte& matter rate ret#rn to sen&er ins#re the contents com*ensation for loss or &amage *ostmar! cancel 5stam*6 &ro* a line to s" line a "ox ;ith st #n;ra* a *ac!age Y#ic! note *lease for;ar& greeting 8...9.P. ] *lease re*l, to an in2itation


phone devices *hone mo"ile N cell @ cell#lar N 2i&eoN teleN set cor&less N *orta"le N *#sh1"#tton teleN rotar, teleN car& N coin1o*erate& N car N ans;ering machine ans;er*hone, ansa*hone parts of the phone han&set recei2er ear*iece mo#th*iece making a phone call &ial a n#m"er last n#m"er re&ial ma!e a call recei2e a call ans;er, *ic! #* the *hone *#t a call thro#gh hol& the line &isconnect c#t off, &isconnecte& hang #* ret#rn a call types of calls local tr#n! inlan& re2erse charges collect types of tones &ial5ling6 tone ringing tone n#m"er #no"taina"le engage& tone "#s, signal people & institutions %irector, +nY#iries %irector, Assistance o*erator telefon, telefonnE *REstro/ mo"ilnE N mo"ilnE N 2i&eofon telefonnE *REstro/ "eJ&rGto2M N *RenosnM N tlaDEt!o2M N N s !r#ho2Mm DEselnE!em N a#tomat na !art, N 5f#ng#/EcE6 na mince N 2 a#tomo"il# JGJnamnE! telefon se JGJnamnE!em telefonnE sl#chGt!o telefonnE sl#chGt!oF *Ri/EmaD sl#chGt!o ml#2Et!o, mi!rofon telefonnEho *REstro/e 2,toDit DEslo 2,toDit *osle&nE 2olanI DEslo Ja2olatF Jatelefono2at o"&rOet ho2or 2JEt, J2e&no#t telefon s*o/it, *Re*o/it ho2or neJa2HK#/te *Rer#Kit, o&*o/it *Rer#KenI tel. s*o/enE @ ho2or Ja2Hsit Ja2olat naJ*Ht mEstnE ho2or meJimHsts!M 2nitrostGtnE ho2or na UDet 2olanIho N oJnamo2acE tXn 2,J2GnHcE tXn tXn signaliJ#/EcE *or#ch# na DEsle o"saJo2acE tXn N informace o telefonnEch DEslech N s*o/o2atel, telefonista (6

<7 U.

<7 U. <7 U.

other local co&e area co&e international n#m"er a#tomatic &ialing extension facsimile, fax fax s" ex1&irector, n#m"er #nliste& n#m"er *hone "oo! tele*hone &irector,


<7 U.

mEstnE smHro2I DEslo telefonnE smHro2acE DEsloF *Re&DEslE meJinGro&nE smHro2I DEslo a#tomatic!I 2,tGDenE DEsla !la*!a, lin!a fax *oslat nH!om# fax DEslo ne#2e&enI 2 tel. seJnam# N telefonnE seJnam N

_ at com*#ter st#&ies net;or!ing net;or!s c,"ers*ace information s#*erhigh;a, flo; of information &atalin! internet /#n!ie hac! into a com*#ter information solicit N ;ithhol& N 2ol#nteer N sie2e thro#gh N sni**ets of N interface log in, log on log into the net log off, log o#t mic, mi!e remote micro*hone @ mi!e *l#g into st t,*ing _ Ja2inGD 2H&a o PCF PC inOenMrst2EF informati!a 2,t2GRenE sEtH 5i s*oleDens!I, na2aJo2GnE *rofesnEch !onta!tL6 sEtH !,"er*rostor informaDnE &Glnice to! informacE &ato2I s*o/enEF &ato2M o!r#h Dlo2H! JG2islM na internet# na"o#rat se &o *oDEtaDe informace snaOit se JEs!at N Ja&rOet, Jata/it N *os!,tno#t &o"ro2olnH N roJtRE&it N UtrO!, NE roJhranE, interface *RihlGsit seF *Ri*o/it se *RihlGsit se &o sEtH o&hlGsit seF o&*o/it se mi!rofon *RenosnM mi!rofonF mi!rofon, !terM /e so#DGstE telefonnEho *REstro/e 5/e moOno ml#2it J &Gl!,, ne &o sl#chGt!a6 *Ri*o/it se &o, ! nHDem# *sanE na stro/i, *oDEtaDi



A M 5a#tomatic teller machine6 "lame &etermine& ", st &enomination g#arantee >% 5i&entification car&6 in2ention iss#e commemorati2e N "an!omat "Mt Jo&*o2H&nM Ja nHcoF J*Lso"it nHco #rDen nHDEm nominGlnE, /meno2itG ho&nota Jar#DitF JGr#!a *rL!aJ totoOnostiF o"Dans!M *rL!aJ 2,nGleJ 2,&atF 2,&GnE *amHtnE 2,&GnEF emise (7

!nighte& lo#&s*ea!er l#m* s#m *ac!et *rece&ent *rinte& matter *roof of i&entit, reg#late& ", s", st scale5s6 sign for st stationer, s#"seY#ent ;a&e thro#gh st

*o2MKen &o Klechtic!Iho sta2# re*ro&#!tor o&st#*nI 5/e&norGJo2G DGst!a 2,*lGcenG *ro*#KtHnMm *raco2nE!Lm6 "alEDe!, !ra"iD!a 5na*R. cigaret6 tra&iceF *rece&ent tis!o2in, *ro!GJGnE totoOnosti REJen, reg#lo2Gn nH!Mm, nHDEm 2Gha, 2Gh, *o&e*sat nHco *sacE *otRe",F &o*isnE *a*Er nGsle&#/EcE, nGsle&nM "ro&it, *ro!o#sat se nHDEm


En&land# 0not#the#1hole#'234 'nited#5tates

# + #laces)# # #institutions # #
types of school )by age / education system structure* !in&ergarten 5not <76 mateRs!G K!ola n#rser, 5school6 <7 mateRs!G K!ol!aF /esle elementar, school JG!la&nE K!ola secon&ar, school stRe&nE K!ola high school U. N grammar school 2M"Hro2G stRe&nE K!ola in&e*en&ent school so#!romG stRe&nE K!ola *#"lic school <7 N *#"lic school U. stGtnE stRe&nE K!ola a**rentice school #DiliKtH college 2,so!G K!ola, #ni2erJitaF 2,KKE stRe&nE K!olaF a!a&emieF "rits!G stRe&nE K!ola, !&e se *latE K!olnI types of school )other* "oar&ing school internGtnE K!ola co1e& school !oe&#!o2anG K!ola 5*ro &E2!, i chla*ce6 s*ecial school J2lGKtnE K!ola ('

*ri2ate school *#"licl, f#n&e& state school parts of school $ educational classroom lect#re hall g,mnasi#m g,m lang#age la" com*#ter room parts of school $ other hea&master's office teachers' room assem"l, hall cam*#s l#nch room &ining hall cafeteria loc!er room infirmar, other related locations hostel halls of resi&ence &ormitor, &orm

so#!romG K!ola &oto2anG stGtem stGtnE K!ola tRE&a *osl#chGrnaF *Re&nGK!o2G mEstnost tHloc2iDna coll /aJ,!o2G #De"na *oDEtaDo2G #De"na Re&itelna s"oro2na K!olnE a#la areGl #ni2erJit,F !am*#sF a!a&emic!G *L&a /E&elna N N 5se samoo"sl#ho#6 Katna 5se s!REW!ami6 oKetRo2na !ole/F #",to2naF noclehGrna st#&ents!I !ole/e NF #",to2na

<7 <7 U. coll U.

students *#*il st#&ent /#nior senior freshman so*homore #n&ergra&#ate #n&erachie2er student bodies class class OG! 5mla&KEho 2H!#, ie. JG!la&nE K!ol,6 st#&ent 52,so!I K!ol,6 st#&ent niOKEho roDnE!# st#&ent 2,KKEho roDnE!# st#&ent *r2nEho roDnE!# 9Z 52 U.A i .Z6 st#&ent &r#hIho roDnE!# 2,so!oK!ols!M st#&ent, !terM /eKtH neJEs!al tit#l "a!alGRe neUs*HKnM st#&ent tRE&a s!#*ina li&E mat#r#/EcE 2e ste/nIm roDnE!#F roDnE! 5eg. +he graduated from ,hio +tate, class of (-.6 &e"atnE s*ole! #Ditel NF &o#Do2atel 2,so!oK!ols!M #Ditel N #DitelF *rofesor asistent #Ditele

5chiefl, U.6

&e"ating societ, teachers teacher t#tor lect#rer *rofessor master teaching assistant 5 .A.6


administrative professions / bodies tr#anc, officer school co#nsellor g#i&ance co#nsellor e&#cation ;elfare manager hea&, hea&master, hea&mistress <7 &e*#t, hea& <7 school *rinci*al U. assistant *rinci*al U. &e*artment hea& &ean chancellor <7 *resi&ent U. other professions /anitor <7 c#sto&ian U. recr#iter

*e&agog ma/EcE na starosti JGK!olG!, K!olnE *ora&ce 2Mcho2nM *ora&ce 2Mcho2nM *ora&ce Re&itel, Re&itel!a JGst#*ce Re&itele Re&itel JGst#*ce Re&itele 2e&o#cE o&&HlenE, !ate&r,F &H!an re!tor &H!an, re!tor K!olnE! N nG"oro2M *raco2nE!

the beginning entrance exam a&mission enrolment enrol enroll off the roll enter higher e&#cation attending school go to school, #ni2ersit, sta, a;a, from home comm#te *Ri/EmacE J!o#K!a *Ri/etE JG*isF *RihlGKenE Ja*sat seF *RihlGsit seF *Ri/mo#t !e st#&i# N 2,RaJenM Je seJnam# st#&entL JaDEt cho&it na 2,so!o# K!ol# cho&it &o K!ol,, #ni2erJit, ne*o"M2at &oma &o/EO&Ht !re&it 5Ja #!onDenE *Re&mHt#6F JG*oDet 2,s2H&DenE os2H&DenEF 2,s2H&DenE mat#ro2at J ... mat#ro2at @ #!onDit 5stRe&nE K!ol#6 s 2,JnamenGnEm *romo2at J ... s 2,JnamenGnEm *romoce o"leDenE 2,Oa&o2anI *ro #rDito# *REleOitost talGr "aret ! talGr# tit#l #&Hlit N &o!onDit st#&i#m Deho mEt tit#l @ 2,so!oK!ols!I 2J&HlGnE J ... o"or# tit#l 7c. h#manitnEch @ s*oleDens!Mch 2H& tit#l 7c. *REro&nEch 2H& tit#l 7c. s 2,JnamenGnEm A Der2enM &i*lom tit#l Mgr. 2(

<7 U.

the end cre&it school re*ort certificate gra&#ate in... U. gra&#ate from... 5;ith honors6 U. gra&#ate from... 5;ith hono#rs6 <7 gra&#ation ceremon, &ress co&e go;n mortar"oar& &egree a;ar& a N com*lete a N in... ha2e a N in... 7A 57achelor of Arts 6 7.c 57achelor of .cience6 7A 5hons6, 7.c 5hons6 etc. MA 5master of arts6

Ph% fail a s#"/ect ex*el s#s*en& s" from school sent &o;n "#n! s" for st


&o!tor *REro&nEch 2H&F &o!tor filosofie *ro*a&no#t J *Re&mHt# 2,lo#Dit 2,lo#Dit nH!oho Je K!ol, 2,lo#Den 2,ho&it, 2,lo#Dit nH!oho5Je K!ol,6 !2Lli nHDem#

mar! gra&e oral ;ritten "oo! re*ort &o one's home;or! *a*er s#"mit a N examine exam ta!e an N in st sit 5for6 an N *ass an N fail an N moc!1exam stan&ar&iJe& examinations JnGm!o2atF JnGm!a JnGm!o2at, ho&notit 5ta!IS tRE&a6 UstnE *sanMF *EsemnM referGt o !niJe &Hlat U!ol, *EsemnG J!o#K!a, *rGce, testF !om*oJiceF referGtF o&e2J&at *rGci, referGt a*. J!o#Ket J!o#K!aF test &Hlat N 2 nHDem &Hlat N sloOit N nesloOit N c2iDnM testF J!o#K!a naneDisto /e&notnI J!o#K!,

# Time#/eriods) ##timetables # #
class lect#re "rea! recess term semester gra&e timeta"le sche&#le c#rric#l#m s,lla"#s ho&ina 52,#Do2acE6 *Re&nGK!a *RestG2!a N semestr N tRE&a 5eg. /rd gradeF ta!IS JnGm!o2at, ho&notit6 roJ2rh N #De"nE *lGnF st#&i/nE *rogramF #De"nE osno2, #De"nE *rogramF *lGn #Di2a

<7 U. <7 U. <7 U.

general co#rse intro&#ctor, N &e2elo*mental N s#"/ect o"ligator, s#"/ect com*#lsor, s#"/ect o*tional s#"/ect electi2e s#"/ect e2ening classes !#rs U2o&nE N intenJi2nE 2J&HlG2acE N *Re&mHt *o2innM *Re&mHt N ne*o2innM, 2olitelnM *Re&mHt 2olitelnM *Re&mHt 2eDernE !#rs,


fields & subjects classics arts h#manities home economics coo!ing & ho#se!ee*ing *h,sical training @ e&#cation 5P , P+6

st#&ia Ja"M2a/EcE se staro2H!Mm `ec!em & `Emem h#manitnE, s*oleDens!I 2H&, h#manitnE, s*oleDens!I 2H&, na#!a o 2e&enE &omGcnosti 2aRenE a &omGcE *rGce tHlesnG 2Mcho2a

# %earnin& #8related#acti # itie #s ##

st#&, N conscientio#sl, N st in &etail N thoro#ghl, learn N ", &oing N from ex*erience N gra&#all, rea& memorise ;rite &o;n /ot &o;n ma!e notes ta!e notes re2ise re2ie; cram 5N for6 s;ot @ s;ot #* 5N for6 fall @ lag "ehin& the class st#&o2at N s2H&omitH N nHco &o*o&ro"na N RG&nH #Dit se N DinnostE, *raxE N Je J!#KenostE N *ost#*nH DEstF st#&o2at 5#rDitM o"or6 na #ni2erJitH #Dit se 5J*amHti6 Ja*iso2at si *oJnamenat si &Hlat si *oJnGm!, N o*a!o2at si N 5ta!IS !riti!a, recenJe6 K*rtat seF "iflo2at 5N na6 N JaostG2at Ja tRE&o#

<7 U. infml

Teachin&8related#acti ities
co2er for s" stan& in for s" s#"stit#te for s" correct ta!e atten&ance Jast#*o2at nH!oho N NF s#*lo2at Ja nH!oho o*ra2o2at &Hlat &ochGJ!#

l#nch mone, school fees t#ition 5charges, fees6 scholarshi* merit N a**l, for N ;in @ o"tain @ "e grante& N grant N "enefactor raise finance recei2e f#n&ing for research en&o;ment *enEJe na o"H& K!olnIF K!olnE *o*lat!, K!olnIF *o*lat!, Ja 2J&HlGnE sti*en&i#m *ros*Hcho2I N JaOG&at o N JEs!at, o"&rOet, &ostat N #&Hlit N mecenGKF s*onJor JEs!at finance o"&rOet finanDnE *o&*or# na 2MJ!#m &otace


# Cheatin&# #$#misconduct # #
mala&/#ste& miscon&#ct "#ll, cheat sheet cri" N stF N from s" *la, tr#ant s!i* lessons c#t classes @ school "#n! off 5from6 school ne*RiJ*Lso"i2MF nea&a*ta"ilnE K*atnI cho2GnE Ki!ano2at tahG! N o*iso2at J nHDehoF o*iso2at o& !oho cho&it Ja K!ol# N N #lE2at se 5Je6 K!ol,

U. <7

extra1c#rric#lar acti2ities fiel& tri* *arents' meeting a**oint &esignate& eligi"le for st em*o;ere& to st *encil case notice "oar& "#lletin "oar& 5il6literate 5il6legi"le slo; #*stairs #nteacha"le mimoK!ols!G JG/mo2G Dinnost K!olnE 2Mlet tRE&nE schLJ!a /meno2at #rDenM J*Lso"ilM ! nHDem#F !2alifi!o2anMF mEt nGro! na nHco J*lnomocnHnM ! nHDem# *o#J&ro nGstHn!a NF 2M2HsnE ta"#le 5ne6gramotnM 5ne6DitelnI *omale/KE 52 m,KlenE6 ne2J&HlatelnM

<7 U.


imme&iate famil, exten&e& famil, comm#nal families one1*arent famil, single1*arent famil, single *arent sole *ro2i&er single mother illegitimate chil& "orn o#t of ;e&loc! "loo& relati2e half1"rother @ half1sister ste*"rother @ ste*sister relation @ relati2e g#ar&ian foster N1father@mother a&o*t s" Nion agenc, Ni2e famil, or*han Nage ne/"liOKE ro&ina ro&ina 2DetnH 2J&GlenMch *RE"#JnMch ro&in, Oi/EcE s*oleDnH 2 !om#nitH neU*lnG ro&ina N samoOi2itel@!a N s2o"o&nG mat!a nemanOels!I &EtH nemanOels!I *o!re2nE *RE"#JnM ne2lastnE "ratr @ sestra 5( s*oleDnM ro&iD6 ne2lastnE "ratr @ sestra 5&EtH J *Re&eKlIho manOelst2E6 *RE"#JnM *or#DnE! 2,cho2G2at ciJE &EtHF mEt 2 *Hsto#ns!I *IDi *Hsto#n@!a a&o*to2atF os2o/it agent#ra J*rostRe&!#/EcE a&o*ci a&o*ti2nE ro&ina sirote! sirotDinec

# 0%e&al4#a&e# #cate&ories # #
ne;"orn 5"a",6 s#c!ling infant to&&ler a&olescence a&olescent &e*en&ant s#r2i2ing N ,o#ngster ,o#th teenager minor ma/or attain one's Nit, mat#rit, come of age age of consent gro;n1#*5s6 no2oroJenI51nH6 !o/enec !o/enecF neml#2nH "atole &os*E2GnE &os*E2a/EcEF mla&ist2M 2,Oi2o2anG oso"a neJao*atRenM *oJLstalM mla&E!F chla*ecF &EtH mla&E! &os*E2a/EcEF &EtH 2 *#"ertH neJletilM JletilMF *lnoletM &osGhno#t Jletilosti &os*HlostF Jralost stGt se JletilMm, &osGhno#t *lnoletosti 2H! *ohla2nE Jo&*o2H&nosti *Re& JG!onem &os*HlM5E6



# 9 #ab # #ies # #
pregnancy period *regnant ex*ecting ;ith chil& !noc!e& #* "ear chil&ren test1t#"e "a", maternit, lea2e 5go on N6 "a", "rea! still"orn "a", terminate the *regnanc, a"ortion @ termination people & institutions "a",1sit for s" "a",1sitter "a",1sitting agenc, "a", min&er *la, schemes @ gro#*s 5&a,6 n#rser, *la, schools crache [kr'#$kre] register @ registr, office baby!items stroller "#gg,, *#shchair *ramF *eram"#lator "#gg, "a", carriage "a",1"ac!*ac! "a",1carrier carr,1cot cot cri" cra&le "i" na**ies &ia*ers &is*osa"le na**ies @ &ia*ers cloth na**ies changing *a& changing ta"le &#mm, *acifier rattle high chair *ott, "a",1;al!er "a", "o#ncer tHhotnG 2 /inIm sta2#F tHhotnG N N 5J"o#chn#tG6 ro&it &Hti &EtH Je J!#ma2!, mateRs!G &o2olenG 5/Et na N6 mateRs!G &o2olenG &EtH, !terI se naro&ilo mrt2I #!onDit tHhotenst2E *otrat hlE&at nH!om# &EtH oso"a, !terG se starG o &EtH *o !rGt!o# &o"# agent#ra J*rostRe&!o2G2a/EcE hlE&GnE &HtE oso"a, !terG se starG o &EtH 5na*R. !&,O /so# ro&iDe 2 *rGci6 /esleF JaREJenE *ro *Re&K!olnE &Hti K!ol!aF &Hts!M *o!o/ /esleF K!ol!a N matri!a s!lG&acE !oDGre! 5b*o/EJ&nI !ResEl!oc6F s*orto2nE !oDGre! N hl#"o!M !oDGre! N N "atoh na noKenE &EtHte nosEt!o na noKenE &EtHte 5!lo!an6 taK!a na *RenGKenE &EtHte *ostMl!a *ro &EtH N !olI"!aF 5*RenesenH iS ro&iKtH, naroJenE ieS from the cradle A o& naroJenE6 "r,n&G! *len!, N N na /e&no *o#OitE lGt!o2I *len, *Re"alo2acE *o&loO!a *Re"alo2acE stole! &#&lE! N chrastEt!o &Hts!G 2,so!G Oi&le noDnE! cho&Et!o ho*sa&lo 26

infml e#*h &,s*h



<7 U. U.

<7 U.

<7 U.

<7 U.

