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Healing Foods
The foods and drinks that are promising disease fighters
2 7 8 10 12 14 16 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 Power foods: meals and drinks as good as drugs Fighting cancer with food Berry good for you Acai berry: a super-food? Noni juice: hype or hope? Pomegranate juice: a juicy cure-all? Tomatoes: our everyday heroes Spirulina: the super seaweed Mushroom magic A sweet truth Green tea: the natural disease fighter Spice up your life Powerful porridge The raw-food diet The best diet for better bones


Healing Foods

Power foods: meals and drinks as good as drugs

Hippocrates, the father of medicine, famously said that our food should be our medicineand researchers are finally discovering those that are every bit as powerful as drugs

heres now enough evidence around to state categorically that the standard Western diet of processed foods and cola drinks is one of the main causes of chronic disease, while the so-called Mediterranean diet is the best way to maintain good health and longevity. The latter diet is rich in vegetables, fruits, olive oil and fish, and can help to prevent heart disease, cancer and many of the other chronic conditions that beset so many of us today. Recent research suggests that it can even ward off mental decline, such as dementia and Alzheimers disease (Arch Neurol, 2010; 67; 699706). But are all the foods included in the Mediterranean diet equal, or are some more equal than others? And are there other foods not included in the diet that are also worth including in our dietary regimens? As funding policies slowly start to change, researchers have been able to move from drugs research to investigations of the foods we eat. What they are beginning to discover are the so-called power foodsthose foods that can not only prevent disease, but can even combat them as effectively as pharmaceuticals do. Here are some of the more recent findings, listed in the most likely way youd consume them.

avenanthramides, which have antiinflammatory qualities, and phenolic antioxidants, which prevent blood cells from sticking to artery walls. Oats can also lower cholesterol (US
Department of Agriculture (USDA)/Agricultural Research Service (ARS), 16 February 2010;

Oats are a low GI (glycaemic index) food that take a long time to digest, so that they slowly release sugar into the bloodstream. When we eat porridge, the body produces a gut hormone, GLP-1, which makes us feel full for longer, thereby curbing cravings for snacks (Presented
at the Society for Endocrinology BES meeting, N 18 March 2009, Harrogate, UK).

Maple syrup. If porridge or oats are pretty much the healthiest way to start your day, it gets even better when you add maple syrup on top. The syrup contains 20 compounds that are beneficial, including phenolic antioxidants that help to fight cancer, bacterial infections and diabetes. However, its important to make sure that you buy pure maple syrup, and not products that have maple syrup flavouring (Presented at the Spring
2010 Meeting of the American Chemical Society, 21 March 2010, San Francisco, CA).


Oats. Porridge oats help to prevent arterial diseases. They combat chronic inflammation, which can lead to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Oats contain several health-giving compounds, such as

Grapefruit for breakfast is a healthy start to the day if you have chronic hepatitis C. The conventional treatment is a powerful drug such as pegylated interferon, but that comes with a range of side-effects such as

nausea, anaemia, depression and skin rash. However, researchers in Boston have discovered that a grapefruit, or any other citrus, may work just as well. The active ingredient, naringenin, blocks a pathway in the life cycle of the hepatitis C virus (JAMA, 2008; 299: 1532). The naringenin in grapefruit which makes it taste bittermay also prevent type 2 diabetes. The antioxidant helps the liver to break down fat while increasing insulin sensitivity. Researchers in Jerusalem have found that it also mimics the actions of an antidiabetes drug, but without the side-effects. Naringenin has the same positive benefits as fasting, say the researchers, which eventually causes the liver to break down fatty acids instead of carbohydrates (PLoS ONE, 2010; 5: e12399). Yoghurt containing living friendly bacteria is a probiotic that makes the gut more efficient. It also helps to ward off health problems such as diabetes and obesity. Researchers have been investigating how probiotics change gut microbes. In essence, says researcher Jeremy Nicolson from Imperial College London, the live bacteria communicate with the gut microbes and remind them how to be healthy (Mol Syst Biol, 2008; 4: 205). Watermelon is just as effective as a statin drug for reducing blood pressurebut you would need to eat three of them a day to see

2 WDDTY Healing Foods

any positive benefits. Watermelon is rich in the amino-acid L-citrulline, which is a better tolerated form of L-arginine, the amino acid that directly affects blood pressure. In the body, L-citrulline converts to Larginine which, if taken directly, can cause nausea and gastrointestinal problems, especially in those who already have hypertension. In one study, nine adults with high blood pressure normalized their blood pressure after taking watermelon extractas L-citrulline/L-arginine at 2.7 g/1.3 g dailyfor six weeks (Am
J N Hypertens, 2010; doi: 10.1038/ajh. 2010.142).

Starved of these essential supplies, the tumour stops growing. So, simply eating a bowl of watercressaround 80 gevery day is enough to switch off the cancer cells signals, researchers at the University of Southampton have discovered. The blood tests of breast-cancer survivors confirmed that the protein that helps nourish cancer cells had been affected (University of Southampton
press conference, 14 September 2010; N st_cancer_01.shtml).

reduce the symptoms if you already have it. The best type is extra virgin olive oil, which is especially rich in oleocanthals, a naturally occurring polyphenol that can alter the structure of the neurotoxins that contribute to the debilitating effects of Alzheimers (Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 2009; 240: 18997).


Eggs have become bad boys in our obsession with keeping cholesterol down. But it appears that they are good for the heart after alland reduce high blood pressure. Boiled and fried eggs produce peptides that are natural ACE inhibitorsa family of antihypertensive drugs that inhibits angiotensin-converting enzymeswith fried eggs being particularly effective for preventing cardiovascular disease, including hypertension (J Agric Food Chem, 2009; 57: 4717).

Walnuts and walnut oil. If youre feeling stressed, add walnut oilor walnutsto your salad. Both the oil and nuts are rich in omega-3 fats, which help the body to cope with raised stress levels. These fats also lower both blood pressure and LDL, or bad, cholesterol levels. When researchers at Penn State University tested the walnut diet on a group of 22 volunteers for six weeks, it was found that their resting blood pressure and responses to stressful situations improved over the study period (Penn State University
press release, 4 October 2010; http:// Tomatoes offer a range of health benefits, and can cut your risk of cancer and heart disease. Men who regularly eat tomatoes and tomatobased products, such as tomato sauce and pizza, can cut their prostate cancer risk by 35 per cent (J Natl Cancer Inst, 1995; 87: 176776). Olive oil. Dressing your salad with olive oil will help to ward off Alzheimers diseaseand may even


Watercress. Add some watercress to your lunchtime salad if you have breast cancer, as it may stop the tumours from progressing. Researchers have discovered that watercress contains a compound that interferes with signals from tumour cells, and stops the bodys flow of essential blood and oxygen.

Preparing and cooking food

The way we prepare food can be as important as the food itself. Overcook vegetables, and you lose most of their health-giving ingredients. So, here are a few cooking tips from the world of science. N Carrots. Dont chop carrots up before you cook them. Cooking them whole will retain their cancer-fighting compound falcarinol. Theyll taste better, too (Newcastle University School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development press release, 18 June 2009). N Vegetables. After cooking 20 different vegetables by six methods boiling, microwaving, pressure-cooking, griddling, frying and baking and measuring antioxidant levels, it was found that cauliflower lost most of its nutritional goodness after boiling and microwaving, as did peas after boiling, and zucchini (courgettes) after boiling and frying. Only green beans, beetroot and garlic kept their antioxidant levels after being subjected to most cooking methods (J Food Sci, 2009; 74: H97103).

Broccoli. Its the king of vegetables and it also offers a wide range of health benefits. Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables are full of chemicals called sulphoraphanes, which boost the immune system. Sulphoraphane reverses the decline of cellular immune function and kick-starts dendritic cells, which will also improve immune function, say researchers from the University of California at Los Angeles (J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2008; 121; 125561). Brussels sprouts. These cruciferous vegetables of the Brassica genus like broccolican stop the spread of cancer. Brussels sprouts encourage the body to produce a substance called 13C (indole-3-carbinol) that can fight cancer and block the development of cancer cells. Scientists at Ohio State University have so far tested only breast-cancer cells, but they believe it can also combat other types of cancer, such as prostate, liver and colon cancers, as well as non-Hodgkins lymphoma. In laboratory tests, the scientists noted that 13C destroys the molecules associated with breast cancer. The scientists have also speculated that these vegetables might also reverse some of the symptoms of Alzheimers disease (Cancer Prev Res, 2010; 3: 81828). Seaweed may not be the obvious accompaniment to your evening meal, but this overlooked, mineralrich vegetable is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. This is because its full of fucoidan, a sulphated polysaccharide, that kills cancer/tumour cells. Researchers at the Hashemite University in Jordan tested a seaweed extract on nonHodgkins lymphoma cells, and found that it suppressed lymphoma growth while leaving healthy cells intact (Presented at the Second AACR
Dead Sea International Conference on

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Healing Foods
Advances in Cancer Research, 710 March N 2010, Jordan).

Vegetarian or not? Organic or not?

You are more likely to get cancer if your diet is primarily red meat, its been found, whereas vegetarians and those who eat mainly fish are much more likely to stay cancer-free compared with meat-eaters. Surprisingly, however, colorectal cancer is the only cancer that is more prevalent in vegetarians than in meat-eaters. Researchers at the University of Oxford discovered the benefits of a vegetarian or fish-based diet when they profiled the health and diets of 52,700 people, grouped as meat-eaters, fish-eaters, vegetarians and vegans. Most were consuming the recommended five-a-day servings of fruit and vegetables, which are supposed to help maintain good health. Yet, the number of cancers among vegetarians and fish-eaters was significantly lower than in meat-eaters, although the high rate of colorectal cancer among vegetarians was surprising (Am J Clin Nutr, 2009 March 18; doi: 10.3945/ajcn.2009.26736L). N Buying organic is worth the price, say researchers. Organically grown Golden Delicious apples are 15-per-cent higher in antioxidants and phytochemicals than conventionally grown varieties. The researchers, who compared organic with non-organic over a three-year period, noted that organic apples also had 10-per-cent higher concentrations of phytochemicals, known to have numerous health benefits, including protection against cancer and heart disease (J Agric Food Chem, 2009; 57: 45984605f).

Brown rice. If you regularly eat white rice, just switching to brown, unprocessed rice could be all that it takes to prevent type 2 diabetes, say researchers. Making the change reduces your risk by 16 per cent, but it plummets to 36 per cent if you also change to whole grains such as whole wheat and barley (Arch Intern Med, 2010; 170: 9619). Shellfish are a rich source of vitamin B12, the one that is most closely associated with good mental health into old age. Those who have low stores of B12 are the most likely to suffer from brain shrinkage, which is thought to be associated with dementia and Alzheimers disease. When researchers at the University of Oxford monitored 107 people, aged 61 to 87 years, for five years, they found that brain atrophy was six times more likely in those deficient in the vitamin. Its also reckoned that 40 per cent of the general population are deficient in the vitamin. Lead researcher David Smith said: The rate of shrinkage of the brain as we age may be partly influenced by what we eat (Neurology, 2008; 71: 82632). Liver is another rich source of vitamin B12. Fish. Eating fish a few times a week can reduce your chances of a heart attack, and the benefits are further amplified if you also supplement with omega-3 oil, say researchers from the University of Alabama. Those who eat fish once or twice a week nearly halve their chances of a heart attack that could be fatal or require hospital care, say the researchers, who followed the diets and health of 36,234 women for nine years. Those who ate three servings of fish a week were the least likely to have a heart attack, while even just one servingespecially if supplemented with omega-3 capsulesoffered good protection (Eur J Clin Nutr, 2010; 64: 58794). In a separate study, which came to the same conclusion, researchers emphasized the importance of eating oily fishsuch as salmon, sardine, trout and herringto get the most protection for your heart. So even if you do suffer a heart attack, your chances of having a

second one are reduced by 30 per cent just by eating oily fish (J Am Coll Cardiol, 2009; 54: 58594). Fish is also a great de-stresser. When we are stressed or depressed, we produce more proinflammatory cytokine chemicals such as interleukin-6. The omega-3 oils in fish are a natural anti-inflammatory, and can counteract the worst effects of stress (Perspect Psychol Sci, 2009; 4: 3679). Baked rhubarb crumble. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has recognized the cancer-fighting qualities of rhubarb for thousands of years, and the West has finally come up with its own versionone that is both a treat and an anticarcinogenic: baked rhubarb crumble. Researchers at Sheffield Hallam University found that rhubarb after being baked for 20 minutes develops polyphenols, powerful anticancer chemicals that can stop cancer cells from growing and even kill them (Food Chem, 2010; 119: 75864).

in 11 patients, who reported a decrease in stone formation of 87 per cent (J Urol, 2007; 177: 135862). Cranberry juice. The infectionfighting qualities of cranberry juice are well known, and scientists now believe it may also be useful against serious staphylococcal infections such as the deadly superbug MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphyloccus aureus), prevalent particularly in hospitals and nursing homes. When women were given either cranberry juice or a placebo to drink, and had their urine mixed with strains of Escherichia coli and S. aureus that can cause a range of infections, from skin rashes to MRSA, the cranberry juice stopped both strains from growing and was especially effective against S. aureus (Presented at the 240th
National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston, MA, 23 August 2010).


