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1 9-025


Tests are the following ones:

- functional test during the last hour at the test temperature,

functional test after recovery.

e*uipment not operating during conditioning and testing e+cept for functional test, functional test during the last hour at the test temperature.

Damp heat (IEC Publication 68-2-30/1980: e!t D"a#

Testing conditions C


Temperature: 55 C

!umidity: "5#
$uration: ' cycles: % h&% h

(easurement of insulation resistance )efore test:

e*uipment operating during the complete first cycle and switched off during the second cycle e+cept for functional test, functional test during the first hours of the first cycle at the test temperature and during the last hours of the second cycle at the test temperature, insulation resistance measurements and performance test after recovery at standard atmosphere conditions.

'' $uring this test, the operational characteristics of the e*uipment are to remain within the limits indicated )y the manufacturer.

Col% (IEC Publication! 68-2-1/19&$' 68-2-1 (/19&6' (men%ment 1 /I 983: e!t (b "o) non-heat %i!!ipatin* e+uipment, e!t (% "o) heat %i!!ipatin* e+uipment#
Testing conditions



Temperature: & 5 C ' C

$uration: hours

Temperature: - 5 C ' C $uration: hours

,ote % : for e*uipment installed in non-weather protected locations or cold locations, the test is to )e carried out at - 5 C.


,on heat dissipating e*uipment

- initial measurement of insulation resistance,


!eat dissipating e*uipment


.tatic ,5.

- insulation resistance measurement and functional test after recovery.

-alt mi!t .IEC Publication 68-2-52/198$: e!t /b#

- inclined to the vertical at an angle of at least ,5, then inclined to at least ,5 on the other side of the vertical and in the same plane, - inclined to the vertical of an angle of at least ,5 in plane at right angle to that used previously, then inclined to at least ,5 on the other side of the vertical and in the same plane.

51 .alt mist test is to )e carried out for e*uipment installed in weather e+posed areas. 52
Testing conditions

$ynamic ,5C 2sing the directions defined in %"-3 5-1%, the e*uipment is to )e rolled to an angle of ,5 each side of the vertical with a period of %3 seconds. The test in each direction is to )e carried out for not less than %5 minutes.

- initial measurement of insulation resistance and initial functional test, e*uipment not operating during conditioning. /our spraying periods of hours each at a temperature )etween %5 C and '5 C, with a storage of 0 days after each. 5' period, /unctional test on the 0th day of each storage


(%%itional te!t!

insulation resistance measurement and operational test after recovery, - in addition a visual e+amination is to )e carried out to ensure that no deterioration of any part has occured.

0% 4dditional tests may )e re*uired, depending on particular manufacturing or operational conditions5 for instance:

mechanical endurance, temperature shoc6 test 7for instance on e+haust gas temperature sensors: from 3 C 5 C to ma+imum temperature of the range: % shoc6s8.

1!t ma)ch 1996

92:;42 0E1I (-

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