*la,*en "a", monitor baby!related activity "ottle1fee& "reast1fee& "#r* the "a", change the "a", roc! the "a", ta!e the "a", on one's la* slee* thro#gh the night comfort soothe phrases .he has her father's e,es :e ta!es after his mother Was he lateV Was he o2er&#eV Was she earl,V Was she *remat#reV

&Hts!G ohrG&!a Jesilo2acE JaREJenE 5#moOW#/e matce sl,Ket &EtH *o celIm ",tH, Je/mIna na*R. *Res noc6 !rmit J lah2e !o/it nechat &EtH o&REhno#t *Re"alit !olE"at &EtH 2JEt &EtH na !lEn s*Gt @ *ros*at celo# noc 5"eJ *ro"#JenE6 chlGcholitF !one/Kit !one/Kit MG otco2, oDi. Po&o"G se matce. =aro&il se *o termEn#V =aro&il se *oJ&H/iV =aro&ila se &RE2eV =aro&ila se *Re&DasnHV

raise "ring #* #*"ringing o"e&ient 5&isN6 na#ght, tal! "ac! "rat *am*er s" in&#lge s" s*oil s" scol& 5N s" for st6 tell off 5N s" for st6 *#nish 5Nment6 gate& gro#n&e& &etention 5"e in N6 s*an! sla* cor*oral *#nishment get the cane @ stic! get the stra* neglect a chil& a"#se 5N a chil&6 people & institutions chil&1min&er chil&1min&ing a#1*air nann, nann, 2,cho2at N 5ta!IS J2racet6 2Mcho2a *osl#KnM 5neN6 Jlo"i2MF ne*osl#KnMF neJ"e&nM o&mlo#2at s*rate! hMD!at, roJmaJlo2at *o2olitF &o2olitF roJmaJlo2at roJmaJlo2at nH!oho 2,h#"o2at 5N nH!om# Ja nHco6 N *otrestat 5trest6 2 &omGcEm 2HJenE N "Mt *o K!ole 5ta!IS 2e 2aJ"H, o&nHtE s2o"o&,6 na*lGcat *les!no#t tHlesnM trest &ostat rG!os!o# @ holE &ostat o*as!em Jane&"G2at &EtH Jne#OE2at, tMrat 5N &EtH6 oso"a stara/EcE se o &EtHF o*atro2nice &HtE hlE&GnE &HtE &E2!a, !terG *omGhG 2 ro&inH chL2a &E2!a *omGha/EcE 2 ro&inH s &Htmi 27

<7 U.

<7 U.

&a, care chil&ren's home ,o#th home "orstal other te&&, "ear st#ffe& @ fl#ff, @ *l#sh animal sY#ea!, to, to, chest chil&ren "enefits chil& s#**ort famil, allo;ance


hlE&GnE &HtE 5*Res &en6F *eDo2atels!G sl#O"a &Hts!M &omo2 &omo2 mlG&eOe *ole*Ko2na *l,Ko2M me&2E&e! *l,Ko2I J2ERe *Es!acE hraD!a s!REW!a na hraD!, *RE&a2!, na &Hti N NF &aWo2G Ule2a

pre!marital relationship matchma!er lonel, hearts a&s <7 *ersonal a&s U. &ating agenc, *#**, lo2e infml chil&hoo& s;eetheart high1school s;eetheart U. infat#ation ha2e a cr#sh on s" fall hea& o2er heels in lo2e ;ith s" #nreY#ite& lo2e [nrk(!td] e,e s" #* coll hang o#t ;ith s" arrange a &ate chat s" #* coll <7 ta!e s" o#t to 5&inner6 romance ;hirl;in& romance meaningf#l relationshi* serio#s relationshi* see each other go o#t ;ith @ together &ate s" U. &ating go stea&, U. &eclare lo2e to s" coha"itation li2ing together *remarital 5N sex,...6 extramarital contrace*tion *rotection "irth control intra#terine &e2ice coil coll &ohaJo2aD inJerGt, na seJnGmenEF seJnam!a N seJnamo2acE !ancelGR &Hts!G lGs!a lGs!a J &Htst2E lGs!a Je stRe&nE K!ol, *o"lGJnHnE "Mt *o"lGJnHn &o nH!oho Jamilo2at se &o nH!oho aO *o #Ki neo*Hto2anG lGs!a 2rhat Jamilo2anI *ohle&, *o nH!om trG2it s nH!Mm Das &oml#2it 5si6 schLJ!# h#Det &o nH!ohoF #!ecat, na"alit si nH!oho *oJ2at nH!oho na 52eDeRi6 romGne! nGhlI 2J*lan#tE 2GOnM 2Jtah N 2E&at se cho&it s nH!Mm N choJenE na ran&e mEt 2GOnM 2JtahF cho&it s nH!Mm na 2GOno 2,Jnat nH!om# lGs!# so#OitEF s*ol#OitE so#OitE 5*Re& s2at"o#6 *Re&manOels!M 5N sex,...6 mimomanOels!M anti!once*ce ochrana *roti *oDetE anti!once*ceF !ontrola *lo&nosti nitro&HloOnE tHlEs!o N


wedding *ro*ose to s" "ecome engage& to s" engagement ring "anns *ost the NF get the N *oste& stag night @ *art, "achelor *art, "ri&al sho;er arrange& marriage hast, marriage ;e&&ing shotg#n N &o;r, fiancI, fiancIe "ri&e tro#ssea# lace 2eil 5"ri&e6groom "ri&esmai& mai& of hono#r "est man marriage 2o;s recite the 2o;s ;e&&ing ring h#s"an& & ;ife s*o#se ;e&&ing rece*tion cons#mmate a marriage hone,moon lea2e on @ for one's N ne;l,;e&s marriage, relationship nIe mai&en name set #* home ;ear the tro#sers "ring home the "acon "rea&;inner ho#se;ife, ho#seh#s"an& homema!er grass ;i&o;@er r#t get on each other's ner2es get #n&er each other's feet get on to* of each other hen1*ec!e& marriage co#nselling ser2ice marriage g#i&ance 5get N6 "e /ealo#s of s" s!eleton in the c#*"oar& s!eleton in the closet


*oOG&at nH!oho o r#!# Jasno#"it se s nH!Mm JGsn#"nE *rsten ohlGK!, 52eRe/nI oJnGmenE cEr!e2nEho sWat!#6 mEt N lo#DenE se s2o"o&o# 5*Gns!G /EJ&a6 N lo#DenE se s2o"o&o# 5&Gms!G /EJ&a6 sWate! &oml#2enM *RE"#JnMmi sWate! nar,chlo s2at"a sWate!, *rotoOe /e ne2Hsta tHhotnG 2Hno sno#"enec@!a ne2Hsta 2M"a2a ne2Hst, !ra/!o2M JG2o/ Oenich &r#OiD!a hla2nE &r#OiD!a &r#O"a, s2H&e! 5o"2,!le OenichL2 *REtel6 manOels!M sli" o&RE!at manOels!M sli" sn#"nE *rsten manOel & manOel!a choT s2ate"nE hostina &o2rKit sWate! *ohla2nEm st,!em lE"Gn!,F s2ate"nE cesta o&/et na N no2omanOelI roJenGF &E2DEho /mIna /mIno Ja s2o"o&na JaloOit ro&in# "Mt hla2o# ro&in, 2,&HlG2at *enEJe *ro @ Oi2it celo# ro&in# Oi2itel ro&in, Oena @ m#O 2 &omGcnosti N slamHnG 2&o2a@ec 5Oena /e/EO m#O /e *r,D ale naOi2#6 Ja"HhlM J*Lso" Oi2ota /Et si na ner2, N 2JG/emnH se roJDilo2at *o& *antoflem manOels!I *ora&enst2E N @ *ora&na 5cho&it na @ &o N6 OGrlit na nH!oho ro&innI ta/emst2E N 2'


<7 U.

a&#lter, infi&elit, #nfaithf#lness cheat on s" mistress end of a relationship / marriage fall o#t of lo2e "rea! 5off6 relationshi* "rea! #* ;ith s" ;al! o#t on s" s*lit #* ;ith s" &#m* s" gi2e s" the "oot se*aration "rea! #* the famil, &i2orce &i2orcee co1res*on&ent alimon, 2isiting rights remarriage

ciJoloOst2E ne2Hra N *o&2G&Ht nH!oho milen!a *Restat nH!oho milo2at #!onDit 2Jtah roJe/Et se s nH!Mm N N &Gt nH!om# !o*aD!, N o&lo#DenEF roJl#!a roJ2rGtit ro&in# roJ2o&F roJ2Ist se roJ2e&enG oso"a s*ol#o"Oalo2anG strana 2 roJ2o&o2Im REJenE 2MOi2nI 5*ro ex1choT @ &EtH6 *rG2o na2KtH2o2at &EtH *o roJ2o&# &alKE sWate!

# 5enior#a&e)# #death # #
general el&erl, *eo*le, the el&erl, gre,ing *o*#lation ageism retire N& *eo*le Nment *ension s#*erann#ation scheme death & bereaved &ie of ol& age intestate 5&ie N6 [nt'stet] *ass on *ass a;a, ex*ire &ecease& late no longer ;ith #s e#thanasia &eath notice o"it#ar, con&olences a#to*s, *ost mortem "e cremate& gar&en of remem"rance hearse ch#rch,ar& staRE li&I N &is!riminace starMch li&E /Et &o &Lcho&# &Lcho&ci &Lcho&F o&cho& &o &Lcho&# &Lcho& s,stIm *enJi/nEho *Ri*o/iKtHnE JemREt stGREm, seKlostE 2H!em "eJ *osle&nE 2Lle 5JemREt N6 JemREt N N Jesn#lM 5ne&G2no6 Jesn#lM 5nGsle&o2Gno /mInem, eg. late 0. 1avel6 mrt2M e#tanGJie, #!onDenE Oi2ota na OG&ost nemocnIho *arte ne!rolog 52eRe/nI oJnGmenE6 !on&olenceF so#strast *it2aF ohle&GnE mrt2ol, !e J/iKtHnE *REDin, smrti ohle&GnE mrt2ol,, *it2a "Mt J*o*elnHnF mEt !remaci #rno2M hG/ *ohRe"nE 2LJ hR"ito2 3)


e#*h e#*h e#*h fml e#*h

f#neral N &irector #n&erta!er gra2e Nstone tom" Nstone e*ita*h coffin ;reath "#rie& "erea2e& ;i&o;'s *ension "eY#eath st to s" lea2e st to s" inherit Nance heirloom [elu&#$'lu&] exec#tor, exec#trix &eath &#ties institutions & care meals on ;heels ol& fol!s' home ol& *eo*le's home &a, care 5centre for the el&erl,6 senior citiJen cl#" li2e1in n#rse grann, flat <7 geriatrician, geriatrist

*ohRe" Re&itel @ JamHstnanec *ohRe"nEho Usta2# JamHstnanec *ohRe"nEho Usta2#F 5ho2or.6 f#ne"rG! hro" nGhro"nE !Gmen hro"F hro"!a nGhro"nE !Gmen e*itafF nG*is na nGhro"nEm !ameni ra!e2 2Hnec *ohR"enM *oJLstalMF tr#chlEcEF o2&o2HlM 2&o2s!M &Lcho& o&!GJat nH!om# nHco N J&H&it &H&ict2E ro&innG *amGt!a, &H&ict2E 2,!ona2atel@!a *osle&nE 2Lle, JG2Hti &H&ic!G &aW roJ2oJ /E&la &omo2 &Lcho&cL &omo2 &Lcho&cL *eDo2atels!G sl#O"aF &ennE stacionGR *ro senior, !l#" &Lcho&cL *eDo2atel!a, !terG ",&lE # oKetRo2anI oso", 2e/mine! geriatr 5lI!aR s*ecialiJ#/EcE se na J&ra2E @ nemoci s*o/enI se stGREm6

morals stan&ar&s "rea!&o;n of tra&itional 2al#es &ifferent ;a,s of life &ifferent lifest,les career girl @ ;oman co#nterc#lt#re role N mo&el ta!e @ "ear res*onsi"ilit, for st &e*lore slee* aro#n& @ slee* ;ith an,"o&, morGl!aF mra2, 5morGlnE6 stan&ar&, roJ*a& tra&iDnEch ho&not rLJnI Oi2otnE st,l, N &E2!a @ Oena &G2a/EcE *Re&nost *rGci *Re& ro&ino# alternati2nE !#lt#ra roleF Uloha 2JorF *RE!la&F o"&i2o2anG oso"nost mEt 5*Ri/mo#t6 @ nIst Jo&*o2H&nost Ja nHco o&s#Jo2at /Et s !aO&Mm


positive traits "roa&1min&e& tolerant tolerance of foi"les [f)bl] o*en1min&e& o#tgoing cheerf#l consi&erate tho#ghtf#l mello; *olite s,m*athetic tal!ati2e neutral traits am"itio#s eas,1going f#n1lo2ing negative traits im*ressiona"le easil, le& a"sent1min&e& corn, st#""orn moo&, h,*ercritical shar*1tong#e& chee!, smart irrita"le im*ertinent immat#rit, r#&e gree&, aggressi2e 2iolent li"erGlnEF tolerantnEF snGKenli2M tolerantnE scho*nost tolero2at sla"osti @ ne&ostat!, &r#hMch neJa#/atMF o"/e!ti2nE s*oleDens!MF ote2RenM ra&ostnMF KTastli2M ohle&#*lnMF ta!tnEF *oJornM ohle&#*lnM 2,ro2nanM, *lnM *oroJ#mHnE, #2olnHnM J&2oRilM so#citnM ho2ornMF 2MReDnM am"iciXJnEF ctiOG&osti2M "eJstarostnMF *oho&o2MF 5aO *REliK6 tolerantnE rG& se "a2EcEF ma/EcE rG& JG"a2# 2nEma2MF sna&no o2li2nitelnM sna&no o2li2nitelnM roJtrOitM, ne*oJornM staromX&nEF JastaralMF otRe*anM t2r&ohla2M nGla&o2MF roJla&HnM *REliK !ritic!M /EJli2MF !o#sa2M &rJMF tro#falM &rJM *o&rGO&HnM, ne&Lt!li2M, *o*#&li2M nest,&atM, neomalenM ne&os*HlostF ne2,s*Hlost hr#"MF &rsnM chamti2MF hamiOnM agresi2nEF UtoDnM nGsilnMF "r#tGlnE

<7 U.


general har& of hearing ac#te &isease conY#er a &isease a&&iction to st &ie from 5in/#ries6 &ie of 5&isease6 inY#est diseases 2enereal &iseases &ereriorating e,esight amnesia arthritis seinle &ementia rhe#matism ne&oslMcha2M a!#tnE onemocnHnE *Remoci choro"# nG2,!, JG2islost na nHDem JemREt nGsle&!em 5JranHnE6 JemREt nGsle&!em 5nemoci6 so#&nE 2,KetRo2GnE *REDin, UmrtE *ohla2nE nemoci JhorK#/EcE se Jra! amnIJieF JtrGta *amHti artriti&aF JGnHtli2I onemocnHnE !lo#"# senilnE &emenceF sla"om,slnost re2matism#s, re2ma

chore ho#se;or! &#sting hoo2ering ironing &omGcE *rGceF 5ne*RE/emnG6 *o2innost &omGcE *rGceF *rGce 2 &omGcnosti #tErGnE *rach# 2,sG2GnE OehlenE

nouns "ea#tician co#ch *otato "achelor s*inster amaJement conf#sion a2aila"ilit, of st &i2ersit, ro#tine a**ointment "oo! "#&get co*,cat crime adjectives & adverbs hilario#s acce*te& verbs alter the face of st "alance the *ress#res of st "e entitle& to st consist of st contri"#te to @ to;ar&s st act o#t !osmetiD!a 2GKni2M tele2iJnE &i2G! starM mlG&enec starG *anna UOasF *Re!2a*enE Jmate!F JmatenE &ost#*nost nHDeho roJmanitostF roJliDnost *ra2i&elnG, o*a!o2anG Dinnost termEno2M !alen&GRF &iGR roJ*oDet JloDinnost ins*iro2anG film, 2eselMF "#/arMF roJ*#stilM *Ri/atMF #JnG2anMF oficiGlnE JmHnit t2GR nHDeho 2,ro2nG2at stres J nHDeho mEt nGro! na nHco s!lG&at se J nHDeho *Ris*Ht ! 5nHDem#6 *Re&2G&HtF Jt2Grnit 33

caress commit come #* arg#e a"o#t @ o2er st Y#arrel &iminish hire faint *#rs#e one's o;n carrier nag ta!e #* *art1time ;or!

hMD!at s*GchatF &o*#stit seF JaslE"it se 5nH!om#6 2,noRit seF nastatF *ro"Erat nHco 5*Ri/Et na *RetRes6 &is!#to2atF hG&at se o nHco hG&at se slG"no#tF osla"o2atF shaJo2at nH!oho @ nHco *rona/mo#tF JamHstnat om&letF Jtratit 2H&omE 2Hno2at se !ariIRe se!Mro2tF *o*icho2atF otra2o2at JaDEt *raco2at na J!rGcenM U2aJe!

phrases, idioms, collocations A chi* off the ol& "loc!. Ba"l!o ne*a&G &ale!o o& strom#. .hro#&s ha2e no *oc!ets. %o hro"# si Dlo2H! nic ne2eJme. .*are the ro& an& s*oil the chil&. Z!o&a !aO&I rGn,, !terG *a&ne 2e&le. \o# can lea& a horse to ;ater, MLOeK nH!om# #!GJat cest#, "#t ,o# can't ma!e him &rin!. ale nemLOeK ho n#tit, a", *o nE Kel. ime ;or!s ;on&ers. das 2Ke 2,lIDE. das &HlG &i2,. \o# &on't loo! ,o#r age. =e2,*a&Gte na s2L/ 2H!. .hame a"o#t ... infml <7 Z!o&a Oe ... oo "a& that ... infml U. Z!o&a Oe ... "orn ;ith a sil2er s*oon in one's mo#th naro&it se 2 "ohatI ro&inH "#rn the can&le at "oth en&s &Hlat *REliK 2HcE so#DasnH


meals coo!ing c#isine [k(zin] meal co#rse &ish "r#nch snac! s#**er "#ffet N [bfe] secon&s 5ha2e N6 rea&,1to1ser2e rea&,1to1coo! 9 &inner con2enience foo& coo!1chill foo& cana*I [kn"#$*"e] a**etiser hors &'oe#2re [)$d%+r]$[!(r$dur+] starter clear so#* "o#illon [bujn] "roth extras <7 si&e or&ers U. si&e &ish &i* sala& &ressing ca!e &essert *#&&ing <7 ;holefoo& <7 lefto2ers lea2ings remnants side dishes etc. noo&les nachos *otatoes mashe& N chi*s <7 4rench fries U. s;eet N /ac!et N &#m*lings sa#er!ra#t 2aRenEF !#ch,nHF J*Lso" 2aRenE 5eg. 2rench cooking6 N &ennE /E&lo 5eg. you should eat three meals a day6 cho& 5eg. a main course6 /E&lo *Ri*ra2enI #rDitMm J*Lso"emF /E&lo 2 !#chaRce *oJ&nE snE&anH s*o/enG s o"H&em malI o"Derst2enEF s2aDina leh!G 2eDeRe st#&enG 2eDeRe *RE&a2e! 5*Ri&at si6 hoto2I 5/E&lo6 *oloto2ar *oloto2ar *ro r,chlo# 2eDeRi /E&lo #rDenI ! r,chlI *RE*ra2H &o2GOenI, JmraOenI /E&lo ch#To2!aF /e&noh#"!a *Re&!rmF ch#To2!a *Re&!rm *Re&!rm 2M2arF neJah#KtHnG *olI2!a "#/XnF 2M2ar 2M2ar 5silnM, Je/m. maso2M6 *REloh, N *REloha &i*F namoDitF *onoRit JGli2!a na salGt &ortF !olGD JG!#se!F mo#DnE! mo#DnE!F nG!,* J&ra2G 2MOi2a 5*otra2in, 2 *REro&nEm sta2#6 J",t!, N 5roJ*a&n#tI, roJ&ro"enI6 N n#&le !#!#RiDnI *laciD!,F nachos "ram"or, KTo#chanI "ram"or,F "ram"oro2G !aKe hranol!,F *omfrit, 5ne*lIst s U.1+S chi*s ] "ram"Lr!,6 N "atGt 5!oRen Po2i/nice "atGto2I, sla&!M "ram"or6 "ram"or, *eDenI 2e sl#*ce !ne&lE!, !,selI JelE 35

dishes o*en san&;ich *oache& egg *anca!es risotto s*aghetti "olognese [blniz#$*nez] fish an& chi*s haggis Cornish *ast, >rish ste; &ee* &ish adjectives )tak3 meat* o2en1"a!e& sogg, grease& s#cc#lent "itter fattening no#rishing n#tritional, n#triti2e tinne& canne& fanc, foo&s sa2o#r, o2ercoo!e& #n&ercoo!e& 5in6e&i"le 5#n6*alata"le


o"loOenM chle"EDe! 2e/ce na Jtraceno *alaDin!, riJoto "oloWs!I K*aget, r,"a s hranol!, s!ots!I /E&lo 5mletI s!o*o2I ne"o telecE 2nitRnosti s o2esno# mo#!o# 2aRenI 2e s!o*o2Im Oal#&!#6 corn;alls!G s*ecialita 5*iroh s masem a Jelenino# 5V6 6 irs!G s*ecialita 5&#KenI s!o*o2I s "ram"or, a Jelenino#6 *iJJa se silno# 2rst2o# tHstaF !olGD 2rst2o# nG*lnH *eDenI 2 tro#"H nasG!lIF *romGDenI mastnI KTa2natI hoR!MF tr*!M J*Lso"#/EcE tlo#stn#tE 2MOi2nM N 2 !onJer2H 5maso6 2 !onJer2H 5o2oce6 l#x#snE *otra2in,F lahL&!, *i!antnEF ostrI ch#tiF ch#tnI roJ2aRenMF *Re2aRenM ne&o2aRenM 5ne6*oOi2atelnI 5ne*oOi2atelnI6 ch#tnIF *Ri/atelnI

processing & preparation Y#arter cho* slice &ice cr#sh &issol2e thic!en "eat the eggs ;his! ;hi* "len& mix stir scram"le "ottle *ic!le mince 5meat6 grin& *eel na!rG/et na Dt2rt!,, roJDt2rtit se!at 5ta!IS !otleta6 !rG/et na *lGt!,F *lGte! na!rG/et na !ost!, roJmaD!atF roJ&rtit roJ*#stit Jah#stit Klehat 2e/ce Klehat 52e/ce6 Klehat mixo2atF mEsitF mEchat mEchatF namEchat mEchat mEchatF JamEchat 5scrambled eggs6 Ja2aRo2at na!lG&at 5Jelenin#6 mletI masoF mlEt 5J2l. ho2HJE6 mlEt lo#*atF olo#*at 5ta!IS sl#*!a6 36