Lemonade concentrate. If you suffer from recurring kidney stones, drinking 2 L of water containing 120 mL of concentrated lemon juice every day will eventually stop stone formation. The treatment was tested

Beetroot juice is effective for reducing high blood pressure quickly. In one test, it reduced blood pressure levels in just 24 hours. Nitrate in the juice is the active ingredient, say researchers from Queen Mary University of London, and this is bio-converted to nitrite a potent vasodilatorin the tissues. Just 250 mL of the juice is enough to lower blood pressure, and its effective even in those with severe

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hypertension (Hypertension,
N 27481).

2010; 56:

Tea. Green tea is the king of the teas, providing a vast range of healthful benefits. It prevents oral cancers, even in those at high risk because of a premalignant condition. Used as an extract, it prevented high-risk people from developing the cancer; of 41 individuals tested, 58 per cent of those given the highest dose of green tea extract did not develop the cancer compared with 36 per cent in those taking the lowest dose (Cancer Prev Res [Phila], 2009; 2: 93141). Green tea also protects the eyes, protecting them against diseases such as glaucoma. The teas antioxidants penetrate the tissues of the eye, and strengthen the lens and retina, researchers have found (J Agric Food Chem, 2010; 58: 152334). Most extraordinary of all, green tea is one of the few agents that can combat a form of cancer that is believed to be incurable. It reduces lymph-node size in cases of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL). An ingredient in the teaa polyphenol called EGCG (epigallocatechin 3gallate)appears to be the key, say researchers after testing it in 31 CLL patients, all of whom were given EGCG extract at doses ranging from 400 mg to 2000 mg twice a day. Those given the highest dosages reported substantial reductions in lymph-node sizewith no sideeffects (J Clin Oncol, 2010; 28 [suppl]: 7s, abstr 6522). However, if you want to control your diabetes, black tea is better. On being tested against green and oolong teas, black tea proved to have the most beneficial qualities for diabetics. Black tea is richest in polysaccharides, which have glucoseinhibiting qualities. The tea was also the most effective free-radical fighter, and free radicals play a key role in the development of cancer and rheumatoid arthritis (J Food Sci, 2009; 74: C46974). Drinking between three and six cups of black tea every day also reduces your risk of heart disease by 45 per cent compared with drinking only one cup of tea a day. However, the benefits of tea-drinking start falling away if you drink more than

six cups; in this case, the protective effect fell to just 36 per cent (Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 2010; 30: 1665). The polyphenols in tea also help to strengthen our bones, and you will start to see these benefits after drinking three cups a day for just a short period of time, according to researchers at the British Nutrition Foundation (Daily Telegraph, 10 June
2008; 2104561/Drinking-tea-can-reduce-heartN attack-risk.html). N

Blueberry juice. This is a powerful antidiabetic that can help in the fight against putting on weight provided that the fruits skin is mixed into the concoction. In this case, the drink reduces blood sugar levels in diabetics, and also protects against diabetes and obesity. Its at its most powerful after it has been biotransformed (fermented) by Serratia vaccinii bacteria for three days, say researchers from the University of Montreal (Int J Obes [Lond], 2009; 33: 116673). Apple juice. Drinking just two glasses of apple juice a day can improve some of the worst effects

of Alzheimers disease. When 21 Alzheimers sufferers were given two 4-oz glasses of the drink every day for a month, marked improvements were seen in anxiety, agitation and delusions. Overall, the patients caregivers believed that the drink improved both behavioural and psychotic symptoms by 27 per cent (Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen, 2010; 25: 36771). Red wine can protect against stroke and reduce your risk of cardiovascular diseaseprovided that its drunk in moderation. The active ingredient in red wine is resveratrol, which is found in the seeds and skin of red grapesand only red wine delivers the amount of resveratrol required to have any beneficial effect, say researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (Exp Neurol, 2010; doi: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2010. 03.032). Coffee. A cup of coffee in the morning helps to reduce chronic inflammation and oxidative stress, while increasing levels of good HDL cholesterol. It may also be protective against type 2 diabetes.

As good as drugs
Although a diet of vegetables, fruits and juices is an excellent preventative, some foods can even counteract disease, and may be as powerful as drugsbut without the side-effects. Here are some foods to add to your diet if you have the following conditions.

Alzheimers disease: brussels sprouts, shellfish, apple juice, olive oil Asthma: blackcurrants Breast cancer: watercress, brussels sprouts, broccoli, seaweed, rhubarb Cancer: brussels sprouts, broccoli, seaweed, rhubarb Colitis: blueberries Dementia: brussels sprouts, broccoli, shellfish, apple juice Depressed immune system: broccoli, apples Diabetes (type 2): grapefruit, black tea, blueberry juice Heart problems: watermelon, eggs, oily fish, beetroot juice, dark chocolate, grapes, almonds, flaxseed Hepatitis C: grapefruit High cholesterol: eggs, almonds, flaxseed Hypertension (raised blood pressure): watermelon, beetroot juice, dark chocolate, grapes Kidney stones: lemonade concentrate Leukaemia (CLL): green tea Non-Hodgkins lymphoma: seaweed Prostate cancer: pomegranate juice Staphyloccal infections: cranberry juice Stress: walnuts, walnut oil, oily fish Urinary tract infections: cranberry juice

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Coffee contains several nutrients, such as calcium, and hundreds of biologically active compounds such as polyphenols (Am J Clin Nutr, 2010; 91: 9507). Pomegranate juice can slow the progress of prostate cancer, and may even work as a cancer preventative. The juice reduced levels of prostatespecific antigen (PSA) in 48 men with prostate cancer by 60 per cent. Researchers say that it could be a potent alternative treatment in cases where surgery has failed (J Urol, 2009; [suppl]: 181, 4, abstr 826).

Foods and drinks to avoid

We all know that a white-bread and processed diet lies at the root of many of the chronic diseases that are so commonly seen these daysand heres why. N Processed foods cause heart disease because they have a high glycaemic index (GI), which puts a strain on the arteries for several hours. Researchers in Israel tested processed foods on a group of healthy volunteers, who were given cornflakes, sugar, bran flakes or waterand only those who drank just the water had normal arteries afterwards. The rest suffered from poor arterial function that lasted for several hours (J Am Coll Cardiol, 2009; 53: 22837). N Cola drinks such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi can lead to diabetes and muscle weakness. They cause potassium blood levels to drop, which can lead to serious muscle problems. Researchers in Greece found that those who drank excessive amounts of cola could even suffer from paralysis, although victims made a full recovery once they stopped drinking it. One such victim was drinking 29 L/day, researchers noted, although the average consumption is less than 0.5 L/day (Int J Clin Pract, 2009; 63: 9002). N Red and processed meats, when eaten in large quantities, can increase your chances of cancer or even death. In a survey of 47,976 men and 23,276 women, those in the top fifth of red-meat-eatersin other words, those who ate 62.5 g/1000 calories every daywere far more likely to die prematurely from all causes compared with those in the bottom fifth of red-meat consumption. If you cant live without meat, switch to a white meat such as chicken, say the researchers (Arch Intern Med, 2009; 169: 56271).


Dark chocolate. The flavanols in dark chocolate improve arterial health and, as a result, can significantly reduce high blood pressure, or hypertension, say researchers. Dark chocolate is especially effective in those who already have high blood pressure. Also, eating just a little dark chocolate every day for five years can reduce the risk of heart attack and heart disease by 20 per cent (BMC Med, 2010; 8: 39; doi: 10.1186/17417015-8-39). Eating 40 g (nearly one-and-ahalf ounces) of dark chocolate every day for two weeks can also improve signs of anxiety in even the most highly stressed individuals (J Proteome Res, 2009, 8: 556879). Grapes. The flavonoids in grapes can dramatically reduce your risk of heart failure. Just nine servings, or handfuls, of these fruit every day can lower blood pressure and improve heart muscle function, and may even counteract the effects of a poor diet. Researchers from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor found that grapes started to show positive effects after 18 weeks in a study of laboratory mice (J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 2008; 63: 103442). Snacking on grapes may also stop the downward spiral that often ends with type 2 diabetes and heart disease. The benefits are seen within three months, say researchers from the University of Michigan Health System, who have discovered that phytochemicals in grapes can arrest a cluster of health problems that are collectively known as the metabolic syndrome. These factors include a

large waist, high blood pressure, reduced glucose tolerance and raised levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation (Presented at
the Experimental Biology 2010 Conference, N 26 April 2010, Anaheim, CA). Almonds have been described as the healthiest snack of them all. Eating just 73 g (3 oz) can reduce bad LDL cholesterol levels by 24 per cent, lower insulin output and even help to improve gut health. Positive effects are seen after four months, say researchers. The nuts are especially effective when eaten soon after a meal (Townsend Letter, 2008; 305: 24). Flaxseed. Sprinkling just a few table-spoons of flaxseed on your food every day can be as effective as a drug for lowering cholesterol levels. The seeds are rich in omega3 fats and lignans, a phytoestrogen, and were able to reduce cholesterol levels in 90 men by around 10 per cent. This is similar to the effectiveness of a statin drug, but without the risk of side-effects. The men consumed 3 tbsp/day of flaxseed for three months by sprinkling them on the food they

were eating (Presented

N April 2010, Anaheim, CA).

at the American

Society for Nutrition Annual Meeting, 2428

Blackcurrants. These fruit reduce lung inflammation, and can improve breathing during an asthma attack. They are rich in epigallocatechin, an antioxidant, which works with the bodys immune system to reduce inflammation (Mol Nutr Food Res, 2010; 54 suppl 2: S15970). Apples are a good source of soluble fibre, and aid the bodys healing processes by transforming unhealthy cells. In general, an apple is one of the best ways to boost the immune system (Brain Behav Immun, 2010; doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2010.01.015). Blueberries can offset the worst symptoms of stomach problems such as pain and bloating, and can even counteract colitis. They may even protect against developing gastro-intestinal problems in the first place. The fruit are rich in polyphenols that have both antimicrobial and anti-oxidant 2010; qualities (AlphaGalileo, =67814&CultureCode=en).

Bryan Hubbard

6 WDDTY Healing Foods

Fighting cancer with food

Common foods can pack a powerful punch in the fight against cancer
p to one in three of us will develop cancer at some time in our life. However, we can protect ourselves against the disease by improving our natural immune defences, and making the right nutritional and lifestyle choices.


Anticancer foods
Green tea is chockful of the antioxidants and anticancer polyphenols that impede the growth of new blood vessels that tumours need in order to grow and spread (
?Cancer-Fighting-Diet---Green-Tea&id N =521349).

Dark chocolate (with a cacao content of at least 70 per cent) also contains antioxidants and polyphenolsone small square contains the equivalent of a cup of green teaboth of which can retard the growth of cancer cells (>).

