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rl Tlwlr



To Nutritional produet Rgeom rngndations




Bare Syndrome

26 26




lrdectio!s if onorucleosis (l!IONO' ldable BowetSyndrome






32 33 33 33



Polymyalsia Bheumalica {PlvlR)

.qEglancy R
Retlex Sympatheiic DwtroDhv (RSD)

36 36

36 36

37 3a 38





Dr. RaY strand Health Concepts


tirst ttrrrgt t wtren wi o"corne hud or ill is io immediaielv tum to medicalion hoping for reliel of Problem or synptoms.

- Overview

lhe roblem. Flcessile wergtn alone 4ay accounl for painful knees paniLl n,P6 hgn

Few of us, however, seriously conside. the

poorlifeslle habilsihal m.v be lhe undenving cause of


pres:ure, d'aoer6, increases m reflu r acd symploms and fatigue smoking iauses ircrcFed risks 600r eathq habts contribute ;n nEh biood D'essJre. headh dsease, emphvse.d, and ,ung cancer' io hioh chol;srerol. h:ql'blood pressure. ano oEbetes Laci oi PhvsEai aclivh cal lead to o6teo-Dorois obes.iy, dlbete6, hBh blood pressure oecrea*d immJne runchon sid hqh sr65 revers. When people come to lhe PhFEans off,ce lor nelp aner developi'B th6e Droble4s invanablythey are placed on medicatio; while lilue a{ention is given to the undenving lifestvle lhat may be lhe main culrtit. Aititudes are changing. I believe the Pendulum is swinging ioward a mo proactive aPProach io hb'ove ones lileJ&;with les reriance on medcaron Dr' Mat< Nelson repo'ted n tl'e Aaerrcan a2% of patienls uth hvDertensron could gel off hen meoicalron 'l lhey Jolns of r-rypenen!,o, would rolbw;imPle lrestyle changes. Growing medical evidence is showing !s hat hean disease; prevented cancer, diabetes, elevatea cholesiercl, osleop;r6is, and sevelal other diseases mav be by heallhy lif6tyles or even rcveFed


rnlormatior. lls frustGling Io'lh6e wno have spelitime and efiod h qrngtoleam whal they need lo doto accomPlish this goal.

slill, lhere is tremendous confusion in ihe arena of wellness and preventive medicine ioday Every indNidu.i who malB a d@Ero. lo charge his or l'er lifestyle will Ind confJsrng and connidng

The AFe.ican public has long displayed an avid inlerest in lhe telalions of diet and health' and its erDecrations i;r quidehes o; n4nrrcn ard etercBe are becomrng 'ore and more sophislicated wtn rusr a [ne e;cou6qe_e{, approrimdtelv aO% of Fv plienlE cho6e to make nealthy liieslyle chmoes at may imprcve their underlying medrcalcond ion orproledtneir health However, the autholiiy lvhom palients most wish to oonsult Ior lhis informalion and guidancei their phvsicia; usu6lly re;arns insuFrcntly informed dboLr tne role or diel exe c se and ndnl'olal ;uiplemerlation ,n the Preventon.1d trealmenl or lhese d'seases
I have Eoent tne lasl 7 Yea.s stJdvilg lhe 4edlcal




I n;ve 6pped th6e

lrcEtJre 11 regards to what patients cal do lo PnncFles 'n mv clrnEd' oraclce thal now focus6 on

b&ome apparcnt to me du ng my research lhal there are three dlstlnct aspecis to a healthv t,festv,e lhat are ;h needed to ofier yoL $e absotute Desl protection io' your he6lth. LA heallhy
It has

? hish qLa,ly, comPlete and balanceo nJtrltional suppemenF. Wnen you mak; one o. rwo of ihese lifestyle changes l gua-antee Your he.llh will aeiriterv rrnprove. nowever, rvhen you nd\e allthree I'resly'e changeslhet6urc arepl^eiomenaL
dret'2 A modesl erercise Prcgm and

Traditional Preventive Medicine The healb care codmuniiy lik6 to Pdde itself in the lacl that it promotes prcvenlive oare Phls,cians encouraqe patenls lo roLrlne physicals rn order lo mainlarn heallh However' a cb; bok quEhly lds one lo concrude hal phyeciars are primarill/ lrvirg to derecl disease
bettd it is for you, but
By rollowrng rhe
ta-ke not'',?g

eadier. Pap amealE; PSA'S, nammograms, blood work, and phvsical exams are merclv lrying to nnd a sileit disease ihe Pstients may akeady have. Obviolsly the earlier vou deiecl diseases the

, as been {evented.


shde gu.dehnes detarEd rere Lrder Health Concepts in lhF booklel voJ can mainGinina yourhealth. choose lo enjoy the llfe God has given vou This choic

requires motivation and commitment, but unlike prescription medicine, the benefits far outweigh the risk and you can practice true prevention. Make the right changes - ones that kuly provide you with desired health benefi ts.



Health Benefits of a Healthv Diet

Weight loss Decreased risk of diabetes Decreased risk of hearth disease Decreased risk of almost all cancers Decreased risk of high blood pressure Lower cholesterol levels Enhanced immune system lncreased sensitivity to insulin lncreased energy and ability to concentrate

What we eat has an enormous affect on our overall health. Thousands of studies support the idea that diet is highly conelated with the risk of developing various chronic degenerative diseases. Food is our greatest drug. lt can either be used incorrectly and cause problems or when used conectly, will protect our health. Recent Studies have shown that by eating a healthy diet and exercising moderately lve can significantly reduce the risk of developing diabetes, hearth disease, cancer, and host of other chronic degenerative diseases. When you add cellular nutrition to this healthy diet and modest exercise program, you give yourself the absolute best chance of protecting your health or regaining your health lf you have already Iost it. The diet I recommend will take into consideration all oi th6e diseases. lf you already are suffering from one of these chronia degenerative diseases, it will offer you the best of hope or regalning your health.

Carbohydrates are simply long chains of gugars that are released at various rates in our bodies. These include food like fruits, vegetablF, grains and sugars. lt has been assumed for the pasl one hundred years that the more simple the sugar, i.e. table sugar, candy or soda pop one consumes, the faster the sugar is absorbed into the blood stream and the quicker one's blood sugar rises. This has given rise to the concept of simple sugars versus complex sugars (having long sugar chains). Medical research has since shown us that this theory was totally wrong. ln the past 20 years, medical evidence now suggests the most important consideration is the glycemic index. Few of us realize that highly processed carbohydrates like white bread, white flour, rice and pasta also release their sugars faster that table sugar. These foods are considered high-glycemic carbohydrates, because they release their sugars very quickly into our blood stream. On the other hand, carbohydrates such as; cauliflower, beans, asparagus, apples, oranges, and grapes release their sugars more slowly, thus keeping blood sugars from spiking. These are considered low-glycemic carbohydrates. These carbohydrates also contain high amounts of fiberthe indigestible portion of our food.

Fiber passes through the gastrointestinal tract without being absorbed, allowing not only our nutrients to be absorbed at a much slower pace, but also helping to eliminate toxins as it cleanses the colon. An incteased amount of fibr is very important in our overall diet and can be found in
fruits, vegetables and whole gralns.

I recommend between 35 & 50 grams of fiber each day. Most Americans only consume I to 10 grams of fiber each day and if we have a bowel movement every other day, we feel like heroes. Our
.paradigm is limited. Perhaps a broader worldview would prove enlightening.

Dr. Burkitt, a surgeon, famous for the disease, "Burkitt's Lymphoma, ' practice in Africa for over 20 years. While in Africa, he did not see a single case of colon canaer, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, gall bladder disease, or even appendicitis among the native population. He attributed this remarkable finding to the fact that his native African patients consumed 60 to 70 grams of fiber per day and typically had three to live bowel movements every day. When Dr. Burkitt returned to the united States, he spent most of histime promoting the health benefits oi a high fiber diet.

Constipation is a $3 billion business in the |Jnited States alone. Patients in the u.S. lhink they are heroes when they have a bowel movement every other day. When I refer a patient to the gastroenterologist, I can count on the fact ihat he or she will rccommend my patient to eat more fiber. The fiber in low-glycemic carbohydrates provid6 most ofthis necEsary fiber, however, many of us need to supplement our diet with additional fiber in order to obtain the 35 to 50 grams needed each day. I guaranlee the tremendous health benefits reaped by making this intentional effort will
prove worthwhile.

Glucose (the basic sugar that is used by the body and that all carbohydrates eventually become in the body) is extremely easy for the body to absorb and in turn raises blood sugar rapidly The rate at which the blood sugar increas6 (the glycemic index) is rated at 100. Fructose (which is found in
considered low-glycernic with an idCex of 23. White table sugar has a glycemic index of 65 because

fruit and honey), on the other hand, is more difficult for the body to absorb and is therefore

it is a

disacchaiide (made up of two molecules: on molecule of glucose and one molecule of

fructose). Surprising to many, lvheat and white bread actually have a very high glycemic index (even higher than tabl; sugar) because of its physical structure. The fine particle size and the exploded skuctlre caused by th; leavening action ofthe yeast makes the surface of wheat starch extremely accessible quickly their absorption rais6 blood sugar. Rice the highest glycemic indexes of any food.

to digestive enzymes. They actually are worse for our bodies than table sugar because of how

cak6, one of

our favo te diet foods, have one of

The average dietitian does not utilize that glycemic index, which was introduced in the early 80's however, a recent study in lhe Joumal ol Ameican Medical Associalion points out the potential serious outcomes of America's and the industrialized nation's tremendous use of high-glycemia foods. Problems like hypertension, obesity, elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes are primarily related to our diet.
Dr. Walterwillet, head of nutrition and preventive medicine at Harvard, in his book, Eat, Dink, and be Hea,fry (Simon and Schuster, 2001) believes white bread, white flours, pasta, rice , and potatoes should be placed at the top of the food pyramid with sweets and snacks. ln turn, I encourage my patients to eat less bread (or to choose heavy multigrain, stone-ground brands) and more carbohydrates high in flber. By simply eating more whole foods. fruits and vegetables, you are not

only going to get the good fiber but also these foods are primarily low glycemic. Please read the discussion on glycemic index to better understand this concept and learn why glycemic load is alsg

Low - glycemic carbohyd.ates need to be balanced with good proteins and fats. When protein and fat are combined with low{lycemic carbohydrates during a meal, the absorption of sugar is slowed and the release of glucagons (his hormone is the opposite of insulin) is stimulated. All of ihe bad metabolic changes that occur wiih elevated blood levels of insulin (high blood pressure elevatd triglycerides, lower HDL cholesterol, central obesity) are actually reversed by increasing the levels of glucagons.

Protein has been malbned over the years due to the tremendous focus on low-fat diets. Since most

ofthe'bad" fats are contained in proteins, we have thrown the protein out with the fat. People have
been led to believe that a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet is the healthiest diet we can eat. Howeyer,

amino acids only found in p.oteins are essential for all of our body's functions, especially our
immune system. We must choose good protein sources.

Vgetable proteins are the very best proteins we can eat; the greatest advantage of plant protein being in the fact that it contains less environmental toxins and chemicals than animal protein. Because of the highly commercialized productlon of animal protein, it now contains significan y
greater amounts of hormones, antibiotics and toxins. Our bodies require 10 essential amino acids, and vegetable protein is sometimes criticized for not bling complete. I don't find any problem with this because you can easily mix and combine many different plant Proteins. Some examples are soy protein, nuts, legumes, and certain whole grains.