*#rIe ["jre] co2er in @ ;ith a la,er of st &i* thermal processing micro;a2e *oach simmer ste; steam "oil coo! sa#tI "a!e roast fr, &ee*1N stir1N "ar"ec#e grill ... #ntil it's gol&en "ro;n

roJmaD!at na *,rI o"alit 2 nHDem 5mo#ce, stro#hance ...6 *onoRitF namoDit *Ri*ra2it 2 mi!ro2lnnI tro#"H ho&it &o 2ro#cE 2o&, a !rGtce *o2aRit *o2aRit na mErnIm ohni &#sitF &#KenI maso 2aRit 2 *GReF *Gra 2aRit 2aRitF *Ici r,chle o*Ici, osmaOitF *o!rm ta!to #*ra2enM 5saut potatoes A *eDenI "ram"or,6 *Ici *Ici 5maso6 smaOitF o*I!at frito2atF smaOit 2 t#!# osmahno#t, oresto2at 52 malIm mnoOst2E ole/e, na*R. 2e ;o!#6F DEns!I /E&lo *Ri*ra2enI tEmto J*Lso"em o*I!at na roOni, na /ehle ne"o ote2RenIm ohni grilo2atF grilF roKt ... &oJlato2a 5*Ict, smaOit, ...6

as*arag#s a#"ergine egg*lant lee! 5"a", N6 "roccoli 7r#ssels s*ro#t ca""age ca#liflo;er celer, celeriac co#rgette [k et] c#c#m"er gher!in green "eans string "eans &ill ra&ish horsera&ish !ohlra"i lee! lett#ce *arsni* *ea *e**er rh#"ar" green sala& J#cchini <7 U. chRest lile!, "a!laOGn N *Xre! 5mla&M N6 "ro!olice rLOiD!o2G !a*#sta JelE !2HtG! celer 5Ra*E!,6 celer 5"#l2a6 c#!eta o!#r!a 5salGto2G6 o!#r!a 5!,selG6 JelenI faJol!, N !o*r Re&!e2 !Ren !e&l#"na *Xre! hlG2!o2M salGt *astiWG! 5s2HtlG, mr!2i *o&o"nG, ch#To2H 2MraJnH/KE Jel.6 hrGch *a*ri!a 5Jelenina6 re"ar"ora Jelenino2M salGt c#!eta 37


<7 U.


generic clo2e *o&

hRe"EDe!F stro#Oe! 5Desne!# a/.6 l#s! 5eg. pea pod6

fresh fr#it a*ricot fig c#rrants goose"err, ras*"err, nectarine raisins man&arin tangerine sats#ma ;atermelon Derst2I o2oce mer#W!a fE! r,"EJ angreKt malina ne!tarin!a roJin!, man&arin!a N &r#h man&arin!, 2o&nE melo#n

grains cereals cereal groats maiJe corn s;eetN legumes leg#me [lgju&] *#lse, *#lses so,, so,a lentil5s6 "ean Ns*ro#ts 4rench N o"ilnin, o"ilninaF *otra2ina J o"ilo2in !ro#*,F !r#*!,F !r#*ice !#!#Rice N sla&!G N l#KtHnina N sX/a DoD!a faJole na!lEDenI faJoleF faJolo2I 2Mhon!, faJol Karlato2M


meat factor,1farme& meat 2enison *o#ltr, seafoo& "eef 2eal *or! lam" m#tton cho* sirloin r#m* maso J 2el!oo"cho&# maso 2,so!I J2HReF J2HRina &rL"eO moRs!I r,",F moRKtE !orMKi, mH!!MKi ho2HJE, ho2HJE maso telecE 5maso6 2e*Ro2I /ehnHF /ehnHDE 5o2ce mla&KE ( ro!#6 s!o*o2I maso 5&os*HlI o2ce6 !otleta s2ED!o2G !Mta 3$

"acon ham l#ncheon meat col& c#ts fillet ri"s offal !i&ne,s li2er "alls li2er sa#sage tri*e meat $ properties "one& mince& gro#n& lean ten&er to#gh ra; me&i#m ;ell1&one rare dairy products / produce &air, mil! s!imme& N semi1s!imme& N f#ll1fat N cream ;hi**e& cream ,ogh#rt cottage cheese "l#e cheese che&&ar +&am [id&] *armesan cheese other ca2iar [k+] gra2, free1range eggs


slanina K#n!a nGReJF na *lGt!, na!rG/enI maso ne"o #JeninaF lanDmEt nGReJF na *lGt!, na!rG/enI maso ne"o #Jenina *lGte!F REJe! Oe"ra 2nitRnosti le&2in!, /Gtro2I !ne&lED!, /Gtro2M salGmF /Gtro2!a &rKT!, 2,!ostHnI mletI N li"o2I /emnI, mH!!I 5o mase6 t#hI 5o mase6 s,ro2I stRe&nH *ro*eDenM 5o "ifte!#6 *ro*eDenM 5o "ifte!#6 !r2a2M 5o "ifte!#6 mlIDnMF mlI!GrnaF &o/nM @ na mlI!o 5s!otF farma6 mlI!o o&t#DnHnI, o&stRe&HnI N *olot#DnI N *lnot#DnI N smetanaF !rImo2G *olI2!a KlehaD!a /og#rt t2arohF t2aroho2M sMr sMr s mo&ro# *lEsnE De&ar 5sMr6 ei&am 5ei&ams!M sMr6 *armaJGn !a2iGr KTG2a J masa 2e/ce o& sle*ic J 2M"Hh#


# +ast #ry#$#ba"ed#&oods # #
"#n cr#m*et &o#ghn#t m#ffin +nglish m#ffin cr#m"le *ie "ro;nies <7 U. U. sla&!G Oemle 5nH!&, s roJin!ami6 *lac!a 5J "ElIho chle"o2Iho tHsta s &Er!ami, /E se s mGslem6 !o"liha sla&!M !olGDe! te*lM, roJ!ro/enM, mGslem maJanM !olGDe! &ro"en!o2M !olGD 5a**le N 1 N s /a"l!,6 !olGD s nG*lnE #2nitRF *iroh Do!olG&o2I *eDi2o s oRech, 3'

scone baked goods "isc#it coo!ie crac!er

<7 <7 U. U.

"ochGne! Di "#chta s#Ken!a N N

ste;e& fr#it s#n&ae str#&el [strudl] c#star& tart toffees trifle chocolate mo#sse [&us] "anana s*lit semolina *#&&ing fr#it ca!e s*onge ca!e ginger "rea& can&, "ar ice1cream cone can&, floss cotton can&, marmala&e /am /ell, /ell, /ello gelatine o2ocnM !om*ot JmrJlino2M *ohGr s o2ocem KtrL&l *#&in!o2M !rIm 5/a!o Ko&X6 o2ocnM !oKEDe! !aramel, JG!#se! 5*iK!ot mGDenM 2e 2EnH, s o2ocem, Ko&X a KlehaD!o#6 Do!olG&o2G *Hna "anGn se JmrJlino# a KlehaD!o# !r#*iDnG !aKe "is!#*s!M chle"EDe! *iK!ot *ernE! t,Din!a !orno#t JmrJlin, c#!ro2G 2ata N Ja2aRenina 5o"2,!le J citr#so2Iho o2oce6 &Oem, Ja2aRenina 5ne J citr#so2Mch *lo&L6 &OemF Ja2aRenina OelI, rosol N Oelatina

<7 <7

U. <7 U. <7 U. <7 U.

cris*s chi*s 5*otato N6 <7 U. "ram"oro2I l#*En!, N 5ne*lIst s <71+S chi*s ] hranol!,, *REloha6

almon& haJel n#t cocon#t n#tmeg *ean#ts man&le lEs!o2M oREKe! !o!os m#K!Gto2M oREKe! "#rs!I oREK!,

soft &rin!s mixers *#t the !ettle on neal!oholic!I nG*o/e neal!oholic!I nG*o/e 5! *RE*ra2H mEchanMch nG*o/L, na*R. tonic6 *osta2it na Da/ 4)

ca**#ccino [k"tin] ex*resso latte coffee real N instant N N ;ith cream &ecaffeinate& N &ecaf filtere& N *ercolate& N 5N6 gro#n&s mil!sha!e sha!e malte& mil! malt sY#ash so&a 5N ;ater6 cl#" so&a so&a *o*

<7 infml

<7 U. U.

<7 U. U. U.

!a*#DEno es*reso 5!G2a6 !G2a s hor!Mm mlI!em !G2a Jrn!o2G N instantnE N N s mlI!em N "eJ !ofein# N "eJ !ofein# *Re!a*G2anG N *Re!a*G2anG N !G2o2G se&lina mlIDnM !o!te/l N !aramelo2M nG*o/ sla&F !aramelo2M nG*o/ nG*o/ J roJmaD!anIho o2oce 5Je/m. citrXnL, o"2,!le se Re&E 2o&o#6 so&a N limonG&aF och#cenM neal!oholic!M nG*o/ s "#"lin!ami N

&rin! s"'s health toast har& &rin! s*irit liY#or liY#e#r 2intage 5N ;ine...6 ho* alcoholic beverages "eer ale 5real N6 "ro;n N &ar! lager "itter cham*agne ci&er a**le ci&er coc!tail ;his!, ;his!e, Martini 5&r, N6 scotch 5N on the roc!s6 *Et nH!om# na J&ra2E *Ri*EtF *RE*ite! &estilGt N N li!Ir archi2nE 5N 2Eno...6 chmel *i2o *i2o 5anglic!I, na&!2asnI s2rchnE6 tma2I N N leOG!F *i2o hoR!I *i2o Kam*aWs!IF se!t /a"leDnM moKtF nG*o/ 2,ro"enM J /a"le! 5mErnH al!oholic!M6 N !o!te/l ;his!, N martini 5s#chI N6 s!ots!G 5N s le&em6

<7 <7 U.


<7 U. <7 U. & >rish


"rea&cr#m"s "a!ing *o;&er self1raising flo#r cornflo#r &o#gh stoc! c#"e 2inegar [+ng] ;intergreen seasonings fla2o#ring artificial @ imitation N N agent see& root spices. herbs & plants alls*ice *e**er 5"lac! NF ;hite N6 anise anisee& "asil cara;a, c#min cassia cinnamon chillies clo2e cress 5*e**er, N6 c#rr, 5N *o;&er6 ginger oregano *a*ri!a *o**, see& rosemar, mar/oram 5s;eet N6 [&d r&] 2anilla stro#han!a *rGKe! &o *eDi2a mo#!a o"sah#/EcE *rGKe! &o *eDi2a !#!#RiDnG mo#!a !,n#tI tHsto !ost!a "#/Xn# ocet 52innM6 li"a2!a *oloOenG 5ole/ J tIto rostlin,6 !oRenE !oRenEF esenceF arXmaF *REch#T #mHlG *REch#T ch#To2G *REsa&a semeno !oRen@Ene! no2I !oRenEF /ama/s!M *e*R *e*R 5DernM NF "ElM N6 anMJ 5rostlinaF !oRenE6 anMJ 5!oRenE6 "aJal!a !mEn REms!M !mEnF Ka"re/ hr#"G, ne!2alitnE s!oRice s!oRice Dili 5!oRenE6 hRe"EDe! ReRicha 5ostrG N6 !ari JGJ2or &o"rom,sl *a*ri!a 5!oRenE6 mG! roJmarMn


generic terms #tensils 5!itchen N6 coo!;are &ish;are @ ta"le;are croc!er, containers & vessels m#g "eer m#g tot short shot !#ch,Ws!I nGDinE nG&o"E na 2aRenE 5*Gn2e, hrnce...6 nG&o"E na /eJenE 5talERe, mis!,...6 *orcelGno2I, !amenino2I nG&o"E hrne!F &O"Gne! 5*i2nE6 *Lllitr s!leniD!a, *anG! 5al!oholic!Iho nG*o/e6 N N 42


<7 U.

"o;l &ish casserole [ksrl] sa#ce*an fr,ing *an *ress#re1coo!er cr#et [krut] mil! /#g sa#cer s#gar "o;l salt castor sha!er 5salt @ *e**er @ s#gar N6 cr#et1stan& hand held c#tler, teas*oon other coo!er, "oo! coo! "oo! "a!ing tin na*!ins ta"lecloth ta"le mat set the ta"le la, the ta"le rinse coffee machine coffee ma!er coffee mill



mEsaF mis!aF KGle! mEsaF nG&o"a !astrolF ren&lE!F /E&lo 2aRenI ne"o *o&G2anI 2 ren&lE!# hl#"o!G *Gne2F ren&lE!F !astrol *Gne2 tla!o2M, Pa*inL2 hrnec !arafa 5Je/m. na ole/, ocet...6 !on2iD!a na mlI!o *o&KGle! c#!Ren!a solniD!a s,*Gt!o 5solniD!a @ *e*Ren!a @ c#!Ren!a6 sto/Gne! s *REsa&ami 5sLl, !oRenE...6 *RE"or, !G2o2G lOiD!a

<7 U.

<7 U.

!#chaR!a 5!niha6 N *lech, forma na *eDenE #"ro#s!, #"r#s *rostRenEF *o&loO!a 5*o& talER a*.6 *rostREt stLl N o*lGchno#t !G2o2ar N mlMne! na !G2#

# +eo #/le#$#institutions # #
people meat1eater foo&, go#rman& go#rmet #ne&#cate& *alate teetotaller, teetotaler 2egetarian 2egan professions lan&lor& "armai& "arman "arten&er hea& ;aiter chef coo! institutions inn ten, !&o /E maso milo2nE! /E&laF la"#OnE! 2el!M /e&lE!F g#rmGn g#rmGnF la"#OnE! 5Ns!MF Nnic!M6 Dlo2H!, !terM ne2E co /e &o"rI a"stinent 2egetariGn 2egan 52egetariGn, !terM ne/E ani 2e/ce a mlIDnI 2Mro"!,6 hostins!M 5ta!IS &omGcE6 "arman!aF DEKnice "armanF DEKnE! N 2rchnE DEKnE! KIf!#chaRF 2rchnE !#chaR !#chaR JG/eJ&nE hostinecF hos*o&a 43


<7 <7 U.

*#" "ooJer ;ine "ar coffee1sho* stea! ho#se ta!e1a;a, ta!e1o#t, carr,1o#t tearoom franchise grat#it, ti* "ill 5as! for the N6 chec! m#Ja!

coll <7

<7 .cot+, U.

hos*o&a *#t,!a 2inGrna malG resta#race resta#race !&e /a!o hl. cho& *o&G2a/E stea! "istroF resta#race s *ro&e/em /E&la *Res #lici Da/o2na #&Hlit *o2olenE, licenci s*ro*itnI N 5leave a tip A nechat N6 UDet 5*oOG&at o NF Ja*latit6 N re*ro&#!o2anG h#&"a 5/a!o !#lisa 2 o"cho&H a resta#raci6

<7 U.

carni2ore her"i2ore fish catfish eel salmon sar&ine [sdin] tro#t cattle cattle [ktl] calf 5*lS cal2es6 birds "roiler "lac!coc! ca*ercaillie [k"kelj] ca*on [ke"n] &#c! goose 5*lS geese6 Y#ail *heasant t#r!e, other game "oar 5;il& N6 *ra;n masoOra2ec "MloOra2ec s#mec UhoR losos sar&in!a *str#h 5ho2HJE6 &o",te!F s!ot tele <7 "ro/lerF mla&I !#Re tetRE2e! tetRe2 2el!M !a*o#n 5*oJnS 2,!astro2anM !oho#t6 !achna h#sa !Re*el!a "aOant !rocan J2HRinaF lo2nG J2HR &i2oDG!F &i2o!M !anec !re2eta


disorders & illnesses anorexia ner2osa slimmer's &isease "#limia measures & #uantities *inch ch#n! *int teas*oonf#l other range choice "ran& l#ncheon 2o#cher <7 l#nch tic!et U. ice c#"e caffeine [kfin] #nsat#rate& fat &elicate fla2o#r *reser2ati2es /#ni*er gentian root [d enn] m#star& m#shroom cr#m"les "on a**etit feast on st contaminate *oisoning *o* o#t o#st s" reci*e 5for6 refector, t#t grace the ta"le "e slimming slimming cl#" "e ;eigh1conscio#s chignon he ;a, to a man's heart is thro#gh his stomach. 0et s" ste; in one's o;n /#ice. anorexie 5choro"nI nech#tenst2E6 N "#limie 5choro"nG ch#T ! /E&l#6 K*et!a 5eg. pinch of salt6 !#sF !o#se! *inta 5asi *Ll litr#6 !G2o2G lOiD!a 2M"Hr 5a good range of wine A &o"rM 2M"Hr 2Ena6 2o"laF 2M"Hr @ sortiment 5a wide choice of beer A Kiro!M 2M"Hr *i2a6 JnaD!a stra2en!a N !ost!a le&# !ofein nenas,cenI t#!, /emnG ch#T !onJer2aDnE *rostRe&!, /alo2ec hoRco2M !oRen 5#OE2G se ! 2Mro"H al!oholic!Mch nG*o/L6 hoRDice ho#"a &rTF &ro"!, &o"ro# ch#T *och#tnG2at si na nHDem na!aJitF JneDistit otra2a 5na*R. /E&lem6 o&s!oDit si 2en 5&o resta#race, o"cho&# a*o&.6 2,tlaDit, 2,strna&it, 2,*#&it !oho rece*t 5na6 /E&elna ts 5J2#! 2,/a&R#/EcE netr*Hli2ost, roJhoRDenE6 "Mt oJ&o"o# stol# h#"no#t s&r#OenE h#"no#cEch li&E &G2at si *oJor na 2Gh# #Jel 2lasL 2e 2lasech 0Gs!a *rochGJE Oal#&!em. AT se 2aRE 2e 2lastnE KTG2H.



generic terms ho#sing accommo&ation &;elling o;ner1occ#*ation common city/town housing to;er"loc! m#lti1store, "#il&ing high1rise 5"#il&ing6 flat <7 "loc! of N <7 co#ncil ho#se @ flat <7 a*artment U. N "#il&ing U. *#"lic ho#sing U. flatlet &etache& ho#se semi1&etache& ho#se <7 &#*lex [dju"leks] U. single1famil, ho#se U. t;o1famil, ho#se U. terrace& ho#se <7 ro; ho#se U. "#ngalo; ranch ho#se con&omini#m U. con&o coll U. other housing official Y#arters re&"ric! ho#se half1tim"ere& ho#se co#ntr, ho#se @ mansion manor ho#se chatea#, chftea# [t#$.r/$t,] sY#at mo"ile home trailer U. ho2el grass h#t cottage s#mmer N ;ee!en& N log ca"in igloo tee*ee, te*ee hostel <7 N "e&1s*aces <7 ",&lenEF ",t, noclehF #",to2GnEF #",to2acE *rostor, o",&lEF *RE",te! ",&lenE 2e 2lastnEm 2MK!o2G "#&o2a N N ",t DinOo2nE &Lm o"ecnE &Lm @ ",t ",t DinOo2nE &Lm o"ecnE ",t5,6 ",t (e(, malG garsoniIra samostatnH sto/EcE &Lm &2o/&ome! &2o/&ome!F meJonet 5&2o#*o&laOnE ",t6 ro&innM &Lm &Lm *ro &2H ro&in, Ra&o2M &Lm N *REJemnE &LmF "#ngalo2 N ",t 2 oso"nEm 2lastnict2E 2 &r#Oste2nEm &omH N sl#Oe"nE ",t "#&o2a J neomEtn#tMch cihel hrGJ&HnM &Lm 2en!o2s!I sE&lo *ans!I sE&lo JGme!F JGmeDe! nelegGlnH Ja"ranM *rGJ&nM &Lm 5",t6F ",&let 2e sY#at# o",tnM *RE2Hs N chatrD 5K*ina2G6 *REstReKe!F chMKe &ome!F chal#*a chal#*a na lItoF chata 2E!en&o2G chal#*a sr#" iglU 2ig2am, in&iGns!M stan, tM*E #",to2naF noclehGrna 5Je/m. *ro st#&ent,6 lLO!a @ mEsta *ro #",to2anI 46

halls of resi&ence &ormitor, &orm property, parcels ho#sing estate allotment

<7 U. coll U.

