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Section 19-01
19-011 Equipment
11 The remote control and automation equipment are to be approved by the Society, as per the requirements given in section 19-02 12 Equipment is to be suitable for the considered use !t is sub"ect to an acceptance made on the basis of the applicable requirements of the present #ules and in particular those listed in section 19-02 15

%otation AUT-CC

13 The notation AUT-CC can be granted to ships &hose propulsive installations are controlled and monitored from a centrali'ed control station 14 (utomated installations of these ships are to comply &ith the technical applicable requirements stipulated in section 19-0)

19-012 Remote control of the propellin m!chiner"

11 The remote control of propulsive plants *+iesel engines, steam turbines or electric propulsive plant, are to meet the requirements laid do&n in 19-0$

Not!tion $%RT

-1 The notations AUT-&S and AUT do not cover the running of the installations &hen the ship is in port or at anchor The aim of the notation ./#T is to allo& this e0tension, nevertheless this notation may be granted separately

19-01' (nte r!te) propul*ion *"*tem* - Not!tion (NT

11 The notation !%T may be granted to ships provided &ith an integrated propulsion system *association of a main engine &ith a stand-by engine, and fulfilling satisfactorily the applicable requirements of section 19-0This notation can be associated &ith any follo&ing automation notation

21 The notation (1T can be granted to ships &hose automated installations comply first &ith the granting conditions of the notation (1T-2S and comply additionally &ith 19-04

19-01# Autom!tion not!tion*

%otation (1T-2S

16 Ships &hose machinery spaces are intended to be periodically unattended in all sailing conditions including manoeuvring may be granted the notation (1T-2S 17 The requirements applicable to automated installations of these ships are listed in 19-03
2 Not!tion AUT

-2 (utomated installations of ships intended to be granted the notation ./#T are to comply &ith section 1905

for the propulsion, the generation of electrical energy and the generation of steam,

19-015 +ocument* to ,e *u,mitte)

11 (ny dra&ing and document necessary to chec6 that the requirements of the present chapter are actually met have to be submitted for approval to the Society (ccording to the case, this documentation may include for instance7

a general diagram sho&ing the monitoring and8or control positions for the various installations, &ith an indication of the means of access and sho&ing also the means of communication bet&een them as &ell as &ith the engineers, the general specification for the automation of the ship, the nomenclature of the transducers and apparatuses used in the automation circuits, other

the detailed specification of the various systems, from both a functional and a technical point of vie&, particularly

instruction hand boo6s containing necessary information for carrying out the &or6 of installation correctly, for finding the causes of faults in operation, for the repairs of faults and for emergency operation, &hen means are provided for doing so

1 st march 1 994

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