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Electric Circuits II Two-Port Circuits Two-Port Parameters Lecture #30 The material to be covered in this lecture is as follows: Introduction

n to two-port circuits. The Terminal Equations. Two-Port circuit parameters. Reciprocal Two-Port Circuits After finishing this lecture you should be able to: Understand the Importance of Two-Port Circuits. Relate the Current and Voltage at One Port to the Current and Voltage at the Other Port. Determine the Two-Port circuit parameters. Identify reciprocal two-port circuits.

In analyzing some electrical systems, focusing on two pairs of terminal is convenient. Often, a signal is fed into one pair of terminals and then after being processed, is extracted at a second pair of terminals. The terminal pairs represent the points where signals are either fed in or extracted. They are referred to as ports of the system. Figure 1 illustrates the basic two-port building block. Use of this building block is subject to several restrictions: There can be no energy stored within the circuit. There can be no independent sources within the circuit. The current into the port must equal the current out of the port. All external connections must be made to either the input port or output port, no connections are allowed between the ports.

Figure 1: The two-port building block. 1

The fundamental principle underlying two-port modeling of a system is that only the terminal variables (i1, v1, i2, and v2) are of interest. In two-port network we are interested in relating the current and voltage at one port to the current and voltage at the other port. Figure 2 shows the reference polarities of the terminal voltages and the reference directions of the terminal currents. Most general description is carried out in the s domain. We write all equations in the s domain, resistive networks and sinusoidal steady state solutions become special cases. Figure 2 shows the basic building block in terms of the s-domain variables I1, V1, I2, and V2.

Figure 2: The s-domain two-port basic building block.

Out of these four terminal variables, only two are independent. Thus we can describe a two-port network with just two simultaneous equations. However there are six ways in which to combine the four variables:

Impedance Parameters (z-parameters): 1 = 11 1 + 12 2 2 = 21 1 + 22 2 Admittance Parameters (y-parameters): 1 = 11 1 + 12 2 2 = 21 1 + 22 2

Transmission Parameters (a-parameters): 1 = 11 2 12 2 1 = 21 2 22 2 Inverse Transmission Parameters (b-parameters): 2 = 11 1 12 1 2 = 21 1 22 1 Hybrid Parameters (h-parameters): 1 = 11 1 + 12 2 2 = 21 1 + 22 2 Inverse Hybrid Parameters (g-parameters): 1 = 11 1 + 12 2 2 = 21 1 + 22 2 These six sets of equations may also be considered as three pairs of mutually inverse relations. The coefficients of the variables are called the parameters of the two-port circuit. We refer to the z-parameters, y-parameters, a-parameters, b-parameters, h-parameters and g-parameters of the network. The parameters for any circuit can be determined by computation or measurement. For example, The values of the z - parameters can be evaluated by setting I1 = 0 (input port open-circuited) or I2 = 0 (output port open-circuited). Thus, 11 = 12 = 21 = 22 =
1 1 =0 2 1 2 =0 1 2 1 =0 2 2 2 =0 1

The four z parameters can be described as follows: 11 is the impedance seen looking into port 1 when port 2 is open. 12 is a transfer impedance. It is the ratio of port 1 voltage to the port 2 current when port 1 is open. 21 is a transfer impedance. It is the ratio of port 2 voltage to the port 1 current when port 2 is open. 22 is the impedance seen looking into port 2 when port 1 is open. Therefore the impedance parameters may be either calculated or measured by first opening port 2 and determining the ratios V1/I1 and V2/I1, and then opening port 1 and determining the ratios V1/I2 and V2/I2. Other parameters y-parameters 11 = 1 12 = 1

2 =0


1 =0

21 = 2 22 = 2

2 =0

1 =0

a parameters b parameters h parameters g parameters Example 18.1 Example 18.2

Refer to textbook

Electric Circuits II Two-Port Circuits Two-Port Parameters Lecture #31 The material to be covered in this lecture is as follows: Relationships Among the two-Port Parameters. Reciprocal Two-Port Circuits After finishing this lecture you should be able to: Relate the parameters of all two port circuits to each other. Identify reciprocal two-port circuits.

Relationships Among the two-Port Parameters

Example 18.3

Reciprocal Two-Port Circuits The following relationships exist among reciprocal two-port circuits: 12 = 21 12 = 21 11 22 12 21 = = 1 11 22 12 21 = = 1 12 = 21 12 = 21

A two-port circuit is reciprocal if the interchange of an ideal voltage source at one port with an ideal ammeter at the other port produces the same ammeter reading. Also, a two-port circuit is reciprocal if the interchange of an ideal current source at one port with an ideal voltmeter at the other port produces the same voltmeter reading. 6

For reciprocal two-port circuits, three calculations or measurements are needed to determine a set of parameters. A reciprocal two-port circuit is symmetric if its ports can be interchanged without disturbing the values of the terminal currents and voltages. In such circuits, the following additional relationships exist among the port parameters. 11 = 22 11 = 22 11 = 22 11 = 22 11 22 12 21 = = 1 11 22 12 21 = = 1

For a symmetric reciprocal network, two calculations or measurements are needed to determine a set of parameters.

