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October 9th, 2010 Mustafa Mushfiqul Haque Assistant Professor Stamford Universit !an"ladesh Sub#ect$ Submission of Internship Report.

%ear Sir, &t is m 'leasure to submit the internshi' re'ort on the to'ic ()eneral !a*in" + ,S- of %!!./ as a 'art of our course0 & have tried m best to 'ut meticulous effort for the 're'aration of this assi"nment0 An shortcomin" or fla1 ma arise as 1e are not e2'ert sufficient0 & have "athered 'ro'er 1ritin" and some 'ersonal e2'erience in the 'rocess of 're'arin" this assi"nment0 & 1ould li*e to than* ou 1ith "reetin"s to "ive us the o''ortunit of doin" such *ind of educational activities0 & 1ill be "lad if ou are satisfied 1ith this uns*illed handmade re'ort0



Md0 -id1anur -ahman !!A %e'artment Stamford Universit !an"ladesh0

3ducation involves not onl readin" boo*s and doin" e2ercise but also acquirin" *no1led"e throu"h doin" somethin" 'racticall 0 4his re'ort has been desi"ned onl for considerin" that ob#ective0 & have incurred man debts in the 're'aration of this re'ort, and & am ha'' to ac*no1led"e them here0 & am "rateful, first of all, to m honorable teacher, Mustafa Mushfiqul Haque, 1ho acted as revie1er and consultant on this 'a'er0 S'ecial than*s are also due to the authors of all the su''lementar materials that accom'an this 'a'er0 .astl , & 1ish to than* a"ain m res'ectable teacher for his valuable su""estion and sincere coo'eration throu"hout0

Executive Summary
!an*in" s stem of !an"ladesh has "one throu"h three 'hases of develo'ment 5ationali6ation, Privati6ation and lastl 7inancial Sector -eform0 4he !an* 1as established under the !an* ,om'anies Act 1991 and incor'orated as a 'ublic limited com'an under the ,om'anies Act 1998 in !an"ladesh 1ith the 'rimar ob#ective to carr on all *inds of ban*in" business in !an"ladesh0 4he !an* is listed 1ith %ha*a Stoc* 32chan"e .imited and ,hitta"on" Stoc* 32chan"e .imited0 %!!.9 a !an"ladesh 3uro'ean 'rivate #oint venture scheduled commercial ban* commenced formal o'eration from :une ;, 199<0 %utch9!an"la !an* .imited started its ban*in" services 1ith a vie1 to minimi6e the customer/s needs b offerin" different 'roducts and services 1hich are eas and affordable for all level of customers0 )eneral !an*in" com'rises of account o'enin", bills, remittance, clearin", cash and com'uter sections0 4hrou"h these sections, it establishes !an*er customer relationshi', collects bills for customers, remit funds of customers from one 'lace to another, honor cheque dra1n on this branch0 )eneral !an*in" de'artment 'rovides these services in a faster and better manner0 Man 'eo'le are uneas about the 'rofit motive, sus'ectin" that 'rofits emer"e onl from e2'loitation0 4he fear that free enter'rise encoura"es "reed and selfishness0 4he are reluctant to acce't the lo"ic of Adam Smith/s famous theor of invisible hand, 1hich holds that business 'eo'le the "eneral interest more effectivel b 'ursuin" their o1n interests than b directl tr in" to (do "ood/0 & su""est that, this is 1h 1e are here little about the social res'onsibilities of churches, charities and so on0 !usiness, in contrast, is assumed to have a 'roblem about its social res'onsibilities because it is driven b 'rofit9motives0 So it can be said that, Corporate Social Responsibility =,S-> means that com'anies inte"rate social and environmental concerns in their business o'erations and in their interaction 1ith business relevant "rou's on a voluntar basis0 4oda , ,or'orate Social -es'onsibilit =,S-> "oes far be ond the old 'hilanthro' of the 'ast ? donatin" mone to "ood causes at the end of the financial ear and is instead an all ear round

res'onsibilit that com'anies acce't for the environment around them, for the best 1or*in" 'ractices, for their en"a"ement in their local communities and for their reco"nition that brand names de'end not onl qualit , 'rice and uniqueness but on ho1 the interact 1ith com'anies 1or*force, communit and environment0 ,S- encoura"es com'anies to loo* at a 1ider ran"e of sta*eholder interests, 1hich can 1iden understandin" of the 'otential ris*s and o''ortunities for the business 1hile offerin" 1ider social or environmental "ains0 %!!., since its ince'tion 1as active in various social activities, 1hich increased manifold over the 'eriod of time and its "ro1th0 &t is one of the fast "ro1in" leadin" online ban*s in 'rivate sector0

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