Unc Lfit Final+Review+Sheet

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Lifetime Fitness Final Exam Review What MAY be on the test: ~45 multiple choice ~ 10 True/False 1-2 Multi-part

art Essay Question(s) No equations, very few percentages, know ranges for health measurements Review from Modules: Module 1: Current Health Status and Benefits of Physical Activity What are the two leading causes of death in the United States are diseases that are considered lifestyle related and mostly preventable? a. Cardiovascular disease b. cancer What are some key factors contributing to the increasing prevalence of obesity and excessive body weight in the United States? a. Decreased levels of physical activity b. Consuming greater amounts of calories than expending What are some key goals of the Healthy People 2010 initiative and what are the rationales behind these goals? a. An increase in quality and longevity of a health life b. Eliminating health disparities Quiz 1 Question 1: The leading causes of death in the United States today are largely lifestyle related. What percent of these deaths could have been prevented through a healthy lifestyle program? o 80% Question 2: What is a major form of cardiovascular disease in which the arteries of the heart are narrowed by fatty deposits such as cholesterol and triglycerides preventing the heart from receiving oxygen and nutrients? o Coronary heart disease Question 3: The most effective way to prevent cancer is to incorporate all the following healthy lifestyle habits EXCEPT o Smokeless tobacco instead of cigarettes Question 4: Overweight is defined as a person with a BMI of 25 to 29.9, or, who is between 25 to 30 pounds over the recommended weight for their height Question 5: Which form of cholesterol in known as good cholesterol? o High-density lipoproteins (HDL) Question 6: What is a healthy total cholesterol level for the average adult? o Below 200 mg/dl Question 7: Which form of diabetes accounts for 90 to 95 percent of all cases of diabetes and is associated with poor lifestyle habits and abdominal obesity? o Type 2 diabetes Question 8: Which form of arthritis is caused by degeneration of cartilage in joints creating a wearing on the surfaces of articulating bones, causing inflammation and pain? o Osteoarthritis Question 9: The monetary value of lost work time as a result of musculoskeletal injuries was estimated to be o $120 billion dollars. Question 10: What do Americans name as the number one factor that negatively affects their stress level? o Money Module 2: Health and Fitness Assessments What is cardiovascular disease and who does it affect? o Cardiovascular disease is a broad term used to describe a range of disease that affect the heart or blood vessels. o It affects people with unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking and high fat diets What are the national health objectives? o Healthy people 2010 addresses 10 major areas of focus: Physical activity, obesity, tobacco use, mental health, injury and violence, substance abuse, responsible sexual behavior, immunization, access to health care and environmental quality. Familiarize yourself with cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, and other common diseases in America. o Cholesterol and triglycerides also known as blood lipids are carried in the blood stream by protein molecules known as low density lipoproteins. Health cholesterol levels are around 200. o Blood pressure is pressure exerted by circulating blood upon the walls of blood vessels.

Diabetes is a condition in which blood glucose is unable to enter the cells either because the pancreas is unable to produce insulin or the cells have become insulin resistant. o Obesity is defined as having an excessive amount of body fat while overweight is defined by having excess body weight relative to height. What is the recommended amount of physical exercise? o 30 mins of moderate physical exercise for at least 5 days a week. Familiarize yourself with the different fitness assessments and what each one measures. What does a comprehensive fitness assessment involve and what is its role in health management? o A fitness assessment is a systematic problem-solving method that provides a basis for making educated decisions about exercise. o Physiological assessments Resting heart rate (RHR) Blood pressure Body composition can be an indication of risk for certain diseases. How can body composition be used as part of a fitness program? o Body comp assessment helps determine if an individuals weight and fat % are in a healthy or unhealthy range. Underwater weighing Skin-fold assessment Bioelectrical impedance When a current runs through the body to estimate body fat and lean body mass. What is BMI? o Body Mass Index, used to determine if an individual's weight is appropriate for their height. BMI is either calculated via a proportion of height and weight or a machine (underwater weighing, electropulse thing). Healthy BMI is 18.524.9, doesn't differentiate between fat and lean body mass. What is the difference between overweight and obese? o Overweight is a person who has a BMI of 25-29.9, and who is 25 to 30 lbs over the recommended weight for height. Obesity is the condition of being considerably overweight, with a BMI of 30 or more, and who is at least 30 lbs greater than their recommended weight. What kind of information is gained from a postural assessment? o Postural assessment helps to determine any gross deviations in overall posture.it helps identify possible muscle imbalances and tightness Three major distortions: lower extremity postural distortion, lumbo-pelvic hip distortion, and upper extremity distortion o Flexibility assessment is designed to measure flexibility of the hamstrings and to a lesser extent the lower back Sit and reach test o Cardiorespiratory assessment provides valuable info about cardiorespiratory efficiency and overall condition Step test Max heart rate o Muscular endurance assessment measures the ability to exert sub-maximal force repeatedly overtime Push-up test