Cold-water fish offers the next best source of protein. Cold-water fish, like salmon, mackerel, sardin6, and tuna not only gives you a good source of protein but also a needed sources of omega-3 essential fatty acids, v,/rich I will discuss more under fats. Again, be alyare of toxins these fish may contain because of industrial pollution of our waters. Mercury poisoning as well as many other toxins are increasing in all flsh species. Shellfish and larger saltwater fish are the worsa. Knowing the source of lhe fish is helpfur.

Fowl are the next best source of protein. Chicken and turkey are the bet because the fat accumulates on the outside of the meat rather than on the inside. Since most toxins found in th6e animals accumulate in the fat. You can easily avoid them by removing lhe skin and fat from the meat leaving an excellent source of protein. Organically grown fowl is a great choice if you have it

Animal products are less desirable sources of protein due to high levels of saturated fat marbled inside red meat. I encourage my patients to keep their consumption of red meat to a minimum, knowing that some of us simply like to have a good steak once in a lrhile. I recommend for those patients who eat red meat to choose the leanest cut they can get. Remember, no one needs to eat the z4-ounce cut. Eat small, fine cuts of steak along with tasty low-glycemic vegetabtes. you do need to avoid meats like bacon, hot dogs, salami, and iunchmats. Organ meats (liver, brain and kidney) should also be avoided due to high toxin concentrations.
Dairy products are the least desirable protein source because they have the highest concentration unhealthiest foods that we eat. The problem is that they make our recipes taste so good. you can markedly improve your diet by eating low-fat or non-fat milk and cheese. lf you eat eggs, consider


saturated fats. Milk, eggs, cheese, butter, and buttemilk are ranked among some of the

eating more egg whites than egg yolks. Though range fed chickens produce eggs that contain
helpful omega-3-fatty acids, we will all be much healthier by keeping the total amount of saturated fat to a minimum.

diet has certainly been the talk of this past half-century. Still, people are as confused about fats today as they were a generation ago. ln fact, in many ways they are even more confused. The bottom line is that our bodies need fat to thrive and live healthy. Fat is needed fot many aspects of the cell but especially in the formation of the cell memb.ane. Fat is also needed for the production of many of our hormones, natural anti-inflanmatory, and basic energy needs. Not only must we decipher between good and bad fats, but also we need to know how and when to consume what
kind of fats for good health. Proteins have been given a bad rap, but not nearly as much as fats. The consumption of fats in our

can consume. These saturated fats increase total cholesterol and LDL or .bad' cholGterol and lower HDL or'good" cholesterol. Most Americans and people in the industrialized nations consume the majority of their fats in the form of saturated fats. Numerous studies reveal that the actual consumption of cholesterol does little to increase our cholesterol levels; however, the consumption of saturated fats and high-glycemic carbohydrates play a large part in elevating cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Most nutritionist now reatize that it is not simply the fact in our diet causing

Saturated fats come primarily from animal fat and dairy products. These are the worst fats that we

'rproblems; but rather, the types of fats

are consuming.

In the 1950's polyunsaturated fats became popular as a "healthy" substitute for saturated fats. For example, vegetable oils were made into margarine as a substitute for butter. Vegetable oils primarily contain vvhat is known as pglyunsaturated fats. These fats do in fact lower LDL or.bad" cholesterol, but the problem is that they also lower HDL or "good' Cholesterol. polyunsaturated fats are also vulnerable to oxidation and easily transiorm into 'trans-fatty acids', which are rancid fats. These fats

make poor building blocks for our cell membranG and are anything but healthy. Many vegetable oils are now subjected to a process called partial hydrogenation. The reason food manufactures go to the trouble of this process is to improve taste, spread ability, pleasurable sensation in the mouth, and to extend shelf life. lt has nothing to do with making a "healthy' atternative.

To hydrogenate oils, manufactures heat the oils to high temperatures under pressure with hydrogen gas. This process is stopped before it is completed or all the fals would become saturated. However, this abbreviated process provides a mixture of fats-saturated. polyunsaturated, with a high concentration of trans-fatty acids. When you look at food tabels you will be amazed how many processed foods are made of partially hydrogenated fat. The medical evidence is growing that these partially hydrogenated fals or \lvhat is becoming known as rancid fats are probably the worst tats you can eat. I recommend avoiding these kinds of fats alltogether.

These fats are found in many of out vegetablG, nuts and certain vegetable oils. These are
considered healthy fats because they actually help lower total cholesterol and LDL Choleslerol white maintaining HDL Cholesterol levels. They are found in foods like cashews, almonds, avocados, olive oil, and pistachio nuts. Virgin olive oil is a very good source ol these types of fats. Canota and peanul oils are also high in these types of fat. Even though these fats do not contain the essential fatty acids, they appear to be much healthier and in some ways protective against hearth disease. You must however be careful not to heat these oils because they can become rancid fats very easily. lf you do use them in your cooking, you need to use very low heat and use a high quality virgin olive oil.

Essential Fats: Omeoa-3 and Omeqa -6 Essential Fattv Acids

These essential fats are just that-essential. Our body cannot make them, so we need to get them from our diet. They are critical in the production of hormonG called progtaglandins, which control inflammation, cell groMh and differentiation, blood clotting, and key aspects of our jmmune system. We get plenty of omega6 fatty acids in the Western diet, howeveri atnost a of us are deficient in the omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-6 fatty acids produce hormones (prostaglandins) that promote inflammation, cell growth, and blood clotting. Omega-3 fatty acids produce hormones (prostaglandins) with just the opposite affect. ln the event that you are injured, you need to have a good inflammatory response to bring about quicker healing-the inflammatory response bings blood and immune cells to the woundea area. However, if you have not been hurt, an inflammatory response can damage tissue and cause major problems, i.e. asthmas, arthritis, and hearth disease. Therefore, it ia critical that these essential fats are consumed in a balanced fashion so that lhe hormones they prodube will also occur in balance. lf th6e prostaglandins are ngt kept in balance they can cause serious health problems such as cancet, hearlh disease, inflammatory diseases, and autoimmune diseases.
Omega-6 fatty acids are found in meats, margarines, peanuts, poultry, and many of our processed foods. Omega3 iatty acids are found in cold-water fish, flaxseed, soybeans, org,nic eggs, walnuts, and oils made from flaxseed, vralnuts, and soybeans. lt is most beneliciaa to conaume these essential fats in a ratio of 2 omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3 fatty acid (2:1 ration). However,

Americans cgnsume an Gtimated ratio of 20:1 and in some aases, 40:1 omega-6fatty acids to omega-3fatty acids. ls it any wonder we are in a heafth crisis? It is imperative that you make a concerted effort to consume foods high in omega-3 fatty acids in order to balance out these iwo essentiat fats. Eating adequate quantities ofthe omega-3 fatty

acids ryfll actually lower your total cholFterol and LDL cholesterol Most people simply need to supplement their diet with cold-pressed flax seed, sunllower, pumpkin seed oils or flsh oil
I realize most people will eat saturated fats and at times even padially hydrogenated fats Still' it is important to get the maiority of your fats from essential fafty acids and monosaturated fats Many researchers iow argue that fat is not the problem, rather the types of fats we are consuming is the major contributor to elevated cholesterol levels.


It is criticat that you have a portion of carbohydrate, protein, and fat with each meal or snack Every time we eat, we need to be sure that we are taking in good nutrition and lhat we are not going to be spiking our blood sugar. We need to eat for hormonal control and not calorie control lnsulin is our "storagd hormone and most ofus do not want to store any more falthan we already have.

Glucagons, on the other hand, actually utilize fat as an energy source. I explain to my patients that are ov'erweight that this lifestyle of eting actually has a side effect of fat loss lf you don't need to lose any weight, then you wonl on this diet. You simply iust feel better and become healthier' I believed that around 40 to 50% of our calories should come from low{lycemic carbohydrates, 25 good fat to 30% of our calories from good protein, and 25 to 30 % of our caloriG should come from t"ny different Aios,.which will accomplish this same overall goal. Barry Sears in his ih"r" "r" Zoni, recommends the 4/30/30(z10% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 30% fat) and book, The other diets recommend 500,6 carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 20% fat.

All of these diets accomplish the same desired hormonal results, which is necessary for a healthy lifestyle. Always avoid u;healthy weight loss diets that are out of balance such as ihe Atkins' Diet no carboiydrales) or Dr. omish,s Diet (alt carbohy.dratF with very little to no t"t i"it piot"in "ni goal "itt is to keep insulin and glucagon levels within a healthy zone The body needs iat). The desired boih to maintain h;alth and to assure that your cells are getting proper nutrients' A good ratio is combining 20 grams of low-glycemic carbohydrate'. 10 to 12 grams of good protein' an-d 4 to 6 grams of good fat. You can eat as rnuch as you want: however' be,sure the ratios stay the same 14b grams of carbohydrates, 24 grams of protein, and I to 10 grams of fat) You should eat five to six small meals each day. Eat breaKast within one hour of awakening and a meal or snack every four hours throughout the day to keep your metabolism going and blood sugars stable. I find weighiilg food is not necessary, although reading nutritional labels is essential'
I teach my patients to not get caught up in anything too complicaied like weighing foods simply use your hand is a guide. Tht palm of the hand (circumference and thickness) = I protein serving (red ;neat-use % th; palm of ybw hand). 1 fist (1 % cups) = fruit serving (carbohydrate) 2lists (2-4 cups) = vegetable serving (carbohydrate) Tip otthe thumb (1tsp ) = 1 fat serving

A typical meal should contain


carbohydrites, fats and proteins must be maintained The actual amount that

the balance of iit. lt your body frame is large, you may need double this amount' still you
consume will


serving of carbohydrates, one serving of protein, and one serving

depend' on your body size and whether this is a main meal or snack. Remember the key is to keep portions balanced even when eating snacks.

when eating out. Donl eat bread, potatoes and dessert all at the same meal. ln fact, recent
rGearch reveals it would be best to avoid high-glycemic foods alllogether.
Be careful not to take in too many high-glycemic carbohydrates with any particular meal especially

> > > >

Be creative with your snacks and be sure that they contain the right balance of good
carbohydrates, good fat, and good protein.

Always have healthy snacks readily available. lf you don'i you will eat whatever is around when you get hungry. Purchased lean bars, balance bars, and lean drinks, which already have the proper balance and have them readily available. You will tend to have some vvithdrawal from a high carbohydrate diet. However, once you become consistent with this djet you will feel much better with a marked increase in energy.


Health Benefits of a Modest Exercise Proqram

> > > > > > > > > > >

Weight loss Lawer blood pressure Stronger bones and decreased risk of osteoporosis Lower cholesterol levels Elevated levels of "good" HDL cholesterol Decreased levels of "bad' LDL cholesterol Decreased levels ofkiglyceridG the other fat in the blood lncreased strength and coordination which ieads to decrease risk of falls lmproved sensitivity to insulin Enhanced immune system Overall increased in the sense of well-being


(The Surgeon ceneral of the United States issued a statement in the early 1980,s listing all these
major health beneflts that result from having a

mod6t exercise program)

Everyone is aware that moderate, aonsistent exercise is essential to a healthy lifestyle. But how
many Americans put this good knowledge to use?

The best type and duration of exercise is always a continual debate among exercise gurus.
However, as a physician, I have a different attitude about how one should approach devetoping an exercise program.

