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Overview As a converged ICT regulatory body, the ICT Authority has embarked on the process of consolidating regulation across sectors that are converging, such as telecommunications, broadcasting and IT. In fact, there is a very real need to bring regulation up-to-date in light of the convergence of information and communications technologies. Consequently there is a need to create a forward looking and more flexible regulatory framework to enable the ICT Authority to transform itself into a resilient organisation responsive to the numerous pressures for change that confront it in the light of convergence. The day to day regulatory activities pertaining to the Internet is be driven by the sections 18 (1) (m), (n), (o) and (z) of the ICT Act 2001, as amended and which read as follows: (m) take steps to regulate or curtail the harmful and illegal content on the Internet and other information and communication services; (n) ensure the safety and quality of every information and communication services including telecommunication service and, for that purpose, determine technical standards for telecommunication network, the connection of customer equipment to telecommunication networks; (o) entertain complaints from consumers in relation to any information and communication service in Mauritius and, where necessary, refer them to the appropriate authorities; (z) be the Controller of Certification Authorities.

Tougher laws against drink driving in Mauritius

Petition published by Sarah on Nov 07, 2009 475 Signatures

Target: Mauritian Government Region: Mauritius Sign the petition Sponsor

Petition Background (Preamble):

I decided to start this petition following the death of Elisabeth Pigeot, a beautiful and talented 16 years old girl who died following severe injuries due to a car accident. The driver as it is usually the case in car accidents was under the influence of alcohol. The suffering and pain felt by her family and friends is overwhelming. I have myself lost a family member to a car accident and understand their suffering. I am sick and angry that so many people are losing their life because of the irresponsibility of others. In memory of all the innocent people who have lost their lives please join me in this battle to make things change for the better. Thank you.

Every single day innocent Mauritians lose their life in a matter of seconds due to drivers driving under the influence of alcohol. And unfortunately many of the ones who dont die have to live the rest of their lives with severe consequences such as chronic pain or paralysis. No one, no matter who they are, deserves to suffer or die because of someone elses carelessness and irresponsibility. In memory of every single person that has been a victim of a car accident we ask you to change the laws: there should be tougher laws against people who gamble with their lives and the lives of others by drinking and driving, because it is innocent people that pay the price. The biggest cause of all accidents in Mauritius is people driving under the influence of alcohol. The law for drink driving is simply RIDICULOUS right now and it MUST be changed. THE LAW FOR DRINK DRIVING SHOULD BE SO HARSH THAT NO ONE DARES TO DO IT. Severe consequence such as losing the car licence for life, long jail sentences and huge fines must be put in place to deter anyone from making the irresponsible choice of driving while under the influence of alcohol.

Many people agree that not enough is being done by the government. We need much more campaigns in the media but also in schools to make people change the way they think and the way they act. We need to create a sense of responsibility among every single person using our roads: from truck drivers, to car driver to motorcyclists and even pedestrians. Also the police should play a bigger role in maintaining the security on the roads by doing more breath testing targeting the areas where nightclubs and bars are found. With Christmas and summer holidays around the corner, hand in hand comes the celebrations and partying: Things must change NOW before we lose more innocent Mauritians, enough is enough and something has to be done. We are asking that the government considers: 1. For driving under the influence of alcohol: suspension of driving license for 2 to 6 months and a fine. 2. For any car accident where driver was found to have been driving under the influence of alcohol: suspension of driving license for 6 months to 18 months as well as a fine. 3. For any car accident, where the driver was found to have been driving under the influence of alcohol, resulting in death or serious injuries: suspension of driving license for 5 years up to life as well as a jail sentence of minimum 1 year. Please make the penalties for drink driving so tough that no one will dare to even think of doing it. * driving under the influence of alcohol : someone tested as having an alcohol content above the legal limit

From January to mid October, road accidents have killed 115 people while the death toll for the whole of 2009 was 111 victims. As the blame is placed on drivers, some experts prefer to lay responsibility on the road infrastructure and the country's licensing policy. We have been promised the introduction of the demerit points system and the two-year probationary permit. More than 15 years have elapsed since these promises and it is said that the State Law Office is still studying the necessary legislation. Europe, Canada, the USA and Australia have curbed the road accident death toll with new licensing policies and the introduction of defensive driving courses

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