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How to Fix Earth's Water Supplies in 28 Tweets

New water tech is commerical public domain: tmospheric water !enerators" #i$esa%er bottles" &' (ens" )*one" N+, Nano- Wh. the silence/ ,o*ens o$ puri$ication technolo0ies" $rom 12 sand $ilters to 13445 atmospheric water 0enerators" could pro%ide water $or Earth ri0ht nowThere's no need $or to 0o without water- 6oderation in the oil and meat7$armin0 industries could $ree up billions o$ litresEntrenched interests are slow to promote water tech- Entrenched apath. slow to ta8e the initiati%e- 9an %iral media and crowd$undin0 step up/

9eramic Filters" +one 9har Filtration" +ic.cle Filters" #imestone Filtration" The #i$estraw" Nano Filters" I0nored Water Tech (t3The #i$esa%er +ottle" Fo0 9ollectors" tmospheric Water !enerators" ,esalination" Solar ,istillation" &ltra 'iolet : )*one- Water Tech (t 2; 'ester0aard Frandsen ma8e the <#i$estraw=" a $ilter that uses the natural suction $rom the human mouth to pump- #i$e use est- at >44 litres; new wa%e o$ ?u0 $ilters has hit Western shel%es- Soma and Eau !ood are ma8in0 water puri$ication more sustainable; The N+, Nano is on the %er0e o$ ma8in0 a sel$7$illin0 water bottle- It ma. end up retailin0 at 24 to 24 dollars; )*one 0enerators" costin0 $rom 344 dollars upwards" ha%e been in use $or decades in swimmin0 pools" home puri$ication and blood ban8s@)*oneA is a %er. stron0 broad spectrum disin$ectant widel. used in Europe- It is an e$$ecti%e method to inacti%ate harm$ul proto*oa- W8ipda ;

The #ondon School o$ H.0iene B Tropical 6edicine $ound the #i%esa%er bottle to completel. $ilter out all bacteria and %iruses6(ritchard" #i$esa%er bottle in%entor estimates that it would cost 124b to pro%ide clean drin8in0 water to e%er. human bein0 on Earth; &' puri$ication pens complement chlorination and boilin0" and ma. wor8 e$$ecti%el. as part o$ a multi7sta0e puri$ication process-

; Fo0Cuest: )ne lar0e $o0 collector" with a D4 m2 collectin0 sur$ace" will t.picall. produce an a%era0e o$ 244 # per da. throu0hout the .ear24473444 litres o$ water per da. to mountain towns : %illa0es- Fo0Cuest has set up $ence collectors in remote locations throu0hout Earth-

tmospheric Water !enerators are on sale now- 22 liters: per da." 32 liters per da. in dr. climates- (rice 3728- Wh. is the media silent/

9rowd$undin0" ,esalination and Eobs In FWh. ,esalination ,oesn't wor8 GHetIF 6ichael Shirbir writes that desalination is approachin0 price parit. with 0round pumpin09rowd$undin0 is the best a%enue to $ind" popularise and $und water technolo0. pioneers- Water pioneers ha%e crowd$unded millions,esalination plants" &ltra 'iolet pens" 9la. $ilters" 'ertical Farms" Fo0 9ollectors" Seawater !reenhouses- How man. ?obs are waitin0/ FWh. are the. handin0 out Nobel (ri*es $or !raphene" still .ears awa. $rom mar8et" when there are a ton o$ technolo0ies sittin0 on shel%es/F7 non How lon0 will it ta8e to ressurect Earth's water supplies/ The tools are sittin0 there- 9rowd$undin0 ethical S6E's is the 8e. to liberation-

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