Mushrooms (crimini, enoki, henof-the-woods, maitake, oyster, portobello, shiitake and turkeytail) stimulate the activity and replication of immune cells (WDDTY vol 11 no 7, pages 67). The Alliace family (including chive, garlic, leek, onion and shallot) promotes apoptosis (or programmed cell death) in cancers of the breast, colon, lung and prostate (Cytotechnology, 2008; 56: 17985). Ginger root, which can be grated into a stir-fry, sliced or made into an infusion, is a powerful anticancer agent that prevents cancer cell proliferation ( Anticancer Res, 1997; 17: 8738; Cancer Res, 1996; 56: 102330).

cancer (Chin Med J, 1990; 103: 3047). Its close relative milkvetch (Astragalus oxyphysus) has also shown promising anticancer activity, as well as antimetastatic effects against melanomaat least in mouse studies, so it may not apply to humans (Cancer Res, 1988; 48: 14105). However, it did slow the growth of human melanoma cells grafted onto mice (Cancer Res, 1990; 50: 186772). As this plant has relatives that are toxic to humans, only take supplements made by reputable manufacturers such as TA Sciences, Terraternal or RevGenetics, companies that refer to these products as telomerase activator supplements. Turmeric , an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory spice, can significantly promote apoptosis in cancer cells and impede tumour growth (Clin Cancer Res, 2008; 14: 44919). To make it more easily taken up by the body, mix it with black pepper and either olive or pumpkinseed oil. Lycopene-containing fruit & veg (apricot, beetroot, butternut and other squashes, carrot, pumpkin, sweet potato, tomato, watermelon and all coloured, nongreen vegetables) are rich in carotenoids (such as lycopene) and vitamin A. They are proven to retard, or even halt, the growth

of aggressive cancers (prostate, lung, colorectal, pancreatic, sophageal, cervical, breast and stomach) (J Natl Cancer Inst, 1999; 91: 31731; J Nutr, 2005; 135: 2037S9S). Cruciferous vegetables (such as cabbage, cauliflower, turnip, bokchoy, radish, broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale, swede and watercress) have potent anticancer constituents. To retain their potency, only briefly steam or stirfry them (Lancet, 2005; 366: 155860). Citrus fruit (grapefruit, lemon, lime, orange, tangerine and ugli fruit/tangelo) contain flavonoids and stimulate the detoxification of carcinogens from the liver (Carcinogenesis, 1998; 19: 42531). Herbs and spices (particularly basil, marjoram, mint, oregano, rosemary and thyme) contain oils of the terpene family that block the enzymes that cancer cells need to invade adjacent tissue, thereby slowing the spread of canceralbeit so far only in animal models (J Nutr, 2001; 131: 3027S33S).
Harald Gaier Harald Gaier, a registered naturopath, osteopath, homeopath and herbalist, practises at The Allergy and Nutrition Clinic, 22 Harley Street, London (

Tips for a cancer-preventing lifestyle



Astragalus membranaceus , a herb used in traditional Chinese medicine, has proven success against viral infections and

Heat food in glass or ceramic containers, not in plastics such as PVC, styrofoam or polystyrene Use lemon juice, white vinegar and baking soda for domestic cleaning jobs; never use cleaning products that contain alkylphenols such as longchain alkylphenol (LCAP), cresol or xylenol Use lavender and cedar bark in wardrobes to freshen and to deter moths, not naphthalene or tar camphor Avoid perfumes and haircare products that contain phthalates (which nearly all of them do) Never use Teflon-coated pans and irons, but use stainless steel instead Eat organic meat from grassfed animals and organic dairy products Instead of the standard Western diet, switch to Mediterranean or Oriental foods and cooking techniques Use olive oil, and natural sugar replacements such as xylitol crystals or agave syrup.

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Healing Foods

Berry good for you

Exciting new research is revealing that berries of all sorts may hold the keys to combating cancer, dementia and other diseases
erries have been a major part of our diet for centuries, but only recently have scientists taken an interest in their constituents and potential health benefits. Now, what theyre finding is that berries of all varietiesfrom strawberries and raspberries to goji and aa berriescontain numerous bioactives that provide benefits beyond basic nutrition.

Scientists recently reported the first human evidence that blueberries can boost memory and might even help to ward off dementia. Nine older-age adults with early memory decline were asked to drink around two cups of a commercially available blueberry juice every day for two months, while a control group drank a beverage without blueberry juice. Tests taken before and after revealed that those who drank the blueberry juice showed significant improvements in learning and memory, leading the researchers to conclude that blueberries may offer neurocognitive benefits ( J
Agric Food Chem, 2010 Jan 4; Epub ahead of print).

strawberries were able to protect rats against radiation-induced mental deficits although, while blueberries improved learning, strawberries boosted memory (J Agric Food Chem, 2008; 56: 63641 ).

Numerous studies have suggested that berries are potent cancerfighters. In one test-tube study, extracts of six different kinds of berriesblueberry, blackberry, black raspberry, red raspberry, cranberry and strawberryinhibited the growth of human mouth, breast, colon and prostate cancer cells. In addition, two of the extractsblack raspberry and strawberrywere able to stimulate apoptosis (cell death) in colon cancer cells (J Agric Food Chem, 2006; 54: 932939). The now popular aa and goji berries also have anticancer potential. Aa berries appear to be effective against leukaemia cells, while the polysaccharides found in goji berries kill prostate cancer cells (J Agric Food
Chem, 2006; 54: 12229; J Med Food, 2009; 12: 695703).

These results confirm the findings of previous animal studies, which showed that blueberries can reverse age-related deficits of both brain and behavioural function. Rats fed a blueberry-supplemented diet performed better in maze and object-recognition tests, as well as in tests of balance and coordination. Similar benefits have been seen with cranberries and strawberries, although it appears that different kinds of fruit may well be affecting different parts of the brain. In one study, both blueberries and

the prevention of heart disease. A group of 72 middle-aged men and women were asked to consume either two portions of berries daily (100 g of berries plus a small glass of a berry drink) or control products, for two months. The berry groupwhich included bilberries, lingonberries, blackcurrants, strawberries, chokeberries, and rasp-berriesate an assortment of the berries whole, pureed or in juice form. At the end of the study, the berryeaters saw systolic blood pressure reductions of up to 7.3 mmHg, while levels of HDL (good) cholesterol rose by over 5 per cent. The researchers also noted favourable changes in platelet function (blood cells involved in clotting) in those who ate berries (Am J Clin Nutr, 2008; 87: 32331).

Several animal studies suggest that some berries may have antidiabetic effects. Indeed, a recent study in mice concluded that bilberries can improve hyperglycaemia and insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetes (J Nutr, 2010; 140: 52733). Although human trials are scarce, one found that a dietary supplement containing blueberry and sea buckthorn (seaberry; genus

However, to determine whether or not these lab results apply to real life, human trials are currently ongoing.

Heart disease
Berries may also have a role to play in

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Hippophae) concentrates was beneficial in the treatment of type 1 diabetic children (Acta Physiol Hung, 2008; 95: 38393).

Bioactive berries
Although berries contain micro- and macronutrients such as vitamins, minerals, folate and fibre, their various biological properties have been largely related to their high levels and wide variety of phytochemicals, including flavonoids, tannins and phenolic acids (bioactives). In particular, anthocyaninsflavonoid pigments that give berries their bright colours appear to have a wide range of antioxidant, anticancer and antiinflammatory properties. In rats, anthocyanins from blueberries can cross the bloodbrain barrier and collect in brain areas that are important for learning and memory (Nutr Neurosci, 2005; 8: 11120). In the lab, black-raspberry anthocyanins can kill and inhibit the growth of oesophageal cancer cells, and alter gene expression (Nutr Cancer, 2009; 61: 81626). However, its likely that the health benefits attributed to berries are due to a synergistic or additive effect of the many phytochemicals they contain rather than being the result of a single constituent acting on its own (J Agric Food Chem, 2008; 56: 6279).

Berry promising
Berries appear to be promising in the prevention of bowel disease ( html), urinary tract infections (Scand J Urol Nephrol, 2009; 43: 36972) and eye disorders such as cataracts and macular degeneration (Adv Gerontol, 2005; 16: 769). Its likely that, with further research, there will be many more reasons to make sure that these colourful fruit are part of your daily diet.
Joanna Evans

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Healing Foods

Acai berry: a super-food?

Does this exotic fruit deserve its super-food status?
ntil recently, the acai berry (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) was virtually unknown outside of its native Latin America. Now, this tiny purple fruit ( Euterpe oleraceae) has gained a worldwide reputation as a super-food, and has found its way into everything from juice drinks to supplements to cosmetics. Acai proponents claim that its a top source of antioxidants, with benefits that include losing weight, enhancing the immune system, lowering cholesterol, boosting sexual performance, easing arthritis, improving digestion and even fighting cancer. But what does the science say about this supposedly super-fruit?

Antioxidant power
One of the key claims made is that its a superior source of antioxidantsthose much-lauded free-radical fighters that prevent and repair cell-damage. However, theres mixed evidence for the antioxidant potency of these berries. While studies agree that acai is indeed a good source of antioxidants, its not clear whether its any better than the cheaper, more commonly available, antioxidant fruits such as blueberries and strawberries. According to a study comparing several popular juice drinks available in the US, acai juice had only middling levels of antioxidants, which were less than those of pomegranate, grape, blueberry and black cherry juices, but more than cranberry, orange and apple juices (J Agric Food Chem, 2008; 56: 141522 ). In another study from Spain and Brazil, comparing 11 different frozen fruit pulps, acais antioxidant activity was ranked fifth above pineapple and passion fruit, but below mango, strawberry and grapes ( Cienc Rural, 2006; 36: doi:


In contrast, an analysis of the antioxidant properties of freezedried acai fruit pulp and fruit skin powder (OptiAcai) found an extremely high scavenging capacity for free radicals indeed, by far the highest of any fruit and vegetable tested to date. Specifically, it showed a significantly high antioxidant capacity for scavenging peroxyl free radicals, involved in the development of tumors (J Agric Food Chem, 2006; 54: 860410 ). However, the study doesnt clarify whether the other fruits and vegetables referred to were tested in the same way as acai, so we dont know if its a fair comparison.

Health benefits
Whether acai packs the biggest antioxidant punch remains to be

seen, but what about its diseasefighting and health-boosting qualities? Surprisingly, not much research has been done in this area, and most of the studies that have been done are in animals. This means that the results may not necessarily apply to humans. In one recent animal study, Brazilian researchers examined the benefits of acai on cholesterol in rats, and found that rats fed a highfat diet supplemented with acai pulp had lower levels of total and non-HDL (bad) cholesterol compared with the animals that only ate the high-fat diet. The findings suggest that acai possibly because of its antioxidant activitymay reduce the risk of having high cholesterol ( Nutrition, 2010; 26: 80410 ). US researchers tested the effects of acai pulp in fruit flies

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( Drosophila melanogaster ) fed a high-fat diet, and found that the flies supplemented with acai lived significantly longer than the nonsupplemented flies. Acai supplementation was also associated with beneficial changes in certain age-related genes. Aai has the potential to antagonize the detrimental effect of fat in the diet and alleviate oxidative stress in aging, the researchers concluded (Exp Gerontol, 2010; 45: 24351). Acai might also reduce the risk of age-related neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinsons and Alzheimers. Scientists at the University of Caxias do Sul in Brazil discovered that pretreating rats with frozen acai pulp reduced the damaging effects of hydrogen peroxide (an oxidizing agent), causing less damage to the cerebral cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum of the brain (J Med Food, 2009; 12: 10848). Perhaps the most exciting acai study, however, is one that investigated the effects of the fruit on cultured human leukaemia cells in the lab. University of Florida researchers found that acai pulp extracts reduced cancer cell growth by up to 86 per centmost likely by triggering a self-destruct (apoptosis) cell response (J Agric Food Chem, 2006; 54: 12229). Although these findings are only preliminary, they are encouraging. According to study researcher Stephen Talcott, Compounds that show good activity against cancer cells in a model system are most likely to have beneficial effects in our bodies. However, acai is by no means unique in its cancer-fighting potential. Another American study of rats with chemically induced oesophageal cancer found that a number of different kinds of berriesincluding strawberries, blueberries and black and red raspberries, as well as acaiwere equally capable of inhibiting tumour growth when added to the diet. No single berry proved to be any better than another (Pharm Res, 2010; 27: 113845).

What about common berries?

Although exotic berry types such as acai and goji berries have become popular in recent years, studies suggest that the more common berries, such as blueberries and strawberries, should not be overlooked.

Scientists recently reported on the first human evidence that blueberries can boost memory and may even help to ward off dementia. Nine older-age adults with early memory decline were asked to drink around two cups of a commercially available blueberry juice every day for two months, while a control group drank a beverage without blueberry juice. Tests taken before and after revealed that those who drank the blueberry juice showed significant improvements in learning and memory, leading the researchers to conclude that blueberries may offer neurocognitive benefits ( J Agric Food Chem, 2010; 58: 39964000). In one test-tube study, extracts of six different kinds of berries blueberry, blackberry, black raspberry, red raspberry, cranberry and strawberryall were able to inhibit the growth of human mouth, breast, colon and prostate cancer cells. Whats more, two of the extractsblack raspberry and strawberrywere able to stimulate apoptosis (cell death) in colon cancer cells ( J Agric Food Chem, 2006; 54: 932939 ). A study involving 134,000 women and 47,000 men reported that people who regularly ate blueberries or strawberries had significantly reduced risks of developing hypertension (high blood pressure). The effect was stronger with blueberry than with strawberry consumption. Compared with people who never ate blueberries, those who had at least one serving of blueberries per week were 10-per-cent less likely to become hypertensive (Am J Clin Nutr, 2011; 93: 33847).