st#&ents!I !ole/e N N sE&liKtH *arcela, *oJeme! *rona/atM JahrG&!GRi mEstnEm URa&em


rooms "e&room "e&sit, "e&sitter "athroom la2ator, la2 loo /ohn 5the N6 restroom "og !itchen lar&er *antr, li2ing room st#&, li"rar, hall entrance hall rece*tion room fo,er "oiler room &r,ing hall storeroom #tilit, room loOnice garson!aF o"M2acE loOnice !o#*elnaF JGcho&F toaleta JGcho& N N N N N !#ch,W s*iOErna s*iOErnaF !omora o"M2G! *raco2na !niho2na 5mEstnost6 2st#*nE halaF *Re&sEW N rece*ceF *Ri/EmacE *o!o/ fo,erF 2st#*nE hala !otelna s#KGrna s!la&iKtH, s!la&o2acE *rostorF !omora mEstnost s!la&#/EcE DistEcE *rostRe&!,, *raD!,, OehliD!, a*o&. cho&"a cho&"a s &2eRmi *o stranGch o&*oDE2a&lo *L&a 5*L&nE 2esta2"a6 *o&!ro2E *L&nE 2esta2"a s!ro2nI *o&!ro2E, mansar&a 5J2l. *ro ch#&I #mHlce6 s#terIn s!le* 2eran&a, !r,tM 2cho& 2,&lGO&HnM &2ore!, 2nitRnE &2Lr Jahra&a Ja &om!em Jahra&a @ &2ore! Ja &om!em cestaF 2,Kla*anG *HKinaF cho&nE! *RE/eJ&o2G cesta, 2/eJ& &o garGOe N JimnE Jahra&aF Jas!lenM "al!Xn 47

coll coll coll U. slang <7


other parts of a house corri&or hall;a, staircase1lan&ing loft 5N con2ersion6 attic N con2ersionF con2erte& N garret "asement cellar outside *orch *atio "ac! gar&en "ac! ,ar& *ath &ri2e &ri2e;a, conser2ator,


<7 U. <7 U. <7

gaJe"o [gzib] she& ;or!sho* greenho#se hotho#se

"esE&!a, altGn s 2Mhle&em !Llna &Elna s!lenE! N

roof roof "#tterfl, N corr#gate& iron N flat N chimne, N1stac! N1*ot roof tile slate shingle thatch s!,light "eams an& rafters "eam rafter gir&er lightning con&#ctor lightning ro& g#tter walls ins#lation line the ;alls ;ith N ;all*a*er hang N windows ;in&o; "a, N casement N sash1N &ormer N &o#"le1glaJe& N storm N ;in&o; frame sill 5;in&o; N6 lintel ;in&o; screen sh#tter fol&ing N "lin& 59enetian N6 2ertical "lin&s c#rtain *#ll the N N rail stRecha N s UOla"Em s2aO#/EcEm se &o2nitR 52e t2ar# 96 N J 2lnitIho *lech# *lochG N !omEn to2GrnE !omEn tr#"!o2M nGsta2ec na !omEn stReKnE taK!a stReKnE taK!aF "Ri&lice stReKnE !r,tinaF Kin&el &oK!a 2i!MR, stReKnE o!no !ro2, trGmF !lG&aF nosnE! !ro!e2F trGm !ro2# 5Ki!mI trGm, 2e t2ar# o*aDnIho 96 nosnM trGm hromos2o& N o!a*, rMnaF sto!a, o&to!o2I !or,to iJolace o"loOit stHn, iJolacE ta*etaF ta*eto2at ta*eto2at o!no ar!MRo2I N !RE&lo2I N staho2acE N !r,tI stReKnE NF 2i!MR N s &2o/itMm s!lem 2nH/KE DGst J&2o/enIho o!na o!ennE rGm *ara*etF REmsa 5o!ennE N6 *Re!la& 5na& o!nem, &2eRmi6 sET *roti hm,J# o!eniceF !o2o2G roleta 52 o"cho&H6 s!lG&acE o!enice roletaF Oal#Jie 2erti!GlnE Oal#Jie JGclonaF JG2HsF o*ona JatGhno#t N t,D, !ole/niD!a na JG2Hs, ne"o JGclon, 4$

<7 U.


*elmet 2alance doors &oor re2ol2ing N sli&ing N 4rench &oor @ ;in&o; slam the N screen &oor "olt the &oor !noc!er *ee*hole &oorhan&le &oor!no" !e,hole railings, fences he&ge fence "anister @ "annister railing han&rail

<7 U.

garnMO garnMOF !rGt!G JGclon!a na& o!n, &2eRe otoDnI N *os#2nI N Jas!lenI &2eRe na teras#, "al!on ne"o Jahra&# *rGs!no#t &2eRmi &2eRe se sEtE *roti hm,J# Ja2REt &2eRe na JG2or# !le*a&lo !#!Gt!o 2e &2eREch !li!a !#lo2itG !li!a !lEDo2G &Er!a Oi2M *lot *lot JG"ra&lE JG"ra&lE JG"ra&lEF ma&lo


# 9 #edroom # #
furniture & appliances "e& fo#r1*oster N cano*, N "#n! Ns &o#"le N "e&si&e ta"le &ressing ta"le "e& en& "e& hea&F hea&"oar& other mattress "e& linen sheets an& "lan!ets *illo; case "lan!et &#2et &o;n comforter ei&er&o;n "e&si&e lam* alarm1cloc! )nbytek & spot ebi%e* *ostel N s ne"es, N s ne"es, *oscho^o2I @ *atro2I Ne &2o/itG, manOels!G N noDnE stole! toaletnE stole! *elest 2 nohGch *ostele Delo *ostele matrace loOnE *G&loF *o2leDenE loOnE *rG&lo *o2la! na *olKtGR &e!a *roKE2anG *IRo2G *Ri!rM2!aF *eRina *roKE2anG *Ri!rM2!a J *racho2Iho *eRE *racho2G *roKE2anG *Ri!rM2!a lam*iD!a # *ostele "#&E!

<7 U. <7


# 9 #athroom # #
furniture & appliances t#" "athN hot N s*a /ac#JJi [d kuz] toilet sho;er "i&et [bide] cistern ;ash"asin han&"asin airing c#*"oar& other ta* fa#cet mat to;el tooth"r#sh tooth m#g tooth*aste s*onge face flannel com" 2ana N 2ERi2!a N N toaletaF JGcho& s*rcha "i&et s*lacho2acE nG&rOF nG&rO na 2o&# 5na*R. na stReKe @ JGcho&#6 #m,2a&lo malI #m,2a&lo 2esta2HnG s!REW na s#KenE *rG&la te*lMm 2J&#chem !oho#te!F 2nitRnE JG2it !oho#te! 52o&o2o&#6 *o&loO!aF *Re&loO!a r#DnE! !artGDe! na J#", !elEme! na DiKtHnE J#"L J#"nE *asta ho#"a OEn!a hRe"enF Desat se

<7 <7 U.


# 2 #itchen # #
furniture & appliances !itchen fixt#res refrigerator fri&ge fri&ge freeJer freeJer chest N o2en micro;a2e N sto2e ;oo& N coo!er coo!er hoo& extractor fan sin! 5!itchen N6 &ish;asher &rin!s c#*"oar& &rin!s ca"inet c#*"oar& si&e"oar& china ca"inet !itchen #nit namonto2anI JaREJenE !#ch,nH le&niD!a N mraJG! s le&niD!o# mraJG! N se JGs#2!ami tro#"aF !amnaF *ec mi!ro2ln!a !amnaF s*orG! !amna na &Re2o 2aRiDF s*orG! o&sG2aD *arF &igestoR N &ReJ, 2Mle2!a 5!#ch,Ws!M N6 m,D!a nG&o"E 5stro/6 li!IrnE!F &omGcE "ar N s!REW5!a6F !re&enc *RE"ornE! *RE"ornE! na *orcelGn !#ch,Ws!G lin!a 5)

<7 U. <7 <7 U.

"rea& "in toaster san&;ich N e,e le2el grill "roiler coffee *erlocator /#ice extractor "len&er mixer !ettle other &ish rac! &raining "oar& &ish @ &r,ing1#* cloth tea1to;el !itchen to;el cloth m#g la&le [ledl] mixing s*oon sie2e strainer ;ashing1#* liY#i&

<7 U.

nG&o"a na #loOenE chle"a to#sto2aD san&2iDo2aD gril 52e 2MKi oDE6 N *Re!a*G2aD na !G2# o&KTa2Wo2aD mixIr KlehaD !on2iceF !otlE!, !otel o&!a*G2aD na nG&o"E N #tHr!a N N lGt!aF #tHr!aF ha&r hrne!F !elEme! na"HraD!aF s"HraD!a 2aReD!a sEt!oF sEto N *rostRe&e! na m,tE nG&o"E

# % #i # in&#room #
furniture & appliances sofa settee co#ch N1"e& N fol&s &o;n into a "e& coffee ta"le "oo!case *oho2!a *oho2!aF ga#DF sofa *oho2!aF ga#D roJ!lG&acE *oho2!a *oho2!a se roJ!lG&G na *ostel !onferenDnE stole! !niho2na

# <eneric#?# #other# # #roo # #ms # #

furniture & appliances car*et ;all1to1;all N r#g threshol& soc!et electrical o#tlet ;all #nit chair reclining N roc!ing N s;i2el N ;ing chair nest of ta"les !o"erec !o"erec *o celI *loKe mEstnosti menKE !o"erecF *Re&loO!a *rGh JGs#2!aF JGstrD!a N nG",t!o2G stHnaF JG2HsnI s!REW!, !ResloF Oi&le N s nasta2itelnMm o*Hra&lem ho#*acE N otoDnI N #KG! sa&a &o se"e Ja*a&a/EcEch stol!L


;ar&ro"e "#ilt1in N fitte& N chest of &ra;ers stool footstool *o#f, *o#ffe ottoman "ean "ag shelf other r#""ish "in coat rac! scales light s;itch &immer s;itch &#ster cloc! gran&father N *lant magaJine rac!

<7 U.

s!REW 5KatnE6F gar&ero"a 2esta2HnG s!REW 2esta2HnG s!REWF KatnE! na mEr# s!REW!a se JGs#2!ami, !omo&a, *rG&elnE! Oi&le, stoliD!a "eJ o*Hra&la *o&noO!a ta"#ret N *olKtGR ! seJenE *oliceF regGl o&*a&!o2M !oKF *o*elnice 2HKG! na o"leDenE 2Gh,F 2Gha 2,*EnaD stmE2aD 5JaREJenE o2lG&a/EcE intenJit# s2Htla6 *racho2!a ho&in, sto/acE ho&in,F s!REWo2I *en&lo2!, rostlinaF *o!o/o2G !2Htina sto/an na Daso*is,


chan&elier stan&ar& lam* floor lam* electric fire gas fire gas heater heating fire*lace mantel*iece fireg#ar& <7 U. <7 U. l#str sto/acE lam*a N ele!tric!G !amEn!a *l,no2G !amnaF *l,no2M !r" N to*enE !r" REmsa na& !r"em mREO *Re& !r"em

# O #utside # #
entr, *hone intercom &oorste* &oormat ;i*e one's feet ;i*e one's shoes fee&er "ir& ta"le gar&en gnome roc!er, roc! gar&en &omGcE telefon N *rGh, JG*raOE rohoO!a 5# &2eRE6 oDistit si "ot, otREt, oDistit si "ot, !rmEt!o 5*ro *tG!,6 !rmEt!o *ro *tG!, Jahra&nE tr*aslE! s!al!aF al*En#m 5&e!orace Jahra&,6 N

<7 U.


gardening flo;er"e& hot"e& see&ling so; *r#ne ;ee& thin o#t *ric! o#t 5the see&lings6 trans*lant 5the see&lings6 "loom 5"e in N6 "lossom man#re s*rea& N in the *lot trim 5the he&ge ;ith shears6

<7 U.

!2Htino2M JGhon *aReniKtHF semeniKtH 5i na*R. JloDinnosti6 saJeniD!a sGJet *roReJG2at 5strom,6 *le2elF *lEt *rotrhG2atF /e&notit *Re*icho2at, *ResaJo2at 5saJeniD!,6 N !2IstF roJ!2Ist !2Ist hnL/ roJhaJo2at N *o JGhon!# stREhat 5Oi2M *lot Jahra&nic!Mmi nLO!ami6

# T #ools # #
cleaning tools "room mo* "#c!et garden & other tools file *incers mole gri*s *liers 5*air of N6 nee&le1nosee& N chisel ;heel"arro; sho2el s*a&e hoe ra!e 5grass @ la;n N6 "race electric &rill hose, hose*i*e s*ra, noJJle ta* & &ie set la&&erF ste*1N *aint"r#sh *aintroller roller 5*aint N6 2ice 2ise N gri* !oKtH mo*F setREt, #tREt !"elE!, 2H&ro *ilnE!F *ilo2at KtE*acE !leKtH !leKtH s #*EnacE hla2o# !leKtH ele!tri!GRs!I 5ten!I6 N &lGto !oleD!o, tra!aR lo*ata rMD 5s*a&es ta!IS *i!, 2 !artGch6 mot,D!a hra"H 5na trG2#6 tr#hlGRs!M !olo2rGte!F s*onaF s2or!a ele!tric!G 2rtaD!a ha&ice h#"ice na stRE!GnE so#*ra2a na ReJGnE a U&rO"# JG2itL Oe"RE! KtHtec malERs!M 2GleDe! s2HrG! N Delist s2HrG!#

<7 U.

<7 U.


wrenches )god help us...* s*anner <7 ;rench U. o*en1en&e& @ for! s*anner <7 o*en1en& ;rench U. ring s*anner <7 "ox1en& ;rench U. com"ination s*anner <7 com"ination ;rench U. a&/#sta"le @ shifting s*anner <7 a&/#sta"le @ crescent ;rench U. gas gri*s <7 mon!e, ;rench U. soc!et s*anner <7 soc!et ;rench 5<7 & U.6 .tillson ;rench <7 *i*e ;rench U. allen !e, 5<7 & U.6 hex !e, U. allen ;rench U. cutting & sawing tools hatchet axe sa; chain N fretsa; gar&en @ he&ge cli**ers secate#rs [sekt%z] shears *r#ning N sic!le la;n mo;er measuring tools calli*ers fol&ing r#ler ta*e meas#re m#ltimeter components & hardware nail scre; &o;el *in &ra;ing N hinge /oints

!lED 5generic!M nGJe26 N "HOnM, 2i&lico2M !lED N oD!o2M !lED N !om"inace oD!o2Iho a 2i&lico2Iho 5na !aO&Im !onci /inM6 N nasta2itelnM !lED N starG, o"/emnH/KE 2erJe nasta2itelnIho !lEDe N nGstrD!o2M !lED 5rGDna e nGstrD!o2I hla2ice6 N hasG! N im"#so2M !lED

<7 U.

se!,r!a se!,raF Je&nic!I !la&E2!oF K*iDG! 5na hr#"I o*raco2GnE !amene6 *ila motoro2G, RetHJo2G *ila re/&o2aD!a 5*ila 2e t2ar# U 6 Jahra&nic!I nLO!, N N N sr* se!aD!a na trG2# *os#2nI mHREt!oF K#*lera s!lG&acE metr s2ino2acE metrF mHREcE *Gsmo 2oltmetr a ohmmetr hRe"E! Kro#"e! hmoO&in!aF K*alE!F De* K*en&lE! rMso2GDe!F na*EnGDe! 5*lacatM, !rGt!M K*en&lE!6 *ant s*o/e 5&Re2HnI6


"#il&ing site sta2eniKtH constr#ction machiner, sta2e"nE stro/e "#ll&oJer "#l&oJer cement mixer mEchaD!a exca2ator r,*a&loF "agr scaffol&ing leKenE fo#n&ations 5la, the N6 JG!la&, 5*oloOit N6 processes *#ll &o;n *ro2Ist &emolici !noc! &o;n J"o#rat 5na*R. starM &Lm6 tear &o;n *ro2Ist &emolici le2el the gro#n& sro2nat, #ro2nat terIn re"#il& Jno2# *osta2itF *Resta2Ht alter *Resta2HtF JmHnitF reno2ate o*ra2it, reno2o2at &Lm ref#r"ish N f#rnish JaRE&it, 2,"a2it nG",t!em &ecorate 5reN6 malo2atF ta*eto2atF J&o"it 5Jno2# N6 ;hite;ash lEDit 2G*nem, "Elit la, the la;n *oloOit trG2nE! maintain #&rOo2at men& s*ra2itF o*ra2it fix, fix #* s*ra2itF o*ra2itF &Gt &o *oRG&!# re;ire &Gt no2I ele!tric!I 2e&enE &istem*er 5tech6 malo2at 5Je/mIna !liho2o# "ar2o#6 *#t in ... 5a *hone /ac!F a satellite &ish6 nainstalo2at 5telefonnE JGstrD!#F satelit6 set1#* a ho#se JaRE&it si &Lm

# 9uildin& ##@ # ## ## /ro,essions #

"ric!la,er roofer *lasterer interior &ecorator tiler *l#m"er electrician /oiner loc!smith glaJier [glez] han&,man Je&nE! *o!rM2aD omEt!GRF Kt#!atIr malER *o!o/LF ",to2M archite!t &laO&iDF *o!rM2aDF o"!la&aD instalatIrF !lem*ER ele!tri!GRF ele!troinstalatIr tr#hlGR JGmeDnE! s!lenGR U&rO"GR 5man#GlnH Jr#DnM Dlo2H!6

# 9uildin&#@ ## ## materials #
"ric! "reeJe"loc! cin&er "loc! flagstone tile gra2el cihla K!2Gro"etono2G t2Grnice N Jahra&nE cho&nE!o2G &laO&ice &laO&iceF !achliD!aF taK!a KtHr! 55


concrete ferro1N mortar cement tim"er l#m"er *lan! floor"oar&

<7 U.

"etonF "etono2M OeleJoN malta cement sta2e"nE &RE2EF ReJi2o N foKna *o&laho2I *r!no

# %e&al #0ish4 # ##terms # #

"#il&ing contractor clearance loan interest rate mortgage a**l, for a N :.P. @ :ire P#rchase 5"#, on N6 estimate rent N o#t people & institutions ho#sing a#thorities stoc!"ro!er estate agent lan&lor& @ lan&la&, tenant &o&a2atel sta2", !ola#&ace *L/D!a Uro!o2G saJ"a h,*otI!aF JatEOit h,*otI!o#F Jasta2it JaOG&at o N s*lGt!o2M *ro&e/ 5!o#*it na s*lGt!,6 #&Hlat o&ha& DinOeF nG/em5nI6F &Gt ne"o 2JEt &o nG/m# *rona/Emat, *rona/mo#t ",to2M URa& ma!lIR realitnE agent @ !anclIRF o"cho&nE! s realitami ",tnM@GF &omGcEF hostins!M@G nG/emnE!

rot @ rotten sagging 5floor6 *aint *eeling N sa;&#st N *ellets soot hnEt @ shnilM *ro*a&a/EcE se 5*o&laha6 "ar2aF nGtHr o&lo#*G2a/EcE se N *ilin, gran#le, "ri!et, J *ilin saJe

words to describe houses / estates l#x#rio#s magnificent elegant exY#isite attracti2e comforta"le ;ell1!e*t room, s*acio#s cos, cram*e& *o!, *Re*,cho2M s!2ostnM, s!2HlM, 2el!ole*M elegantnE *Re!rGsnMF neo",De/nMF 2,ni!a/EcE *RE/emnMF lG!a2MF atra!ti2nE *oho&lnM &o"Re #&rOo2anM *rostornM *rostornMF 2el!M Ut#lnM 5ta!IS e#femism#s *ro mal&6 stHsnanMF *Rec*anM tHsnMF malMF #"ohMF chatrnM 56

mess, sha"", &ing, hi&eo#s &ila*i&ate& ramshac!le secl#&e& "arren fertile en2ironmentall, so#n& en2ironmentall,1frien&l, feat#res ha#nte& words to describe other stuff &am* lea!, s*otless ti&, han&, slo*ing stuff accessor, s;itch fire alarm 9 aerial change of *ace &ea&fall loc! s*ring loc! #tilities chain store stuff to do sli* on "ath o2erflo; fl#sh li2e alone &ri2e the message home

ne#!liJenM oK#ntHlM, roJ"itM 5ro2nHO o Katech, Dlo2H!#F ta!IS *o&lM, neDestnM, s*rostM6 K*ina2M a tma2MF oK#mHlM oh,J&nMF oK!li2MF *REKernM JchGtralMF na s*a&n#tEF chGtra/EcE Jane&"anM, seKlM, JchGtralM, na s*a&n#tE o&lehlMF iJolo2anM *#stMF neUro&nM Uro&nMF *lo&nMF Oi2nM e!ologic!, neJG2a&nM e!ologic!I *r2!, !&e straKEF straKi&elnM 2lh!MF 2lh!o &Hra2M DisTo#n!M, "eJ *os!2rn!, #!liJenM, #*ra2enM Ki!o2nM Ki!mM, s2aO#/EcE se &o*lnH! 2,*EnaDF *Re*EnaDF s*EnaD hlGsiD *oOGr# tele2iJnE antIna JmHna Oi2otnEho tem*a *atentnE JGme! stRel!o2M JGme! sl#O", o"cho&nE RetHJec 2!lo#Jno#t &o 5o"leDenE, o"#2i6 !o#*elF 2anaF *RetIci s*lGchno#t OEt sGm 2tlo#ct nH!om# nHco &o hla2,


