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Benjamin Stephen Kill

E-mail: _________________________________________________________________________ Profile Undergraduate studying Conservation Biology and Ecology. Works well independently or in a group and has good identification skills, with the ability to present results to a variety of audiences in a range of formats. Has a passion for getting outdoors and seeing what nature has to offer, come rain or shine. _________________________________________________________________________ Education and Qualifications BSc Conservation Biology and Ecology Expected 2.1 or better University of Exeter 2011 - Present

A-levels completed to A2 Didcot Sixth Form Biology (A*), Maths (A) and Physics (A) GCSEs St Birinus School, Didcot 10 A*-C GCSEs including English and Mathematics

2009 2011

2004 2009

Key Skills ICT Level 3 St Birinus School, Didcot 2007 - 2009 _________________________________________________________________________ Previous experiences Voluntary work with local wildlife trust June/July 2012 Three weeks working with Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trusts (BBOWT) biodiversity team. The work was a mixture of field work and data entry. From the data entry work I gained experience using software such as Transect walker and Species recorder, while I could be relied upon to enter accurately produce electronic versions of the data collected in the field. The field work consisted of working in groups to survey for various species, including water voles, checking dormice nest boxes and vegetation surveys. The vegetation surveys meant I quickly had to learn to identify a number of species of grass typically found within a meadow, and then to be able to correctly identify these species in a number of plots throughout the field that was being surveyed, as well as entering the data in the data collection sheet. University modules 2011 - Present Completed the module Introduction to Ecological Consultancy during second year at University. This developed identification skills for a number of protected species within the UK, gave me experience conducting desk studies and a phase 1 habitat survey and covered the legislation surrounding UK protected species. Other modules allowed me to refine my identification skills and spend time small mammal trapping on a number of occasions.

Research project July/August 2013 During the summer of 2013 I spent a number of weeks collecting data for my research project as part of my University course. This involved motivating myself to spend time at a nearby woodland collecting data, whatever the weather. Scotland Field Course June 2013 One week spent in Scotland conducting a number of types of surveys, learning techniques used to sample birds and plants. Alongside a number of discussions took place highlighting conservation issues in Scotland. Engineering Education Scheme 2009 2010 A six month project working as part of a team to identify a problem and propose a solution at a local company. Our findings then had to be presented to a variety of audiences in the form of a report, presentation and poster. Ecosoc member 2011 Present Took part in activities organised by the ecological society (Ecosoc) at University, including trips to improve identification skills and days spent volunteering, assisting with reserve management. _________________________________________________________________________ Interests and Achievements Falmouth Christian Union committee member 2012 - 2013 A secretary for the Falmouth Christian Union. This involved working alongside the other members of the committee to successfully put on and promote the various events we held, as well as other duties including taking minutes at meetings, timetabling the societies events and booking rooms. Scout association 1999 2011 I have been a committed member of the Scout movement from Beavers up to Explorer Scouts. In the summer of 2011 I spent two weeks travelling around Europe as an Explorer Scout Young Leader. As well as giving me the opportunity to experience different cultures, I also had to work alongside other leaders and was responsible on a couple of days for organising and running the days activities. Morris Dancing 2006 2012 A regular member of Lumbawakk, a morris dancing team. Participated in numerous displays, as well as occasionally helping with the organisational side of things during we spent a weekend away at a folk festival. _________________________________________________________________________ References Colin Williams; - Supervisor during work experience at BBOWT Dr Andy Russell; Personal tutor, University of Exeter

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