Clinical trials
The results so far are generally positive, but there is still a need for

human clinical trials to confirm that acai berries can improve health and/or offer benefits for particular conditions. Although a couple of clinical trials have been carried out, they focused on the fruits antioxidant capacity rather than its effects on health. Nevertheless, the studiesboth involving 12 healthy volunteers, and both published in the same issue of the same journalshow that antioxidants from acai, whether consumed as a juice or a pulp, are readily taken up by the human body (J Agric Food Chem, 2008; 56: 7796802; 832633). Such findings are important as its acais antioxidants that are thought to be behind its beneficial effects in animal and laboratory studies. Clearly, though, more research is needed to determine whether the consumption of these berries will result in any diseasepreventing and/or -treating health benefits, and to find the serving sizes needed to obtain a beneficial dose in people.

The bottom line

Considering the small amount of research thats been done so far, its astonishing that so many websites are getting away with making such huge claims for this so-called miracle fruit. Whatever its possible merits, acai simply hasnt been proven to cure cancer, cut cholesterol, ease arthritis, assist weight loss or solve any other health problem in people. The research is promising, but whether acai offers any benefits above and beyond those of other antioxidant-rich fruit and vegetables remains unanswered. Perhaps we should take the advice of Wendy Marcason, a registered dietitian and part of the American Dietetic Associations Knowledge Center Team, who says: Until the health benefits of the acai berry are scientifically proven, it seems more reasonable, cheaper and safer to get antioxidants from other fruit and vegetable sources (J Am Diet Assoc, 2009; 109: 1968).
Joanna Evans

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Healing Foods

Noni juice: hype or hope?

Noni juice has been marketed as hope in a bottlea natural remedy for a catalogue of conditions. But does it really work?
he fruit of the Morinda citrifolia plant, better known as noni, has been a popular Polynesian folk remedy for more than 2000 years. Today, the juice of the fruit can be found in supermarkets and healthfood shops around the world, and the products manufacturers are claiming that it can boost immunity, increase energy and even help fight cancer. But what does the science say about noni? bacteria-related health problems (Acta Pharmacol Sin, 2002; 23: 112741). Noni fruit also appears to have analgesic and tranquillizing properties. When French researchers tested an extract of the roots in mice, they discovered a significant, dose-related, central analgesic activity as well as sedative effects. The analgesic efficacy of noni extract was nearly (75 per cent) as strong as that of morphine, while remaining non-addictive and side-effect-free (Planta Med, 1990; 56: 4304). Other laboratory evidence suggests that noni has antiviral, antifungal, hypotensive (blood-pressurelowering), anti-inflammatory and immune-enhancing actions, too.

Noni research
Noni is supposedly useful for a wide range of health problems, including arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, muscle aches and pains, menstrual difficulties, headaches, depression and cancer. Nevertheless, the truth is that noni hasnt been well studied in people for any health condition. There is, however, a respectable amount of laboratory research using the fruit, and the findings of both animal and test-tube studies suggest that noni juice does indeed have a broad range of biological effects.

Anti-cancer activity
In the early 1990s, researchers at the University of Hawaii reported anticancer activity using an alcohol precipitate of noni fruit juice (nonippt). This was found to significantly prolongby up to 75 per centthe life of laboratory mice that had been implanted with Lewis lung carcinoma compared with their matched control brethren. The researchers concluded that noni-ppt appeared to suppress tumour growth indirectly by stimulating the immune system (Proc West Pharmacol Soc, 1994; 37: 1456). A later studybut one also using mice, so the results, again, may not apply to humansfound improved

survival times and curative effects when noni-ppt was combined with suboptimal doses of standard chemotherapy drugs, such as adriamycin and cisplatin. According to the researchers, these results suggest important clinical applications of noni-ppt as a supplemental agent in cancer treatment (Phytother Res, 1999; 13: 3807). Noni also appears to be cancerprotective. In a study using Tahitian Noni Juice (TNJ), a popular product made by Morinda Inc, the juice, when given to rats in drinking water, lowered the number of DNA adducts (pieces of DNA bonded to a carcinogenic chemical, indicating the beginnings of a cancerous cell). Levels of DNA adducts were reduced by 30 per cent in the heart, 41 per cent in the lung, 42 per cent in the liver and 80 per cent in the kidneys. It was concluded that nonis antioxidant propertiescomparable to those of vitamin C, grape seed powder and pycnogenolmight explain the apparent cancerpreventative effects (Ann NY Acad Sci, 2001; 952: 1618).

Human trials
Only a few studies have looked at the effects of noni juice in humans. One placebo-controlled trial evaluated the effect of noni juice on physical endurance in athletes. In this study, 40 highly trained runners drank TNJ or a placebo (blackberry juice)100 mL twice a dayfor 21 days. Using a treadmill test, their endurance (time to fatigue) was assessed before and after the juice-drinking period. The results showed that endurance was increased by 21 per cent in the TNJ group, whereas no improvement was seen with the placebo drink. The researchers believe that the potent antioxidant effects of TNJ brought about their positive findings (J Medicinal Plant Res, 2008; 2: 1548). Other research has focused on the effects of noni juice in smokers. In one study, scientists analyzed nonis antioxidant activity by measuring levels of oxygen free radicals in the smokers blood before and after drinking TNJ. Compared with smokers who drank a placebo (a blend of grape and blueberry juice) for 30 days, those who drank the noni juice showed significant reductions in superoxide anion radicals (SAR) and lipid hydroperoxide (LOOH) biomarkers of degenerative diseases associated with smoking. The results suggest an antioxidant activity from noni juice in humans

Other effects
Several compounds in noni are proven antibacterial agents effective against infectious bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus morganii, Staphylococcus aureus , Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella and Shigella species. Such antibacterial activity by noni explains why the fruit has been traditionally used to treat skin infections, colds, fevers and other

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exposed to tobacco smoke, the researchers concluded (Chem Cent J, 2009; 3: 13). The most promising clinical trial, however, measured the impact of noni juice on DNA adducts in the blood of more than 200 smokers. The results showed that drinking 14 oz of TNJ for just one month reduced DNA adduct levels by almost 50 per cent. Thus, a daily dose of TNJ may be able to reduce the risk of cancer in cigarette-smokers (Nutr Cancer, 2009; 61: 6349).

Safety concerns
Despite being approved as safe in many countries, there have been a few reports of hepatitis in people drinking noni juice, with some suggesting that the compounds known as anthraquinones might be responsible (World J Gastroenterol, 2006; 12: 36169). Yet, hepatotoxicity tests of noni juice have found it to be safe (J Toxicol Sci, 2009; 34: 5815). One studyalbeit in rats even suggests that noni juice may be protective against liver damage (Plant Foods Hum Nutr, 2008; 63: 5963). Nevertheless, the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) advises that people with liver disease should steer clear of noni juice. Also, as noni is high in potassium, people on potassiumrestricted diets (due to kidney problems, for example) should also avoid it.

The bottom line

Although the results of noni research are promising, its still too early to say whether or not the fruit juice is effective for any particular health condition. In fact, according to the European Scientific Committee on Food, which evaluated TNJ in 2002, theres no evidence that the product has any nutritional benefits beyond those obtained with any other fruit juices ( out151_en.pdf). However, since that report, two trialsboth, however, funded by Morinda Inchave found that TNJ may be superior to blackberry juice, and to a blueberry and grape juice blend. But independent research is now needed to confirm whether noni juice is a truly useful healthy drink.
Joanna Evans

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Healing Foods

A juicy cure-all?
Pomegranate juice is beginning to amass evidence as a remedy for everything from cancer to Alzheimers

significantly over the treatment period, suggesting a potential slowing of cancer progression. Further research is currently underway to determine whether these early results will be supported by a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial ( Clin Cancer Res, 2006; 12: 401826).

f the hype is to be believed, just about ever yone can benefit from drinking pomegranate juice. Its touted as the natural answer to a laundry list of health problemsranging from cancer and heart disease to diabetes and Alzheimers. And although it all sounds too good to be true, in fact, theres an impressive amount of scientific research on this tart-tasting drink. Studies show that the juice of this ancient fruit may well have many modern applications.

Heart disease
In addition to its cancer-fighting activities, pomegranate juice also appears to have cardioprotective properties, making it a useful beverage for those with heart disease. Indeed, a study by a team from The Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, CA, found that drinking pomegranate juice had beneficial effects in patients with ischaemic coronary heart disease (CHD). After randomly dividing 45 patients with both CHD and myocardial ischaemia (restricted blood supply to the heart) into two groups, one group was given 240 mL/ day of pomegranate juice for three months, while the other received the same amount of a placebo drink with a similar calorie content, flavour and colour. The results showed that blood flow to the heart improved by around 17 per cent in the pomegranate group and declined by 18 per cent in the placebo group. The researchers noted that this benefit came with no negative effects on lipids, blood glucose, body weight or blood pressure. In conclusion, daily consumption of pomegranate juice may improve stress-induced myocardial ischemia in patients who have CHD, they wrote (Am J Cardiol, 2005; 96: 8104). Another study looked at the effect of pomegranate juice on patients with carotid artery stenosis (CAS), where there is narrowing of the carotid arteries due to the build-up of plaque (atherosclerosis) in vessel walls. This placebo-controlled trial showed that the daily consumption of the fruit juice for one year significantly reduced the thickness of the carotid artery walls by up to 30 per cent. The controls, on the other hand, showed further thickening of the arteries.

Recent laborator y research has revealed that pomegranate juice and its components possess potent anticancer properties. In one study, presented in December, 2010, at the 50th annual meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology in Philadelphia, researchers from the University of California at Riverside demonstrated that pomegranate juice might stop prostate cancer from spreading. The study, performed at the lab of Manuela Martins-Green, a professor of cell biology, identified a number of components in pomegranate juicenamely, phenylpropanoids, hydrobenzoic acids, flavones and conjugated fatty acidsthat can both inhibit the growth of cancer cells and weaken their attraction to a chemical signal that promotes the metastasis (spread) of prostate cancer to the bone. These exciting findings could lead to the development of new therapies for preventing prostatecancer metastases, the researchers said. Whats more, as the genes and proteins involved in the movement of prostate cancer cells are essentially the same as those

involved in the movement of other types of cancer cells, pomegranate juice may have a much broader role to play in cancer treatment ( releases/2010/12/ 101212121741.htm). Indeed, previous research has suggested that pomegranate juice can inhibit the growth of breast, colon and lung cancer cells (Nutr Cancer, 2009; 61: 8115). In test-tube studies using breast cancer cell lines, pomegranate constituents were shown to effectively inhibit angiogenesis (the growth of new blood vessels that enables cancerous tumours to grow and spread) as well as tumour growth, proliferation and invasiveness, and to induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) (Altern Med Rev, 2008; 13: 12844). There is also laborator y evidence to suggest that pomegranate juice may help to prevent skin cancer (Exp Dermatol, 2009; 18: 55361). However, the most important question is whether pomegranate has proved effective in any clinical trials. So far, only one has involved cancer patients, although the results are promising. Researchers from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) studied 46 men with prostate cancer who drank 8 oz (240 mL) of pomegranate juice every day. They found that prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels declined

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Drinking pomegranate juice also appeared to reduce systolic blood pressure and to retard cholesterol oxidation. These effects could be down to the potent antioxidant properties of the polyphenol compounds found in pomegranate juice, the researchers said (Clin Nutr, 2004; 23: 42333). However, more studies are needed to determine whether drinking pomegranate juice is a useful strategy for the prevention of heart disease in healthy people.

A potent antioxidant
The apparently beneficial effects of pomegranate juice have been largely attributed to its antioxidant activity, which is mainly due to the high concentration of polyphenols in the juice. Pomegranate juice has both a higher total polyphenolic content and greater antioxidant activity than other commonly consumed fruit juices, including orange, apple, pineapple, grapefruit, red grape and cranberry (Int J Food Sci Tech, 2010; 45: 11917). Its also worthwhile noting that the whole juice appears to be superior to its isolated and purified polyphenols in terms of antioxidant, anticancer and anti-atherosclerotic effects. This suggests that the effects of pomegranate juice are most likely due to a synergistic effect of multiple compounds (J Nutr
Biochem, 2005; 16: 3607).