> > > > > > >

lt is more



exercise consistently than to worry about how


exercise. Any

exercise program is better than none. Choose an exercise program in which you can remain consistent. You need to enjoy as much as possible the exercise program so you will stay with it. Schedule workouts instead of trying to work an exerciEe program into your existing schedule lt is very important that you not hurt yourself when starting an exercise program. Don't overdue it, most of us have not been in good shape for years, if ever. Start slowly and gradually increase the length and intensity of your workouts. lt is not a race. Your strength and endurance will increase. lf my patients have any joint or musculoskeletal problems, I have them see a physical therapist who can guide their exercise program and help protect them form injury. lf you have any risk of coronary artery disease or are over zl0, you need to see your physician and gbtain an exercise stress test by a cardlologist before beginning any exercise program.


people still react negatively to strength or resistance training, thinking only of bodybuildino ol training just for athletes. What is not widely known is the positive fitness and health benefits of strength or resistance training for ordinary adults of allages.
The benefits of aerobic exercise have been well publicized over lhe last several decades. But many

ln a welldesigned program, resistance training can provide increased stress to the long bones of the upper extremities, the spine, pelvis and ribs. This can produce positive results for ihose who
may have, or who are prone to osteoporosis Vvhen josing weight many are not concerned whether they lose muscle mass along with the fat mass; they justr,yant to '1ose weight.,' Resistance lraining can prevent the loss of muscie maqs while aiding in your fat loss effort. Since muscle is the furnace that burns the fuel (glucose), the more muscle mass that you have, the easier it is to maintain your optimat body weight imass). Exercise, including strength training, helps to make the body more sensitive to its natural insulin not only during, but following exercise s6sjons. This is a great benefit to those who have diabetis mellitus or tor those who want to avoid becoming diabetic.
It w"s once believed that the loss of muscle mass, especially in the upper body, was a normal part of the aging process. This is far from the truth. Strength training not inty tretpi prevent the los; of muscle mass associated with aging but can actually increase muscle niass in those even in their 80's and 90's. lt is a known fact, that we begin losing muscle mass after age 35 unless we are

involved in strength training.

indjcate that healthy, elderly individuals who are stronger are tess likely to have rFistance program can atso help maintain fleiibitity and balance..Adding sketching exercises may enhance the benefits of an exercise program. A well designed work out can also have significant cardiovascular benefits. Resistance training plays a vital role in preventing head attacks by conditioning the cardiovascular system to copL rirore
frequent falls. An appropriately designed efficiently with sudden changes in blood pressure and heart rate.



strength kaining two to three times a week, Giving your body a chance to rest is also an essential aspecl to health. Our bodies actually become stronger during rest. When you're tearing down muscle and building up your aerobic capacity, you. body needs some time off to rest. you sh;uH try to have at least one ortwo days off each week.

Needless lo say, it is important to get a balance of aerobics, resistance training and stretching into your exercise program. I recommend modest aerobics at least two to three times a weei and


> > > > > >

Enhances the immune system. Enhances the antioxidant defense system. Decreases the risk of heart attacks, strokG and cancer. Decreases the risk of arthritis, macular degeneration and cataracts. Decreases the risk of asthma and hay fever. Decreases the risk of alzheimer,s dementia, parknson's disease, and many other chronic degenerative diseases.

The final aspect of a healthy lifestyte is nutritional supplements. For years, I told my patients they could get eveMhing lhey need from their diet. However, after researching the medicat literature foi the past seven years on this subject, I am convinced that every man, women and child needs to be taking nutritional supplements in order to better protect their health.

us from the devastating damage of oxidative stress. Because this generation is under greatei attack from the toxins in our environment, our stressfut lifestyles and poor ea{ng habits th;n any other

our bodies are created with a complicated and sophidioated antioxidant defense systems to protect

previous generation, we need to optimize these defense systems. Eating a healthy diet is a good a start. However, there is no way we can obtain the optimal levels of the nulrients. Our bodies need frorn our diet alone. We must supplement our diet to best protect our heafth.

you understand that oxidative stress is the root cause of almost all of our major chronic
supplements is essential and worth fighting for.

Physicians are usually negative about their patients taking any kind of supplements. However, once

degenerative diseases, you will agree that supplementing your healthy diet with high quality

I encourage my patients to take lhe ljsana essertials (Mega Antioxidant and Chelated Mineral) and Active calcium, which provide what I refer to us "Cellular Nutrition,,. Cellular nutrition is providing all of the nutrients, the cell needs to function at optimal levels (Not RDA levels), which have been sho\,vn to provide a health benefit in the medical literature. This allows the cell to decide what it needs and does not need. You will no longer have to worry about nutritional deficiencies, since you will replenish any nutritional deficiency and will enhance all the other nutrient tevels to their optimal levels lyithin six to nine months on this program. I encourage you to read my book, Whaf Doctol's Dont Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Ki ing you, to fully understand these concepts of supplementation. Hor,vever, Usana Health Sciences has developed a line of nutritional supplements, which are pharmaceliical-grade and provide this cellular nuhition in a complete and balanced fashion. This improves compliance and makes the goal of achieving "cellular nutrition'


very easy.


Supplementing your diet with essential fats and fiber is usually critical. 80% of the people in the US

and Canada are deficient in Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Most people are also significantly deficient in

fiber in their diet. Even though the average American only consumes approximately I to 10 grams of fiber per day, it is strongly advised that you eat a minimum 35 to 50 grams of fiber each day. (See discussion of fiber and Essential facts under healthy diet). This is why I strongly recornmend that everyone add usana's fibergy and optomega or biomega-3 to the essentials and active calcium. This assures me that my patients willbe providing the cell optimal levels of all ofthese nutrients.


According to the Journal of Pediatrics, less tha 1% of the children today receive even the minimal amount (RDA'S) of the required nutrients. lt becomes very obviqus that each of our children also need to be improving their diet, activity level and taking nutritional supplements. I recommend to my mothers that children from age 18 months to 4 years should take 1 usanimals daily. Children from age 5 to years old should be taking 2 usanimals daily. Children from age 9 to 16 years old should begin taking body Rox (3 tablets daily unless they are very small children in which case 2 tablets daily maybe more appropriate). Mothers should also consider giving their children 1 to 2 tsps of Optomega (depending on their age), additlonal tiber via fibergy or the fiber bar, and additional calcium via active calcium (which maybe crushed) or active calcium chewables. Additional calcium is critical for children prior to pubeny to increase overall bone density. These chitdren need to be taking at least 800 to '1,000 mg of supplemental calcium.


Research studiG reveal standards of recommended daily allowance (RDA,S) have absolutely nothing to do with chronic degenerative diseases. RDA'S were developed to avold what are known as acute deficiency diseases like scarvy (deficiency of Vitamin C), rickets (deficiency of Vitamin D), and pellagra (deficiercy of niacin). ln other words, if you consume the RDA'S for vitamin C, Mtamin D and Niacin you wouH not develop any ofthese illnesses. Admittedly, the RDA'S have done their job-how many people do you know suffer from these diseasesa? RDA'S firsl develop in the 1920's and 1930's. the least of the nutrients included in the RDA'S grew over the next two decadF and in the earty 1950's, the definition of RDA,S expanded to include the amount of nutrients needed for normal growth and development. Despite the fact that RDA'S have proved usetul most physicians and laypeople tend to assign more meaning to RDA,s tlandard than they should.

Afrer rFearching mdical literature on the topic of oxidative stress and the amount of nutrients needed tq prevent it, lfound the optimai levels of nutrients known to provide health beneflts are significantly-$eater lio6 suggested by RDA levels. For example, the optimal level of Vit_E is 4OO lU. The RDA is only 30 lU. That being the case, you may consider eating 4oO lU of Mt-E. you would only need to eat 33 heads of spinach, or 27 pounds of butter; BO avocados will do or an altemative 5 pound ofwheat germ each and everyday to obtain that level of vitamin E.
Similarly, the optimal level of Mtamin C is approximately 1,200 to 2000 mg daity, while the RDA is only,6tmg. To eat the optimal levets of vitamin would need to consume 18;ranges, or 17 kiwi fruit, or 160.apples. Put in this perspective, it becomes clear that the onty way to obtain these levels of nutrients is to supplement our diet. And this requires more than a generic multiple vitamln. One-aday multiple vjtamins are primarily based on RDA levels, thus providing no measurable health benefits. Significantly more potent supptement are needed each day to pr;vide the optimal levels to provide celtular nutrition. This booklet wilt explain why I person; y believed the Usana nutritional.supplements offe6 my patients the mo6t complete and balanced ;s welt as the highest quality cellular nutrition on the market today.


testing drugs-hoping to discover a "magic bullet". A disease is isolated and targeted by one spe;ific drug- The pharmaceutical resultg oithat drug are then measured. Researah trials have been similarly conducted for nuhitional supplements. For example, calcium and vitamin D have been tested for their effects on oGteoporosis; vitamin E for heart disease, magnesium for inegular heartbeats or selenium to reduce the risk oi cancer.

Most scientific studies done on nutritionat supptements are approached in the traditional way of

on different typ6 of free radicals and in different parts of the body. Vitamin E is the best antioxidant within the cell membrane. Vitamin C ls most effective within the plasma. Glutathione wo*s most efficiently within the cell itsell Literally dozens of antioxidants are at work in variols parts of lhe body and are effective against particular types of free radicats. They work together-syneigistically{o control oxidative stress. This means that 1 plus 1 does not equal 2, bd 8 or 10. M;dic;l resedrch separates th6e nutrients out and tries to study their individual efiect. The amazing fact remains that te overwhelming majority of studies actually does show a health benefit with even an individual nutrient, however, since oxidative stress is the underlying problem we rnust concern ourselves with, it is important to realize that all of these nutrients work together-synergy-

One problem remains, however: Vitamins such as C, D and E are not drugs. They are natural nutrients lhat our bodies get irom our foods. The various antioxidants and suptorting nutrjents work

Vitamin C actually replenishes Vitamin E and lntracellular glutathione so it can be used over and over again, Alpha Lipoic Acid also regeneraies Vitamin E and glutathione. tn addition, these antioxidants need optimal levels of the B Vitamins-Folic acid, Vttamin 81, 82, 86 and B,l2-ln order to perform at optimal levels. They also need the so called antioxidants minerals such as selenium, manganese, copper and zinc to do their job right. lf you have all the glutathione in the world available bul are depleted in selenium, which glutathione needs to work; there will be very litfle
health benefit.

when all of the neceqsary nutrienls are provided to the cell in a complete and balanced nutritional supplements, the clmbined effect is phenomenal. The polency of these nutrienls in optimizing our body's nalural antioxidant, immune and repair systems when these synergy is achieved-and
maximized. Oxidative stress can be controlled and our health will be protecied.

I also apply this principies for my patients who are already suffering from a major chronio degenerative disease. I provide them with the same basia celluhr nutitio; I recommena for all my patienls and then ladd additional potent antioxidants which I refer to as optimizers, to the regim; tailor to each specific disease, When physicians take advantage of the mbst tremendous heiling asset, bodies, and support it rather than denying its importance in the healing proces; . amazing clinical improvement is possibte.

Cellular nutrition is about health, not disease. "Attacking" the root cause of chronic degenerative disease is true preventive medicine. By applying th6e same principles, you lvho are in good heatth can decrease the risk of developing these chronic degenerative diseases.

Oxygen is essential for life itself. But did you know it is also inherentty dangerous to our existence? I called this the "dark side' of oxygen. And as a result, we are essentially rusting inside and out. The degenerative diseases, we fear and even the aging process itself. Consider the aging of our skin, oxidative stress is the cause of wrinkles, sagging skinl age spots. The next time you are with a large gathering of people of different ages, observe closely the change you see in people's skin. Aging is a process we alltake for granted, but when you look more closely and compare a baby's face, to that of a grandparent's, the effects of our largest organs being exposed to allthe pollutants in the air, sunlight and cigarette smoke is baffling. This aging ofthe skin is an outward manifestation of'oxidative stress," which is occurring within every cell ln your body. Over the past 7 yeac, I have reviewed well over 2000 medical and scientific studies in regards to nutritional supplements and their affect on your health. These studies appearing in medicaljournals

same process that causes a cut apple to turn brown or iron mst is the cause of all the chronic

Iike the New England Journal ot Medicine, Joumal of the Ameican Medical Association, Bitbh Lancet and Annuab ol lnternal Medicine teport that beyond any doubtthe root cause of well over 70 chronic degenerative diseases is 'oxidative stress." These are the "who's who." of diseases we all fear and want to avoid diseases like heart attacks, strokes, diabetis, cancer, arthritis, alzheimer's dementia, macular degeneration, lupus, MS, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. "so whaf'you may be

'is 'oxidative skess'?'