Quiz 2 Question 1: By gathering information through the fitness assessment, a fundamental representation of all of the following can be determined for an individual EXCEPT o Mental health Question 2: When measuring the carotid pulse, excessive pressure can decrease blood pressure leading to all of the following EXCEPT o Increased heart rate Question 3: Blood pressure measurements consist of systolic over diastolic readings. Normal systolic pressure ranges from o 120 mm Hg - 130 mm Hg Question 4: Which assessment BEST determines an individual s muscular endurance capabilities? o Push-up Test Question 5: All of the following are solutions for improving postural distortion patterns EXCEPT o Performing repetitive motions throughout the day Question 6: All of the following measure body fat percentage EXCEPT o Step Test Question 7: Proper posture enables all of the following EXCEPT o Optimal cardiorespiratory efficiency Question 8: All of the following are examples of postural distortion patterns EXCEPT o Elbow postural distortion Question 9: The lumbo-pelvic-hip postural distortion is characterized by o an anterior pelvic tilt

Question 10: The upper extremity postural distortion is characterized by o rounded shoulders and forward head.

Module 3: Nutrition and Supplementation What are the 3 macronutrients? Why is it important to consume appropriate amounts of each? o Carbs, proteins, and fats o Provide calories/energy Preferred source is carbs and fats Protein is used to support immune system and build and repair tissues What are micronutrients? o Nutrients needed throughout life in small quantities such as vitamins and minerals What are some important considerations in selecting carbohydrate sources? o Limit refined and added sugars-10% of total daily calories o Whole wheat is better o Consume mostly whole grains, legumes, fruits, and veggies o 25 grams of fiber a day Why is calorie management important? How should calorie management be integrated into a fitness program? o To get the proper balance of nutrients needed o A healthy lifestyle is a balance between calorie management and healthy fitness Quiz 3 Question 1: There are six classes of nutrients. The macronutrients include all of the following EXCEPT: o Vitamins Question 2: The micronutrients include: o Vitamins and minerals Question 3: The macronutrients yield energy. Which one yields the most energy? o Fats Question 4: Components of a healthy diet include: o I. Consume mostly carbohydrates from whole grains, fruits and vegetables o II. Adequate fluid intake o III. Consume at least 25 grams of fiber o IV. Consume lean protein sources o Correct Answer: All of the above Question 5: The daily recommended amount of fiber is at least o 25 grams. Question 6: Essential nutrients o must be supplied by the diet. Question 7: ____________ are the major source of energy for the body. The brain requires this fuel source exclusively. o Carbohydrates Question 8: True or False; Carbohydrates, protein and fat are all converted to body fat when calories needs are exceeded. o True Question 9: A daily multivitamin and mineral o serves as insurance for a less than optimal diet. Question 10: Daily fluid requirements can be met by o Food and beverages

Module 4: Integrated Flexibility Training What can positively and negatively affect flexibility? o Positive :active life style and integrated flexibility program o Negative: age, injury, and activity level Definition of flexibility. o The normal extensibility of all soft tissue that allow the full range of motion of a joint What are some risks associated with poor flexibility? o Poor flexibility decreases the bodys ability to maintain proper posture, increases the risk of lower back pains, joint pains, and the risk of injury from everyday activities. What are some different techniques for flexibility training? What are their benefits? o Self-myofascial release (foam rolling) Focuses on neural system and fascial in the body Form of self-massage that can reduce pain from latent trigger joints

Static stretching Passively taking a muscle to the point of tension and holding the stretched position for 20 to 30 secs Allows muscles to relax and elongate, improving joint range of motion Improves posture Improves function prior to activity Injury prevention Warm up cool down Dynamic stretching Use the force production of a muscle and the bodys momentum to take a joint through the full available range of motion Increased heart rate and respiration Delivers oxygen to targeted areas Increases tissue temperature Useful before competition for reducing muscle tightness and improving performance Yoga and Pilates Yoga is the practice of postures for the purpose of exercise Pilates was developed by joseph pilates in the early 1900s, gained favor in dance and fitness community Both improve flexibility