Despite being naturally high in sugar, pomegranate juice has shown promise in the treatment of health problems associated with diabetes. One small trial of 10 type 2 diabetics and 10 non-diabetic controls found that a daily dose of the juice did not worsen diabetes factors such as blood sugar levels but, instead, resulted in significant antioxidative effects that might be able to cut the risk of heart disease in such patients (Atherosclerosis, 2006; 187: 36371). Heart disease risk is increased in diabetics, as persistently raised glucose levels intensify the furring and hardening of blood vessels seen in atherosclerosis. In most juices, sugars are present in freeand harmfulforms, explained lead study researcher Michael Aviram. In pomegranate juice, however, the sugars are attached to unique antioxidants, which actually make these sugars protective against atherosclerosis. In a follow-up study, drinking pomegranate juice proved to have a number of other beneficial effects that could lead to retardation of atherosclerosis development in diabetic patients (J Agric Food Chem, 2008; 56: 870413 ). day) or sugar water on the progression of the disease. Their findings showed that, after six months, the pomegranate juicetreated mice learned water-maze tasks more quickly and swam faster than the control mice, and also had 50-per-cent fewer beta-amyloid plaques in the hippocampus of their brains. The build-up of such plaques is considered one of the hallmarks of Alzheimers disease (Neurobiol Dis, 2006; 24: 50615). However, clinical trials are needed to confirm whether or not drinking pomegranate juice will have such similar effects in human Alzheimers patients. Also, other animal research has hinted at the juices neuroprotective effects. When pregnant mice were given pomegranate juice, the results suggested that polyphenols in the juice might protect their offspring from neonatal hypoxicischaemic (HI) brain injury. In humans, HI brain damage is a major cause of infant illness and death in severely preterm and very low-birth-weight babies. The study showed that the offspring of pomegranate-treated mice had significantly less braintissue loss (a 64-per-cent decrease) compared with controls when subjected to experimentally induced HI brain damage. These results demonstrate that maternal dietary supplementation with pomegranate juice is neuroprotective for the neonatal brain, the researchers said (Pediatr Res, 2005; 57: 85864). Nevertheless, human studies are again needed.

Pomegranate promise
Despite all the positive findings so far, its still too early to say whether or not pomegranate juice can prevent or treat a particular condition. In fact, in the US, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has come down hard on claims made for the potential benefits of the popular fruit juice. In September 2010, the FTC filed a lawsuit against Pom Wonderful, the brand of pomegranate juice used in most of the scientific studies, charging the company with making false and unsubstantiated claims. The commission said that the companys advertising claims over-stated the results of studies and ignored the fact that some studies found pomegranate juice to be no more effective than a placebo. The studies being referred to are one that reported no statistically significant effect of pomegranate juice in men with erectile dysfunction, and one that found no significant effect of the juice on arterial plaque build-up in patients at moderate risk for coronary heart disease (Int J Impot Res, 2007; 19: 5647; Am J Cardiol, 2009; 104: 93642). However, Pom Wonderful strongly disputes the FTCs assertions. We do not make claims that our products act as drugs, the company said. What we do, rather, is communicate, through advertising, the promising science relating to pomegranates. Consumers and their health providers have a right to know about this research and its results.
Joanna Evans

Alzheimers and more

A study by scientists from Loma Linda University in California suggests that pomegranate juice might help to fight off Alzheimers disease. Using mice predisposed to develop Alzheimers-like pathology and symptoms, the team examined the effect of drinking pomegranate juice (roughly the equivalent of a human drinking one or two glasses a

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Healing Foods

Tomatoes: our everyday heroes

The humble tomato may be a powerful weapon in the fight against cancer and heart disease

hile the health industry touts the benefits of exotic fruit such as noni and goji berries, researchers have been focusing on the humble tomato. What theyre finding is that a diet rich in tomatoesraw or cookedmight be a simple way to slash your risk of life-threatening conditions such as cancer and heart disease.

Reduce cancer risk

Fruits and vegetables are generally associated with a reduced risk of cancer, but tomatoes appear to be especially good at fighting the disease. In one of the biggest studies so far, Harvard researchers found that men who ate lots of tomatoes and tomato products (such as tomato sauce and pizza) reduced their risk of prostate cancer by 35 per cent. As for aggressive forms of prostate cancer, high tomato intakes cut the risk by more than half (J Natl Cancer Inst, 1995; 87: 176776). Other studies have had similar findings (Int J Cancer, 2005; 113: 10104; Exp Biol Med [Maywood], 2002; 227: 8529), with benefits for women, too. In one study of Brazilian women, those who regularly ate these fruit were significantly less likely to have breast cancer (Nutr Hosp, 2007; 22: 56572). In the US, women who consumed lots of cooked tomatoes reduced their risk of multiple myeloma (bone-marrow cancer)(Cancer Causes Control, 2007; 18: 106576), while both male and female tomato eaters can slash their risk of renal cell carcinoma (a type of kidney cancer) by up to 50 per cent (J Am Diet Assoc, 2009; 109: 65667). Although these findings dont prove that tomatoes prevent cancer, scientists suspect that lycopene, a potent antioxidant found in the fruit, is responsible for the anti-cancer effect. Indeed, a Finnish study found a strong link between blood lycopene levels and overall cancer rates in men (Ann Epidemiol, 2009; 19: 5128). Lycopene has proved able to reduce the risk of prostate, lung, blood and gastrointestinal tract cancers (Molecules, 2010; 15: 95987). As a cancer treatment, lycopene could be a complementary therapy for high-grade tumours (gliomas) of the brain or spine (Neurol India, 2010; 58: 203). Most research, however, is on prostate cancerand the evidence is mixed. Still, one review found that six out of eight studies showed that the higher the lycopene intake, the lower the levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a diagnostic marker of prostate cancer. The evidence also suggested that lycopene can delay prostate cancer progression, and reduce symptoms such as pain and urinary tract problems (Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis, 2009; 12: 32532). Animal studies show that lycopene on its own may not be as effective as eating the tomatoes whole, suggesting that these fruit contain other anticancer compounds besides lycopene (J Natl Cancer Inst, 2003; 95: 157886). Another study in women showed a link between blood lycopene and heart disease risk: the higher the levels, the lower the risk (Arch Latinoam Nutr, 2009; 59: 1207). In men, Finnish researchers found an inverse relationship between blood lycopene and atherosclerosis (plaque buildup in the arteries) (Am J Clin Nutr, 2003; 77: 1338). Theres even evidence that tomatoes might be therapeutic against heart disease, as short-term treatment with lycopene-rich tomato extract was found to reduce blood pressure in patients with hypertension (Cardiovasc Drugs Ther, 2009; 23: 14551; Am Heart J, 2006; 151: 100). Also, a study in Taiwan gave participants either fresh tomatoes, tomato juice or a lycopene drink (all delivering around 40 mg of lycopene/day) for six weeks. On measuring the subjects blood lipids, they found that triglyceride levels and LDL (bad) cholesterol were both decreased, whereas HDL (good) cholesterol levels increased in those who consumed the fresh tomatoes and tomato juice. Surprisingly, no significant differences were observed in those who consumed the lycopene drink, again suggesting the importance of eating the whole fruit rather than taking lycopene as a dietary supplement (J Agric Food Chem, 2007; 55: 647581).

Prevent heart disease

Tomatoes may also help to prevent heart disease, the worlds number-one killer disease. In a study of nearly 40,000 women, those who ate the most tomato-based products had a 30per-cent lower risk of heart disease and a 60-per-cent reduced risk of heart attack (J Nutr, 2003; 133: 233641).

Other possible benefits

Another benefit of eating tomatoes is

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that they appear to offer natural protection against skin damage from the sun. In one German study, nine healthy volunteers consumed 40 g of tomato paste (containing about 16 mg of lycopene) with 10 g of olive oil every day for 10 weeks, while a control group consumed the olive oil alone. The researchers then analyzed the subjects skin before and after exposing them to artificial ultraviolet (UV) light. The results showed that the tomato-paste group had a 40-percent reduction in skin redness (erythema) compared with the controls (J Nutr, 2001; 131: 144951). In another study by the same research team, supplementation with tomato extract, tomato paste and lycopene each had a protective effect against UV-induced sunburn although lycopene alone was the least effective. Those consuming the tomato extract and the tomato drink saw skin redness reduce by 38 per cent and 48 per cent, respectively,

Raw or cooked?
Whole tomatoes appear to offer more health benefits than isolated lycopene, but whats the best way to eat them? Surprisingly, it appears that cooked and processed tomatoes are better than raw ones. Thats because heating tomatoes weakens the fruits cellular structure, making it easier for the body to take up the lycopene. Moreover, as processing involves water loss, lycopene tends to be more concentrated in processed tomatoes than in fresh ones (Annu Rev Food Sci Technol, 2010; 1: 189210). Nevertheless, processed products generally contain high levels of sugar, salt and other additives. So, a good idea is to make your own tomato sauce, using fresh, organic tomatoes, which can be served with pasta and other dishes. Also, be sure to include a little olive oil, as consuming lycopene with fat increases its absorption in the body.

compared with only 25 per cent in the lycopene-only group. Again, this suggests that were better off eating the whole fruit rather than only taking an isolated compound from it (Int J Vitam Nutr Res, 2005; 75: 5460). In addition to sunburn, tomatoes could also be useful for a range of other health problems. Although such

research is still in its early stages, the findings already hint at a beneficial role of these fruit for asthma, gum disease, age-related macular degeneration, neurodegenerative disorders and even osteoporosis (Annu Rev
Food Sci Technol, 2010; 1: 189210; Exp Biol Med [Maywood], 2002; 227: 84551).

Joanna Evans

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Healing Foods

Spirulina: the super seaweed

Spirulina has a host of reported benefits, but does it actually work?
The fiction
Other studies show that spirulina doesnt work for certain conditions. Although its often claimed to fight fatigue and boost energy, a randomized placebo-controlled trial suggests otherwise. When four patients with chronic fatigue were given spirulina (3 g/day) for a month, it proved no better than a placebo (Phytother Res, 2007; 21: 5703). However, as these results may have been biased by the design of the study, until more clinical studies are conducted, we just dont know. Another claim is that spirulina can protect the liver, especially in people with chronic hepatitis. However, a trial of 24 patients with chronic viral hepatitis found that one month of spirulina treatment had no significant results (Rom J Intern Med, 2002; 40: 8994). Its also worth noting that, despite the widespread publicity, theres no evidence that spirulina can help in attention-deficit disorder.

he blue-green algae of the genus Arthrospira, found in the saltwater lakes of Mexico and Central America, is popular with nutritionists and the health-conscious everywhere. Often labelled the worlds healthiest food, its been said to boost immunity, promote heart health, combat fatigue, encourage weight loss, eliminate allergies and even protect against cancer. Is there any truth to these claims? WDDTY separates the fact from the fiction.

The facts

Nasal allergies. In a controlled clinical trial, allergic rhinitis patients fed spirulina had significantly less sneezing, itching, nasal discharge and congestion, compared with the placebo group (Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol, 2008; 265: 121923). High cholesterol. When the effects of spirulina on cholesterol were studied over 20 years ago in 30 healthy men, it was found that 4.2 g/day markedly reduced levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol after eight weeks (Nutr Rep Int, 1988; 37: 132937). Other clinical trials have reported similar results and, in one, spirulina not only reduced LDL cholesterol, but also increased HDL (good) cholesterol, too (Evid Based Comple-ment
Altern Med, 2008 Sep 14; Epub ahead of print). Hypertension. In 36 Mexican men and women, taking 4.5 g/day of spirulina for six weeks dramatically reduced both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, with the largest decreases seen in the youngest (aged 1838 years) (Lipids Health Dis, 2007; 6: 33). Arsenic poisoning. This is a common problem in developing countries where arsenic levels in drinking water are high. When 41 patients with this condition were given either a placebo or spirulina extract (250 g) plus zinc (2 g), twice daily for 16 weeks, urine and

hair analyses found that the spirulinazinc combo removed significant quantities of arsenic from the body (Clin Toxicol [Phila], 2006; 44: 13541). Obesity. In the only trial of spirulina for weight loss, there was a small reduction in weight in obese people taking 2.8 g of spirulina three times a day. However, further studies are needed to confirm this, and it is also not known whether the supplement will have the same effects in those who arent so overweight (Nutr Rep Int, 1986; 33: 56574). Cancer. In one clinical trial, researchers found that 20 out of 44 patients showed complete regression of leukoplakia (mouth cancer) after taking spirulina for one year vs only 3 out of 43 taking a placebo (Nutr Cancer, 1995; 24: 197202). However, this was an unblinded, non-randomized trial and as such cannot be regarded as evidence of a positive effect (Evid
Based Complement Altern Med, 2008 Sep 14; Epub ahead of print).