<7 <7


categories alternati2e me&ia g#tter *ress *o*#lar *ress ta"loi& *ress la*&og /o#rnalism mainstream me&ia Y#alit, ne;s*a*er Y#alit, *ress tra&e *ress media $ generic ca"le "roa&casting regional tele2ision ser2ice channel station *rogramme sho; li2e "roa&cast serial *#"lic ser2ice *la,"ac! &e"ate, &isc#ssion *anel N circ#lation *erio&ical Y#arterl, monthl, fortnightl, ;ee!l, &ail, e&ition earl, N late N gloss, "roa&sheet ta"loi& /o#rnal magaJine *erio&ical *hoto @ *ict#re essa, iss#e s#**lement alternati2nE me&ia "#l2GrnE tis! N N *o*#listic!GF ser2ilnE O#rnalisti!a 2HtKino2G mI&ia !2alitnE, seriXJnE no2in, 52el!M formGt6 seriXJnE tis! no2in, ne"o Daso*is, *ro o&"ornE!,, JasElanI *REmo 5nelJe /e "HOnH !o#*it6 !a"elo2G tele2iJe roJhlaso2IF tele2iJnE 2,sElGnE regionGlnE 9 2,sElGnE tele2iJnE !anGlF *rogram 5na*R. d (, C==...6 stanice 5egS radio 46 *rogramF *oRa& 5cultural, educational, music, religious...6 *Re&sta2enEF sho;F *oRa& 5Y#iJ sho; A 9 !2EJ6 *REmM *RenosF Oi2I 2,sElGnE seriGl, &Elo na *o!raDo2GnE ra&io 2eRe/no*rG2nE roJhlas *RehrGnE nahranIho JGJnam# &e"ataF &is!#se *anelo2G NF "ese&a se s!#*ino# o&"ornE!L nG!la&F o"Hh *erio&i!#mF *ra2i&elnG tis!o2ina Dt2rtletnE!F Dt2rtletnEF Dt2rtletnH mHsEDnE!F mHsEDnEF mHsEDnH DtrnGcti&enE!F DtrnGcti&ennEF DtrnGcti&ennH tM&enE!F tM&nHF !aO&M tM&en &enE!F &ennE 2,&GnEF nG!la&F 2erJe rannE N 2eDernE N Daso*is tiKtHnM na les!lIm !RE&o2Im *a*Er# no2in, 2el!Iho formGt# "#l2GrnE *lGte! 5no2in, malIho formGt#6 &enE!F o&"ornM Daso*is Daso*is Daso*isF *ra2i&elnM o"rGJ!o2M, fotografic!M *RE"Hh 2,&GnE, DEsloF *ro"lImF otGJ!a no2ino2G *RElohaF &o&ate!F &o*lnH!


media $ by content chat @ tal! sho; tal!s &oc#mentar, *hone1in @ call1in *re2ie; sitcom 5sit#ation come&,6 soa* 5o*era6 9 commercial s*ecial corres*on&ent s*ecial interest magaJine s#r2e, free classifie& ne;s*a*er free1sheet gi2e a;a, a&2ertiser 9 an& ra&io g#i&e people, institutions anchor 5Nman6 anno#ncer assistant e&itor "ass "roa&caster chat1sho; host com*ere, com*are [k&"e] co*,;riter creati2e &irector critic &esigner &isc /oc!e, @ &ee/a, &istri"#tor e&itor e&itor1in1chief e&itorial assistant *olitical e&itor *ro&#ction e&itor s*orts e&itor s#"1e&itor stringer host 5tal! sho; NF 9 N6 ne;srea&er ne;scaster *a*araJJi *hotogra*her *rinter *roof1rea&er *#"lisher 5o;ner6

U. U.

<7 U.

tele2iJnE, roJhlaso2G "ese&a 5se JnGmMmi oso"nostmi6 roJho2or, 5/e&nGnE, 2,/e&nG2GnE6 &o!#mentGrnE film *oRa& JaloOenM na telefonic!Mch &otaJech *osl#chaDL Di &i2G!LF 2olnG tri"#na *Re&*remiIra hr,, film#F *Re&"HOnG recenJe 5*Re& #2e&enEm &Ela6F #*o#tG2!a na tele2iJnE *oRa& sit#aDnE !ome&ie 52 tele2iJi6 !omerDnE seriGl 5roJhlaso2M @ tele2iJnE, J ro&innIho Oi2ota6 tele2iJnE re!lama J2lGKtnE J*ra2o&a/ Daso*is s o&"ornMm JamHRenEm an!etaF &otaJo2GnEF *Rehle& re!lamnE no2in,, !terI /so# &istri"#o2Gn, J&arma 5*o!#& /e so#DGstE no2inS classifie& a&2ertisment6 N N N *rogram tele2iJe a ra&ia 5Daso*is6 mo&erGtor, hlasatel roJhlaso2M ne"o tele2iJnE hlasatelF s*orto2nE !omentGtor JGst#*ce KIfre&a!tora "aso2M, hl#"o!MF "as roJhlaso2MF tele2iJnE hlasatelF re*ortIrF !omentGtor mo&erGtor tele2iJnE, roJhlaso2I "ese&, !onferenciIrF mo&erGtor re!lamnE textaR t2LrDE 2e&o#cE *raco2nE! !riti!F recenJent nG2rhGRF 2Mt2arnE! %B &istri"#torF roJnaKeD re&a!tor 5Jo&*o2H&nM Ja se!ci no2in6F stRihaD film# KIfre&a!torF hla2nE re&a!tor Dlen re&a!ce *olitic!M re&a!tor 2Mro"nE re&a!tor s*orto2nE re&a!tor *omocnM re&a!torF s*ol#2,&a2atel re&a!tor *rac#/EcE *ro 2Ece re&a!cEF externE re&a!torF !ores*on&ent !onferenciIr, mo&erGtor 52 tal! sho;F tele2iJnE mo&erGtor6 hlasatel, !terM o"2,!le Dte J*rG2, N *a*araJJi 5senJacechti2E lo2ci fotografiE6 fotograf tis!aRF tis!Grna !ore!tor na!la&atel5st2E6F 2,&a2atelF ma/itel 5no2in6 5'

<7 U.

re2ie;er t,*esetter *a*er "o, @ girl other "roa&casting sche&#le *rime time @ *ea! time

recenJentF !riti! saJeDF sGJecE stro/ chla*ec @ &E2!a roJnGKe/EcE no2in, *rogram 2,sElGnE hla2nE 2,sElacE Das


types of article article e&itorial lea&er, lea&ing article re2ie; re*ort col#mn feat#re lea& stor, newspaper sections front *age *hoto1feat#re "#siness an& cit, 5financial6 la; re*ort ;omen's *ages classifie& a&2ertisements small1a&s half1*age a&s f#ll1*age a&s &o#"le1*age a&s sit#ations 2acant hel* ;ante& ;ant a&, ;ante& lonel, hearts *ersonal o"it#ar, cartoon stri*, comic stri* cross;or& 5*#JJle6 parts of article hea&line "anner N crosshea& s#"hea& s#"title ",1line line co*, ca*tion image DlGne! U2o&nE!F re&a!DnE DlGne! N recenJeF !riti!a 5book review A !niOnE recenJe6 J*rG2a 5no2ino2G6 slo#*ecF r#"ri!aF slo#*e! hla2nE DlGne!F hla2nE *rogramF #2Ist na 2MJnaDnIm mEstH hla2nE J*rG2a 2 no2inGch *r2nE strana no2inF tit#lnE strGn!a !nih, fotografie na *r2nE stranH o"cho& a finance 5*ra2i&elnG r#"ri!a 2 no2inGch6 strana @ r#"ri!a 2Hno2anG *rG2nic!Mm JGleOitostem strGn!, *ro Oen, inJertnE DGst *erio&ic!Iho tis!# 5roJ&HlenG *o&le t,*# inJerGtLF inJerGt, mimo no2in,, samostatnH A 2iJ 2MKe6 !rGt!I inJerGt, re!lam,, inJerGt, *Res *Ll stran, re!lam,, inJerGt, *Res celo# stran# re!lam,, inJerGt, *Res &2o#stran# 2olnG mEsta 5inJerGt,6 N !rGt!M inJerGt, !terMm se hle&G JamHstnGnE, rLJnI *Re&mHt, at*. osamHlG sr&ce, seJnGmenE 5inJertnE r#"ri!a6 oJnGmenE 5inJertnE r#"ri!a 2 no2inGch tM!a/EcE se /e&notli2Mch oso"6 ne!rolog !reslenM 2ti*, seriGlF !omi!sF !ari!at#ra !reslenM seriGl na *o!raDo2GnE 2 *erio&ic!Im tis!# !REOo2!a no2ino2M tit#le! N *Res celo# stran# *o&tit#le!F meJitit#le! N N no2ino2M *o&tit#le! se /mInem a#tora DlGn!# RG&e! text 5na*R. inJerGt# ne"o re!lam,6F exem*lGR, 2Mtis!F !o*ie text *o& o"rGJ!emF na&*is, tit#l o"rGJe!F *Re&sta2a 6)

<7 U.

gra*h chart "ar N *ie N *age 3 girls font t,*e t,*eface "ol& ca*itals italics letter

grafF &iagramF o"raJec N slo#*co2M N !r#ho2M N fotografie nahMch &E2e! na 3. stranH "#l2GrnEho tis!# tis!o2M t,*F *EsmoF *sGt na stro/i @ PC &r#h *Esma t#DnI *Esmo 2el!G *Esmena !#rJE2a *EsmenoF &o*is

"e informe& *#"lic *#"lic ex*os#re *#"lic o#tcr, scan s!im 5N the hea&lines6 s#"scri*tion to st target a#&ience t#ne in to a station "Mt informo2Gn 2eRe/nost *oJornost 2eRe/nostiF *#"licita 2eRe/nI *o"o#RenE J"HOnH *rohlI&no#tF *ReletHt oDima *rolItno#t, J"HOnH *rohlI&no#t 5N tit#l!,6 *Re&*latnI nHDeho DtenGRs!G o"ec #rDitIho JamHRenE nala&it stanici 5ra&ia6

transmitter antenna <7 antenna U. aerial <7 satellite &ish 9 set the "ox coll the t#"e coll screen cassette @ ta*e recor&er 2i&eo cassette recor&er 59C86 timer t#ner 5hi1fi6 ra&io set s;itch the set off @ on recei2er tech !no" t#rn #* @ &o;n the 2ol#me re;in& [ri(!nd] com*act &isc 2,sElaD antIna 52HtKino# 2el!G, !omerDnE6 antIna 52HtKino# *ro &omGcnost6 tele2iJnE antIna 5*ro &omGcnost6 satelitnE antIna 5talER6 tele2iJnE *Ri/EmaD "e&na, tele2iJe N o"raJo2!a !aJeto2M magnetofon 2i&eo 5re!or&Ir6 Daso2M s*EnaD 5set the 4 A nasta2it N6 la&EcE JaREJenEF t#ner 5hi1fiS &o!onale re*ro&#!#/EcE J2#!6 ra&io*Ri/EmaD 2,*no#t @ Ja*no#t *Ri/EmaD *Ri/EmaDF sl#chGt!o !noflE! 5na*R. roJhlaso2Iho ne"o tele2iJnEho *Ri/EmaDe6 JesElit @ Jesla"it 5J2#!, hlasitost6 *RetoDit J*Ht C%, cI&ID!o


waves interference static AM 5Am*lit#&e Mo&#lation6 4M 54reY#enc, Mo&#lation6 tre"le ;a2elength long @ me&i#m @ short ;a2e

interference, 2JG/emnI r#KenE 5*RE/m# roJhlaso2Mch stanic6 atmosfIric!MF static!M 5tM!a/EcE se atmosfIric!Mch *or#ch6 stRe&nE 2ln, 52lno2G &Il!a 9?9 52elmi !rGt!I 2ln,6 2,so!G fre!2ence tXnLF 2MK!, 2lno2G &Il!a &lo#hG @ stRe&nE @ !rGt!G 2lno2G &Il!a

media related, media ethics "ase 5N a stor, on st6 censorshi* consistenc, of st,le con2e, the message co2erage &istract attention from st &ra; the e,e e2i&ence exaggeration fair,1tale half1tr#ths highlight hit the hea&line ma!e hea&lines home ne;s in great &e*th in *#rs#it of st in the limelight ina&eY#atel, in2estigate st in2estigation into st in2estigati2e re*orting lac! of st,listic i&ios,ncras, *ers#asion *ro"e *ro&#ct image lea2e o#t len& #rgenc, to the ;hole iss#e relia"le so#rces sensationalise& s#mmarise an article share& a#thorshi* #n&eclare& so#rce @ a#thorshi* remain anon,mo#s #n"iase& JaloOit 5N DlGne! na nHDem6 cenJ#ra /e&notnost st,l# s&Hlit J*rG2#F *Re&at s&HlenE J*ra2o&a/st2EF re*ortGOe 5na*R. o nH/a!Im tImat#, #&Glosti6 o&2G&Ht *oJornost o& nHDeho #*o#tat *oJornost &L!aJ, na&saJo2GnEF J2eliDo2GnE *ohG&!a 5i *RenesenHS media made!up fairy!tale6 *olo*ra2&, J2MraJnitF #*oJornit na 54 unethical business practices A #*oJornit na nemorGlnE o"cho&nE *ra!ti!, @ machinace6 &ostat se na tit#lnE stran#F mEt 2el!o# *#"licit# N J*rG2, J &omo2a &o*o&ro"naF &o &etail#F &o hlo#"!, *Ri sle&o2GnE nHDehoF 2e /mIn# nHDeho 2e s2Htle ram*F 2e stRe&# *oJornosti, JG/m# ne*RimHRenH 2,KetRo2at, J!o#mat nHco 2,KetRo2GnE nHDeho in2estigati2nE O#rnalisti!a ne&ostate! st,listic!I oso"itosti *Res2H&DenEF smMKlenEF mEnHnEF nGJor 2,KetRo2GnEF *roKetRenEF hle&at, J!o#matF 2,KetRo2at *Re&sta2a o 2Mro"!# 2,t2oRenG re!lamo# 2,nechatF 2,nechG2at &o&at nalIha2osti celIm# *ro"lIm# s*olehli2IF ho&no2HrnI J&ro/e *lnI senJacE shrno#t DlGne! !ole!ti2nE a#torst2E nei&entifi!o2anM J&ro/ @ ne*RiJnanI a#torst2E JLstat 2 anon,mitH neJa#/atMF nestrannMF o"/e!ti2nE


politics, economy... agreement anno#nce attac! "ac! "i& for st com*etition control c#rrent affairs c#t enco#rage st, s" f#n&e& from s", st merger mono*ol, negotiations o**ose st o*t for st *romise *rohi"it restrictions on st recession recogniJe re&#ction ref#se re/ect reliance on st real estate re"el forces "e &ismisse& resign Y#it s*en&ing state1r#n tax re2en#es taxation ;elfare *l#mmet rise roc!et s#rge attitude, behaviour, ethics a"#si2e acc#se s" of st a**l, a la; "ri"er, graft charge ci2il legal *rocee&ings against... instit#te N &amage s"'s re*#tation &ecenc, &es*ica"le "eha2io#r

&oho&a oJnGmit na*a&atF na*a&no#tF Uto! *o&*oro2at snaha, UsilEF #silo2at o nHco so#tHOnEF so#tHO RE&itF o2lG&at so#DasnI #&Glosti omeJenEF snEOenEF re&#!ceF omeJitF snEOit 5gvt. spending cut6 *o&*oro2at nHco, nH!ohoF &o&at nH!om# o&2ah# financo2Gn nH!Mm, J nHDeho s*o/enEF slo#DenEF fUJe mono*ol /e&nGnEF 2,/e&nG2GnEF roJho2or, o*ono2at, o&*oro2at nHDem# roJho&no#t se *ro nHco sli"F slE"it Ja!GJatF ne&o2olit omeJenE nHDeho receseF hos*o&GRs!M *o!les &Gt na/e2oF J/istitF #Jnat omeJenEF snEOenEF re&#!ce o&mEtatF o&mEtno#t N s*olIhGnE na nHco nemo2itost5i6, realit, o&&El, 2J"o#RencL, *o2stalcL "Mt o&mEtn#tF "Mt *ro*#KtHn reJigno2at N 2M&a/e stGtnEF REJenM stGtem *RE/m, J &anE *RE/em J &anEF &aWo2M s,stImF &anH sociGlnE Ja"eJ*eDenE *a&atF *r#&ce !lesat sto#*no#tF sto#*at *r#&ce 2JrLstF 2,letHt nahor# *r#&ce sto#*no#tF sto#*at #rGOli2MF hanli2M o"2init nH!oho J nHDeho #*latnit, *o#OEt JG!on !or#*ceF U*lat!GRst2E N o"2initF o"2inHnE 5bribery charge A o"2inHnE J U*lat!GRst2E6 o"Dans!o*rG2nE REJenE s... JahG/it N *oK!o&it nHDE /mInoF JniDit &o"ro# *o2Hst sl#KnostF sl#KnI cho2GnE o*o2rOenEho&nI, oha2nI cho2GnE 63

em"arrassment gossi* r#mo#rs ha"it#all, &r#n! 2er"ose &r#n!ar& integrit, intr#&ing in2asion of *ri2ac, irres*onsi"le li"el s#e s" for N li"ello#s racist sexist sleaJ, smear cam*aign


roJ*a!,F JGleOitost 2J"#J#/EcE roJ*a!, fGm,F !le*, N al!oholi!F notori!F ne#stGle o*ilM #O2anHnM o*ilec mra2nE "eJUhonnostF integrita o"tHOo2GnE 2*G& &o so#!romEF nar#KenE so#!romE neo&*o2H&nM *oml#2aF #rGO!a na cti 5*EsemnG6F 2eRe/nH nH!oho oDernit Oalo2at nH!oho *ro N nacti#trhaDnMF hanli2M rasistic!MF rasista sexistic!MF stranEcE /e&nom# *ohla2E 2#lgGrnE organiJo2anG oDerWo2acE !am*aW 5na*R. sIrie no2ino2Mch DlGn!L6

affect s" o2li2nit, *ostihno#t nH!oho anatom, of 5magaJines, ne;s*a*ers...6 *o&ro"nM *o*is nHDeho 5Daso*isL, no2in...6 attit#&e to;ar&s st *osto/ ! nHDem# a#xiliar, 2er" *omocnI slo2eso "an 5on st6 JG!aJ 5nHDeho6F Ja!GJat "e "ro#ght a"o#t ", "Mt J*Lso"eno neDEm "e concerne& ;ith st Ja"M2at se nHDEm "e in s,m*ath, ;ith st s,m*atiJo2at s nHDEmF "Mt 2 so#la&# s neDEm "ox rGmeDe! "ran&ing t,* re!lam,, 2,J&2ih#/EcE /e&n# JnaD!# "rightness /as "rilliant 2,ni!a/EcEF s!2HlM call for action 5N against st6 *oOa&o2at JGsah 5N *roti nHDem#6 ca#se J*Lso"itF &L2o&, *REDina cartogra*her !artograf ci2il ser2ice stGtnE sl#O"a clone 2HrnG !o*ieF !lon comment *oJnGm!aF !riti!a com*arison ;ith st sro2nGnE s nHDEm com*lex sloOitM, !om*li!o2anM conce*t *o/em contrast !ontrast controls o2lG&acE *r2!,F o2lG&GnE con2enientl, "eJ o"tEOEF *oho&lnHF *H!nH cor*orate i&entit, sta2o2s!G Dest, so#nGleOitost &eal &oho&a &#*licate !o*ieF &#*li!Gt &iffer in a**roach to st liKit se 2 *REst#*# ! nHDem# &ismiss *ro*#stit &istract s" from st o&2Ist nH!oho o& nHDeho &#e to st nGsle&!em nHDehoF !2Lli nHDem# e/ect 2,s#no#t en&#re snGKet 64

esta"lishe& fact fast for;ar& fight st formerl, freelance ga&get get one's feet ;et go &o;nhill gra*hics /#m"le license fee licence fee in&ifferent to st inY#ire into loom lo;1gra&e mail1or&er me&i#m miscellaneo#s no hol&s "arre& *ornogra*h, *ro*osal race res*onsi"le ro; sensiti2e set s#"/ect of scorn an& criticism 2igoro#sl, 2o; trigger #nscram"le

ne*o*iratelnG s!#teDnost r,chlM *os#n &o*Re&#F r,chlI *RetGDenE "rGnit nHDem#F "o/o2at s nHDEm &RE2eF !&,si na 2olnI noJe *REstro/ &Gt se &o nHDeho #*a&atF horKit seF /Et J !o*ce #OitG grafi!aF grafic!I meto&,F *rostRe&!, *RehGJetF *romEchat !oncesionGRs!M *o*late! N lhoste/nM ! nHDem# Ja"M2at se DEm rMso2at seF "Mt na s*a&n#tE *o&Ra&nMF mInH ho&notnM o"/e&nG2!a J"oOE *oKto# *o&le !atalog# stRe&F *rostRe&e!F mI&i#m tM!a/EcE se rLJnMch tImatF rLJnI nic nenE Ja!GJGnoF 2Ke &o2oleno *ornografieF s*rostota na"E&!a "HOet, letHt /a!o o JG2o&, JG2o&itF JG2o& o&*o2H&nMF neso#cE Jo&*o2H&nost nesho&aF neso#hlasF hG&!a citli2M *Ri*ra2enMF ochotnM terD *osmHch# @ o*o2rOenE a !riti!, &LraJnH sli"F slE"itF sli"o2at J*Lso"itF o&starto2at s*o/itF sloOitF &Gt &ohroma&,F &eKifro2at


Tra el
road $ cars a#tomo"ile hatch"ac! U. a#to5mo"il6 a#to s &2ER!, !#fr# ote2Era/EcEmi se nahor# a s *rostorem !#fr# neo&&HlenMm *Re*GO!o# o& *rostor# *ro cest#/EcE lim#JEna malM ote2RenM &o&G2!o2M 2LJF malI nG!la&nE a#to &o&G2!o2M 2LJ, &o&G2!aF !om"i &o&G2!aF nG!la&nE 2agXn nG!la&nE a#to N ha2ari/nE, *ohoto2ostnE 2LJ *RE2Hs o",tnM *RE2Hs nG2Hs a#to"#s !lo#"o2M NF ho#sen!a !lo#"o2M NF ho#sen!a meJimHsts!M N mEstnE N 5No2G lin!a6 &Gl!o2M a#to"#sF a#to!arF 2agXnF OeleJniDnE 2LJ N oso"nE 2agXn Ja2aJa&lo2M 2LJ *oKto2nE 2LJ ote2RenM nG!la&nE 2agXn OeleJniDnE 2LJF 2agXn s*acE 2LJF lLO!o2M 2LJ lLO!o2M 2LJF 5ta!IS *raOec6 s*acE, lLO!o2M 2LJF o&&El 2 lLO!o2Im 2oJe sl#Oe"nE 2LJ N 5ta!IS lo&nE !#ch,nH6 /E&elnE 2LJ N 5ta!IS malG le2nG resta#race6 lo!omoti2aF motor &ieslo2G, nafto2G N ele!tric!G N *arnE N oso"nE 2la! oso"nE 2la!F lo!Gl!a nG!la&nE 2la! N

limo#sine *ic!#*, *ic!1#* ;agon 5station N6 5Je/m. U.6 2an lorr, <7 tr#c! U. "rea!&o;n N trailer cara2an <7 semi road $ public transportation "#s artic#late& N "en&, N intercit, N local N coach railway coach car carriage l#ggage 2an mail 2an ;agon ;agon ;agon1lit slee*er slee*ing carriage g#ar&'s 2an ca"oose "#ffet car @ carriage &iner engine &iesel N electric N steam N *assenger train sto**ing train goo&s train freight train <7 <7 <7 <7 U.