Quiz 4 the core is BEST defined as the o lumbo-pelvic-hip complex, thoracic spine, and cervical spine which of the following categories of exercise involve little motion through the spine and pelvis emphasizing one's ability to perform and maintain the draw-in maneuver? o core-stabilization all of the following are examples of a core-stabilization exercise, EXCEPT o floor crunches which of the following muscles is part of the core-stabilization system? o transverse abdominus which of following muscles if part of the core movement system? o external oblique all of the following are examples of a core-strength exercise, EXCEPT o ball bridges which of the following is an example of a core-power exercise? o medicine ball rotation chest pass a balance training program includes all of the following progressions, EXCEPT o complex-to-simple what type of exercise is a "single-leg hop down with stabilization"? o balance-power what type of exercise is a "single-leg squat touchdown"? o balance-strength o Module 5: Stabilization Training What is the main focus of stabilization training? o To increase the individual's ability to stabilize their joints, spine, and posture during activity, it provides stabilization as well as neuromuscular efficiency. Stability= core and balance. What are the two methods to improve stability? o core training: improving ability to properly activate core is vital to improving overall function, hips, pelvis, lower back o balance training What is the difference between the stabilization and movement systems? Why is understanding this important? o Stabilization system ensures proper segmental stabilization of each vertebrae of the spring during exercise or activity. It's just the core and muscles close to the spine. o Movement system is optimal force production, force reduction, comes after stabilization. They are the larger muscles on the outside that move. o It is important to understand this difference to prevent injury and perform activities safely and effectively stabilizing before carrying out movement. Quiz 5 the amount of blood that is pumped out of the heart with each contraction is defined as o stroke volume the number of time the heart bests per minute combined with how much blood is being pumped with each beat is defined as o cardiac output

which of the following is considered an anaerobic exercise? o 100 meter sprint all of the following are benefits of cardiorespiratory exercise EXCEPT o increase risk of obesity benefits of warm-up include all of the following EXCEPT o decreased tissue temperature stage 1 workout consists of a heart rate zone between o 65% to 75% of max heart rate all of the following are benefits of a cool-down EXCEPT o increases heart rate after exercise which of the following is made up of bones, such as the sternum, ribs and vertebrae and muscles, the diaphragm, and abdominals that work with the nervous system to allow for proper respiratory mechanics such as breathing? o respiratory pump which of the following transport blood through a network of arteries and veins? o blood vessels during a stage 3 workout an individual's heart rate can reach as high as o 90% of max heart rate o Module 6: Cardiorespiratory Exercise What is the cardiorespiratory/cardiovascular system? o the system provides the tissues of the body with oxygen, nutrients, protective agents, and a means to remove byproducts/waste. What is the cardiorespiratory/cardiovascular system comprised of? o the heart, blood, and blood vessels as well as respiratory pump (sternum, ribs, vertebrae, muscle), and respiratory passageways Why is cardiorespiratory endurance considered the most important component of physical fitness and the best indicator of overall health? o it is necessary to sustain the energy requirements of a normal life and cr endurance helps maintain body weight. The more fit an individual is the more efficiently oxygen is spread to body, prevents disease What are F.I.T.T.E. factors? o frequency, intensity, time, type, enjoyment How is cardio intensity measured? Why is this important to designing a cardio program? o Cardio intensity is measured by heart rate or maximal oxygen consumption, also by perceived exertion/difficulty level, the step test. This is important because you must have a means by which you can measure progress. Be familiar with the work-out zones and stages of exercise. o 1: 65-75% of max heart rate, 9-11 difficulty, 2: 75-85%, 13 difficulty, 3: 85-90 or sometimes 100, perceived as 18. Quiz 6 poor flexibility leads to all of the following EXCEPT o decrease risk of injury ligaments can be overstretched leading to excessively loose joints increasing the risk of injury (true/false) o true flexibility exercises have been prescribed to successfully decrease all of the following EXCEPT o cardiorespiratory endurance all of the following factors negatively affect flexibility EXCEPT o walking which form of flexibility gently applies pressure with implements such as foam roll, to stimulate sensory receptors controlled by the nervous system causing the muscle to relax? o self-myofascial release which form of stretching passively takes a muscle to the point of tension and holds the stretched position for a minimum of 20 to 30 seconds o static stretching which form of stretching uses the force production of a muscle and the body's momentum to take a joint through the full available range of motion? o dynamic stretching contraindications for dynamic stretching include all of the following EXCEPT o low body fat percentage which of the following is a factor for causing rounded shoulders and forward posture? o tight chest and upper neck muscles which of the following is a factor for causing an arched lower back posture? o tight hip flexors and weak gluteals