The bottom line

Although the spirulina studies are promising, its still too early to say whether or not it can prevent or treat any specific health problem. Whats more, the dosages used in most of the studies were relatively high, so even if it does work, youd need to take a lot of it to see any benefits. Still, as dietary supplements go, spirulina is a particularly rich source of proteins, vitamins, amino acids, minerals and other nutrients. This means that, providing you choose a good-quality supplement, you cant go far wrong.
Joanna Evans

Is spirulina safe?
Spirulina itself appears to be non-toxic, although blue-green algae may be naturally contaminated by highly toxic substances called microcystins, which could make their way into health supplements. Nevertheless, a survey by Health Canadawhich tested a broad sample of blue-green algae products available on the Canadian marketfound that all spirulina products were microcystin-free (for details, go to cyanobacter-eng.php#blue). A genuine concern, however, is that spirulina can absorb any heavy metals present in the water in which it grows (Nutr Rep Int, 1989; 40: 116572), so make sure that you buy spirulina from a reputable manufacturer.

18 WDDTY Healing Foods

Mushroom magic
Mushrooms have been valued throughout the worldparticularly in Asiaas both food and medicine for centuries. Now, some members of the fungal kingdom are beginning to attract the attention of Western medicine.

ushrooms have been used in Oriental medicine for over 7000 years. But only recently has the West begun to wake up to the medicinal and healing capabilities of these functional fungi. After several decades of extensive scientific scrutiny, various species show great promise against a raft of diseases.

Potent cancer fighter

A number of mushroom components stimulate the immune system and inhibit tumour growth. In particular, their polysaccharideslong-chain sugar moleculeshave been repeatedly proven to have antitumour and immunostimulant properties. In the most comprehensive review of the literature, Cancer Research UK confirmed the anticancer activity of polysaccharides from various mushrooms, including reishi (Ganoderma shiitake (Lentinula lucidum), edodes), maitake (Grifola frondosa) and kawaratake (Coriolus versicolor). Of these, the shiitake mushroom and its polysaccharide lentinan have been the most extensively researched. Numerous studies have demonstrated lentinans powerful immune-boosting effects, which enhance the bodys natural antitumour capabilities rather than attack tumour cells themselves (Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2002; 60: 25874). First isolated in 1970, lentinan showed greater antitumour effects than other mushroom polysaccharides and was effective against some, though not all, types of tumours (Int J Cancer, 1974; 12: 25961). In Japan, lentinan is approved for use as an anticancer drug. It is considered an important adjuvant

treatment for several types of tumours, especially stomach and colorectal cancers. In one study of advanced stomach cancer, chemotherapy patients who received injections of lentinan once or twice a week in addition to the usual drugs lived significantly longer and had a better quality of life compared with patients who received chemotherapy alone (Hepatogastroenterology, 1999; 46: 26628). Lentinan also seems to greatly reduce the debilitating side-effects of chemo such as nausea, pain, hair loss and reduced immunity. However, although the compound given orally can reduce colon cancer in animals (J Altern Complement Med, 2002; 8: 5819), a US study of more than 60 men with prostate cancer found that six months of treatment with shiitake extract halted the disease in only four of them (Urology, 2002; 60: 6404). More promising is the kawaratake mushroom. Coriolus, a long-established folk medicine for cancers of all kinds, is traditionally taken as a tea. Two extractspolysaccharide-K (PSK; krestin) and polysaccharopeptide (PSP)both have potent anticancer properties when taken orally. In fact, krestin is rated among the worlds best-selling cancer drugsand among the worlds best-selling drugs overalland has no major sideeffects, making it useful for debilitated or elderly patients (Anticancer Res, 2002; 22: 173754).

In one randomized, placebocontrolled trial of more than 100 patients after cancer-related surgery, significantly more patients were still alive and disease-free after 10 years with PSK than with a placebo (Cancer Immunol Immunother, 1990; 31: 2618). In another Japanese trial of more than 400 patients, again after colorectal-cancer surgery, 75 per cent of those given PSK plus chemotherapy were alive after three years, compared with 40 per cent of those given only chemo (Dis Colon Rectum, 1992; 35: 12330). In a follow-up study of patients after radiotherapy for lung cancer, nearly 40 per cent of those taking PSK were still alive after five years compared with 16 per cent of those not taking PSK (Anticancer Res, 1993; 13: 181520). PSK can also prolong life in those with cancers of the breast, nasopharynx, oesophagus and stomach (Altern Med Rev, 2000; 5: 427). PSP , its sister polysaccharide, has also shown powerful benefits for the immune system, as well as substantially reducing pain and improving quality of life in those with cancers of the stomach, oesophagus, lung, ovary and cervix (Altern Med Rev, 2000; 5: 427). Reishi and maitake mushrooms also have anticancer effects. Reishi appears to stimulate the immune systemin particular, tumour necrosis factorto attack cancer cells (Int J Cancer, 1997; 70: 699705). Maitake attacks the cancer cells directly. In one test-tube study, betaglucan, the polysaccharide from maitake, killed over 95 per cent of prostate-cancer cells (Mol Urol, 2000; 4: 713). Clinical trials are underway in the US and Japan not only with prostate cancer, but also with cancers of the breast, lung, liver and stomach (Smith
JE et al. Medicinal Mushrooms and Cancer, Chapter 7. Cancer Research UK; see www.

According to City of Hopes Beckman Research Institute in Duarte, California, even eating those white supermarket mushroomsfrom baby buttons to large stufferscan help ward off breast cancer (J Nutr, 2001; 131: 328893; Cancer Res, 2006; 66: 1202634). Extracts of white button mush-

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rooms (Agaricus bisporus) can suppress oestrogen production, which plays a major role in breast cancer. Crimini (including portabella) mushrooms have similar actions. One active ingredient in these mushrooms is conjugated linoleic acid, a wellknown anticancer agent. Although mushrooms cannot treat breast cancer, say the researchers, eating about 100 g/day of white mushrooms may act as a preventative in postmenopausal women; nonmenopausal women can have a lower intake and still benefit. Japanese inventors, a patented betaglucan extract of maitake known as the MD-Fraction is the most effective of all the known anti-HIV polysaccharides and is as powerful as the drug AZT (Altern Med Rev, 2001; 6: 4860). In one long-term study, the MDFraction was given to 35 HIV-positive patients for 360 days. Although the results were mixed, 85 per cent of the patients reported an increased sense of well-being in terms of symptoms and secondary HIV-related diseases. The MD-Fraction appears to work by direct inhibition of HIV and stimulation of the bodys own natural defences against HIV, rendering the patient less vulnerable to disease (Mycoscience, 2000; 41: 2935). Coriolus and reishi mushrooms may also have a place in fighting HIV (Life Sci, 1997; 60: PL3837; Phytochemistry, 1998; 49: 16517). as, in general, they are thought to be more bioavailable (readily taken up by the body). However, there appears to have been no systematic attempt to evaluate this claim scientifically. Liquid extracts may just be more concentrated than the powdered ones. There is, however, evidence to suggest that using whole mushrooms or mushroom extracts may be more beneficial than taking its isolated components such as polysaccharides. According to scientists from the University of California, whole mushrooms contain a number of important active ingredients that may play a synergistic role against disease (Exp Biol Med, 2004; 229: 393406). Finally, its worth remembering that medicinal and culinary mushrooms are often one and the same, so many of the benefits of mushrooms can be had simply by making them a routine part of your diet. Recent research by the US Department of Agriculture has discovered that most nutrients in raw mushrooms are fully retained when cooked, while others are retained at levels of between 80 and 95 per cent (
Joanna Evans

Mushrooms have shown impressive activity against diabetes. In mice, maitake significantly reduced blood sugar (Biol Pharm Bull, 1994; 17: 110610), and doctors at New York Medical College have found that a daily dose of 1000 mg of maitake in patients with severe type 2 (non-insulindependent) diabetes can permanently normalize blood sugar levels (Diabetic Med, 2001; 18: 1010). Reishiknown in China as lingzhi, the plant of immortalitycan also reduce blood glucose in diabetic patients (Int J Med Mushr, 2005; 7: 1118). Moreover, reishi can prevent or delay diabetic kidney problemsalbeit in mice, so it may not apply to humans (J Asian Nat Prod Res, 2006; 8: 70511). Yet another mushroom helpful in diabetes is Agaricus blazei Murill (ABM). In a randomized, double-blind study of 72 patients with type 2 diabetes, those receiving ABM extract 1500 mg/day for 12 weekshad an improved insulin resistance compared with those given a placebo (J Altern Complement Med, 2007; 13: 97102). The effect was attributed to increased adiponectin, a hormone that regulates fat and sugar metabolism.

Mushroom supplements
The medicinal properties of mushrooms are full of possibilities, but the research is still in its early stages. Nevertheless, there are a number of commercially available mushroom products already on the shelves. Look for liquid products rather than powdered (dried) supplements

Functional fungi


Mushrooms can even help HIV/AIDS patients to improve their immune function. In a controlled trial of 100 HIV patients, lentinan taken with the drug didanosine (ddI) increased levels of CD4 cellsamong the immune systems main defenses more than with ddI alone (J Med, 1995; 26: 193207). Whats more, according to its

A polysaccharide from shiitake has demonstrated benefit in chronic hepatitis sufferers. LEM (Lentinula edodes mycelia) protects the liver, improves liver function and helps produce antibodies to hepatitis B (J Beijing Med University, 1987; 19: 935; Gasteroenterol Jpn, 1987; 22: 45964; Kantansui, 1987; 14: 32735). Because maitake is rich in fibre, yet low in calories and fat, it is a potential weight-loss aid. In a study of more than 30 overweight patients, those who took maitake tablets (equal to 200 g of fresh mushrooms) daily for two months lost weight, despite making no other changes to their usual diets (Altern Med Rev, 2001; 6: 4860). Japanese researchers have found that eating raw mushrooms can eliminate bad breath. Button, field and birch bolete mushrooms were among those with a high ability to capture methyl mercaptan, the main chemical responsible for halitosis (J Agric Food Chem, 2001; 49: 550914). In 2005, a Norwegian study concluded that an extract of Agaricus blazei Murill, an edible mushroom from Brazil, can both treat and prevent bacterial infections such as otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia and meningitis (Scand J Immunol, 2005; 62: 3938) Fungal materials may make good artificial skin and wound covers. The idea came from similar products based on crustacean shells and the fact that fungal cell walls also contain chitin and/or chitosan. Indeed, Sacchachitin, prepared from the waste residues of Ganoderma tsugae (hemlock varnish shelf) fruiting bodies, can enhance skin wound-healing in both animals and humans (J Biomed Mater Res A, 2005; 72: 2207).

20 WDDTY Healing Foods

A sweet truth
Eating chocolate can help prevent heart attacks, the latest evidence suggests
f youve had a heart attack, a bar of chocolate is probably the last thing your doctor would recommend. Nevertheless, new evidence suggests that chocolate could save your life by reducing your risk of having a fatal heart attack in the future. Swedish researchers, as part of the Stockholm Heart Epidemiology Program (SHEEP), quizzed 1169 heartattack survivors on their chocolate consumption, then followed them for eight years to see how their health fared. They found that the more chocolate was eaten, the lower the risk of death due to heart diseaseeven after taking into account other risk factors such as obesity, smoking and alcohol consumption. Those who regularly indulged in chocolatetwo or more times per weekwere up to three times less likely to die of heart problems than those who avoided it. Even eating chocolate less that once a month had a significant protective effect (J Intern Med, 2009; 266: 24857). These findings are intriguing, but not surprising. Recently, the evidence has been stacking up that chocolate far from being an unhealthy treatis actually a functional food with cardioprotective properties. But beware: not all chocolate is created equal. Although the Swedish study didnt distinguish between types of chocolate, much of the research indicates that its only the dark kind thats good for the heart. In one study, darkbut not white chocolate was found to dramatically reduce blood pressure (BP) in 20 mildly hypertensive patients, who were randomly assigned to receive either 100 g of dark chocolate or 90 g of white chocolate every day for two weeks. Only the dark chocolate had beneficial effects, causing systolic BP to plummet by an average of 11.9 mmHg, and diastolic BP by 8.5 mmHg. This means that chocolate is as effective as many of the antihypertensive drugs currently on the market (Hypertension,
2005; 46: 398405).

237682; 197204).






When doctors at the University of Cologne in Germany ran a similar study, but with less chocolate (just 6.3 g/day, equal to 30 calories), remarkably, even this small amount of dark chocolate (but, again, not white chocolate) was able to reduce BP by almost 3 mmHg. Although small, such a decrease applied across a population would reduce the relative risk of stroke mortality by 8 per cent, of coronary artery disease mortality by 5 per cent, and of all-cause mortality by 4 per cent, the researchers estimated (JAMA, 2007; 298: 4960). This suggests that we can enjoy the benefits of chocolate without piling on the pounds.

