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SOLAR MOWING Service Agreement 301-787-3018 lAx: 301-664-9248

1hls agreemenL ls effecLlve as of: ____________________ 2014. 1he lawn mowlng agreemenL ls beLween
Solar Mowlng and ___________________________ who ls referred Lo here as "CllenL."

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Servlce wlll lnclude grass cuLLlng, edge Lrlmmlng, and clearlng/blowlng walkways and drlveway. 1he
cllenL's lawn wlll be servlced every week from approxlmaLely March 23-!une 30 and every Lwo weeks
from !uly 1-CcLober 31.
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23 mows x __________ (your prlce) = $__________.
5$61,*4 5#$*
lease pay ln full by March 1, or cllenL may opL Lo make Lwo equal paymenLs on March 1 and !une 1. near
Lhe end of Lhe season, Solar Mowlng wlll relmburse for undone mowlngs (as ln Lhe case of dry weaLher),
llkewlse Lhe cllenL wlll pay for any addlLlonal mowlngs. lf lawns have an excess of sLlcks and branches (for
example, afLer a sLorm) a plck-up fee may be lncurred. An exLra charge wlll also be lncurred for peL wasLe
plck-up. 1hese exLra charges wlll be seLLled aL Lhe end of Lhe season as well.
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LlLher parLy may cancel Lhls servlce agreemenL aL any Llme wlLh wrlLLen or verbal noLlce of 20 days. Solar
Mowlng wlll reLurn funds for undone mowlngs.
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All mowlng wlll be done by baLLery-powered mowers charged by solar v panels or wlLh kllowaLLs
purchased from a wlnd energy source. lease see '8ules of Lhe Lawn' aL for
cuLLlng pollcles.

l PAvL 8LAu 1PL A8CvL AC8LLMLn1 Anu AC8LL 1C l1S 1L8MS.

CllenL name _______________________________ uaLe _______________

Address _______________________________________________________
hone _______________________ Lmall ____________________________

lease prlnL and slgn/daLe and emall, send vla uSS, or fax Lo:
SCLA8 MCWlnC, 3324 CharlcoLe 8oad, 8eLhesda, Mu 20817
Lyn ueWlLL, dewlLL[

ulrecLlons Lo house/speclal mowlng lnsLrucLlons (for example, avold mowlng afLer 3 p.m.")

A Local Business Making (With Your Help) a Global Difference!

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