<7 U. U.

<7 U.


aerial light *lane aircraft air"#s /#m"o /et airliner s#*ersonic trans*ort t#r"o1*ro* co*ter, helico*ter water "oat fishing N lifeN resc#e N *ilot N sailing N sailing shi* tall shi* canoe [knu] ,acht [jt] *a&&le steamer merchant shi* cargo shi* cr#ise liner @ shi* ferr, 5"oat6 car N ho2ercraft h,&rofoil la#nch 8-8- 5roll on, roll off6 ambiguous liner sh#ttle t#g 2essel *#"lic trans*ort short1ha#l trans*ort

leh!I leta&lo leta&lo@a air"#s 52el!I &o*ra2nE leta&lo6 o"RE tr,s!o2M 5*ro#&o2M6 leto#n &o*ra2nE leta&lo 5lIta/EcE na *ra2i&elnI lince6 *Re*ra2a na&J2#!o2Mm leta&lem t#r"o2rt#lo2M 2rt#lnE!F heli!o*tIra Dl#n r,"GRs!G lo^ JGchrannM N JGchrannM N lo&i2o&s!M N *lachetnE NF *lachetnice *lachetnE lo^F *lachetnice &2o/stHOWo2G *lachetnice !Gnoe /achta !oleso2M *arnE! o"cho&nE lo^ nG!la&nE lo^ 2MletnE lo^ *Re2oJF tra/e!t lo^ *Re*ra2#/EcE 2oJi&la 2JnGKe&loF 2JnGKe&lo2G lo^ !RE&lo2M Dl#nF moRs!G ra!eta 2,hlE&!o2M motoro2M Dl#n 5ta!IS JahG/it6 nG!la&nE lo^ ne"o tra/e!t *ro &o*ra2# nG!la&nEch a#t s nG!la&, 5a#to na/e&e a s/e&e6 *ra2i&elnM 5JaoceGns!M6 *arnE!F *ra2i&elnI &o*ra2nE leta&lo !,2a&lo2G &o*ra2aF ra!eto*lGn 2leDnI leta&loF 2leDnG lo^F remor!Ir 5ta!IS 2leDnI lano6 leta&loF 2J&#cholo^F *la2i&lo, lo^ 5ta!IS nG&o"a6 2eRe/nG, mHsts!G &o*ra2a &o*ra2a na !rGt!I 2J&Glenosti

# +l #a ##ces)#institutions # ##etc6 # #
roads motoring association 5A.A. or 8.A.C.6 A.A.A. U. &e*ot [di"] &ri2e1in U. roa&si&e resta#rant trans*ort cafI tr#c! sto* s&r#OenE a#tomo"ilistLF a#tomoto !l#" N 2oJo2naF &e*o 2la!o2I a*. resta#race, !ino, "an!a, *ro&e/na #rDenG *ro motorist,, !teRE JLstano# se&Ht 2e 2oJi&le resta#race *Ri silniciF motorest motorest, resta#race *Ri silnici motorest *ro Ri&iDe !amionL Jahrn#/EcE Der*acE stanici, resta#raci a #",to2GnE 67


car *ar!, car*ar! 5long1term N6 <7 *ar!ing lot U. to;a;a, area ser2ice station garage <7 motor;a, ser2ice area reststo* *etrol station gas station sto* <7 U. U.

*ar!o2iKtH 5&lo#ho&o"I N6 N o&taho2G JXna "enJino2G stanice se ser2isemF a#toser2is a#tomo"ilo2G o*ra2na @ &Elna @ ser2isF Der*acE stanice se ser2isemF garGO *ar!o2iKtH s Der*a&lem a motorestem o&*oDE2a&lo "enJino2G *#m*aF Der*acE stanice N JastG2!a, *Rer#KenE cest,F JastG2!aF stanice OeleJnice 5major train services A hla2nE OeleJnice6 hla2nE 2la!o2I nG&raOE *o!la&naF *Re*GO!a *ro 2M&e/ /EJ&ene! N *Re*GO!a, !&e se !ontrol#/E /EJ&en!, Uscho2na Ja2aJa&el JtrGt, a nGleJ, no2ino2M stGne! nGst#*iKtH a#tomat na /EJ&en!, PoJor na meJer#g 5meJi nGst#*iKtHm a 2la!em @ metrem6 2MJnamnG letec!G s*oleDnost stano2iKtH a#to"#sL letec!I s*oleDnosti 2 centr# mHsta o&leto2G hala na letiKti tranJitnE hala na letiKti /eRG" 5na *REsta2nE hrGJi6 nG"ReOEF 5#mHlI6 *REsta2iKtH *REsta2 *REro&nE *REsta2 N *REsta2nE hrGJF molo &o!F molo leOet 2 *REsta2#, # *REsta2nE hrGJeF Ja/et &o &o!# ta"#le s U&a/i o *RE/eJ&ech @ *REletech @ o&/eJ&ech @ o&letech

railways train ser2ices main rail;a, station "oo!ing office tic!et office tic!et "arrier left1l#ggage &e*artment @ office lost & fo#n& @ lost *ro*ert, office ne;s*a*er !ios! @ stan& *latform a#tomatic tic!et machine Min& the ga*. aerial ma/or carrier air terminal &e*art#re lo#nge transit lo#nge water crane 5on the Y#a,6 Y#a, 5si&e6 *ort har"o#r har"or har"o#r arm &oc! N at... ambiguous arri2al @ &e*art#re "oar&

<7 U.

# :oa #ds#$#/a # ement #

t#"e #n&ergro#n& s#";a, s#";a, *e&estrian Jone ["destrn] *e&estrian *rescint ["riskt] *e&estrian crossing Je"ra crossing *elican crossing <7 <7 U. <7 *o&JemnE &rGhaF metro N N *o&cho& *HKE JXna N *Recho& *ro cho&ce N *Recho& se signaliJacE a tlaDEt!, *ro cho&ce 6$

7elisha "eacon si&e;al! *a2ement *a2ement lane cra;ler N mi&&le N fast N o2erta!ing N car1*ool N roa& tr#n! N main N si&eN &irt N #r"an clear;a, tollroa& toll;a, t#rn*i!e free;a, motor;a, interstate high;a, fare stage @ Jone line soli& N &o#"le ;hite N "ro!en N la,1", reststo* slee*ing *oliceman s*ee& "#m* crash "arrier Armco g#tter har& sho#l&er !er" c#r" "en& 5shar* @ hair*in N6 c#r2e 5shar* N6 for! N /#nction crossroa& intersection /#nction 1N clo2er1leaf N s*aghetti N

<7 U. <7 U.

U. <7 U. U. <7 U.

<7 U. <7 U. 5<7V6 <7 U. <7 U. <7 U.

signaliJaDnE JaREJenE na *Recho&# *ro cho&ce 5oranOo2G !o#le na Derno1"Ele *r#ho2anI t,Di6 cho&nE! cho&nE! 2oJo2!aF /EJ&nE &rGha UJ!G cestaF /EJ&nE *r#h 5country lane A 2en!o2s!G cesta6 *omalM N *rostRe&nE N r,chlM N *Re&/EO&HcE N *r#h #rDenM *ro motorist,, !teRE J Us*ornMch Di /inMch &L2o&L cest#/E hroma&nH 5min. 2 ne"o 3 cest#/EcE na 2LJ6 cestaF silnice hla2nE N hla2nE NF hla2nE &o*ra2nE te*na 2e&le/KE NF o!resnEF *olnE cestaF neKtHr!o2anG silnice !om#ni!ace s Daso2H omeJenMm JG!aJem Jasta2enE silnice, na nEO se 2,"ErG mMto, *o*late! N &Glnice, na nEO se *latE *o*late! &Glnice N N silniceF &GlniceF r,chlostnE !om#ni!ace *Gsmo 52J&Glenost meJi stanicemi roJho&#/EcEmi o 2MKi /EJ&nIho6 DGra *lnG N &2o/itG "ElG N *Rer#Ko2anG N roJKERenG !ra/nice *ro no#Jo2I *ar!o2GnEF o&sta2nG *lochaF o&*oDE2a&lo o&*oDE2a&lo *REDnM *rGhF retar&Ir N s2o&i&lo s2o&i&lo 5*oJn. *o/meno2anI *o&le firm, 2,rG"H/EcE m/. N6 stro#haF K!ar*a J*e2nHnG !ra/nice o"r#"nE!F o!ra/ cho&nE!# N JatGD!a 5ostrG N6 N roJ&2o/enE cestF roJcestE !RiOo2at!a 2e t2ar# \ !RiOo2at!aF roJcestE !RiOo2at!a !RiOo2at!a N 2e t2ar# mimoUro2Wo2G N sloOitM s,stIm mimoUro2Wo2Mch N 6'

le2el crossing fl,o2er o2er*ass #n&er*ass exit


OeleJniDnE *Re/eJ&F mimoUro2Wo2G !RiOo2at!a na&/eJ& *Recho&F na&/eJ& *o&cho&F *o&/eJ& 2Mcho&F 2M/eJ& J &GlniceF 2M/eJ& Je JemH

bicycles & motorbikes *#sh"i!e c,clists onl, han&le"ars *annier sa&&le s*o!es tan&em *illion seat ri&e on the cross"ar sit si&e1sa&&le <7 /EJ&nE !olo *o#Je *ro c,!list, RE&Et!a 2el!G se&lo2G "raKna motoc,!l# se&loF se&Gt!oF ose&lat h2HJ&ico2I &rGt, /EJ&nEho !ola se&a&la Ja se"o# tan&emF tan&emo2I se&lo motoc,!l# /et na hornE t,Di /EJ&nEho !ola

cars $ parts & components )vi' tak3 generic transportation* steering ;heel 2olant 5ta!IS !ormi&lo6 s*ee&ometer r,chlomHrF tachometr tachometer U. otGD!omHr o&ometer U. *oDEtaD mil 5!ilometrL6 gear "ox *Re2o&o2!a 5five!speed )gear* bo" A *Htir,chlostnE N6 o2er&ri2e Jr,chl#/EcE *Re2o& 2 a#tomo"il# gear le2er Ra&icE *G!a stic!shift, stic! shif U. N cam "elt roJ2o&o2M Remen fan "elt !lEno2M Remen 52HtrG!#6 *e&als *e&Gl, cl#tch s*o/!a "ra!e "rJ&a accelerator *l,no2M *e&Gl gas U. *l,no2M *e&GlF *l,nF 5ta!IS "enJEn, *ohonnG hmota6 "ra!e liY#i& @ fl#i& "rJ&o2G !a*alina "ra!e lining "rJ&o2I o"loOenE "ra!e *a&s "rJ&o2I &estiD!, han&1"ra!e r#DnE "rJ&a *l#g 5s*ar! @ s*ar!ing N6 Ja*alo2acE s2ED!a alternator an& starter motor "r#shes !artGD!, alternGtor# a startIr# contact "rea!er *oints !onta!t, *Rer#Ko2aDe "atter, "aterie cho!e s,tiD !ar"#rGtor# ;in&screen <7 *Re&nE s!lo motoro2Iho 2oJi&la ;in&shiel& U. N N ;i*ers stHraDe DelnEho s!la hea&lights *Re&nE s2Htla, refle!tor, foglights s2Htla &o mlh,F mlho2!, taillight U. !onco2I 5"rJ&o2I6 s2Htlo in&icator <7 #!aJatel smHr#F "lin!r


"#m*er fen&er m#&g#ar& exha#st t,re tire registration n#m"er n#m"er*late license *late "o&, "onnet hoo& "oot tr#n! s#nroof roof1rac! learner @ 0 *late

U. <7 U. <7 U. <7 U. <7 U.

nGraJnE! 5# a#tomo"il#6 N "latnE! 5ta!IS ;ing6 2Mf#! 5e"haust fume A 2Mf#!o2M *l,n6 *ne#mati!a N stGtnE *oJnG2acE JnaD!aF .P[ N N !aroserie !a*ota N Ja2aJa&lo2M *rostor 2 a#tHF !#fr N *os#2nG stRecha nosiD, JahrG&!a na stReKe a#ta 01ta"#l!a *ro li&i a"sol2#/EcE a#toK!ol#

driving $ operating the car *#t the !e, in ignition strDit !lED &o Ja*alo2GnE start the engine @ car nastarto2at motor @ a#to ste* on the accelerator an& *#ll o#t KlG*no#t na *l,n a 2,/et change &o;n JaRa&it niOKE r,chlostnE st#*eWF *o&Ra&it change #* JaRa&it 2,KKE r,chlostnE st#*eW change gear Ra&it r,chlostnE st#*eW *#t the car in ... JaRa&it ... N first 5gear6 N /e&niD!# N ne#tral N ne#trGl N re2erse N J*GteD!# let in the cl#tch Jas#no#t s*o/!# *#t in the cl#tch seKlG*no#t *#t on the "ra!e "rJ&it ta!e off the han&1"ra!e *o2olit r#DnE "rJ&# o2erta!e <7 *Re&/etF *Re&/EO&Ht *ass U. N *#ll o2er Jasta2it # !ra/nice re2erse <7 co#2at "ac! #* U. N chec! ,o#r rear12ie; mirror !ontrolo2at J*HtnI JrcGt!o loo! in the mirror &E2at se &o JrcGt!a follo; s" 2er, closel, /et Ja nH!Mm "lEJ!o tailgate s" U. /et 2 JG2Hs# Ja nH!Mm driving $ traffic regulations & road signs traffic reg#lations *ra2i&la silniDnEho *ro2oJ# traffic co&e N :igh;a, Co&e N roa& sign &o*ra2nE JnaD!a no left @ right t#rn JG!aJ o&"oDenE &ole2a @ &o*ra2a no o2erta!ing JG!aJ *Re&/EO&HnE no thro#gh roa& *rL/eJ& Ja!GJGn no U1t#rn JG!aJ otGDenE o"ser2e the s*ee& limit &o&rOo2at *o2oleno# r,chlost C-=. 8UC >-= 8-A% U. =A .>0=>C> .+ P8ACUB+ 7(

:A0 MAB-8 8-A% A:+A% [A. A9, :0A9=h .>0=>C+ 0--? 8><: P-%h9+B .+ 9P8A9=- PA8?>=< [i?A[ PA8?-9i=h =- 8-A% MA8?+8. 4-8 3 M>0+. ji%=k %-P8A9=h [=Ad+=h 9 l.+?U 3 M>0 8+%UC+ .P++% =-W .=>j + 8\C:0-. +MP-8A8\ 8-A% .U84AC+ P8-9>[-8=h P-98C: 9-[-9?\ \>+0% U. %+B P`+%=-. 9 Bh[%m driving $ other gi2e someone a lift <7 s2IJt nH!oho gi2e someone a ri&e U. N short c#t 5ta!e a N6 J!rat!a 5/et J!rat!o#6 gas mileage s*otRe"a na mEli roa& tax <7 silniDnE &aW oncoming traffic *ro2oJ, 2oJi&la 2 *rotismHr# hea2, traffic silnM silniDnE *ro2oJ "#m*er1to1"#m*er traffic 2elmi h#stG silniDnE &o*ra2aF nGraJnE! na nGraJnE! gri&loc! &o*ra2nE JGc*a 52oJi&la se nemoho# hno#t J mEsta6 st#c! in traffic #2EJlM 2 &o*ra2nE JGc*H com*lete stan&still &o*ra2nE !ola*sF Jasta2enE *ro2oJ#F o&stG2!a contraflo; &oDasnI *Re2e&enE &o*ra2, &o *rotH/KEho /EJ&nEho *r#h# %>9+8.>-= <7 o&!lonHnE &o*ra2,F o"/EO^!a %+ -U8 U. N maintenance & repairs certificate of roa& ;orthiness 5M.-. .6 technic!M *rL!aJF os2H&DenE o technic!Im sta2# 2oJi&la ser2ice the car *ro2G&Ht U&rO"#, ser2is 2oJ# tool!it "raKna na nGRa&E s*ares, s*are *arts nGhra&nE &El, s*are ;heel nGhra&nE !olo s*are "#l" set nGhra&nE sa&a OGro2e! to* #* the "atter, <7 na"Et "aterii fill #* the "atter, U. N change the oil 2,mHnit ole/ change the ;heel 2,mHnit !olo chec! the t,re *ress#re J!ontrolo2at tla! *ne#mati!, *ress#re ga#ge tla!omHrF manometr /ac! J2e&G!F he2er defects and poor car conditions sli**ing fan "elt "lo; a f#se &efecti2e 5N "ra!es, steering...6 "ra!e fail#re engine seiJ#re "al& t,re ha2e a flat t,re @ tire ha2e a *#nct#re U. r#n o#t of *etrol <7 to;"ar to;ing *a&a/EcE, *ro!l#J#/EcE !lEno2M Remen 2,ho&it *o/ist!# 2a&nI 5N "rJ&,, REJenE...6 selhGnE "rJ& selhGnE motor# o/eO&HnG *ne#mati!a mEt *Echlo# *ne#mati!# N s*otRe"o2at @ nemEt #O OG&nM "enJEn taOnG t,D JG2HsnI JaREJenE


accidents s!i& get into a sli&e @ N minor sh#nt <7 r#n o2er s" hit ", a car !noc!e& &o;n ", a car ;arning triangle crash ha2e a N m#lti*le N ;rec! U. *ile#* <7 offences, crime & police &ri2ing @ motoring offence traffic *olice "e *#lle& o2er ", the *olice ;heel clam* <7 to;e& one's car a;a, &o#"le *ar!ing *ar!ing tic!et go thro#gh a re& light /#m* the lights r#n the lights legal alcohol limit #n&er the infl#ence of st#*efie& N @ excite& ", a chemical s#"stance ine"riate& intoxicate& &ri2ing ;hile intoxicate& 5%W>6 U. "reathal,ser &r#n! tan! rec!less 5N &ri2ing6 ra&ar s*ee& chec! cloc! s" ;ith a ra&ar s*ee&ing s*ee& limit "rea!ing the N

sm,!F &ostat sm,! &ostat sm,! malI K!rG"n#tE sraJit nH!ohoF *Re/et nH!oho sraOen a#tem N 2MstraOnM tro/UhelnE! srGO!a mEt a#toneho&# hroma&nG N srGO!aF neho&a RetHJo2G srGO!a 2oJi&el &o*ra2nE *Rest#*e! &o*ra2nE *olicie "Mt Jasta2en *oliciE a Ja/et !e !ra/nici "otiD!a o&tGhno#t nH!om# a#to *ar!o2GnE 2e&le /inIho 2oJi&la *o!#ta Ja K*atnI *ar!o2GnE /et na Der2eno# N N *o2olenI mnoOst2E al!ohol# 2 !r2i *o& 2li2em omGmenM *o& 2li2em al!ohol#F o*ilM *o& 2li2em al!ohol#Fo*ilM N /et N "alXne! 5na J!o#K!# al!ohol# 2 !r2i6 JGch,t!aF cela na JGch,tce "eJohle&nMF neJo&*o2H&nM 5N REJenE6 !ontrola r,chlosti ra&arem namHRit nH!om# ra&arem 2,KKE r,chlost *Re!roDenE *o2olenI r,chlosti *o2olenG r,chlost *Re!roDenE *o2olenI r,chlosti

comm#nication cor& <7 JGchrannG "rJ&a emergenc, cor& U. N comm#ter ser2ice s*o/ *ro &o/EO&H/EcE 5&o *rGce6 com*artment !#*I co#chette lehGt!o 52e 2la!#6 %- =- 0+A= -U -4 :+ W>=%-W =+9\?0i=mB + .+ [ -?=A +M+8<+=C\ U.+ -=0\ P-Ujh P-U[+ 9 P`hPA%m =+7+[P+dh =- +n> [%+ =+=h 9oC:-%


travelling st#&ent car& @ *ass reY#est sto* miss one's connection tic!et ins*ector con&#ctor g#ar& rail;a, *olice station master engine &ri2er


st#&ents!M *rL!aJ JastG2!a na JnamenE JmeK!at s*o/ re2iJorF !ontrolor /EJ&ene! *rL2o&DE N OeleJniDnE *olicie *Re&nosta stanice stro/2e&o#cE