Module 7: Integrated Strength Training What is strength, endurance, hypertrophy, etc? o Strength is the ability of the neuromuscular system to provide internal tension and exert force against external resistance. o Hypertrophy: increased muscle mass leads to increase in metabolic rate and ability to burn calories. o Endurance: ability for muscles to work for extended periods of time, important for athletes and for those seeking fat loss. o Maximal strength: the ability to lift heavy loads, not necessarily with high reps o Power: the ability to generate force quickly Correct progression for developing strength? o Develop stabilization (muscular endurance and core strength, neuromuscular control), then strength (enhancement, hypertrophy, maximal), then power. Ways to do this: change the exercises, amount of weight used, number of sets/repetitions, and rest periods. Why is strength training important to functional movement? o Aerobic exercise improves cardiorespiratory fitness, but muscular strength is important for athletic performance and normal activities of daily life such as bending, turning, and lifting. Important for overall health and wellbeing. What are the 3 types of muscle contractions? o Concentric: acceleration, exerts more force than is being placed upon it, muscle shortening occurs while tension is developed to overcome resistance (ex: dumbell biceps curl) o Eccentric: deceleration, stabilization, exerts less force than is being placed upon it, muscle lengthening occurs, known as negative, (ex: downward phase of dumbell biceps curl) o Isometric: stabilization, contraction. Exerts a force equal to the force placed upon it, considerable force generated without movement, no joint movement. (ex: pause between upward and downward parts of bicep curl) What are some benefits of strength training? o improves bone density decreasing the risk for osteoporosis, o decreases risk for diabetes, o heart rate and blood pressure decrease, o perform everyday activities more efficiently, o alter body composition by encouraging weight loss via calorie expenditure, o improve self-image, o prevent injury by strengthening connective tissues, o improves communication between nervous and muscular systems, o improves force production, o Betters dynamic postural control. Quiz 7 all of the following are benefits of strength training EXCEPT o increasing resting heart rate muscular endurance or the ability for muscles to work for extended periods of time requires lifting _____ weight coupled with a _____ number of repetitions o light, high muscle hypertrophy is best defined as: o increase in muscle size types of equipment designed to improve one's strength include all of the following EXCEPT o foam roll hormonal differences between men and women do not allow women to achieve the same amount of hypertrophy? (true/false) o true in movement, most injuries occur during the ____ phase of movement and should be emphasized in the initial stages of strength training o eccentric strength training can improve performances in all of the following ways EXCEPT o decrease joint range of motion strength is defined as the ability of the neuromuscular system to provide internal tension and exert force against external resistance (true/false); o true muscle mass decreases with a sedentary lifestyle which slows down one's metabolism (true/false) o true which of the following is the proper exercise progression with regards to resistance training exercise? (strength, power, and stabilization) o stabilization - strength - power

Module 8: Behavior Modification Stress o Stress is the body's mental, physical, emotional response to any situation that is new, frightening, threatening, or exciting and therefore disrupts the internal balance or equilibrium of the body. Managing stress is an important step towards behavioral change and improved quality of life. Stress undermines our ability to stay well and is linked to illness and increasing health care costs. It can be beneficial, providing motivation. Positive stress is known as eustress, and sometimes health increases with stress. The body responds to stress with a fight or flight response. The hypothalamus sends hormones via the adrenal glands. Exercise is crucial to controlling stress. Coping is the attempt to manage stress so that it does not define your life. To manage stress it's important to realize that perception is under your control. It can be managed with mind calming procedures, muscle calming procedures, etc (Biofeedback, Yoga, meditation, Visualization, autogenic inhibition). Eating disorders o Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating: defined as eating large amounts of food twice a week in short periods of time, or grazing all day. What are some reasons many people have trouble changing unhealthy lifestyle habits? o Procrastination (often due to a lack of motivation), Preconditioned Cultural Beliefs (we are products of our environments, culture and physical surroundings), Gratification (instant gratification), Risk Complacency (don't worry about the future, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it), Complexity (being overwhelmed by the requirements of daily life), Indifference and Helplessness (the belief that no matter our lifestyle habits, health is predetermined and out of individuals hands), Rationalization (arguing or believing that things are not that bad), Illusions of Invincibility (people who believe they are untouchable). What are the 5 categories addressed in the process of willful change? o Once you've recognized that you have a problem, the five steps are 1. Stopping Negative Behavior, 2. Preventing Relapse of Negative Behavior, 3. Developing a positive Behavior, 4. Strengthening a Positive Behavior 5. Maintaining a Positive Behavior What are SMART goals? o Specific, o Measureable, o Attainable, o Realistic, o Time-Specific o and they are essential for successful change. Quiz 8 in the US, _____ of adults are considered overweight or obese o 66% the increased rate of obesity of America is due to: o sedentary lifestyle and excess calories consumption the components of a healthy lifestyle include: o balanced nutrition o exercise every day for at least an hour o eating only low fat foods o balancing calories consumed with the calories expended o regular physical activity on most days of the week i, iv, and v which factors increase the likelihood of overeating? o eating mostly fast food o consuming high calorie items such as pizza, burgers an chips o large portion sizes o lack of knowledge about the nutritional and calorie content of food o all of the above your daily calorie needs are determined by your: o resting metabolic rate o activity level o thermic effect of food o all of the above the laws of nature and energy balance explain why weight increases, decreases, or remains stable, which of the following statements is true? o weight gain occurs when an individual consumes more calories then they expend