A guilt-free pleasure
In addition to lowering BP, dark chocolate appears to increase good HDL cholesterol while lowering bad LDL cholesterol (Free
Radic Biol Med, 2004; 37: 13519; J Nutr, 2008; 138: 16716 ). Its also been shown to reduce platelet clumping (blood clots) and to improve function of the endothelium, the inner lining of the arteries responsible for producing nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels and keeps the vessel lumen clear of obstructions ( Circulation, 2007; 116:

But how is it that such a high-fat, sugar-laden treat can be good for us? The dark chocolate bars used in most studies were at least 70-per-cent cocoa solids. Although these bars typically include around 12 g of sugar, the cocoa packs such a healthy punch that it counteracts any adverse effects of the sugar. The key ingredients in cocoa are the flavanols, a subgroup of the natural antioxidant plant compounds called flavonoids, already well-known for their heart-healthy effects (Nutr Today, 2002; 37: 1039). Indeed, the Kuna Indians of Panama, who regularly consume large amounts of flavanolrich cocoa, are virtually free of hypertension and stroke, even though they add salt to their food (Med Hypotheses, 2009 Jul 2; Epub ahead of print). As for the fat in chocolate, much of it is present in the form of stearic triglycerides, which increase good HDL cholesterol and are readily cleared from the body via the gut (Crit Care Nurse, 2007; 27: 115). Also, the fat slows the rate at which the sugar is released into the bloodstream, making dark chocolate a low glycaemic index (GI) food. So, while it may be some time before doctors start recommending a bar of chocolate a day, it certainly seems that the old adage is true: a little of what you fancy does you good.
Joanna Evans

Beyond heart health

Besides heart disease, chocolate may also have a role to play in other health problems. N Sun damage. Eating chocolate rich in flavanols can help to protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. When 30 volunteers were given 20 g/day of either high- (HF) or low- (LF) flavanol chocolate daily, after 12 weeks, those in the HF group saw their minimum erythema dosethe minimum dose of UV light to cause skin rednessmore than double, while no significant changes were seen in the LF group (J Cosmet Dermatol, 2009; 8: 16973). N Diabetes. Dark chocolate may help to prevent diabetes. Eating 100 g/day of dark, but not white, chocolate for two weeks improved insulin sensitivity (which leads to diabetes) in healthy volunteers (Am J Clin Nutr, 2005; 81: 6114). N Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). In a placebo-controlled study of 10 patients with CFS, eating 15 g of dark chocolate three times a day significantly improved fatigue and physical functioning over an eightweek period. Indeed, two patients were able to return to work after having suffered CFS symptoms for two years (Endocrine Abstracts, 2006; 12: 68).

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Healing Foods

Green tea: the natural disease fighter

Green tea can help to fight cancer and more
reen tea is credited with a variety of health benefits from aiding weight loss to lowering cholesterol. Now, new findings show that the popular drink may help to treat chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL), a common form of blood cancer for which there is no cure. In a study of 33 CLL sufferers, Minnesotas Mayo Clinic found that daily doses of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an active ingredient in green tea, was well tolerated, even at very high doses (up to 4000 mg/ day). Furthermore, many also saw some degree of regression of their leukaemia. Specifically, treatment with EGCG led to significant decreases in two key CLL symptoms: high white blood cell (lymphocyte) counts; and enlarged lymph nodes. Lymphocyte counts were reduced by 20 per cent or more in 11 of the 33 patients, while all but one of 12 patients with swollen lymph nodes saw a 50 per cent or greater reduction in swelling (J Clin Oncol, 2009; 27: 380814). Although more research is needed to confirm these findings, this is not the first study to suggest that green tea is a potent cancer fighter. Indeed, the Feist-Weiller Cancer Center in Louisiana has reported that green tea might be effective against prostate cancer. Dr James Cardelli and his team gave 26 men with prostate cancer daily supplements of a green-tea formulation (800 mg of EGCG plus other polyphenols), equivalent to around 12 cups of normally brewed green tea. After about a month, there was a significant decrease in a number of biological disease markers such as prostate specific antigen (PSA) and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), which are indicators of cancer progression. Some patients had reductions of more than 30 per cent, with no effects on

liver function (Cancer Prev Res [Phila Pa], 2009; 2: 67382). Green tea might also help to prevent cancer from developing in the first place. People who drink lots of green tea are less likely to have certain types of cancer than those who dont. Drinking five or more cups of green tea every day reduces the risk of blood- and lymph-related cancers by about 50 per cent (Am J Epidemiol, 2009; 170: 7308). In addition, a review of 51 studies of green tea concluded that green tea may help to protect against cancers of the liver, lung, prostate, pancreas and colon (Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2009; 3: CD005004).

Other benefits
Green tea may also be useful for a host of other common ailments. N Heart disease. Green tea can prevent atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries) and stroke (J Am Coll
Nutr, 2006; 25: 7999; Complement Ther Med, 2007; 15: 4653), and lower blood pressure, cholesterol and the risk of death due to heart disease (Prev Med, 1992; 21: 54653). Osteoporosis. Green tea can prevent age-related bone loss, and reduce fractures by increasing bone mineral density and support-ing N

bone-forming activities (Nutr Res, 2009; 29: 43756). Diabetes. A study of more than 17,000 adults found that green tea was associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes (Ann Intern Med, 2006; 144: 55462). Obesity. Green tea is an effective tool for weight loss and maintenance. In a randomized placebocontrolled study of nearly 200 moderately overweight people, two servings a day of high-catechin green tea led to significant weight loss and, especially, abdominal fat (Obesity [Silver Spring], 2009 Aug 13; Epub ahead of print). Tooth decay. Drinking green tea frequently throughout the day can significantly reduce cavities, even in the presence of sugar in the diet. It may also help to prevent periodontal (gum/bone) disease (J Am Coll Nutr, 2006; 25: 7999).
Joanna Evans

Green goodness
All teas (green, black and oolong) come from the same plant, Camellia sinensis. However, as the production of green tea involves little processing, these brews are rich in polyphenol catechins, the agents thought to be responsible for much of green teas beneficial effects. Green-tea catechins, especially epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), are potent antioxidantsand antimutagenic, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral, too (J Am Coll Nutr, 2006; 25: 7999). Precisely how much you need to drink to benefit is not known, but most of the research is based on the amount of green tea typically consumed in Asian countriesabout 3 cups/day. Indeed, according to a recent review, a desirable intake is 35 cups/day (up to 1200 mL/day) to provide a minimum of 250 mg/day of catechins (Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2009; 3: CD005004). Green tea is generally free of side-effects, although drinking large amounts can lead to insomnia, anxiety and stomach upsets, due to its caffeine content. Decaffeinated products are available but, as their catechin content appears to be much reduced by the process (Nutr Cancer, 2003; 45: 22635), youd need to drink considerably more to get the same benefits as from regular green tea.

22 WDDTY Healing Foods

Spice up your life

A powerful ingredient used in yellow curries could help to fight off cancer and other inflammatory conditions
hings are hotting up as exciting new studies show that curcuminthe yellow pigment in turmericmay be able to ease arthritis, soothe digestive problems and even cure cancer. Although, so far, most of the research has involved test tubes and animals, a growing number of human trials suggest that curcumin may be a safe and effective treatment for a range of chronic conditions. bowel syndrome, Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis (Altern Med Rev, 2009; 14: 14153). In one trial of 25 peptic-ulcer patients given 600 mg of curcumin five times a day for 12 weeks, nearly half had no ulcers after four weeks and, by the end of the study, 76 per cent were ulcer-free (Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health, 2001; 32: 20815). In a randomized controlled trial, or RCT, of patients with ulcerative colitis, those taking curcumin (1 g twice a day) together with conventional drug therapy fared better than those taking a placebo with their conventional treatment (Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2006; 4: 15026).

doses have significantly reduced amyloid plaques in the brainthe hallmark of the diseaseand improved cognitive deficits such as impaired memory (Curr Alzheimer Res, 2005; 2: 1316). Although such results may not apply to humans, Alzheimers is much less common in India than in the US, possibly because curcumin-containing curries are widely consumed. More important, researchers have found a link between curry consumption and cognitive function. In a study of over 1000 elderly Asians, those who ate curry occasionally and often or very often performed significantly better on cognitive tests than those who never or rarely ate the spice (Am J Epidemiol, 2006; 164: 898906).

Arthritis Cancer
Researchers at the Cork Cancer Research Centre in Ireland have reported that curcumin looks promising for both preventing and treating oesophageal cancer, an increasingly common condition with a poor prognosis. In the laboratory, curcumin began killing oesophageal cancer cells within 24 hours (Br J Cancer, 2009; 101: 158595), and other studies show that curcumin may also work against other types of cancer cells, such as those of the breast, pancreas, stomach and colon (Int J Oncol, 2009; 35: 86772; Anticancer Res, 2001; 21: 8738). In animals, curcumin has an impact on all three stages of cancer development namely, its initiation, promotion and progression (Altern Med Rev, 2009; 14: 14153). Although these results may not apply to people, preliminary trials in cancer patients are encouraging. In one, 15 patients with advanced colorectal cancer were given a turmeric supplement (equivalent to 36180 mg of curcumin) every day for up to four months. Five patients saw their condition stabilize, while one showed signs of cancer regression (Clin Cancer Res, 2001; 7: 1894900). In one preliminary RCT, 1200 mg/day of curcumin effectively improved joint swelling, morning stiffness and walking time in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, findings supported by both animal and laboratory evidence (Altern
Med Rev, 2009; 14: 14153; Int J Mol Med, 2007; 20: 36572).

Anti-inflammatory powers
Curcumin may also be effective against oedema, pancreatitis, eye conditions such as uveitis, and even obesity and type 2 diabetes (Altern Med
Rev, 2009; 14: 14153; Endocrinology, 2008; 149: 354958).

In yet another RCT, turmeric extract (50 mg/capsule) in combination with other botanicals and zinc appeared to be useful for osteoarthritis by significantly reducing pain and disability (J Ethnopharmacol, 1991; 33: 915). However, as the treatment was a combination of different agents, it wasnt clear what role curcumin played in the improvements.

What these conditions have in common is inflammationand curcumin is a powerful antiinflammatory. Indeed, curcumin has proved to be just as effective as the antiinflammatory drugs hydrocortisone and phenylbutazone (Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther

Toxicol, 1986; 24: 6514; J Ethnopharmacol, 2007; 112: 2929).

Alzheimers disease
Mounting research suggests that curcumin may help patients with Alzheimers. In animals, even low

Curcumins antioxidant and antimicrobial actions may also explain its promising effects against a wide range of illnesses. Although more human trials are needed, this spicy compound is already proving to be one of the safest and strongest diseasefighters Nature has to offer.
Joanna Evans

Curry as cure?
Given the promising research on curcumin, should we all start eating more curry? Not necessarily. Based on what we know so far, youd probably need to eat an awful lot of it to reap any benefits. In the arthritis study (see main story), for instance, that 1200 mg/day of curcumin is roughly equivalent to seven curry dinners. But what about supplements? Curcumin isnt easily absorbed, although taking it in conjunction with certain substances, such as piperine from black pepper, appears to increase its uptake. In one trial, 20 mg of piperine with 2 g of curcumin increased the absorption of curcumin 20-fold (Planta Med, 1998; 64: 3536). Life Extension is one brand that offers a curcuminpiperine combination supplement.