# -eri #al#trans/ort # #
planes aileron [elrn] fla* rotor /et engine f#selage [fjuzl ] coc!*it flight &ec! corri&or travelling ha2e one's flight calle& sec#rit, chec! Place all metal o"/ects in the tra,. .te* thro#gh the metal &etector. ta!e off on N air"orne lose height lan& to#ch &o;n on the a**roach hel& in the stac! in1flight entertainment airsic! "ring one's seat to f#ll #*right *osition &i2erte& to ... cl#" class "#siness @ exec#ti2e class econom, class going stan&1", . -0 5short ta!eoff & lan&ing6 &omestic flight "#m*, flight t#r"#lence mi&1air collision *lane crash !Ri&Il!o na nosnMch *lochGch leta&la starto2acE, *RistG2acE !la*!a !RE&la rotorF nosnG 2rt#le 2rt#lnE!# tr,s!o2I, *ro#&o2I motor, tr#* leta&la !a"ina *ilotaF se&a&lo Ri&iDe !a"ina *ilota cho&"aF letec!M !ori&or 2,D!at ohlGKenE let# "eJ*eDnostnE *rohlE&!a PoloOte 2Kechn, !o2o2I *Re&mHt, na *o&nos. Pro/&Hte &ete!rorem !o2L. 2JlItno#tF o&starto2atF 2JnIst se na roJ/eJ&o2I &rGJe 2e 2J&#ch#F 2 leta&leF roJnGKenM 2J&#chem JtrGcet 2MK!# *RistGt *RistGtF *RistGnE sta2 *Re& *o2olenEm ! *RistGnE De!at na *o2olenE ! *RistGnE JG"a2a "Hhem let# tr*EcE ne2olnostE 2 leta&le U2Ist s2I se&a&lo &o 2erti!GlnE *oloh, 5leta&lo6 o&!lonHno na 5/inI mEsto *RistGnE6 *r2nE tRE&a ",Jn,s tRE&a 5hne& *o& (. tRE&o#6 t#ristic!G tRE&a letHt na leten!# Ja!o#*eno# tHsnH *Re& o&letem, ! Ja*lnHnE *osle&nEch mEst r,chlM start a *RistGnE 2nitrostGtnE let ne!li&nM let t#r"#lenceF 2ERi2ostF ne!li&F 2Jr#KenE srGO!a 2,so!o na& JemE letec!I neKtHstEF JREJenE leta&la


ca"in cre; flight atten&ant hostess 5air N6 national airline

*osG&!a leta&la, !terG se starG o cest#/EcE let#K!a, ste;ar& hostes!a 5let#K!a6 nGro&nE letec!G s*oleDnostF 2nitrostGtnE letec!G lin!a

# !a #ter#trans/ort # #
ships gang*lan! lo;er the N gang;a, "oar& &ec! "o; stern *ort star"oar& ca"oose "ri&ge &erric! 5on the shi*6 mast sail rigging helm 5steering ;heel6 Nsman r#&&er *orthole 5;in&o;6 anchor &ro* N ;eigh N ri&e at N "#o, [bu] moor to a N travelling 2o,age cr#ise ocean N lea2e on next ti&e change co#rse for ... foot*#m* *itch roll raise lan& set foot on &r, lan& smooth crossing hea2e to in a storm frea! ;a2e so#n& the siren get one's sea legs seasic! *#rser mLste! na lo^ s*#stit N cho&"iD!a, #liD!aF mLste! na lo^ *al#"a *al#"a *RE^F *Re&nE DGst lo&i JG^F Ja&nE DGst lo&i le2o"o! *ra2o"o! lo&nE !#ch,nH 5ta!IS U.S sl#Oe"nE 2agon6 mLste! otoDnM /eRG" 5na lo&i6 stHOeWF stoOGr *la2it seF *lachtitF *lachta 2Mstro/ lo&iF lano2EF o*lachto2GnEF *RE*ra2a lo&i ! *la2"H !ormi&loF !ormi&elnE *G!a !ormi&elnE! !ormi&loF smHro2!a !r#ho2M ot2or 2 "o!# lo&i, leta&la 5o!In!o6 !ot2aF Ja!ot2it s*#stit !ot2# J2e&no#t NF 2,*lo#t !ot2it "X/!a *Ri2GJat lo^ ! @ !ot2it # N cestaF *la2"a 2MletnE *la2"a lo&E 5J mEsta na mEsto6 oceGns!G JG"a2nE *la2"a 2,raJit Ja *REKtEho *REli2# JmHnit !#rJ na ... noOnE h#stil!a ho#*at se 5o lo&i6 J *RE&H na JG^ ho#*at se 5o lo&i6 !olem *o&IlnI os, s*atRit Jem na o"Jor# stano#t na *e2ninH !li&nG *la2"a *Rilehno#t ! 2Htr#F Jasta2it lo^ 2 "o#Ri neDe!anG 2lna s*#stit sirIn# na#Dit se "eJ*eDnH cho&it *o *al#"H lo&i tr*EcE moRs!o# nemocE lo&nE hos*o&GR, *o!la&nE!


# <eneri #c#trans/ort # #
parts of transport, components & personnel first1ai& !it *REr#DnE lI!GrniD!a fire exting#isher hasEcE *REstro/ horn !la!son, ho#!aD!a ;ing !RE&loF "latnE! a#ta seat se&lo, se&a&lo 5ne # motore! a !ol6 reclining N N se s!lG*HcEm o*Hra&lem fol&1&o;n s!lG*HcE N chil&N &Hts!G se&aD!a N"elt "eJ*eDnostnE *Gs fasten one's N *Ri*o#tat se ta!en N o"saJenI mEsto 55s this seat taken6 Be tohle mEsto Ja"ranIV6 #*holster, 5leather N6 Dalo#nHnE 5!oOenI N6 aisle [!l] #liD!a meJi se&a&l, ;in&o; @ aisle seat se&a&lo # o!na @ #liD!, "erth [b%] lLO!o 5na lo&i, 2e 2la!#6 stateroom 2lG&nE salXne! na nG&raOEF l#x#snE so#!romG !a/#ta f#nnel !omEn 5lo&i, lo!omoti2,, ...6 hol& nG!la&o2M *rostor 52 lo&i, 2 leta&le6 h#ll tr#* lo&i, leta&laF !or"a tan!#F !ostra "alXn# ca*tain hla2nE *ilotF !a*itGn *ilot *ilotF lo&i2o&F !ormi&elnE! ste;ar&@ess ste2ar&@!a 5na leta&le @ lo&i6F let#K!a ambiguous reser2e 5N a seat in a&2ance6 "oo! 5N in a&2ance6 o2er"oo!e& Ne& o#t f#ll, Ne& charter "#&get 5flight, ...6 &isco#nt tic!et "oar&ing car& single tic!et one1;a, tic!et ret#rn tic!et ro#n&1tri* tic!et fare s*ee& #* accelerate &ecelerate excee& "oar& em"ar!ation &isem"ar! "rea!&o;n tra2el light "#m*, /o#rne, @ ri&e smooth /o#rne, Jaml#2it si *Re&em 5N mEsto6 Jaml#2it, reJer2o2at *Re&em s 2HtKEm mnoOst2Em reJer2o2anMch mEst neO !oli! /e ! &is*oJici *lnM, o"saJenM 5leta&lo, lo^, hotel...6 *lnM, o"saJenM 5leta&lo, lo^, hotel...6 *ronG/em lo&i ne"o leta&la ceno2H 2Mho&nM 5let, ...6 Jle2nHnG /EJ&en!a @ leten!a *al#"nE lEste! "HOnM lEste! N J*GteDnE lEste!F /EJ&en!a N /EJ&nI Jr,chlitF J2MKit r,chlost N J*omalitF snEOit r,chlost *Re!onatF *ResGhno#tF *Re!roDit nalo&it seF 2sto#*it &o lo&i, leta&la nalo&HnEF naloOenEF 2st#* &o lo&i, leta&la 2,lo&it seF 2,sto#*it J &o*ra2nEho *rostRe&!# *or#chaF &efe!tF ha2Grie cesto2at na leh!o 5"eJ Ja2aJa&el6 !o&rca2G cesta @ /EJ&a !li&nG cesta 76

<7 U. <7 U.


congeste& &ela,e& anno#ncement &estination la,o2er *#ll a;a, ma!e one's ;a, to reser2e& sit facing the engine @ for;ar&s sit facing "ac!;ar&s P+=A0 \ 4-8 >MP8-P+8 U.+

Jac*anMF *Reh#KtHnMF *Re*lnHnM J*oO&HnM oJnGmenEF hlGKenEF *rohlGKenE mEsto #rDenEF cEl cest, *Rer#KenE /EJ&,F *RestG2!a na cestH o&tGhno#t 2,&at se ! ...F /Et ! ... reJer2o2anMF Jaml#2enM se&Ht *o smHr# /EJ&, se&Ht *roti smHr# /EJ&, [=+Uj> h .+ 8+. i

glass1calm haJe sli**er, roa& 2elmi !li&nI moRe "eJ 2ln 5/a!o s!lo6 o*arF leh!G mlha !l#J!G 2oJo2!a

"ench clim" hi!e hitchN hitch a ri&e th#m" a ri&e tre! carr, mat crash helmet gas sto2e *ress#re sto2e coo! o2er cam*fire slle*ing "ag ma!e cam* slee* #n&er the stars "rea! cam* *itch a tent inner tent igloo tent "i2o#ac 5N!ing6 t;o1*erson tent *#* tent fl,sheet gro#n&sheet g#, ro*es *ole ri&ge N mallet tent*eg la2iD!aF se&Gt!o lIJtF sto#*at cho&it na *HKE 2Mlet,, *Hsto2at t#risti!# sto*o2atF /eJ&it 5a#to6sto*em sto*no#t si a#toF /et sto*em sto*o2at 5se J&2iOenMm *rstem6 *Hsto2at *HKE t#risti!# 2 *REro&H !arimat!a ochrannG *Ril"a *l,no2M s*orG! *rim#s 2aRiD 2aRit na ohni #tG"oRit se s*Gt *o& KirG!em Jr#Kit, strhno#t tG"or *osta2it stan 2nitRnE stan samonosnM stan 52e t2ar# iglU6 "i2a!o2at, tG"oRit *o& KirMm ne"emF "i2a!5No2GnE6 stan *ro &2a *ocho&o2M stan tro*i!o 5tro*ic!G stRecha stan#6 samostatnG ne*romo!a2G *o&lGO!a 5stan#6 KWLr, na #*e2nHnE stan# t,D hRe"eno2G N stan# &Re2HnG *aliD!a 5na*R. ! Jatlo#!GnE stano2Mch !olE!L6 stano2M !olE!



alien f#ll "oar& self1catering la#n&r, ser2ice a2aila"le registration form Me&iterranean *ac!age to#r tra2el "oo! !no;le&gea"le to#r g#i&e off1season high season *laces off the "eaten trac! ;al!ing holi&a, change 5N mone,6 "#rea# &e change [bjr] bureaucracy & legal terms holi&a, ins#rance tra2el ins#rance inoc#lation 5N certificate6 means of i&entification *ass*ort 5a**l, for a N6 2isa 5"e ref#se& a N6 transit N entr, N exit N exten& a N m#lti*le entr, N c#stoms 5N ins*ection6 "on&e& area &#tia"le 5N goo&s6 &#t,1free &eclare 5to ha2e st to N6 im*ort tax for"i&&en ex*orts em"ass, cons#late high commission accomodation accomo&ation 2acanc, chec! in chec!1in co#nter chec! o#t g#est "oo! 5sign the N6 lo#nge "oar& facing the 5gar&en, sea...6 ;ith a 2ie; of the 5ocean...6 ciJEF JahraniDnEF o&liKnMF ciJinecF 2etRelec *lnG *enJe s 2lastnEm stra2o2GnEm ! &is*oJici *rG&elna *RihlaKo2acE form#lGR .tRe&oJemEF .tRe&oJemnE moRe t#ristic!M JG/eJ& s *rogramem, /ehoO cena Jahrn#/e 2Ke *rL2o&ce 5!niha6 &o"Re informo2anM *rL2o&ce mimo seJXn# hla2nE 5letnE6 seJXna mEsta, !am ne*Ri/EO&E mnoho t#ristL &o2olenG strG2enG *HKE t#risti!o# smHnit 5N *enEJeF ta!IS &ro"nI6 smHnGrna cesto2nE *o/iKtHnE N oD!o2GnE 5oD!o2acE *rL!aJ, *ot2rJenE6 *rL!aJ totoOnosti cesto2nE *as 5JaOG&at o N6 2EJ#m 5ne&ostat N6 tranJitnE N 2st#*nE N 2M/eJ&nE N *ro&lo#Oit N N #moOW#/EcE nH!oli!erI *Re!roDenE hranic stGt# celniceF celnE URa& 5celnE *rohlE&!a6 s!la& ne*roclenIho J"oOE *o&lIha/EcE cl# 5J"oOE N6 os2o"oJenM o& claF "eJcelnE *roclEt 5mEt nHco ! *roclenE6 &o2oJnE &aW Ja!GJanM 2M2oJ 2el2,slanect2E, am"asG&a !onJ#lGt 2MJnamnI *oslGnE 5nenE tRe"a OG&at !onJ#lGt o *o2olenE 2st#*#6 #",to2GnE 2olnI mEsto, *o!o/ *RihlGsit se *Ri *REcho&# 52 hotel#, na letiKti6 *Re*GO!a, !&e se *Ri *REcho&# Dlo2H! *RihlGsE 5hotel, letiKtH6 o&e/Et a Ja*latit 52 s#*ermar!et#, 2 hotel#6 !niha nG2KtH2 5*o&e*sat N6 halaF s*oleDens!G mEstnost stra2o2GnE 52 hotel# at*.6 s 2Mhle&em na 5Jahra&#, moRe ...6 s 2Mhle&em na 5oceGn...6 7$

types of accomodation self1catering holi&a, flat single room s#ite "e& an& "rea!fast 57&76 "oar&ing ho#se *entho#se chalet [!le] cam*site service & personnel rece*tion cler! cham"ermai& lift"o, "ellho* &oorman commissionaire *orter


a*artmGn 5s 2lastnEm stra2o2GnEm6 /e&nolLO!o2M *o!o/ a*artmG 52 hotel#6 *o!o/ se snE&anE *enJionF so#!romM hotel l#x#snE #",to2GnE *o& stRecho#F nGsta2"aF ateliIro2M ",t hors!G chataF salaK, hors!G "o#&a tG"oRiKtHF !em*F a#to!em* rece*DnE *o!o/s!G hotelo2M *oslEDe! hotelo2M *oslEDe!F *i!olE! 2rGtnM 2 hotel# 52 li2re/i6 2rGtnM hotel#, !ina, "ar#F *ortMr nosiDF 2rGtnM


stuff to take with you "atter, m#lti*#r*ose *oc!et !nife *en!nife light refreshments to;el s;im;ear col&1;eather gear raingear baggage han& l#ggage "riefcase s#itcase r#c!sac! "ac!*ac! hol&all "aggage reclaim caro#sel other stuff "roch#re carton of cigarettes f#ll, stoc!e& 5"ar ...6 h,&ro1massage "ath "#c!et sho* 2en&ing machine Y#iet resi&ential neigh"o#rhoo& con&enser grease notice fatal to s" "aterie 2EceUDelo2M !a*esnE nLO N leh!I o"Derst2enE r#DnE!F os#K!a *la2ec!I o"leDenE o"leDenE, 2Mstro/ &o st#&enIho *oDasE o"leDenE, 2Mstro/ &o &eKtH oso"nE, *REr#DnE Ja2aJa&lo *REr#DnE a!to2!aF !#fRE! !#fr "atohF r#!sa! NF cesto2at s "atohem 2el!G cesto2nE taK!aF o"/emnG !a"ela 2,J2e&G2GnE Ja2aJa&el 5*o *RistGnE leta&la6 *Gs se Ja2aJa&l, 5na letiKtiF claim one(s baggage at 4F ta!IS !olotoD6 "roO#raF re!lamnE letG! !artXn cigaret &o"Re, "ohatH JGso"enM 5"ar ...6 masGOnE 2ana *o!o#tnE cesto2nE !ancelGR *ro&G2a/EcE le2nI leten!, *ro&e/nE a#tomat !li&nG 2ilo2G Dt2rT !on&enJGtor namaJatF #sna&nitF #lehDitF na*omoci oJnGmenEF 2,hlGK!aF #*oJornHnEF 2aro2GnEF 2Mstraha os#&nM *ro nH!oho 7'

<7 U.

greas, s*oon hi/ac! hostage sm#ggle in&icate lang#ish licence maintenance *otholer !ic! off ;ith a "ang s*otlight staff s#*erstr#ct#re 2en&ing machine 2erge on st o.n.o. 5or nearest offer6 lolli*o* la&,, man "#siness tri*



*#t,!a *Re*a&no#t a #nIst 5Dasto *o& hroJ"o# Ja"itE r#!o/mE6 r#!o/mE *aKo2at oJnaDo2atF &G2at JnamenEF signaliJo2at ocha"no#tF nMt, melancholic!, se &E2at *o2olenEF o*rG2nHnEF licence #&rOo2GnEF U&rO"a /es!,WGRF s*eleolog JaDEt 2e 2el!Im st,l# 5!#Oelo2M6 refle!torF ostrI s2Htlo JamHstnanci, *raco2nEci, *ersonGl nGsta2"a *ro&e/nE a#tomat hraniDit s nHDEmF "Mt na *o!ra/i nHDeho ne"o ne/"liOKE na"E&!a 5J!rat!a 2 inJerGtech6 oso"a *Re2G&H/EcE &Hti *Res #lici sl#Oe"nE cesta ne"rat ohle&, na na2,!lI *ost#*,F cho2at se ne!on2enDnH /Et s &a2em se"rat seF &Gt se &ohroma&, &ale!o *HK!, 2JnGKet se 2 se&mIm ne"i o*#stit *otG*H/EcE se lo^ hnacE motor t2or", *raco2nEch mEst /&i Ja nosem sle& #&GlostE, /eO 2e&l ! *G&# 2lG&, na K*atnI cestH c*Gt &o nHDeho *enEJe 2,hM"at se nHDem#, nH!om# 2JEt nH!om# 2Etr J *lachet Z*atnI J*rG2, se KERE r,chle. 7lGJni se Oeno# tam !am se an&HlI "o/E 2!roDit. =e2Em, !&e mi hla2a sto/E. =e2Em, !am &RE2 s!oDit. `e!l /sem m#, aT se JtratE. =emohlo se to 2,*aRit. Be to co ", !amenem &oho&il. [ *o& !a*ot, se oJM2a/E &i2nI J2#!,. romantic!I !liKI oJnaD#/EcE li&i, co !teRE se mE/e/E a nenachGJe/E ! so"H cest# =eJmat!#/. ?am mEREKV Cesto2GnE roJKiR#/e o"Jor,.

fl, in the face of stan&ar& *roce&#res follo; the cro;& get organise& a long ;a, to go "e ;al!ing on air lea2e @ &esert the sin!ing shi* engine of /o" creation follo; ,o#r nose chain of e2ents that le& to the fall of the go2ernment on the ;rong trac! *#m* mone, into st steer clear a;a, from st, s" ta!e the ;in& o#t of s"'s sails 7a& ne;s tra2els fast. 4ools r#sh in ;here angels fear to trea& > &on't !no; if >'m coming or going. > tol& him to ta!e a hi!e. slang >t co#l&n't ha2e 2anishe& into thin air. >t's a stone's thro; a;a,. >t's "etter to tra2el ho*ef#ll, than to arri2e. >t's ma!ing a f#nn, noise #n&e the "onnet. .hi*s that *ass in the night. .to* r#nning ro#n& in circles. What are ,o# &ri2ing atV ra2el "roa&ens the min&.