Wthin every cell of the body is a furnace called the mitochondia. As oxygen is utilized within the fumace of the cell to create energy and lile itself, occasionally, a charge oxygen molecule is
created, called a "free radical." This free radical has at least 1 unpaired electron in each outer orbit essentially giving it an electrical charge. If this free radical is not readily neutralize by an antioxidant it can go on to create more volatile free radiaals damaged the cell wall, vessel wall, proteins, fats and even the DNA nucleus of our cells. Chemically, this reaction has been shown to be so volatile that it actually causes bursts of light within our bodies!
lmagine yourself in front of a crackling lireplace and I'll give you the best illustration I have to explain

lhe process of oxidation. The fire burns safely and beautifully most of the time but on occasion out pops a hot cinder that lands on your carpet and burns a little hole in it. One cinder by itself doesnl pose much of a threati but if this sparkling and popping continues month afrer month, year after
year, you will have a pretty "ratty'carpet in front ofyour fireplace.

The fireplace represents the fumace of the cell (The mitochondria), The cinder is the charge "iree radical" and the carpet is your body. Whichever part of your body receives the most free radical damage will be the first to wear out and potentially cause one of these degenerative diseases. tf it's your aderies you could develop a heart attack or stroke. lf it is your brain, you oould develop alzheimer's dementia or parkinson's disease. lf it's yourjoints, you could develop arthritis. Through bio chemical research we're learning that we are not defenseless against this attack on our body by the free radicals. Antioxidants are like the glass doors or fine-wire mesh we place in front of our fireplace. The sparks are still going to fly but our carpet will then be protected. As you begin to imagine the war that is taking place within evey cell in your body, you can envision the two opposing forces: The enemy-free radicalsi and your allies-antioxidants and their suppor ng nutrients.
Living a healthy life bcomes a matter of balance. You must have enough anti-oxidants available to readily neutralize the number of tree radicals your body produces. !f you don't, .oxidative stress, will occur. When this oxidative stress is allowed to persist over a prolong period of time. you will most likely develop a serious chronic degenerative disease.

Each of us must ask, 'Am I getting enough antioxidant from my diet to protect myself from this onslaught of free radicals or do I need to be taking Nutritional Supplements?' This is the quddon that I've had to ask myself as I have spent countless hours researching medical literature. you gaa: I



t?ught in medical school that you don't need supplements-that you can get everything you need from a good healthy diet. And this is what I told my patienG for years I was wlong. Since balance is the key we need to look closely at the individual players that are at war within. The number of free radicals you produce each and everyday is never the same. All the pollutants in our air food and water dramatically increase the number of free radicals we produce. Enormous stress,

excessive exercise, cigarette smoke, sunlight, radiation and every drug prescribe greafly increase the number of free radicals produced in the body. ln fact, there has nev-r been a generation on this planet subjected more oxidative stress than this present one. We are literally und;r attack from our polluted environment, stressful lifestyles and over medicated society.

This ongoing attack is depriving us of our most precious gifr-our health. gut cod did not leave us defenseless agajnst this onslaught by free radicals. ln fact, we actually have our own army of antioxidants, Mtich are able to neutralize free radicals and render them-harmless. ln generations past, these defense systems were sufficient. Unfodunately this is no longer the case. Our bodies defense systems need additional atlies.

lrosl Antioxidants come from vegetables and fruit. This creates a gap in our protection, because our foods have becomes signilicantly depleted in their content of antioxidants and supporting mjnerals as a resull of mineral depletion in our soils, green harvesting, cold storage, foods that are highly
processed, our poor food choices and food preparation.

At a time when we are under the heaviest attack from the environment around u9, our natural
defense systems are becoming overwhelmed and depleted. We must do all we can to rebuild our antioxidant systems with a healthy diet, but too you need to learn how to complete and balanced nutritional supplementation with high quality supplements (cellutar nutrition) is our best hope in winning this war within and protecting our health.

Therefore, I encourage ALL of my patients to take Usana Essentjals, Active Calcium, Fibergy and either Optomega or Biomega 3. This provides optimat "cellular nutrjtion'in a convenient ani cost effective manner. Usana Health Science's commitment to quality and scientific approach to nutritional supplementation makes my job very easy. When you combine a healthy diet, modest exercise program, and nutritional supplementation together, you are giving yourseif the absolute best chance of protecting your health. tf you have already tost your health, I would refer to my specific recommendations for your particular disease or problem. you wi quickly see that I simplt begin adding potent 'optimizers" to this basic concept of cellular nutrition as an effective means of helping you regain and take back control ofyour heatth.


lpeEonally believe USANA Health Sciences has developed and troduced the most complete and balance nutritional products on the market today. ln fact, all the clinical case study re6ults documented in my new book, What Yout Doctot Doesh't Know About Nutitjonal Medicin; May Be Kling you, were achieved by using products developed and manufactured by USANA, Based on Dr. Myron Wntz's knowledge of human cell culture technology, USANA has developed the most impressive science-based producls available. .. USANA strictly follows pharmaceutical-grade cood Manufacturing pradlrs (cMp). This means they not only purchase pharmaceutical-grade raw products, but abo manufacture ihe products according to tough pharmaceutical-quality guidelines. in addition, USANA Health Sciences follows USP guidelines for potency, uniformity, and dissotution of the tabtet. in a nutshell, USANA manufactures their products to the strict standards of over-the-courder drugs even though not required to do so assuring all of their customers and associates that what 'ls on ihe label is ;lually rlllhe tablet. I am also duly impressed (as any physician shoutd be) that USANA is one of the onli

oiritional supplements listed in the Physicians Desk Referenae(pDR).


Refer to Appendix A Refer to Appendix B


adding at least one serving of Fibergy daily will enhance these recommendations


Acne is the result of excessive oil secretion during or shortly afrer puberty, which primarily involves the face, chest, and back. the oil glands essentially become blocked by this excessive oil and then they become infected. this problem can be very mild, or may become quite severe resulting in signilicant and permanent sca ng. Nutritional supplement support is beneticial; however, traditional medical treatment can be very effective. Therefore, Iteel it is very important that these patients be under the care and supervision oftheir primary care physician or dermatologist.
Optimal Recommendations

Nutritional SuDolemeni
Essentials 2Aclive Calcium Proflavanol 90(1 Proflavanol 9G 3 Proflavanol) Ootomeqa Biomeoa -3 fan ootion instead of ODtomeoa)






AIDS is caused by a retrovirus, which slowly destroy a person's lmmune system. lam not going to discuss the disease in detail here but most likely would be a great subject for a future newslefter. it is important however, to realize that everything that I am recommending is to try to build up the patient's natural immune system and hopefully slow down this process. There is a tremendous length ot tlme between when a patient is actually infected with the retrovirus to when they actually become sick. in some studies it may be as long as 15 yeaIs with average being around'10 years. This is the window of time that I feel is very important to build up one's nalural lmmune system in the hopes that you can delay becoming ill from your disease. The best way to build up your natural antioxidant defense system is though cellular nutrition and the addition ofcertain optimizers. The following is my recommendations to accomplish this goal. Optimal Recornmendations

Nutrilional Supplement
Essentials 2Active Calcium Proflavanol 90(1 Proflavanol 90=3 Proflavanol) Poly C Coouinone 30 Optomeqa Biomeoa - 3 (an oDtion Instead of ODtomeoa)




2 2 2tsps


Minirnal Recommendation

Nutritional Supplement
Essentials Proflavalol 90(1 Proflavanol 90= 3 proflavanol) Coquinone 30 Poly C




The key in truly helping these patients is to rebuild their naturat antioxidant defense system and natural lmmune system back to optimal levels. this can best be accomplished by tha following
nutritional recommendations.

Optimal Recommendations

Nutritional Supplement
Essentials Active Calcium Proflqyanol 90(1 Proflavanol 90= 3 Proflavanol) Poly c Optomega Biomesa -3 (an oplion instead of Optomeqa)






Mil|imal Recommendation

Nutritional SuDDlement
Essentials Proflavanol 90('l Profl avanol 90= 3 Profl avanol) Active Calcium





Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) better known as Lou cerigh's disease, has been indicated by clinical trials that it may be a disease caused by oxidative stres. ln tact, 20% of familiar ALS believed to be caused by a genetic defect in the superoxide dismutase antioxidant defense system.


Ihis is a very important internal antioxidant defense system.

Nutritional SuDplement
Essentials 2Active Calcium Proflavanol90(1 Proflavanol 90= 3 Proflavanol) E Prime Coquinone Poly C Optomega Biomega -3 (an option instead of Optomeqa)



2 3

2 2


2 tbs



I do not have any minimal recommendations for patients with ALS because ofthe seriousnFs ofthe disease.

The brain is our most precious organ and without its full function we simply exit, unabte to relate to the world around us. Alzheimer's patients are not only oblivious to what day it is; they don,t eyen recognize their loved ones. anyone who was had to deal with Alzheimer's Dementia vJithin his or her family understands this tragedy. Protecting our brain must become a priority.


Minimal Recommendation

Nutritional Supplemenl
Essentials Proflavanol 90(1 Proflavanol90= 3 Proflavanol)




Symptoms are usually characterized as substernal chest discomfort that comes on with exertion or stress and is relieved within a few minutes with rest or relaxation. There may be some referral of the

pain into the shoulder, back, or down either arm and is sometimes associated with sweating or

shortness of breath. the flnal event leading to a head attack is the actual rupture of an athermanous plaque (usually a smaller less mature plaque) within the arlery immediately follov/ed by a thrombosis (blood cloi) totally blocking the artery.

Minimal Recornmendation

Nutritio0al Supplement
Essentials Proflavanol 90(1 Proflavanol 90= 3 Proflavanol)




Ankylosing Spondytitis is an infiammatory disorder of unkno\,vn origin, which primarity affects the spine but can also affect other joints. This disease usua y starts in the second or third decade of life and involves men three times more frequently than women. It has also been called Marie Strumpell disease or Bechterew's disease

Nutritional SuDDlement
Active Calcium Proflavanol 90(1 Protlavanol 90= 3 proflavanol) Procosamine ll (Procosa ll) Optomeoa Bjomeqa - 3 (an optlon instead of Ootomeoa)




2 tsps




Arthritis is a degenerative process within the joints. Over 70 % of the people over 50 years of age have some degree of degenerative arthritis. This is not a disease that willtypically shorten one's life, brit will certainly oause signiflcant pain and disability if lefr untreaied. Optimal Recommendalions

Nutritional SuDDlernent
Essentials Active Calcium Proflavanol 90(1 Ploflavano 90= 3 Proflevanol) Procosamine ll (Procosa lll Biomeoa

2 2




ODtomeqa 3 (an ootion instead of ODtomeqa)


Minimel Recommendation

Nutritional SuDDlement
Essentials Procosamine ll (Procosa ll)





It appears, at least on the surface, that ADD and ADHD has become epidemic. Attention delicit disorder is just like the name implies-the patient or child has a very short attention span in other words, they are able to concentrate or focus on any particularly subject or project for only a very short period of time. ADHD is associated with a child who is very active and can rarely sit still.
obviously, these children are not able to focus on anylhing very long.

