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The correct answer for each question is indicated by a 1CORRECT

The Internet model consists of _______ layers. A)Three B Five ) C) even D)Ei!h t


The #rocess$to$#rocess delivery of the entire messa!e is the res#onsibility of the _______ layer. A)%etwor& B Trans#ort ) C)'##lication D)(hysical


The _______ layer is the layer closest to the transmission medium. A)(hysical B *ata lin& ) C)%etwor& D)Trans#ort


,ail services are available to networ& users throu!h the _______ layer. A)*ata lin& B (hysical ) C)Trans#ort D)'##lication


's the data #ac&et moves from the u##er to the lower layers. headers are _______. A)'dded

B Removed ) C)Rearran!ed D),odified


The _______ layer lies between the networ& layer and the a##lication layer. A)(hysical B *ata lin& ) C)Trans#ort D)%one of the above


1ayer " lies between the #hysical layer and the _______ layer. A)%etwor& B *ata lin& ) C)Trans#ort D)%one of the above

3%'% 4ERE *

4hen data are transmitted from device ' to device 5. the header from '6s layer + is read by 56s _______ layer. A)(hysical B Trans#ort ) C)'##lication D)%one of the above The _______ layer chan!es bits into electroma!netic si!nals. A)(hysical B *ata lin& ) C)Trans#ort D)%one of the above



4hich of the followin! is an a##lication layer service9

A)Remote lo!$in B File transfer and access ) C),ail service D)'ll the above


4hy was the O I model develo#ed9 A),anufacturers disli&ed the TC(:I( #rotocol suite. B The rate of data transfer was increasin! e;#onentially ) C) tandards were needed to allow any two systems to communicate D)%one of the above


The _______ model shows how the networ& functions of a com#uter ou!ht to be or!ani<ed. A)CCITT BO I ) C)I O D)'% I


The #hysical layer is concerned with the movement of _______ over the #hysical medium. A)#ro!rams B dialo!s ) C)#rotocols D)bits


The O I model consists of _______ layers. A)three B five ) C)seven



In the O I model. as a data #ac&et moves from the lower to the u##er layers. headers are _______. A)added B removed ) C)rearran!e d D)modified


In the O I model. when data is transmitted from device ' to device 5. the header from '6s layer - is read by 56s _______ layer. A)#hysical B trans#ort ) C)session D)#resentation


In the O I model. what is the main function of the trans#ort layer9 A)node$to$node delivery B #rocess$to$#rocess messa!e delivery ) C)synchroni<ation D)u#datin! and maintenance of routin! tables


In the O I model. encry#tion and decry#tion are functions of the ________ layer. A)trans#ort B session ) C)#resentation D)a##lication


4hen a host on networ& ' sends a messa!e to a host on networ& 5. which address does the router loo& at9 A)#ort B lo!ical ) C)#hysical D)none of the above


To deliver a messa!e to the correct a##lication #ro!ram runnin! on a host. the _______ address must be consulted. A)#ort B I( ) C)#hysical D)none of the above


I(v/ has _______ $bit addresses. A)) " B/ ) + C)1" 2 D)variable


IC,(v/ includes _______. A)I=,( B 'R( ) C)R'R( D)a and b


The ______ layer is res#onsible for movin! frames from one ho# >node? to the ne;t.

A)#hysical B data lin& ) C)trans#ort D)none of the above


The ______ layer adds a header to the #ac&et comin! from the u##er layer that includes the lo!ical addresses of the sender and receiver. A)#hysical B data lin& ) C)networ& D)none of the above


The_________ layer is res#onsible for the delivery of a messa!e from one #rocess to another. A)#hysical B trans#ort ) C)networ& D)none of the above


The Internetwor&in! (rotocol >I(? is a ________ #rotocol. A)reliable B connection$oriented ) C)both a and b D)none of the above


_______ is a #rocess$to$#rocess #rotocol that adds only #ort addresses. chec&sum error control. and len!th information to the data from the u##er layer. A)TC( B 3*( )

C)I( D)none of the above


__________ #rovides full trans#ort layer services to a##lications. A)TC( B 3*( ) C)'R( D)none of the above


The ________ address. also &nown as the lin& address. is the address of a node as defined by its 1'% or 4'%. A)#ort B #hysical ) C)lo!ical D)none of the above


Ethernet uses a ______ #hysical address that is im#rinted on the networ& interface card >%IC?. A))"$bit B /+$bit ) C)/$byte D)none of the above


' #ort address in TC(:I( is ______ bits lon!. A)) " B+ ) 2 C)1 / D)none of the above


The ____ created a model called the O#en ystems Interconnection. which allows diverse systems to communicate. A)O I BI O ) C)IEE E D)none of the above


The seven$layer _____ model #rovides !uidelines for the develo#ment of universally com#atible networ&in! #rotocols. A)O I BI O ) C)IEE E D)none of the above


The #hysical. data lin&. and networ& layers are the ______ su##ort layers. A)user B networ& ) C)both >a? and >b? D)neither >a? nor >b?


The session. #resentation. and a##lication layers are the ____ su##ort layers. A)user B networ& ) C)both >a? and >b? D)neither >a? nor >b?


The _______ layer lin&s the networ& su##ort layers and the user su##ort

layers. A)trans#ort B networ& ) C)data lin& D)session


The _______ layer coordinates the functions required to transmit a bit stream over a #hysical medium. A)trans#ort B networ& ) C)data lin& D)#hysical


The _______ layer is res#onsible for deliverin! data units from one station to the ne;t without errors. A)trans#ort B networ& ) C)data lin& D)#hysical


The ______ layer is res#onsible for the source$to$destination delivery of a #ac&et across multi#le networ& lin&s. A)trans#ort B networ& ) C)data lin& D)#hysical


The ________ layer is res#onsible for the #rocess$to$#rocess delivery of the entire messa!e. A)trans#ort B networ&

) C)data lin& D)#hysical


The ______ layer establishes. maintains. and synchroni<es the interactions between communicatin! devices. A)trans#ort B networ& ) C)session D)#hysical


3%'% 4ERE *

The _______ layer ensures intero#erability between communicatin! devices throu!h transformation of data into a mutually a!reed u#on format. A)trans#ort B networ& ) C)data lin& D)#resentation The _________ layer enables the users to access the networ&. A)trans#ort B a##lication ) C)data lin& D)#hysical



TC(:I( is a ______ hierarchical #rotocol suite develo#ed ____ the O I model. A)seven$layer@ before B five$layer@ before ) C)si;$layer@ before D)five$layer@ after


The TC(:I( _______ layer is equivalent to the combined session. #resentation. and a##lication layers of the O I model. A)a##lication B networ& ) C)data lin& D)#hysical


The ________ address. also &nown as the lin& address. is the address of a node as defined by its 1'% or 4'%. A)#hysical B I( ) C)#ort D)s#ecific


The ____ address uniquely defines a host on the Internet. A)#hysical B I( ) C)#ort D)s#ecific


The_____ address identifies a #rocess on a host. A)#hysical B I( ) C)#ort D)s#ecific

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