generic em*lo,ee em*lo,er enter*rise close& sho* occ#*ation 2ocation *ermanent /o" reg#lar ;or! s#mmer /o" seasonal ;or! f#ll1time *art1time si&eline share a /o" o&&1/o"s moonlighting tem*orar, /o" tem* short1term contract *ro"ation *erio& /o"less #nem*lo,e& self1em*lo,e& freelance &o @ ma!e st on commission se&entar, /o" "l#e1collar *in!1collar JamHstnanec JamHstna2atel *o&ni!F *o&ni!GnEF *o&ni!a2ost *o&ni! JamHstnG2a/EcE *o#Je o&"oro2I JamHstnance *o2olGnEF JamHstnGnE *o2olGnEF *oslGnE stGlI JamHstnGnE *ra2i&elnG *rGce letnE "rigG&a seJXnnE *rGce na *lnM U2aJe! na J!rGcenM U2aJe! 2e&le/KE ne"o &r#hI JamHstnGnE s&Elet *raco2nE mEsto s /inMm Dlo2H!em *REleOitostnG JamHstnGnE melo#chaRenEF *Ri2M&Hle! 5na Derno6 !rGt!o&o"I JamHstnGnE *Recho&nH JamHstnanMF 2M*omoc 5o"2,!le *Res agent#r#6 *raco2nE smlo#2a na &o"# #rDito#F !rGt!o&o"G *r. smlo#2a J!#Ke"nE lhLta neJamHstnanM N samostatnH 2M&HleDnH DinnG oso"a na 2olnI noJe &Hlat @ 2,rG"Ht nHco na Ja!GJ!# se&a2I JamHstnGnE &Hlnic!MF man#GlnH *rac#/EcE tM!a/EcE se *o2olGnE, !terI o"2,!le 2,!onG2a/E Oen, 5na*R. J&ra2otnE sestr,, se!retGR!,6 tM!a/EcE se URe&nic!Iho *o2olGnE *raco2nE! na smHn, man#GlnEF *rac#/EcE r#!ama ne"o tHlesnH ne!2alitnE &HlnE! #DenEF #DWo2s!G lIta manaOers!MF 2e&o#cE 2,so!oK!ols!, 2J&HlanM o&"ornE! 5na*R. lI!aR, *rG2nE!6 o&"or, o&"orGRs!I *REs*H2!, Dlenst2E 2 N JGst#*ce o&"orL JorganiJo2at *rotestnE a!ci JamHstnancL, stG2!# stG2!a JaDEt stG2!o2at stG2!o2at *roti nHDem#, Ja nHco s!#*ina &emonstrantL sit#ace, !&, 2e&enE *o&ni!# o&mEtG &HlnE!Lm *REst#* na *raco2iKtH, &o!#& ne*Ri/mo# *o&mEn!, 2e&enE $(


;hite1collar shift1;or!er man#al #ns!ille& la"o#rer a**renticeshi* managerial *rofessional 5e.g. &octor, la;,er6 #nion 5tra&e N6 N &#es N mem"ershi* N re*resentati2e ta!e in&#strial action stri!e go on @ enter a N N against st, for st *ric!et line management loc!o#t

professions /o#rnalist &ealer acco#ntant acco#nting office1;or!er sales re*resentati2e teller cashier agric#lt#re "#tcher har&1hat ;or!er *l#m"er car*entr, &ressma!er &ressma!ing seamstress ;ea2er tailor craftsman artist "#s!ing &omestic ser2ant ci2il ser2ant ci2il ser2ice militar, ser2ice enlistee 2ol#nteer conscri*t &raftee conscri*tion &raft re1enlistment


<7 <7

<7 U. <7 U. U.

no2inGR *ro&e/ceF !r#*iIr UDetnE UDetnict2E a&ministrati2nE *raco2nE! o"cho&nE JGst#*ce, cest#/EcE "an!o2nE URe&nE! 5# *Re*GO!,6 *o!la&nE@! JemH&Hlst2E ReJnE! sta2e"nE &HlnE! instalatIr tesaRinaF tesaRs!G *rGce K2a&lenaF &Gms!G@M !re/DE KitE &Gms!Mch KatLF &Gms!I !re/Do2st2E K2a&lenaF KiD!a t!a&lec !re/DEF #&Hlat na mEr#, na Ja!GJ!# RemeslnE!F #mHlecF mistr s2Iho o"or# #mHlec 5Je/m. malER6 hranE na h#&e"nE nGstro/ Ja *enEJe 5na #lici a*o&.6 sl#ha 2 &omGcnosti stGtnE URe&nE!, JamHstnanec stGtnE sl#O"a, s*rG2aF JamHstnGnE 2e N 2o/ens!G sl#O"a &o"ro2olnE!F &o"ro2olnH nar#!#/EcE &o"ro2olnE!F *RihlGsit se &o"ro2olnH *o2innH o&2e&enM &o armG&,F "ranec N *o2innG 2o/ens!G sl#O"aF "rannG *o2innost N &o"ro2olnI nar#!o2GnE 2o/G!L 2 JGloJe

# <ettin& ##a # ##7ob # #

*hone aro#n& 5*otential em*lo,ers6 *#"licise one's ser2ices a**l, for a**lication form fill in @ o#t 5a form6 c#rric#l#m 2itae 5c.2.6 rIs#mI U. inter2ie; inter2ie;ee shortlist shortliste& for sign on glass ceiling o"2olG2at 5*otenciGlnE JamHstna2atele6 *ro*ago2at, &Hlat re!lam# s2Mm sl#O"Gm *oOG&at, JaOG&at, #chGJet se o *RihlGK!a 5form#lGR6 2,*lnit 5form#lGR6 Oi2oto*is N *Ri/EmacE *oho2or &otaJo2anG oso"a JaRa&it &o #OKEho 2M"Hr# 2 #OKEm 2M"Hr# 2sto#*it &o JamHstnGnE a #Ja2REt JamHstnanec!o# smlo#2# s*oleDens!G "ariIra Ja"raW#/EcE OenGm @ menKinGm 2 JEs!GnE !ariIr, @ *ost#*# 2 nE


character traits & other keywords attit#&e to @ to;ar&s st @ s" ex*erience *ros*ects Y#alifications 5in6com*etence &iligence in&i2i&#alit, initiati2e interme&iate in2ol2e& o"e&ience *assionatel, *rom*tness *#nct#alit, re*#tation self1moti2ation self1starter socia"ilit, institutions etc. em*lo,ment office U. sit#ations 2acant 5a&s6 <7

*REst#*, *osto/ ! nHDem# @ nH!om# *raxe 2,hlE&!, &o "#&o#cna *Re&*o!la&,F scho*nostiF !2alifi!aceF J*Lso"ilost 5ne6scho*nostF 5ne6J*Lso"ilost *EleF *raco2itostF *RiDinli2ost oso"itostF in&i2i&#alita iniciati2a stRe&nH *o!roDilM angaOo2anM *osl#Knost JanEcenHF Ja#/atHF 2GKni2H *ohoto2ost *Resnost, &och2ilnost *o2Hst, re*#tace iniciati2aF moti2ace iniciati2nE Dlo2H! scho*nost 2,chGJet a "a2it se s li&mi URa& *rGce 2olnG mEsta 5inJertnE r#"ri!a6

in the "lac! in the re& &a, release in1ser2ice training re1training scheme ex*ense acco#nt maternit, grant schedule sche&#le cloc! in cloc! o#t fixe& ho#rs 5ir6reg#lar ho#rs flexi"le ho#rs, flexitime #nsocia"le ho#rs night shift to "e ;or!ing nights lot of work h#stle "e r#she& off one's feet o2ertime ;or!aholic ;or! aro#n& the cloc! "#s, &a, sla2e1&ri2er "Mt 2 *l#s#F mEt Jis! 2 Der2enMch DEslechF Ja&l#OenM #2olnHnE Je JamHstnGnE Ja UDelem st#&ia 2J&HlGnE *Ri JamHstnGnEF K!olenE *lGn *ReK!olenE, re!2alifi!ace UDet 2MlohF cesto2nE UDet mateRs!M *REs*H2e! *lGnF *rogramF roJ2rh ho&in 5ta!IS /EJ&nE @ leto2M RG&6 oJnaDit &o"# *REcho&# na *EchacEch ho&inGch oJnaDit &o"# o&cho&# na *EchacEch ho&inGch *e2nG *raco2nE &o"a 5ne6*ra2i&elnG *raco2nE &o"a 2olnG, flexi"ilnE *raco2nE &o"a neJ2,!lG *raco2nE &o"a 5JnemoOW#/EcE s*oleDens!M Oi2ot6 noDnE smHna *raco2at 2 noci r#ch, shonF s*Hchat, honit se *rGce *Res Das neUmornM *raco2nE!, Dlo2H!, !terM nemLOe "Mt "eJ *rGce *raco2at 2e &ne 2 noci r#KnM, *ernM &en JamHstna2atel n#tEcE JamHstnance #silo2nH *raco2atF otro!GR



little work slac! &a, *rocrastination ele2enses coffee "rea! tea "rea! &a, off 2acation sa""atical



#n*ai& lea2e sic! *a, sic!ness "enefit <7 the end goal *romotion "e *asse& o2er for N fringe "enefits *er!s of the /o" staff &isco#nt on *ro&#cts & ser2ices ;age salar, ma!e en&s meet in&ex1lin!e& earnings

&en !&, se nic moc ne&H/e, !&, nenE *rGce otGlenEF 2GhGnEF o&!lG&GnE *o2innostE &esGt!aF &o*ole&nE s2aDinaF *ResnE&G2!a *RestG2!a N &en 2olna *rGJ&nin,F &o2olenG roDnE 2olnoF 2H&ec!G &o2olenG #ni2erJitnEho *rofesora, o*a!#/EcE se ne/&RE2e *o Kesti letech ne*lacenG &o2olenG nemocens!G 5*enEJe6 nemocens!I &G2!, *o2MKenEF *ro*agace, re!lama "Mt 2,nechGn *Ri *o2,Ko2GnE 2Mho&, *l,no#cE Je JamHstnGnE N JamHstnanec!G sle2a na J"oOE a sl#O", mJ&a *lat 2,/Et s *enHJi, !terI 2,&HlGte 2M&Hl!, *RiJ*Lso"enI inflaci

lea2e a /o" ta!e 2ol#ntar, re&#n&anc, la, off ma!e re&#n&ant gi2e notice fire sac! get the N l#m* s#m re&#n&anc, *a,ment gol&en han&sha!e se2erance *a, <7 <7 coll o&e/Et Je JamHstnGnE N 5&o"ro2olnH6 *ro*#stit 5&oDasnH ne"o tr2ale6 *ro*#stit N &Gt *a&G!aF 2,ho&it, 2,raJit Je JamHstnGnE N &ostat *a&G!aF "Mt 2,hoJen o&st#*nI tom#, !&o ",l *ro*#KtHn N o&st#*nI, o&mHna #&HlenG 2MJnamnIm# JamHstnanci 5*Ri *ro*#KtHnE ne"o o&cho&#6 N

<7 <7 U.

alarm N goes off set the N for 6 *m "arefoot5e&6 at "e&time co#nting shee* rea& oneself to slee* "#&E!F alarm N JaDne J2onitF N se s*#stE nasta2it N na 6 2eDer "osM *Re& s*anEm *oDEtGnE o2eDe! DEst aO Dlo2H! #sne


no& off &oJe off &ro* off &ro* straight off slee* li!e a log "e fast aslee* ;a!e 5#*6 ;ith a start earl, riser late riser slee* in o2erslee* "lear,1e,e& &ro;s, ;i&e a;a!e ;a!ing snore tal! in one's slee* slee*;al! insomniac

J&REmno#t siF #*a&no#t 2 leh!M, !rGt!, s*Gne! #sno#tF J&REmno#t si N o!amOitH o&*a&no#t 5#sno#t6 s*Gt /a!o &Re2o s*Gt t2r&H nGhle se *ro"#&it rannE *tGDe Dlo2H! 2stG2a/EcE *oJ&H s*Gt &lo#hoF Jas*at Jas*at ne Jcela *ro"#JenMF ma/EcE Jar#&lI oDiF #slJenM os*alMF mGtoOnM Jcela *ro"#JenM "&HnE chrG*at ml#2it Je s*anE cho&it 2e s*anEF "Mt nGmHsEDnM oso"a tr*EcE nes*a2ostE

ho"", *astime socialising socialise social ;hirl &ro* in on s" entertain frien&s at home ha2e 2isitors "achelors *art, hen *art, ta!e in a night cl#" go o#t for a &rin! gossi* ;@ frien&s on the *hone &inner &ance "allroom &ancing sY#are &ancing bees "ee!ee*er "eehi2e hone,com" mas! 2eil s;arm photography & recording camcor&er tri*o& 2ie;fin&er a*ert#reF f1sto* foc#s !onEDe!F ho"", JG"a2aF hra, s*ortF re!reace s*oleDens!, se stM!atF cho&it &o s*oleDnosti s*oleDens!M r#ch Jasta2it se # nH!oho na nG2KtH2# J2Gt si *RGtele na nG2KtH2# mEt nG2KtH2# *Gns!G /EJ&a &Gms!G /EJ&a 2,raJit &o noDnEho !l#"# Ja/Et na s!leniD!# 2,*rG2Ht si !le*, s !amarG&, *o telefon# 2eDeRe, *o nEO nGsle&#/e tanec s*oleDens!M tanec li&o2M Ra&o2M tanec *ro 4F Dt2er,l!a 2DelaR 2DelE UlF 2DelEn *lGste2 !r,t o"liDe/e *ro 2DelaRe N ro/F ro/it se 5malG6 2i&eo!amera sto/an, stati2 hle&GDe! clona na fotoa*arGt# 5a*ert#re ta!IS ot2or, KtHr"ina6 ohnis!oF JaostRit $5

<7 U.

&ar!room &e2elo*er fixer o2erex*ose& #n&erex*ose& collecting a#togra*h "a&ge "eer can antiY#es china s*orts car&s ha'ard etc. a&&iction to st get hoo!e& on st games of chance *la, for mone, *la, to a limit lotter, "etting sho* casino am#sement arca&e fr#it machine slot machine "accarat chemin1&e1fer *ontoon <7 "lac!/ac! U. &ie 5*lS &ice6 formGlnH @ U. cra*s *o!er /ac!*ot ro#lette co2er "ets come #* on the *ools lose one's shirt other charit, crochet !nitting se;ing N machine em"roi&er, %.>.\. 5&o it ,o#rself6 goo& ;ith one's han&s &o #* *r#ne ;ee&ing ;oo&;or! cartri&ge

temnG !omora 5! 2,2olG2GnE fote!6 2M2o/!a 5chemi!Glie ! 2,2olG2GnE fote!6 #stalo2aD 5chemi!Glie ! 2,2olG2GnE fote!6 *Reex*ono2anM *o&ex*ono2anM a#togram 5ta!IS r#!o*is &Ela6 o&Jna!F me&aile *lecho2!a o& *i2a staroOitnosti *orcelGn !artiD!, s*orto2cL JG2islost na nHDemF nar!omanie stGt se na nHDem JG2islM haJar&nE hr, hrGt o *enEJe hrGt /en &o #rDitI DGst!, loterie sGJ!o2G !ancelGR !asino *asGO s hracEmi a#tomat, hracE a#tomat s o"rGJ!, o2oce hracE a#tomat "a!arat 5haJar&nE hra6 &r#h "a!arat# o!o, /e&na&2acet 5!aretnE hra6 N hracE !ost!a cra*s 5hra 2 !ost!, s &2Hma !ost!ami6 *o!er 5!aretnE hra6 "an! 2 *o!er#F stGle J2,Ko2at 2!la& aO &o 2Mhr, r#leta financo2at sGJ!, 2,hrGt s*o#st# *enHJ *rohrGt *osle&nE !oKili &o"roDinnG organiJaceF &o"roDinnost hGD!o2atF hGD!o2GnE *letenE KitE KicE stro/ 2MKi2!aF 2,KE2GnE #&Hle/ si sGmF *ro &omGcE !#til, ma/EcE Ki!o2nI r#ce s*ra2o2at o@*roReJat 5strom6 *lenE *rGce s &Re2emF 2Mro"!, Je &Re2a nG"o/niceF *atronaF nG"o/



# Finance #s# # #$ # ##bureaucracy # #

money & payment mone, *#t N asi&e sa2e N raise N N or&er h#sh N Ns*inner eas, N *oc!et N N mone, ref#n& N get one's N "ac! get a ref#n& *rice acce*t a N agree 5on6 a N as! for the N exor"itant N *#t #* a N com*etiti2e N &isco#nt off the N &ro* in N re&#ce a N 2ar, in N N a&/#stment Nless N gro#* N range N tag note 5"an!note6 "ill "ill cheY#e chec! ma!e o#t a N to s" cheY#e car& "alance one's cheY#e"oo! &irect &e"it car& o2er&raft account acco#nt c#rrent N chec!ing N set #* @ o*en an N close an N &e"it an N &e*osit N *enEJe #KetRit N KetRit sehnat, o"starat *enEJe *oKto2nE *o#!GJ!a U*late! Ja mlDenli2ostF *enEJe JEs!anI 2,&ErGnEm JlatM &Ll sna&no JEs!anI N !a*esnI *enHOnE cen, 2rGtit N naJ*Ht &ostat s2I N J*Ht N cena so#hlasit s N &oho&no#t se na N Je*tat se na N *RemrKtHnG J2MKit N !on!#renDnE N sle2a, ra"at J cen, Jle2nit snEOit N liKit se ceno# U*ra2a N nesmErnH cennMF neocenitelnM ceno2G s!#*ina ceno2I roJ*HtE, !ategorie ceno2!a "an!o2!a N UDet 5na*RS phone bill A UDet Ja telefonF ta!I 2 resta#raci6 Ke! UDetF UDten!aF Ke! 2,sta2it Ke! na nH!oho "an!o2nE *rL!aJ ma/itele Ke!o2Iho !onta *ro2Ist "ilanci Ke!o2I !nEO!, !arta *ro "eJhoto2ostnE *lat"# &e"etnE sal&o 5*o#!aJ na DGst!# *Resah#/EcE hoto2ost6F &oDasnM U2Hr UDetF !ontoF J*rG2a "HOnM UDet 52 "ance6 N JaloOit, JRE&it si N Jr#Kit N JatEOit NF JaUDto2at ! tEOi UDt# 2!la&nE, &e*oJitnE UDet $7

<7 U. <7 <7 U.

<7 U.

&ra; 5mone,6 ;ith&ra; 5ma!e a ;ith&ra;al6 &e*osit 5ma!e a NF &e*osit6 stan&ing or&er o2er&ra; o2er&ra;n

2,"rat 5J UDt#6 N 2!la& 5na UDet6 tr2alM *RE!aJ 2,"rat 2Ec neO /e 2!la&F *ReDer*at *ReDer*anM

health insurance, social security, loans... health ins#rance nemocens!I *o/iKtHnE health scheme <7 N health *lan U. N ..= 5social sec#rit, n#m"er6 DEslo *o/iKtHnce on social sec#rit, 5OEt6 J *o&*or, 5Je sociGlnEch &G2e!6 &ole coll <7 *o&*ora 2 neJamHstnanosti on the &ole coll <7 5OEt6 J *o&*or,F 5"Mt6 na *o&*oRe on income s#**ort U. N on ;elfare U. N st#&ent loan 5ta!e o#t a N6 st#&ents!G *L/D!a 52JEt si N6 other A M 5a#tomatic teller machine6 "an!omat mone,1changing co#nter *Re*GO!a, !&e /e moOnI 2,mHWo2at *enEJe home "an!ing ele!tronic!I "an!o2nict2E "#il&ing societ, <7 sta2e"nE s*oRitelna sa2ings & loan "an!@association U. N interest rates Uro!o2I saJ", "an! "an!a N manager Re&itel N cre&it N U2Hro2G N N charges "an!o2nE *o*lat!, N holi&a, <7 2 <7S 2Ke&nE &en, !&, /so# Ja2Ren, N, stGtnE s2Gte! high street N <7 N na hla2nE #lici local N U. mEstnE N "rea! the N Jr#ino2at, *Ri2Ist N na miJin# &eclare "an!r#*tc, 2,hlGsit "an!rot recession hos*o&GRs!M *o!lesF recese &eclining economic sit#ation JhorK#/EcE se e!onomic!G sit#ace crime gen#ine *hone, co#nterfeit forger, o*ra2&o2MF *ra2M faleKnM *a&Hle!F *a&HlanMF faleKnM *o&2rh, JfalKo2anG !o*ieF *a&Hle!


raJor &is*osa"le N electric N safet, N sha2e sha2ing cream aftersha2e shine one's shoes sli**ers Oilet!aF holEcE stro/e!F holEt!o Oilet!a na /e&no *o#OitE ele!tric!M holEcE stro/e! holEcE De*el!aF "eJ*eDnostnE holit seF oholit *Hna na holenE 2o&a *o holenE leKtit si "ot, *antofle $$

"#stling cloth &eli"eratel, tic! <7 chec! U. chec! exchange re*ossess st *recio#s file Y#alit, control ethical "#siness *ractices r#n off a han&"ill ha2e st on s*ecimen *attern *re&ecessor *ass the "#c! on s" res*onsi"le for st, s" s#ita"le for s" ti&, #* ;i*e& o#t citiJenshi* stat#s ha2e a rota for the chores hea&ache *ills <7 &isenchante& laJiness loathe st o"session ;ith st A *enn, sa2e& is a *enn, earne&. *enn, ;ise, *o#n& foolish

r#KnMF !,*EcE Oi2otem lGt!a Um,slnHF sch2GlnHF JGmHrnH o&K!rtno#tF Jatrhno#t N !ontrolo2at 2MmHnaF 2,mHnit 2JEt si nHco J*Ht &rahocennMF 2JGcnM *oRa&aDF so#"orF sloO!aF &o!#ment, !ontrola /a!osti etic!I o"cho&nE *ra!ti!, namnoOit si re!lamnE letG!, mEt nHco &oml#2enIho 2Jore! stRihF 2JorF 2Jore!F mo&el *Re&chL&ceF *Re&e! *RenIst Jo&*o2H&nost na nH!oho Jo&*o2H&nM Ja nHco, nH!oho 2ho&nM *ro nH!oho #!lEJetF &Gt 2Hci &o *oRG&!# 2,mMcenM stat#s o"Dana stRE&at se 2 &omGcEch *racEch *rGK!, *roti "olenE hla2, roJDaro2anMF J"a2enM il#JE lenost mEt o&*or, a2erJi 2LDi nHDem#F hn#sit si nHco *ose&lost nHDEmF #t!2HlG *Re&sta2a ?aO&G !or#na &o"rG. ZetRit na maliD!ostech a #trGcet 2e 2el!Im


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