Oplimal Recommendations Nutritional Supplement

Essentials Active Calcium Proflavanol g0ll Proflavanol 90 = 3 Proflevanol) Ootomeqa Biomeoa-3 (an option instead of Optomega) Coquinone 30{see Nutritional for children in ADpendix C) Polv C (see Nutritional for children in Appendix c) Procosa ll (see Nutritional for children in Appendix C)





Minimal Recornmendation

Nulritional SuDDlement
Essentials Proflavanol 90 (1 Pronavanol90= 3 Proflavanol





Bell's palsy is a paralysis ofthe facial muscles due to damage or dysfunction ofthe facial nerve as it passes through a nanow canal in the bones of the face just in front of the ear. it is now believed that the underlying cause is usually a herpes viral infection, which causes swelting of the facial nerve as, it passes through this narrow channel. This causes the nerve to be pinched leading for nerve compression, nerve dysfunction, and possible destruction. The compression of the facial nerve leads to facial paralysis and drooping of that side of the face. Patients are not able to ciose their eye (may lead to dryness of the eye and possible eye damage), smile, their face becomes numb, and they are unable to wfinkle their forehead.

Patients with depression, bipolar disorder, and manic depressive syndrome can see significant improvement with the use of nutritional supplementation. The medical literature is tull of well done clinical studies, which sho\ry that nutritional supplementation helps all of these problems. Again, most of these studiF have been done looking at individual nulrients; however, I firmly believe that key optimizers ned to be added to basic cellular nutrition. obviously, these patients need to continue their medication and only use nutritional supplementation as a means of enhancing their
traditional therapy.




Breakfast Lunch Dinner
2 2

Nutritional SuDplerlent
Essentials Active Calcium Proflavanol 90 ('l Proflavanol 9O=3 Proflevanolt Coquinone 30 Melatonin 3mg (take 3O min+priorto ledtime) Optomeqa Biomeoa -3 {an ootion instead of Obtomeoal

2 tsos

Nutritional Supplement
Active Calcium Proflavanol 90 (1 Proflavanol 90= 3 Proflavanol) Coduinone 30 Poly C ODtomeoa Biomeoa -3 (an oDtion instead of ootomeoa\






2 tsps


Breakfast Lunch

Nutritional SupDlement
Active Calcium Proflavanol 90 (1 Proflavanol 90=3 Proflavanol) Coquinone 30 Poly C Optomeqa Biomeoa -3 fan oDtion instead of oDtomeda)

2 2



Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers physicians see. lnspite of all the education about the dangers of tobacco abuae, the rate of smokers has fallen very lit e. in fact, smoking among our youth is growing. Ever since Dr. Ochsner, who was a chest surgeon and started the Ochsner Clinic in New Orleans, showed the increase in lung cancer among smokers we have seen the frequency greater risk of developing lung, oralor throat cancer for the rest oftheir lives.

of lung cancer skyrocket. ln fact, even afier a patient quits smoking they are at a significanfly
The main problem with lung cancer is the laat that once it is diagnosed there is very litue that our aggressive treatments are able to do to fight this cancer. Whetherthe cancer is an adenocarcinoma, smallcell (oat cellcancer), or one of the rare types of lung cancer, treatments are very ineffective. This is in part due to the fact that physicians are only able to diagnose these canceE at their very
last stages and most of the time they have already spread (metastasized).


Nutritional SuDplement

1 1 1



Proflavanol 90

Proflavanol90=3 Proflavanol) Coquinone 30 Poly C Ootomeqa Biomeoa -3 (an oDtion instead of Optomega)


Essentials Active Calcium

2 2

tsps 2


One of the most common cancers that men face today is prostate cancer. Wlth the advent for the PSA blood test for early detection of prostate cancer, physicians are defecting more and more prostate cancer earlier and earlier. This has created a tremendous amounl of concern and anxiety among men who :re either being diagnosed with prostate cancer or who have a fear of developing


prostate cancer. I have spent countless hours ln my medical office counseling both of these situations. I would like to give individuals lvho fall into either of these categories some practical advice and overall direction in approaching all of the various choices they face. also, I will be giving you my specific nutrilional .ecommendations for patients who have been diagnosed with prostate

Nutritional SupDlement
Esserdials Active Calcium Proflavanol 90 (1 Proflavanol 90=3 Proflalqlg!) Coquinone Pakmetto plus






2 2 tsos

(an odion instead of Optomega)

Candidiasis is an infection caused by a strain ofyeast, Candida, the most common culprit being Candida albicans.

Nukitional Supplement
Essentials Active Calcium Proflavanol 90 (1 Prof,avanol90=3 Proflavanol)


2 I

coquinone 30
omeoa Biomeoa -3 (an odion instead of Optomeqa

2 tsos



Minimal Recommendation

CELIAC SPRUE Celiac sprue is a disorder

characterized by

intolerance to.gtuten, a protein iound in wh;at and wheat products. The severity of :jr::l!!, l"d the disease varies considerably. There does seem to be some genetic
aspect of this disease, si;ce siblings of.patients with sprue have a significar ly greater risk;f devetoping this problem. ln these patients, gluten is actually toxjc for them. it is criticatthat they avoiO wheai an'd whdat products.

malabsorption syndrome, abnormal small bowel

NUIn[Onat l'Upptement



Aclive Calcium



(1 proltavanol90=3 proflavanol) Coquinone 30


2 tsps

Biomesa -3



2 2

Lligraine headaches are a disease and should be treated as a disease, Migrain6 can lead to serious disability and even stroke in younger patients. There is a complex series of changes that occur in the arteries. There is usually inflammation, which occurs in the arlery caused by various irritants (see heart disease - an inflammatory disease). This teads to endotheial dysfunctlon (poor functioning of the lining of the artery). This causes severe spasm ofthe artery causing lack ot tjiood supply to that area of the brain. This creates the 'aura" or numbness, blurred vision, flashing lights, which the migraine headache. This is quickly followed by rapld ditatation of the ;rtery. ii is the dilating of the artery that causes the severe pain associated with migraine headaches. ilot everyone expeiences_and 'aura" but approximately 50% of the patients will. There is also usua y a strong family history of migraine headaches in patients who suffer migraine headaches.

Optimal Recommendations Nutritional Suppiement

:ssentials Active Calcium Proflavanol 90 (1 Proflavanol 90=3 Proflavanol) ODtomeoa Biomega -3 (an option instead of Otiom;oa)

2 tsps





Minimal Recommendation

Nutritional SuDolement


Lunch 2



Essentials Active Calcium 90 (1 Proflavanol 90=3 Proflavanol)

this disease, the mucosal lining of the small bowel is very depleted in antioxidants. The
Crohn's disease is an autoimmune disease prirnarily involving the small bowel and occasionally the large bowel as well. The body actually attacks itself. lvedical literature documents that in the case of

inflammatory response created by the body's own immune system causes one to use up all the natural antioxidants in an attempt to offset the tremendous number of free radicals that are being produced. Since this disease lnvolves the gastrointestinal tract, there is also a malabsorption ol nutrient. When the depletion of nutrients caused by the inflammatory response is combined with the poor absorption of nutrients from one's diet, one can clearly see why these patier{s need a
nutritional supplement program.

Optimal Recommendalions Nutritional Supplement

Essentials Active Calcium Proflavanol 90 (1 Proflavanol90=3 Proflavanol) Coquinone 30 Optomeoa giomega -3 (an option instead of




1 1



2tsps 2

Minimal Recommendation

Nutritional SuDDlemen{
Essentials Proflavanol 90 ('l Proflavanol 90=3 Proflavanol) Coquinone 30





cYsTlc FrBRosts
Tfle medical literature is showing us that cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease that follo,,vg an
autosomal recessive pattern of transmission. Cystic librosis is characterized by abnormal exocine gland function, mucous gland production of thick secretions, which leads to chronic degenorative pulmonary disease, insufficient parcreatic and digestive function, and abnormally concntrated

Optimal Recommendations Nutritional SuDDlement

Essentials Active Calcium Pronavanol 90 (1 Proflavanol 90=3 Proflavanol) Coquinone 30 Polv C Obtomeoa Biomeoa 3 (an oDtion instead of ODtomeoa)






2 2


Minirnal Recommendation

Nutritional Supplement
Essentials Poly C Proflavanol 90 (1 Proflavanol 90=3 Proflavanol)






For those suffering from Polymyositis and dermatomyositis there is significant inflammation within the muscle with the presumed caused of an autoimmune response. Polymyosotis is the term used when lhis condition spares the skin. On the other hand, the term dermatomyositis is used when polymyositis is assoaiated with typical skin rash. These disease processes can be associated with other connective tissue disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or scleroderma. These diseases are rare and can present a variety of symptoms while affecting various areas ofthe body.


Diabetes mellitus type 1 used lo be called "juvenile diabetes'. Currently, this type of diabetes is believed to be an autoimmune disease. Even thought genetics and environment play some role in the development of type 1 diabetes, most oi the recent interest has been in the autoimmune process as the cause of this disease. Several studies have shown a significant increase in the number of cases of type I diabetes following an epidemic of cozsackievirus, mumps, aod congenital rubella. Researchers do not believe that it is the actual viral iffection of the pancreas that is the calse but rather an autoimmune response caused by the viral infection. 22


Diabetes mellitus has become one of the mosl widespread diseases in existence. Over the past thirty-flve years, the industrialized world has seen the number of diabetes cases muttiply fivefold. ln the United States alone, an estimated 9150 blllion is spent annualty on treating diabetes and related complications. An estimated 16 million people in America are known to have diabetes, but the mo6t amazing fact is that approximately half of our nation doesn't even know they have it yet.

When patients are already on dialysis, it is difficult for me to recommend any supplementation

Since they essentially have artificial kidneys, it is critical that thek nephrologist know all the medications and supplements their patients are taking. I could only recommend that patier*s on dialysis take in the Usana Product Catalog to their doctor and discuss wilh him what they can or cannot take. their physician is also checking their btood chemistry's several times a month and they may need to be changing their recommendations frequen y.


our poor diets, it is a common disease in the modern world. Diverticulosis is the herniation of the normal colon through the muscular wall of the colon. These hernias are much like the ,,blebs, you would see on an inner tube oI a tire

would venture that over 70% of my patients will develop diverticulosis in their lifetime. As a

r6ult of

Recent medical research reveals thal contrary to popular opinion, heart disease is not a disease of cholesterol but instead a result of low-grade chronic inflammation of the arlery. ln fact, over halt of the patients who sufler a heart attack actually have normal cholesterol levels.

Major medical studies are now demonstrating that physicians should actually be checking for inflammation prGent in our arteries if they want to better determine which patients are at increased risk of developing coronary artery diseaseespecially in women. Dr. Daniel Steinberg has written

extensively in the New England Journal of Medicine explaining that "native" LDL cholesterol is not bad. LDL cholesterol only becomes bad once it has been modified or oxidized by e)cessive free radicals. This means that if you have enough antioxidants on board to neutralize all of the free radicals, your LDL cholesterol is really not bad. Now, there have been many studies reported in the medical literature demonstrding a strong correlation between low LDL cholesterol and the decreased risk of having a heart attack. This is easily explained by the fact that the lower one's LDL cholesterol- the less LDL cholesterol there is to b6conie oxidiz;d. Therefore, it is still a good idea to have your LDL cholesterol as low as

Endometriosis is a disease that is caused by the migration of the lining of the uterus into the
abdomen. This transplanted endometrium begins to grow and develop in the area around the tubes, ovaries, and the bowel. During the patient's menstrual cycle, this tissue also is stimulated to grow and during their period can creale a tremendous amount of pain. That is why the hallmark symptom is increasing pain with your period. lt is like having a lot of small periods inside your lower abdomen. Nb one really underslands why this happens. However, the patients who sulfer from this problem can experience significant pain and discomfort.