Figure 3: Four examples of symmetric two-port circuits. (a) A symmetric tee. (b) A symmetric pi. (c) A symmetric bridged tee. (d) A symmetric lattice.

Electric Circuits II Two-Port Circuits Analysis of the Terminated Two-Port Circuit Lecture #32

The material to be covered in this lecture is as follows: Terminated Two-Port circuit. Terminal Behavior. The Six characteristics of the terminated two-port circuit in terms of z parameters After finishing this lecture you should be able to: Analyze The Terminated Two-Port circuit. Determine The characteristics of the terminated circuit in terms of z parameters. The Circuit is driven at port 1 and loaded at port 2. A typical terminated two-port model is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: A terminated two-port model. Zg represents the internal impedance of the source. ZL represents the Load impedance. Vg represents the internal voltage of the source Analysis of this circuit involves expressing the terminal currents and voltages as function of Vg, ZL, and Zg.

Terminal Behavior: Six characteristics of the terminated two-port circuit define its terminal behavior. 1. The input impedance Zin = V1/I1, or the the admittance Yin = I1/V1. 2. The output current I2. 3. The Thevenin voltage and impedance (VTH, ZTH) with respect to port 2. 4. The current gain I2/I1. 5. The voltage gain V2/V1. 6. The voltage gain V2/Vg.

The six characteristics in terms of the z parameters 1 = 11 1 + 12 2 2 = 21 1 + 22 2 1 = 1 2 = 2 (1) (2) (3) (4)

Consider the circuit shown in Figure 4. To find the impedance seen looking into port 1, that is, =
1 1


Solve (4) and (2) for 2 to get 2 =

21 1


then substitute in (1) = 11 12+21



To find 2 , first solve (1) for 1 after replacing 1 with the right-hand side of (3). The result is 1 =
12 2 11 +


Now, substitute (8) into (6) to get 2 =

21 11 + 22 + 12 21


The Thevenin voltage with respect to port 2 equals 2 when 2 = 0. 2 = 21 1 = 21 1

2 =0



Use (3) and (8) and then substitute into (10)

2 =0

= =



2 2

The Thevenin or output impedance is the ratio

when = 0.

with = 0, equation (1) Reduces to 1 = 1 Substitute (12) into (2) 1 =

12 2
11 +



Now substitute (13) into (2) 2

2 =0

= = 22 12+21


The current gain I2/I1, comes directly from equation (6)

2 1



To derive the voltage gain is V2/V1, use equations (2) and (4) to get 2 = 21 1 + 22 ( 2 )


Solve equation (1) as a function of 1 and 2 :


21 1 = 1 12 ( Or

2 )

1 = 1 + 12 ( 2 )
21 11


Now replace 1 in equation (16) with (17) and solve for V2/V1, 2 21 = 1 11 + 11 22 12 21 =
21 11 +


To derive the voltage ratio V2/Vg, combine equations (1), (3) and (4) to find 1 as a function of V2 and Vg: 1 =
12 2
(11 + )

11 +


Now use (19) and (4) in conjunction with (1) to obtain 2 = Or

2 21 12 2
(11 + )

11 +



= (

11 + )(22 + )12 21


Table 18.2 summarizes the expressions for these six attributes of the terminated two-port circuits.



Example 18.4


Electric Circuits II Two-Port Circuits Analysis of Interconnected Two-Port Circuits Lecture #33 The material to be covered in this lecture is as follows: Interconnected Two-Port Circuits. After finishing this lecture you should be able to: Recognize the different Interconnection of the Two-Port Circuits. Analyze The Cascade Connection.

Interconnected two-port circuits Two-port circuits may be interconnected in five ways: 1) In Cascade. 2) In Series. 3) In Parallel. 4) In Series-Parallel. 5) In Parallel-Series.

Figure 5 The five basic interconnections of two-port circuits. (a) Cascade. (b) Series. (c) Parallel. (d) Series parallel. (e) Parallel-series.


We analyze only the Cascade connection because it occurs frequently in the modeling of large systems. The a-parameters are best suited for describing cascade connection.

Figure 6 Cascade connection We seek the pair of equations: 1 = 11 2 12 2 1 = 21 2 22 2 For the first stage, we have
1 = 11 2 12 2 1 = 21 2 22 2

The interconnection means that 2 = 1 and 2 = 1 , thus 1 = 11 2 + 12 1 1 = 21 1 + 22 1

For the second stage

1 = 11 2 12 2 1 = 21 2 22 2

Substitute to get
1 = (11 11 + 12 21 )2 (11 12 + 12 22 )2


1 = 21 11 + 22 21 2 (21 12 + 22 22 )2

That means
11 = 11 11 + 12 21 12 = 11 12 + 12 22 21 =21 11 + 22 21 22 = 21 12 + 22 22

Example 18.5


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