how many calories does one pound of human body fat contain? o 3,500 controlling portion sizes and preventing excessive caloric consumption can be achieved by o keeping tempting items away small changes in daily activity unwanted weight gain (true/false) o true the laws of thermodynamics, including the law of conservation of energy state that: o energy can only be transformed from one form to another and cannot be created or destroyed

Module 9: Weight Control Calorie consumption o excess calorie consumption + lack of physical activity lead to obesity, Americans are eating 500 more calories today compared to 30 years ago. Recommended intake percentages o -Women: 655 + (4.3 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years) o -Men: 66 + (6.3 x weight in pounds) + (12.9 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years) o -take these and times by activity level: Sedentary (no exercise, sit at a desk most of the day): BMR x 120 percent (ie. an extra 20% on top of the BMR) o Light Activity (no exercise, on feet during the day, eg. shop work): BMR x 130 percent o Moderately Active (exercise 3 or more days a week for 30 minutes or more): BMR x 140 percent o Highly Active (exercise 5 or more days a week for 30 minutes or more): BMR x 150 percent How does energy balance relate to weight loss? o energy=calories, calories consumed must = calories burned or weight gain will occur What does the evidence show regarding high protein/low carbohydrate diets? o high protein/low carb diets are not the most effective way to lose weight. You can drop weight this way but its not long term. Quiz 9 the idea that we are products of our environment, our culture, and physical surroundings is known as o preconditioned cultural beliefs according to the CDC, in 2008 fewer than half the adult population engaged in 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity five days per week (true/false) o true the belief that no matter our lifestyle habits, health is predetermined and out of personal control. in essence health is in our genes, and the way we live our lives has no affect is an example of: o indifference and helplessness the transtheoretical model includes all of the following stages EXCEPT o sleep what is the first stage of the transtheoretical theory? o pre-contemplation stage successful of people are _____ times more likely to make positive life changes o 6 SMART goals are essential for motivating behavioral change. the acronym for SMART stands for o Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-specific there is no such thing as good stress (true/false) o false which of the following techniques involves a systematic process of contracting and relaxing individual muscle groups throughout the body? o progressive muscle relaxation which of the following techniques if a form of self-suggestion in which people place themselves in an autohypnotic state using specific exercises to achieve a deep mental and physical state of relaxation? o autogenic training

Review from Lab Manual: Lab 1 and 5: Fitness Assessments Preliminary health screening. What is it and why did you have to do it? Resting Heart Rate. What is it and why were you asked to do it? Body Composition. What is it and why were you asked to do it? Which type is more accurate? Pros and Cons on BMI Cardiorespiratory assessment. What is it and why were you asked to do it? Muscular Endurance assessment. What is it and why were you asked to do it? Flexibility Assessment. What is it and why were you asked to do it? Lab 2: Dietary Analysis Review nutrition basics (macro and micro nutrients) Review your week long tracking, and reflect on any changes that you have made since. Lab 3: Stabilization Training What was the goal of this lab? Why were you asked to do it? Which muscle groups are important for daily stabilization? Lab 4: Self-Myofascial Release & Resistance Training What was the goal of this lab? Why were you asked to do it? What are other terms to use for what you performed in this lab?

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