Minimal Recommendation






Essentials Proflavanol 90 (1 Prgtlavanot gO=g proflavanot)

Many patients suffer from seizures and are tahng potent medications to contror them. A seizure occurs when the electical cunent, which is passing through the brain, actually short circuit and creates an abnormal stimulation of the bady. There are many types and severity of seizures. Some involve a simple blank stare, Mich usua y lasts for S to 15 slcoirds (petit Mal Seizure) to complete loss ofconsciousness and viorent jerking hovements of the extremities (Grand mar seizure). ihere are severaltypes of selzures found between these two extremes.
nutritional p_rogram. Magnesium in supptementation alone has been shown to lower the medications.

Patients who suffer with seizures can have significant improvements if they add an aggresslve

all kinds of seizures. r recommend adding the following nutritional program to their
Oplimal Reaommendations Nutfitional Supptemenl
Active Calcium Proflavangl 90 ('! Proflavanol 9O=3 Proflavanot) Optomeqa Biomeqa -3 (an oDtion instead of ODtomeoa} 2

fre{iency ot





Minimal Recornmendation





Active Calcium Proflavanol 90 (1 Proflavanol 9O=3 Proflavanol)


of sfmptoms and complaints, which mimic many illnesses. physicians usullty do very extensivl
workups only to find that eveMhing appears pretty much normal.

Fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue is a disease of exclusion. ln other words, these patients have an array

Optimal Recommendations Nutritional Supplement

Essentials Active Calcium Proflavanol S (1 Proflavanol goi3 proflavanol) Coquinone 30 Optolnega Biomega -i (an ottion instEilE6ii6meqa)






Minimal Recommendation





Essentials Proflavanol 90 (1 Pronavanol g0=5f rofl-avanot)




Gullian-Barre Syndrome is an ascending paralysis caused by an autoimmune attack on lhe Some believe a recent viral infection may be responsible for the autoimmune reaction.


Optimal Recommendations Nutritional SuoDlement

Essentials Active Calcium Proflavanol 90 (1 Proflavanol 90=3 Proflavanol) Coquinone 30 Optomeqa Biomeqa -3 (an oDtion instead of ODtomeqa)




2 tsDs

Gout is when the blood u.ic acid level gets too high and uric acid crystals begin to deposit within the joint. These urate crystals cause tremendous inflammation and anyone who has had an acute Gout attack can testify to that fact. There are good medications available that are able to bring down the uric acid level in the blood. However, many patients are able to controltheir Gout by simple lifestyle changes.

Optimal Recommendations Nutriiional Supplement

Essentials Aclive Calcium Proflavanol 90 ('1 Proflavanol 90=3 Proflavanol) Optomeqa Biomeqa -3 (an option instead of ODtomeoa)

1 1 1




2 tspE

Minimal Recommendation

Nutritional Supplement





Hemochromastosis is a genetic disease wherein patients absorb and maintain too much iron from their diet

lron is known to cause increased free radical production and thus significant oxidative str6s in the body. This leads to premature chronic degenerative diseases like cancer, cinhosis ofthe liver, heart attacks, strokes, etc. Approximately 32 million Americans are carrieE for hemochromatosis, but only about 1 in 200 actually have the disease.

Nutritional SuDDlement rls

Active Calcium Proflavanol 90 (1 Proflavanol 90=3 Proflavanol) Coquinone 30 Whev Protein drink AlDha liDoic acid 250 mq Milk Thistle 300 mo ODtomeqa Biomeqa -3 (an option instead of Optomeqa)





Hepatitis B is the ninth leading cause of death world,,1,ide. lt is 100 times more infective than the HIV or AIDS vkus. Fortunately, once infected with Hepatitis B, 85% to 90% of patients will clear the virus

from their system within six months. The remaining 5%

threatening liver damage


10% Mll develop a serious and lif+

cirrhosis or primary liver cancer.



infected with Hepatitis C. Approximately 8,000 to 10,000 people are dying each year in the U.S. alone due to Hepatitis C and this toll is projected to triple over the next 10 years.


C is quickly becoming one of the more serious infections we must face. There

to be over 4 million Americans alone who are already

Optimal Recommendations Nutdtional Supplement

Essentials Active Calcium Proflavanol 90 ('l Proflavanol 90=3 Proflavanol) Coquinone 30 lililk Thistle 300 mq AlDha liDoic acid 250 mq Optomeqa Biomeoa -3 (an ootion instead of oDtomeoe)



2 2

Asps 2

Minimal Recommendation

Nutritional SuDDlement
Essentials Proflavanol 90 (1 Proflavanol 90=3 Proflavanol) Coquinone 30 Milk Thistle 300 mq AlDha lipoic acid 250 mq




The most common disease ltreat in my office is hypertension. And patients usually anticipate a lifetime of drug therapy. The medical literature is very clear: if we allow hypertension to go unt.eated, there is a significant increased risk in hearth attacks, stroke, congestive hearth failure
and kidney failure.

Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid. The thyroid hormone regulates the metabolic rate in the body and for those lyith hyperthyroidism, one gets too much thyroid in his or her system and the body becomes over-stimulated. This leads to a rapid heart rate, 3iyeaty palms, neryousness, weight loss, increased fatigue and leg weakness. lt can be difficult to d,ecipher whether the thyroid is actually under or overactive without doing blood tests.


occurs when the thyroid gtand is destroyed or is not 9|' l,ryl!,L"'3:T proouclno needed amounts of lhvroid hormone. This Condition has als; been called myxedema due to.the potentiar harm possibre to the uooy wtren ttrere is no tivr"'a rr-Jlri"i ients can beaome fluid), weak and faiisue, tnto_Frant to coid, y.!h. ,"isr,t s"in, :L:T!".1-!11"9 norrce cnangG in their skin and hair, andmay suffer.from jotal "rf"ii"n"J "uiorr"r body pain. They can atso Oev-elop congestive heart failure as well as significant increase in their cholesterol levels under active rhyroid



Epstein Barr virus is associated with tumors, chronic fatigue, and even certain cancers. Actually, more than g0% of the worrd's popuration nas been infectei wi*r uirus and have developed antibodie.s against it. There is a significant of numoer oi peopte, however, who do not recover wet from this itness. T-herefore, it i" JiiilJ'ln rhis case to do everything possible to support the body,s natural immune systeml "ip*iar,,

*r.eli"in'-i"" ilf;;;"i"

Epstein- Bar virus is arso lhe cause of infectious mononucreosis characterized by fever, sore throat, swollen glands (especia v tonsits). and overwhetming fatig"". ini";ir"i prrmarity invotves the lymphatic tissue. river, and spieen of th uoay. ca-using-- row-t"oe-i,epliiiil'ano swerring or tn" spleen. As a resutt, the spleen is more vulnerabie t" even the mitdest of trauma. For this reason athletes and active young people "poitin""ri are cautioniC io avoiO-any contact sports untilthey have totally recovered.

i"L;i"i *ptui"?

swollen tonsirs and fever. rnitiary, it can mimic tnio"i Jr ton"irtiti". rnes" patients. however, do not respond to antibiotics 'il;fi.-n"iJff" " ""iior" oecause tnis "t,"f is viiai inJecti-o*il-"1

Mono is lypically a disease of childhood that peaks in adote-scents. passed by saltva, il is commonly known as the "Kissing disease.,' patients cbme to my office *tn '"ii-p sr,vollen glands,



well and immune system has to cure the disease This is why it is critical to not only rest but also ear qu"f iiy nrttltio*f supplements. This is absofuGly the best keatment availab]e for defeating the potentially serious disease.


optimal Recommendations


Nutritional Supplement
Essentials Active calcium 90-i1 Profla/anol 9o=3 Coquinone 30


1 1




2tsps 2

option jnstead of optomega)

Minimal Recommendation



problem lt is a frustratlng illness lrritable bowel syndrome (lBS) is the most common gastrointestinal. .

uui o"frit"fv riot a seiioui one Patients

experience intermittent abdominal pain' bloating'

constipation, diarrhea, or alternating constipation and diarrhea'

is really no Phvsicians refer to this type of disease as a 'functional" bowel disorder because there oi the small bowel of colon. ln other \,vords, the bowels are normal but lhe .U""r."iiiv '"""o"i"t"a with this disease is due to the fact that the bowets "function" syndrome is a diagnosis of exclusion meaning this disease mimics many lowel it'iit"tr" 56ii"rr,"rrv. other more serious Gl diseases, which must be ruled out.

..ii-i[.i" ;i;-;"i-di";f",1

and The small bowel and colon in thee individuals are normal. They simply contact too vigorousiy quickly'.one too push ever$hing.thro-ugh lf the bowels and discomfort. ; constipation' ""J"" "ig",f;i"i lf the bowel;onkaction are not coordinated, an individual will suffer form ni" ai"rr-f]"". There is ff"ve IBS is a result of too much anxiety or not coping well.with stress more under \,vtlen they are problems more IBS have suffer from lvho no AlrlOi tt"t individuals is just.the lvay god has crealed Ji"li. E"Jiviill!"ponds to stress differen y and I betieve this ttr"r. rn f#, it is noiunusual to see several fimily members or generations of family membeF all suffer from lBS.


Optimal Recommendaiions Nutritional SuPPlement

Essenqals Active Calcium Proflavanol 90 (1 Proflavanol 9o=3 Pr Coquinone sO







Biomaa -3 (an option instead




Minimal Recommendation

it,,rrltlAnr I Srrbnl.manl




Essentials froflavanol 90 (l Protlavanol 90=3 Proflavanol Ti6;rqtGay;aa;aaiti"nal flber to youlFibergv)


Leukemia and lymphoma are cancers of the blood and lymph system. Therefore, they are not considered solid tumor cancers like rung cancer, colon cancer, or breast cancer- Medica science has had much greater success in treati;g bukemia and lymphoma tha; in i;;ating sotid tumors. ln fact' they have made amazing advances in their treatment and the success of their treatment. This is why I always advice my patients who have a diagnosis of teukemia or tymphoma to strongly consider aggressive medical treatment. I rearize that there are certain lymphomas and reukemia thai respond to medical treatment better than others. However, advancF are occurring monthly and you need to be checking with oncologist and medical centers to be sure thal you are ieceiving the n;st recent and most successfulcare.

Nqtritionat Supptement
Essentials qdive Calcium Froflavanol !r0 (1 Proftavanol 9O=3 proflavanol)




loquinone 30
Poly C Optomega Biomeoa -3 (an oDtion instead of Ootomeda\


Lupus is an autoimmune disease involving the connective tissue and the skin of the body. Multiple organ sy-stem may be involved such as the joints, kidneys, lungs, heart, and gastrointGtinal tract. Discoid lupus only involves the skin. This discussion is primarily aimed at sFtemic lupus. ln this case, the body's own immune system is essentially attacking itsell which causes an inhammatory response that damages these organs by a process called oxidative stress.

Nutritional Supplement
Essentials Active Calcium Proflavanol 90 (1 Proflavanol 90=3 Proflavanol\ Coquinone 30 Procosamine lt (Procosa ll) Optomeoa Biomega -3 (an option inilEia oi optomEq,t-




2 2


ln the United States, age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in people over 60,yls.old ofage. Macutar degeneration presenls itseli in two different forms: dry & wet, which both atfect the macula of the eye. This is the area of the retina responsible for our central vision. The dry form is characterized by a gradualreduction in centrai vi;ion, and may progress to the wet form in approximately 10% of the cases. There is no proven treatment cunenfly for the dry form o, macular degeneration.

