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First of all we need to know the characteristics of a Non-profit organization. A non-profit organization is a group organized for purposes other than generating profit and in which no part of the organization's income is distributed to its members, directors, or officers. So, any money earned must be retained by the organization, and used for its own e penses, operations, and programs. Nonprofit organizations must be designated as nonprofit when created and may only pursue purposes permitted by statutes for non-profit organizations. Non-profit organizations include churches, public schools, public charities, public clinics and hospitals, legal aid societies, !olunteer ser!ices organizations etc. "ost of the non-profit organizations recei!e income from donations. #here are some nonprofit organizations who recei!e income from fees for ser!ices, sale of products, earned interest on in!estments, go!ernment grants or contracts etc. $olunteerism is a key component for nonprofit organizations. $olunteers ser!e a !ariety of roles within organizations. "ost notably, nonprofit organizations are each go!erned by a !olunteer board of directors. $olunteers are also utilized as fundraisers, ser!ice deli!ery staff, staff management, and in numerous other capacities. $olunteers bring personal e periences and professional e pertise to enhance the nonprofit organization. %n &angladesh, many non-profit organizations are helping underpri!ileged and disabled people. Some of the renowned non-profit organizations are 'rameen, &(A) &angladesh, Suro!i, Acid Sur!i!ors Foundation *ASF+, Autism ,elfare Foundation, Association for Social Ad!ancement *ASA+, )A(- &angladesh etc. % am !ery interested to prepare the report on .Suro!i/. Suro!i is a non-profit organization which was formed in the February 0, 0121, by Sayeda %3bal "and &anu, a social worker with a philanthropic mindset. Suro!i is a &engali word means .fragrance/. Suro!i, located at 4hanmondi, 4haka, a non-go!ernment and non-profitable organisation is a &angladeshi N'5 that pro!ides education to poor children at absolutely no cost. Suro!i was !ery conscious about the fact that there were many children working in houses for hours on end without any possibility of getting an education. Suro!i was established with the aim to gi!e these children basic education and it recognised the fact that the children should not be depri!ed of education 6ust because they were so poor that they had to work in people's homes. ,hen the school under the Suro!i began nobody wanted to send their domestic workers to the school. %t would take too much time away from work or make them too smart so they would want to lea!e - these were probably the usual selfish thoughts of the employers. %n implementing different acti!ities Suro!i follows 7nited Nations )on!ention on )hild (ights as the standard. "icro-credit ser!ice is a!ailable for all parents of students. )hild sponsorship and scholarship programmes are also a!ailable.

Sayeda Akhtar &anu, the founder of Suro!i e plains, 8Suro!i is the crystallsation of my long cherished dream. #he dream of seeing in today's children what we could ne!er be. #he dream of changing people's li!es9 tapping into the unlimited potential of a new born baby. #he main aim behind it is to educate all these poor children and to help them stand on their own feet./ Suro!i belie!es that education empowers these children and helps them to e!ol!e into better citizens

#he ob6ecti!e of the report is di!ided into two parts- #he &road 5b6ecti!e and #he Short 5b6ecti!e. Broad Objective #o gain knowledge on how Non-profit organization like Suro!i works for the benefit of underpri!ileged people in &angladesh. #o determine the application of marketing in nonprofit organization. Specific objective #o identify the effecti!eness of the education and skill de!elopment programme of Suro!i in present social, economic and cultural situation.

4ata collection will be e ecuted through primary and secondary source. :rimary data will be collected through 3uantitati!e and 3ualitati!e method. Secondary data will be collected through different sources i.e. internet, book, newspaper etc. 4epth inter!iew will be e ecuted

#he o!erall programme of Suro!i runs by the support of 'o!ernment, donor and the school's remarkable founder. #here are a total of 0;11 staffs in!ol!ed in

different programmes. #hey are running si children schools in the different areas of 4haka. #here are <;=> )hildren ?earning )entres, 001> pre schools and 001> ?earning camps in <@ districts. Suro!i teaches some e tra-curricular acti!ities, like music, art, computer literacy, doll-making, tailoring, etc. Students attend the training session after school. #he doll making and tailoring products are sold to Arong, one of the biggest handicrafts stores in &angladesh. A part of this income is gi!en to the trainees. So there is a great scope for women empowerment through N'5s like Suro!i.

Service Provision: Nonprofit organizations pro!ide programs and ser!ices to the community. 5ften times, nonprofits are formed or e panded to react to a community need not being met by the go!ernment. Nonprofits also tend to ha!e the ability to act faster than go!ernment in response to an issue. Nonprofits do not ha!e to wait for a ma6ority of citizens to agree upon a proposed solution. (ather, they ha!e the ability to react to a specialized need or a re3uest by a small group of citizens. Social Capital: %n &angladesh non-profit organizations de!elop a sense of community among the citizens by pro!iding a means to engage in social welfare. alue !uardian: Nonprofit organizations pro!ide a mechanism for promoting indi!idual initiati!es for the public good. Nonprofit organizations pro!ide a means by which members of a community can take action in an attempt to change the community they li!e in. #hese actions may take the form of de!eloping a local neighborhood watch program or, on a larger scale, de!eloping an organization that responds to world relief efforts. "dvocacy and Problem Identification: Nonprofit organizations pro!ide a means for drawing public attention to societal issues. Nonprofit organizations make it 8possible to identify significant social and political concerns, to gi!e !oice to under-represented people and points of !iew, and to integrate these perspecti!es into social and political life8.

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