Digestive disorders
Curcumin may also help with gastrointestinal conditions, including dyspepsia (indigestion), Helicobacter pylori infection, peptic ulcer, irritable

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Healing Foods

Powerful porridge
First, the perfect breakfast was eggs, then grains like muesli, then low-carb. But nothing seems to beat the benefits of good old oatmeal
appears to speed up the oxidation of cholesterol, whereas consuming wheat apparently slows it down (Am J Clin Nutr, 2002; 76: 3518). Furthermore, the study found that during weight-loss programmes, adding oats to the diet lowered blood cholesterol by an additional 412 per cent (J Nutr, 2001; 131: 146570; Ann Nutr Metab, 2003; 47: 30611). Oats contain avenanthramides, phenolic compounds with powerful antioxidant effects that can help to prevent the development of plaque on the arterial wallsat least according to laboratory studies of cell cultures. In these test-tube studies of avenanthramides added to human heart artery-cell cultures, they were able to reduce inflammation, and prevent adherence of immune system cells and the development of smooth muscleall of which are precursors of plaque (Atherosclerosis, 2004; 175: 3949). Other studies have shown that oats may normalize blood pressure, although the results of the various studies are mixed. Besides coronary heart disease, eating oatmeal may help to regularize insulin sensitivity and so prevent type 2 diabetes, another common condition of older age. Although whole grains in general appear to reduce the risk of diabetes, oats may work particularly well because they contain a fibre called beta-glucan, which can lower the rise

he latest report shows that one of the healthiest ways to start your day is with oatmeal. Oats are far less refined than wheat and have consistent evidence of benefit in terms of preventing degenerative diseases of all varieties. A review of the most up-to-date studies of oat consumption not only confirms the conclusions of a 1998 US Food and Drug Administration on oats in the reduction of blood cholesterol, but has even uncovered new benefits (Am J Lifestyle Med, 2008; 2: 517). Eating oats and oatmeal appears to reduce total blood cholesterol. According to its own review by the Cochrane Collaboration, a non-profit organization promoting evidencebased healthcare, the combined results of eight studies showed that oat consumption virtuallyand significantlyhalved total cholesterol and LDL (the bad cholesterol) concentrations while having no effects on high-density lipoproteins (the good cholesterol) (Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2007; 2: CD005051). According to the Cochrane review, the net effect translates to an overall reduction of the risk of coronary heart disease by 515 per cent. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the authors had some concerns over the short trial durations and small numbers of participants involved in some of the reviewed studies. The benefit of oats appears to extend beyond that of just fibre. Studies comparing consumption of oat cereal with wheat cereal show that oats can influence the particulate size of cholesterol, leading to lower numbers of the undesirable small, dense cholesterol particles that are thought to clear far more slowly than larger, lighter particles. Consuming oats also

in blood glucose and delay emptying of the stomach (J Am Coll Nutr, 2007; 26: 63944). For this reason, oats may also help to stabilize weight. Oats are favoured by diet specialist Dr Michel Montignac, the inventor of the lowglycaemic-index (GI) diet, as a lowGI food allowable even during the first stage of the diet. Oatmeal also helps in losing weight because it offers a greater feeling of fullness or satiation than other cereals or bread. This may be because it is combined with water. Some researchers believe that incorporating water into meals, rather than only drinking it alongside, may be more healthful and may promote weight loss (Am J Clin Nutr, 1999; 70: 44855). Perhaps the reason for all these plaudits is that oats undergo far less processing than other grains and, as oatmeal, are always consumed as a whole grain. What isnt known is how frequently you should eat oats in your daily diet, as the results of studies have often been inconsistent. In the absence of specific data, perhaps the best rule of thumb is to stick to a daily dose of porridge or to bake your own loaf of oat bread.
Lynne McTaggart

Oats in a gluten-free diet

Oats may be an acceptable alternative for people who ordinarily cannot tolerate gluten. Although oats, which do contain gluten, have always been excluded in a gluten-free diet, new studies and reviews of the literature from 1995 have shown that they are safe for coeliac disease sufferers if taken in moderationup to 70 g (1/2 to 3/4 cup) of oats per day for adults, and up to 25 g (1/4 cup) per day for children (Can J Gastroenterol, 2007; 21: 64951). This research has found that the long-term consumption of oats is well tolerated, and doesnt lead to small-bowel mucosal deterioration or immune activation, as triggered by other gluten-containing grains. Nevertheless, it may be wise to first test your child with oats to make sure he can tolerate them. Also, be sure to buy your oats from a manufacturer who takes care to ensure that the grains are not contaminated in production by other grains such wheat, barley or rye.

24 WDDTY Healing Foods

The raw-food diet

Its a lifestyle choice, but one that gives health benefits, its advocates claim. But are there any risks and downsides?
However, around a third of the women developed partial or complete amenorrhoea (loss of menstruation), usually because they were too underweight (Ann Nutr Metab, 1999; 43: 6979). The diet can also reduce LDL, or bad, cholesterol levels. In a study of 201 patients who had either high LDL or low HDL cholesterol levels, a diet comprising 15001800 g of raw food helped to reduce total cholesterol levels. However, it also reduced HDL levels, and increased total homocysteine levels among the 38 per cent of study participants who became deficient in vitamin B12 (J Nutr, 2005; 10: 23728).

he raw-food diet, a subset of the vegan/vegetarian diet, advocates that at least 75 per cent of the food we eat should be uncooked plant foods, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, sprouts, dried fruit and seaweed. Its proponents argue that the health-giving enzymes in food are destroyed when heated to above 116 F (47 C). The raw-food diet, they say, results in increased energy, better skin, better digestion, weight loss and a lower risk of heart disease. In fact, theres plenty of evidence to support these claims. It can help people who have gastrointestinal problems, as researchers discovered when they gave raw vegetable salads to 93 patients who suffered from various chronic diseases of the alimentary tract, including duodenal ulcers (Vopr Pitan, 1984; 6: 226). Among patients who ate 200 g of raw carrot every day with breakfast for three weeks, cholesterol levels fell by 11 per cent, and it improved their gut flora and metabolism. Whats more, these benefits continued for three weeks after stopping the diet (Am J Clin Nutr, 1979; 32: 188992). A raw-food diet also reduces hypertension and encourages weight loss. In 32 hypertensive patients 28 of whom were also overweight having raw foods comprise 62 per cent of their total dietary intake helped them to achieve a mean weight loss of 3.8 kg, and reduced their diastolic blood pressure by 17.8 mmHg, after six months. As an added bonus, 80 per cent of those who smoked or drank alcohol spontaneously abstained while on the diet (South Med J, 1985; 78: 8414). Significant weight loss was also seen in a study of 216 men and 297 women who ate a primarily raw-food diet for more than three years. The men achieved an average weight loss of 9.9 kg, and the women, 12 kg.

Raw food and cancer

The raw-food diet also has positive effects beyond those suggested by its advocates. Several studies have found that it can protect against cancer, and reduce the risk among those who may be especially susceptible. According to a study of 8861 women, a diet of salad vegetables can protect against HER-2 breast cancer, one of the most virulent forms of the disease. In this case, the rawvegetable diet was tested against three other diets that involved cooked foods, and was found to have a far greater protective effect (Int J Cancer, 2007; 121: 9114). In another, separate study, a diet that included 85 g of raw watercress every day for eight weeks reduced the risk of cancer among people with DNA damage, and the positive effect was even more marked among smokers (Am J Clin Nutr, 2007; 85: 50410). Raw vegetables, and cabbage in particular, appear to be protective against stomach cancer. This was the conclusion on comparing the profiles of 379 newly diagnosed cases against 1137 healthy controls who consumed a diet of raw cabbage, carrot, garlic and broccoli (Medicina, 2005; 41: 73340).

low bone mass compared with those who ate a standard diet. But despite this, they were not at any greater risk of osteoporosis because their lower body weight put less stress on their bones. They also had higher levels of vitamin D, which was surprising as the vitamin is usually only available from foods such as dairy and oily fish, which were excluded from the diet. It may be that these participants were compensated by a greater exposure to the sun, another source of vitamin D (Arch Intern Med, 2005; 165: 6849). The diet can also lead to a deficiency in vitamin B12, and loss of periods in women, especially after a year or more (see the studies above). The diet may also cause deficiencies in calcium, iron, protein and calories.

Not for everyone

The raw-food diet is not for everyone and is certainly not for all the time. Children, pregnant/nursing women, people with anaemia and those who are at risk of osteoporosis are advised to avoid the diet. Exponents of Ayurveda, the classical Indian form of medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and the macrobiotic diet all warn that a rawonly diet may not suit people living in colder climates. Even the UKs Vegetarian Society cautions against a diet that is exclusively of raw foods. Instead, it advocates a balanced healthy diet that also includes highprotein foods, carbohydrates and dairy products. The greatest benefits of the diet can be seen in a relatively short timea few months at the most and there is evidently little merit in maintaining it exclusively for much beyond that time other than for lifestyle reasons.
Bryan Hubbard

Diet downsides
Despite these health-giving benefits, the diet can nevertheless cause a few health problems. People who ate a raw-food diet for up to 10 years had a

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Healing Foods

The best diet for better bones

The foods we eat have major effects on our bones
hat we eat both builds and fuels every part of our bodies. Even though we have the notion that our bones just sit there and do nothing, the foods we consume affect them both directly and indirectly. An important concept to help us understand the roles of calcium and other minerals is the acidalkaline balance. This is expressed by the pH (power of hydrogen) scale, ranging from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral, while below 7 is acid and above 7 is alkaline. In the body, acidswhich are corrosivegenerally result from metabolic processes such as moving or breathing, and are either excreted or buffered (neutralized) by minerals or mineral salts, which are alkaline. For proper metabolism, the blood has to be slightly alkaline with a pH of about 7.45, and going off this balance even a little has serious consequences. An alkaline pH of 7.9 can lead to tetany (lockjaw) and death, while an acidic pH of 6.9 can cause a possibly fatal diabetic coma. With a correct blood pH, the body is in homeostasis. The body has a number of mechanisms to keep the acidalkaline balance just right: N During breathing, cells exhale carbonic acid, which becomes carbon dioxide that is expelled via the lungs, lowering the acid load; N Muscle movements create lactic acid from glycogen (stored carbohydrate) breakdown, which produces energy, increasing acidity; N The kidneys regulate the blood acidalkaline balance by excreting either a more acidic or a more alkaline urine as necessary; N If the blood is too acidic, the bones release calcium and other buffering minerals into the bloodstream via bone resorption (breakdown); N Once metabolized, the food we eat adds to the acidalkaline balance, depending on whether they leave acid (carbonic, phosphoric or sulphuric) or buffering (mostly calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and sodium) residues.

Most fresh produce is alkalizing, as are fruit, vegetables, seaweed, soy sauce, miso and salt. Protein and carbohydrate foods, such as sugar, flour, beans, grains, fish, poultry, meat and eggs, are acidic (WDDTY vol 9 no 10: 15).

The slightest tilt towards acidity in the bloodstreamcalled acidosis removes calcium from bones to alkalize the blood (Am J Clin Nutr, 2004; 79: 45). Studies in mice have confirmed that metabolic acidosis does indeed stimulate bone resorption and inhibit bone formation (Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens, 2004; 13: 42336). Dr T. Colin Campbell, of Cornell University, in collaboration with Oxford University and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine in Beijing, conducted a landmark study of dietary patterns and nutritional status in the Chinese population in the early 1990s. They found that levels of acid and calcium in the urine of middle-aged and elderly women was considerably influenced by diet. Acid-forming foods increased calcium in the urine. Animal protein appeared to be a culprit, whereas plant protein was not (Campbell
TC, Campbell TM. The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-Term Health. Dallas, TX: Benbella

This may be why some studies show that vegetarians have lower rates of osteoporosis vs meat eaters. So, excess intakes of acid-forming foods drain calcium and other minerals from the bones. Eating meat is one possible cause of acidosis but, more often, its due to an excess consumption of flour and sugar, as the modern food supply includes lots of refined carbohydrates such as pasta, cookies, cakes, muffins, white bread and white rice. Refined carbohydrates have received relatively little notice, mostly because of the unfortunate misconception that all carbohydrates are equal. Christiane Northrup, MD, author of The Wisdom of Menopause (Bantam, 2006), notes that osteoporosis is most frequently seen in countries where the diet habitually includes refined carbohydrates. Milk

Books, 2005).

products and tofu (if made with calcium carbonate) are buffering foods that will balance either side because they contain both calcium (alkalizing) and protein (acid-forming). So, in a diet high in sugar, flour and/or meat, and low in vegetables and fruit, dairy products will alkalize the body because of the calcium content. Conversely, in a diet high in alkalizing fruit, green vegetables and potatoes, and low in protein or grains, dairy foods will provide acid-forming protein. The trick, of course, is to eat from both acid-forming and alkalizing food groups. Too much acidic food draws minerals from the teeth and bones, while too much alkaline food creates cravings for sweets or carbs to provide some counterbalancing acid-forming foods. The best alkalizing foods, especially in a diet with little or no dairy, as I recommend, are cooked or raw leafy green vegetables (kale, collard and mustard greens, watercress, arugula), roots (carrots, turnips, parsnips, radishes), broccoli and squashand chopped fresh parsley, which contains calcium and vitamin C as well as ergosterol, a precursor of vitamin D, which helps the body to absorb and utilize calcium. Note, however, that although spinach and chard are rich in calcium, they are also high in oxalic acid, which interferes with calcium uptake.
Annemarie Colbin Annemarie Colbin is an award-winning leader in the field of natural health. This article has been adapted from Dr Colbins new book Whole-Food Guide to Strong Bones: A Holistic Approach (Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, 2009).

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