The wet form causes a more rapid reduction in central vision, development of new vessels, and possible vessl leakage. This form of macurar degeneration is pobntiafly treatabre via laser photocoagulation. However, treatment does not prevenl





Several clinicat studies revealthat the underlying cause of age-relaled macular degeneration is free radical damage or oxidative stress to the macula. Within the eye, high-energy ultraviolet light and the visible blue light creates excessive free radicals. As a person ages, one's ability to offset this free radicals in order to limit oxidative stress, decreases-

Nutrilional SuDDlement
Essentials Active Calcium Prollavanol 90 (1 Proflavanol 90=3 Proflavanol) Visionex Polv C Ootomeoa Biomeoa -3 lan oDtion instead of Optomeoa)






Meniere's disease or syndrome is a progressive disease ol the inner ear, which manifest itself alinically by a triad of symptoms: vertigo (Spinning or floating), tinnitls,(dnging in the ears), and lncreasing ieafness. lt is'believed to be the resutt of degeneration ofthe fine hair cdh located in the vestibulai apparatus (balance centeo of the inner ea;. The onset usualty takes place in the 5'h decade of life and can progress to complete deafness in the affected ear.


Multiple Myeloma represents a malignant proliferation of plasma cells, which are a type of white cell. It is commonly referred to as a bone cancer, since it usually prGents in the bone. lt can cause bone pain but unlike other cancers that spread to the bone, back and rid pain due to multiple myeloma is accentuated by movement. lt literally deskoys bone and leaves a "punched" out or black lesion on x-ray. One of the most frequent findings is elevated calcium and cedain proteins in the blood. These indlviduals all have a depleted immune system and are very vulnerable to infection. They also frequently have kldney failure due to the hlgh calcium levels.


Multiple sclerosis (MS) affects about 250,000 Americans and is about twice as common in women as in men. This disorder affects the myelin sheath (insulation around the nerve). The breakdown of

the myelin, called demyelination, result in impairment of the function of the nerve with presenling
clinical symptoms ot multiple sclerosis.

Muscular dystrophy is a generalterm for several forms of dystrophies. The most common form is Duchene Muscular Dystrophy. Others are like Becker, LimFgirdle, Myotonic, and Congenital Iruscular Dystrophy, just to name a few. They all seem to be caused by a genetic defect that causes a decre6e in ihe production of dystrophin in the muscle, which leads to necrosis of the muscle. All of th6e various muscular dystrophies will have different clinical courses and affect
different muscle groups.

Osteoporosis is an epidemic nutritional deficiency in the United States. More than 25 million Americans suffer with this disease at the cost to the economy of the U.S. of approximately 14 billion dollars each year. At least 1-2 million fractures occur each year in the United States as a direct

result of osteoporosis. Spontaneous compression fractures of lhe vertebrae of the back cause tremendous pain and suffering for those with osteoporosis.

Paget's disease is a disease of the bone. This is where the bone occurs \,vhen there is very rapid resorption of the bone and chaotic new bone fo.mation. Most of the time this disease has no symptoms and doctors will usually pick this up on a routine x-ray oi the head or pelvis. However, sometimes there is obvious deformity of one of the long bones, which may affect your ability to walk properly. Occasionally, the patient may dvelop significant pain in these areas llhere the bone is affected by lhis disease.

PARKINSON'S DISEASE A stooped posture, slow voluntary

movement, rigidity, and a "pill-rolling' tremor characterize Parkinson's disease. Public appearances by lvuhammad Ali have made us all more aware of the effects of this debilitating disease. A wide variety of studies support the role of tree radicals as its underlying cause. The actual cell death (approximately 80%) in the area of the brain called the substantia nigra leads to decreased production of dopamine, a substance thal alloll the brain to function normally. Even thought the body has a great ability to heal itself, once a significant number ofthese cells have already been destroyed, it is difficult to see clinical improvement.

Nutritional SupDlement
ssentials Actlve Calcium Proflavanol 90(1 Proflavanol 90=3 Proflavanol) Coquinone 30 Alpha lipolic acid 250mq Optomeqa Biomeqa -3 (an oDtion instead of ootomeqa)




2 2
1 1

tbls 2

I tbls
2 2




a klnds of problems with our hormonal system. These usually are removed surgically or even sometimes treated with radiation. They are also treated with various medications, which may slow their grolvth and decrease their recur.ence.
This is a benign grorvth of the pituitary gland that can cause

Nutritional SupDlernent
Essentials Active Calcium Profl avanol 9011 Proflevanol g0=3 Coquinone 30 Optomeoa Biomeqa -3 (an option instead ol Ootomeqa)




2 tsos



Psoriasis is a chronic skin problem that may or may not associated with arthritis. Grape seed extract (proflavanol) is used in Europe as a treatment for this disease. I have had relatively good rFults using nutritional supplementation in both ofthese situations.


Reflex sympathetic dFtrophy (RSD) is a regional pain syndrome that usually develops after some

type of tissue injury. Characteristias of RSD include: spontaneous pain, exaggerated pain in response to mild stimulation, and simply being hypersensitive in a particular area. This syndrome
may become disabling and frustrating for the patient who suffers from this disorder. The underlying cause ofthis abnormality remains a mystery.

Arthritis is a degenerative process of the joints. Though it is not a disease that will typically shorten .one's life, lt will certainly cause significant pain if left untreated. Rheumatoid arthritis can be severely .dsabling as well.


Nutritional Supplement
Essentlals Active Calcium Proflavanol 90(1 Proflavanol 90=3 proflavanol) Coquinone 30 Proscosamine ll Optomega Biomega -3 (an option instead of Optomega)




2 tbls 2

I tbls

Thb is an adult type acne, which is usually postular and involves the area around the nose and
ciEeks. I would definitely advice these patients to continue using the oral medications, which has

been prescribed by their physician. This usually is an antibiotic that fatts into the tetracyctine family of antibiotics.

Schizophrenia is a significant mental disorder that certainly involves abnormal chemistry in the brain. lhese patients need to continue their medications and use nutritionat support as way to

imFove and stabilize their condition.

Sdqlderma, a disease affecting fourteen million people worldwide and 150,0m in the United gais, is believed to be by most researchers an autoimmune disease that ptmarily affects connective tissue throughout the body. Although it may be limited to the skin, most ofren other organs are also lnvolved such as: the lungs, esophagus, kidneys, heart, and blood vessels
throughout the body. This intense inflammatory reaction causes significant inflammation of the small

arteries, which leads to poor circulation and lack of blood supply to many various organs of the body. As a result, there is an intense build up to flbrous scarring and organ damage.

Nutritional Supolement
Essentials Active Calcium Prollavanol 90(1 Proflavanol 90=3 Proflavanol) Coquinone 30 Niacin 250mq slow release Optomeqa Biomeoa -3 lan ootion instead of ootomeoa)


1 1




2 2

t tbls

Shingles is the result ot a viral inieation caused by the varicella zoster virus (\ZV), also known as the human herpesvirus-3 (HHV-3). This is actually the chicken pox virus that manifest itself later in life. Nine out of ten people have been infected by the chicken pox virus, and inspite of totally recovering from chicken pox, the virus "sets up shop" and lays dormant in the sensory nerves of the spinal cord.

The hallmark presentation of shingles is a "painful" rash that follows along a particular nerve of the body. lt almost always involves only one side ofthe body and may be seen anywhere from the scalp to the lower leg. I become very suspicious of shingles in a patient who comes into my clinic with an unusual, unexplained localized pain. lt is. not uncommon that pain precedes the rash (even by several days). Therefore, I warn my patients to look for the development of a rash because early, effective treatment with anti-viral medication not only shortens the course ol the disease but can also signiflcantly reduce later complications. This is why I encourage anyone who is concemed that they may be developing shingles to seek medical advice immediately. This gives you the best chance in preventing the most serious complication of shingles, postherpetic neuralgia.

Ulcerative colitis is an inllammatory disease of the colon or large bowel that is classified as an autoimmune disease. lt is essentially arthritis ol the bowel wherein one's own immune system ls actually atlacking the mucosal lining of the large bowel and creating a an jnflammatory response. This in turn causes significant oidative stress, and the demand on the antioxidant defense system

ofthe large bowel is ovenyhelming.

I recommend that all my patients take the basic nutritional support I refer to as cellular nutrition. This foundatiooal regime provides all the necessary micronutrients to the cell at ideal levels (not RDA levels) for signiflcant health benefits as documented in the medical literature. When the cell is given maximum support, it can then determine what it does and does not need. Over a six-month period each cell is able to not only overcome nutritional deficiencies but also to oplimize A!I. the nutrients,

vrhich are needed to combat oxidative stress. The synergistic effect of providing all lhe nutrients needed by one's body at the most advantageous levels results in optimizing and rebuilding the body's natural immune system, antioxidant, and repair systems backto their fullest fighling potential against disease.

MINIMAL SUPPORT FOR CELLULAR NUTRITION: My minimal recommendation lor creating cellular nutrition is to simply take Usana's

l\rega Antioxidant and Chelated Minerals, called "The Essentials' at their recommended doses (3 of each daily). The essentials offers the cell ALL oi the antioxidants, B-cofactors, and antioxidant minerals needed by the cell at ideal levels. ln order to achieve the best resutts, I recommend taking I Mega Antioxidant and I Chelated Mineral with each meal. Nutrjtionals should always be taken with food

because of better absorption and better tolerance. However, as a physician, I aealize that compliance with taking supplements three times a day is a majot issue. Therefore, if you tend to frequently forget the lunchtime dose, I suggest taking the supplements twice daily: taklng 2 Mega Antioxidants and 1 Chelated Mineral in the morning with breaKast and 1 mega Antioxidar{ and 2 Chelated Minerals in the evening meal with evening meal.


I also recommend adding to the Usana Essentials either Optomega (2 lsps daily) or Biomega-3 (4 capsutes daily), which provides the essential fats and Fibergy, which assures the individual is recelving the additional fiber his or her body needs. I also recommend adding Active calcium (4 tablets daily) to provide additional calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D that our bodies need. These recommendations provide allthe nutrients at their ideal levels creating the cellular nutrition I recommend in my book, Whet your Dodot Doesn't Know About Nuttitional Medicine May Be Ki ing You. 39
For the most favorable results for basic cellular nutdtion,


OPNIEERS I b crticd that you lcIow the necessity

nxre ttle b6b cdlular nukition offers you the best chance to bring this oxidatjve stess back under corfol. The synergy and increased potency created by this approach to nutrihonat medicine is why
I'm able to get such consistent results in my patients. However, to suit each individual's unique needs, I always offer both an optimal ard a minimal plan for cellular nutrition and for adding Optimizers. Obviously, one's improvement will be quicker and more consistent with ihe optimal recommendations; however, a minimal regime aan still produce signiflcant clinical resufts.

of adding optimizer to you foundafional cellutar nutrition for rcsl.dts. Patients who are suffering from a chronic degenerative disease or illness are under oxidative stress than the average heatthy individual. Therefore, adding potenl Optimizers to

meal substitute. ln fact, I personally start every moming r/ith 2 scoop of Fibergy, 2 scoops of Soyomax, and 2 teaspoonfuls of Optomega. This provides me with a pefect, batanced unpoituted meal to start my day. lt allows me the opportunity to supplement my diet with soy protein; elitra needed fiber, and essential fat. This meal is also a low-glycemic meat, which will not spike my blood sugar. Likerrvise, many USANA associates are using their imaginations to creale exceptionally tasting meals with Fibergy, Optomega, and the USANA Lean Drinks. By blending in frozen, whote fruit for added flavor they are creating a variety of great tasting drinK. lsn't it remarkable that by simply taking I.JSANA Essentials, Active Calcium and a power drink (remember, to consider this part ofyour food budget, since it is replacing an entire meal), the body is supplied with complete, and balanced cellular nutrition for every cell in the body? The synergy
that is created, especially when adding needed Optimizers is phenomenal. Remember, lhe underlying problem is oxidative stress NOT a nutritional deficiency. USANA has a fantastic line of nutritionally balanced drinks that many of my patients consume as a


Ove. eighty percent of my patients are able to start the USANA Nutritional program with absolutety no setbacks while beginning to experience the health benefits of high-quality nutritional supplements immediately. Please keep in mind these supplements are extremely potent and optimal levels of nutrients are being provided that the body has never had before. The body is therefore able to finally rid itself oftoxins, which have been accumulating for years (called detoxification). This is especially true in those who are suffering from a serious illness and are taking a significant amount of medication. lt is important to understand the possible signs and symptoms of detoxification so that you can deal'rith them confidently and properly.

The most common detoxincation reaction is muscle aches and/ or mild headache. These symptoms will usually pass within a few weeks. lf the discomfort is not unbearabte, I simply have my patients continue their program as I have prescribed. However, occasionally there is a more severe reaction. The patient is not in danger, rather, the amounts of nutrients are just too much too fast. ln this case, I have my patients quit their supplements for a few days untit the reaction subsides. I will then have them starl back on their program but initially at lower doses (approximately) one third of the recommended dose). Once they are tolerating this amount of supplementation, I suggest slowly
building up to the recommended doses. Some of my patients actually develop a "detox' skin rash somewhere on their body. As you know, the skin is an imponant route for ridding the body's toxins .This rash is a dry, red rash that looks almost like a mild sunburn. Some people confuse this with an allergic reaction to the suppiements This is not typically so. I have never seen an allergic reaction to the USANA essentiats and can only recall a couple of patients who reacted to Proflavanol because they were actually allergic to grapes.

common "detox" reaction because the Gl tract is another prime route

Patients may also experience some aspect of loose stools or even diarrhea. This again is a for eliminating toxins from the


body. symptom will usually diminish within a couple of weeks. lt is an important part of the _This detoxification and healing process. Therefore, I usually encourage my patienis to continue the supplements as recornmended unless their bottom gets too sore. I willtheDagain recommend lower doses of the supplements until they feel better and then begin adding the supplements back more slolviy until the recommended doses are reached. Diarrhea can be the resuf 6f the magnesium in the Active Calcium or by the Prollavanol. Again, this is usually a mild reaction and will im-prove over the first week or two. However, some of my patients need to discontinue the Active Calcium and/or the Proflavanol until this settles down. I then have them stowly add back the proflavanoi and eventually the Active Calcium.

lncreasing dietary fiber may also increase the amount of intestinal gas and the frequency of bowel movements. This lyill improve with time as the body adjust to the higher intake of fiber, but is an important aspect of getting rid ofthe toxins, which have accumulated in the body.

A small percentage of patients develop a natural relaxation response when minetals are absorbed into lheir body. This is of great concern to those patients who have just been told that nukitjonal
supplementation will help improve their energy level. They take the supplements as recommended only to find themselves more faiigued and dragging themselves through their day. lf you experience tiis response, I recommend that you take alt of your minerals (including the Actlve Calcium) with a light bedtime snack. lhis allows you to take advantage of your body's response while getting a good night's sleep.


A small percentage of patients have difiiculty tolerating vitamin C. it can cause an upset stomach
that will usually become evident a couple days after starting their nutritional program. With USANA,S specially combined vitamin C into Poly C. I have seen many of people who could not previousty

tolerate any nutritional supplement do very well with USANA'S Mega Antioxidant. However, if
largest meal. I anticipate building them up to the recommended level of supplementation, but sometimes this !s just not possible. For those extremely sensitive, I advise using Body Rox. (the teenage dose of Antioxidants and lrinerals) as the best alternative option. Takinq Your Supplements with Your Medication I am ofren asked "Can I take my nutritionals with my medications?" To this I respond with this question, 'Can you eat?' I hope my point is made gently but clearly - nutritionat supplements simply contain nutrients we should be getting from our foods, but at levels we can no longer obtain from oui foods. lf you can eat anything, you can also take nutritional supplements. The oniy exception to this is for those taking the medication, Coumadin Warfarin), which btocks vitamin K in the body as a way of thinning the blood. lf a patient is on Coumadin, I recommend he or she take the Canadian Essentials and Canadian Active Calcium because they contain no Vitamin K. Also, patients who are on thyroid medication should take their medication on an empty stomach at least t hour prior to meals or prior to taking supplements. Thyroid medication should not be taken with food or with
supplements because calcium can block the absorption of the medication. nausea is experienced, I suggest taking one Mega Antioxidant with the largest meal. Once this level of supplementation is better tolerated, I suggest slowly adding another Mega antioxidant to the next

Nutritional Recommendations for chitdren Usana health Sciences has the best nutritional support

recommendations ior cellular nutritional and for each optimizer according to age and weight.

tor all ages. I wjll detail my

Children aoes I to 4 vears of ade: I recommend giving children 't usanimal daily. This may mean crushing the tablet and putting in a drinking or spinkling it on some. lt is important lo also consider giving these children 1 tsp oi
optomega daily.
5 to 8 vears of aoe: I recommend giving these children I Usanimat twice daily. I also recommend that they be tattrg J, lgp. of optomega and 1 Active Calcium tablet (or Active Calcium Chewable) daily.

Children aqes


ChiHren aoes 9 to 12

I re.ommend giving these I to 2 body Rox daity depending on the weight of the child. lf they are over 75 pounds, I generally recommend that they should be taking 2 body Rox daity, tn this age g.oup, I also recommend that they take 2 tsps of Optomega and 2 Active Calcium tabtets br
Chewable tablets daily.

'13 to 18 I recommend that these children take 3 Body Rox daily along with 3 to 4 Active Cabium tablets or Chewable Active Calcium tablets. They shoutd also be taking 2 tsps of Optomega or 3 to 4 Biomega-3. any adolescent in lhis age group who is suffering from a serious illnes,s ot weights more than 120 pounds should also consider taking the Usana Essentiats.

Children aqes


I recommend giving children 1 to 2 mg of Proflavanol per pound per day (this is 3 to 5 mg per kilogram) in at least two divided doses. The smalter proflavanol tablet has 30 mg of proflavanoi in each tablet, the Proflavanol 90 has 90 mg in each tabte. I have no hesitation in u;ing proftavanol in children who over 2 years of age. These tablets may be crushed and placed in a drink or food with
no loss of potency.

I recommend giving children 1 to 2 mg of Coquinone per pound per day (this is 3 to S mg per kilogram) in divided doses. Each Coquinone 30 has 30 m9 of coquinone. This capsute may be punctured and the contents squirted out into a drink or food with no loss of potency.
POLY C There is a very safe range of using Poly C in children. However, I would only use ,1 daily in children under 6 years of age and 2 to 4 daily in children over 7 years of age depending on the severity of their illness and their weight.

SOME POSITIVE REACTIONS (These {These are for generat oenerel information infr''metion onty) onlul

HEALING REACTIONS (These are for generat information onty) {ealinq Reactions Possible underlying causes Course of action It is a sign of improved immune .ltch subsides with improvement function, the white blood cells conditions
gobbling up bacteria or toxin beneath the skin. Weak kidney cause reverse flow of toxin which may cause


on back 3.
{eadache Ear

itchiness heatiness, point or itchiness


improvement of sweat gland Measles reverse flow ot bile. Blood flow restriction in the head Poor blood circulation; poor neurotransmission in ears Chronic liver hardening. The body needs much rest when cells repair Neural imbalance: anemia

a sign


Pain fade awev with imbrovempnl Fade off when conditions improve Sleepiness disappears v',,hen cells recover Continue consumption, reduce dosage if necessary. Be patient and bear it out Eetter swallowing of food


Nausea / Vomiting Pimples

Abdominal and digestive problems.Congestion in the cortex of skin; lipids and toxins Weak peripheral capillaries; check for viral infections too Cells activity increased, just as exercise increase thirst Lung cells re-activated throwing up

Subside aner two to three weeks

Will improve with improvement of

capillaries elasticitv Drink more good quality water
A good sign

'0 ''!.

Phlegm and cough Head itch eyes

exoectorenl New cells grow fast causing old damaoed cells to oeel off
Circulation in eyes improve, excretino waste maller Wellfed cells require less f Week. heart. anemia Osteo nerve pressure, weak kidneyi obesity; possible womb problem in women: observe sittino oosture Ulcer in stomach or duo denim Possible inflammation of kidney, Dancreas of bladder- neuritis Kidney glomerulus's infection; leakaoe of Drotein Clearing of uric acid from body Claring oftoxin from cells ofthe bodv Kidney or bladder stones dislodged stones dislodged or already discharoed Peristalsis in bowels improve Color inflammation, usually oily discharge 2-3 times a day without discomfort Abdominal and digestive disorder

A good sign A good sign


Back ache

\ good sign A oood sidn Pain subsides with cell regeneration

Bear for a few days, pain will subside Stabilize when condition improve Conduct protein examinations and comoare at internal of a month Normalize when condition improves Normalize when condition improves Clear when condition improves



High uric acid




scharqe Diarrhea

Clear when condition imDroves Clear when condition improves


Good sign may reduce dosage sliohtlv and exerclse



Piles; tumor in colon Capillaries in cervax weak; presences of tumor check for infection too Acute pain may signal inner lining displacement or oresence of tumor Weak kidney; improve with increased immune function Peripheral neuron'transmission and blood circulation improving, a gaod sign Nervous system makes and is on the mend lncrease in immune function, macrophaoes able to qobble up excess fat Physical appearance, skjn, eyesight is improving, some customers look forward to some obvious improvemenl but do not see any and think lhe product is not good. The fact is the body is improving from within. Excess sugar in cells are excreted Fatty deposits on artery wells are eliminated Blood circulation improves but arterial constriction not yet eliminated which result in high pressure. When the microphages are activated and clear up the neutral fatty deposits, blood pressure will reduce.

27. 28.

Cervical pain Obesity Numbness, prickly sensation in extremities of limbs lvuscle cramp Loss of body weight No obvious reaction

29. 30. 31. 32.

lf situatign persist over 2 weeks, consult doctor It situation persist over 2 weeks. consult ovnecolooist lf situation persist over 2 week6. consult ovnecolo.,isl Need constant nourishment throu0h nutrition Normalize when condition improves lmprove with improvement in neurotransmissions Congratulations Observe lhe difference before and after consuming products

33. 34. 35.

High (elevated) blood suoar

lmprove in a matter of days lmprove in a matter of days Continue with prescription drug but take daily blood pressure/level reading. Observe a drop in the blood pfessure/level

High Blood pressure

Aftplwww.boinutritior.o4gr. Every effort has been made to make this booklet as accurate as possible. The purpose of this booklet is to educate and inform. As such it is based on scientific evidence and Dr. Strand's clinical training and experience. No individual should at any time use the information foqnd on this booklet for selfdiagnosis, treatment, or justification in accepting or declining any medical therapy for any health problems or diseases. Any application of the advice herein is at tha reider's own discretion and risk. Therefore, any individual who has a specific health problem or is taking medications must first seek. advice from his or her personai physician or healthcare provider before starting a nutritional supplement program. Dr. Strand shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to loss, damage, or injury caused or alleged to be caused direcfly or indirec y by the information contained in this booklet. We assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any inconsislency herein. Any sights of people, places, or organizations are unintentional. (For mor; informations, log on tot

The inlormation found in this booklet is compited from Dr. Ray Strand,s Bio-nutrition website


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